General Ledger > Transaction Processing > GL Journal Report

GL Journal Report

You use this program to produce a journal audit report of all postings made to the General Ledger using the GL Journal Entry, GL Period End and all the GL Integration programs in the various sub-modules.

Report Options

Field Description
Print options  
Printed and unprinted journals Select this to generate the report for all the selected journals irrespective of whether they have been previously printed.
Printed journals Select this to reprint journals that were previously printed.

Journals can be reprinted repeatedly until they are purged using the GL Period End program.

Unprinted journals Select this to print journals that were not previously printed.
New page per journal Select this to print each journal on a separate page.
Journal type selection  
Normal Select this to generate the report for normal journals.

The following journals are included in the category of normal journals:

  • Journals created from posted recurring journals using the GL Journal Entry programs.
  • Journals created by the GL Integration programs in each sub-module.
  • Journals created from reversed provisional journals at period/year end. The GL Period End program automatically reverses provisional journals if the General Ledger setup option Reverse out provision journals is enabled (General Ledger Setup).
  • Journals created from the automatic closing of revenue and expense accounts to the retained earnings account at year end using the GL Period End program.
  • Journals captured in a submodule prior to SYSPRO 6.1

Standard Select this to generate the report for standard journals.
Recurring Select this to generate the report for recurring journals.
Recurring authorized journals selection This option is only enabled when you select to generate the report for Recurring journals.
Both Select this to include both authorized and unauthorized recurring journals in the report.
Only authorized journals Select this to include only authorized recurring journals in the report.
Only unauthorized journals Select this to include only unauthorized recurring journals in the report.
Include template details Select this to print details of journals posted using Template account types.

Although you can select to 'post' to a template account, the template account itself is never updated. Transaction values are posted only to the accounts linked to the template account, based on the percentages defined against these linked accounts (see Template).

Selection criteria

Field Description
Normal journal selections

Indicate the normal journal numbers you want to include in the report.

This applies when you select to generate the report for Normal journals.

Recurring journal selection

Indicate the recurring journal numbers you want to include in the report.

This applies when you select to generate the report for Recurring journals.

Standard journal selection

Indicate the standard journal numbers you want to include in the report.

This applies when you select to generate the report for Standard journals.

Normal Journal Options

The options on this tab page are only enabled when you select to generate the report for Normal journals.

Field Description
Ledger year selection  
Year Indicate the ledger year for which you want to include journals in the report.
Period selection Indicate the period, within the year selected, for which you want to print or reprint the journals.
All Select this to include ledger journals for all periods within the selected year.

Select this to include ledger journals for a single period within the selected year.

You indicate this period in the Period field.

Period Indicate the single period for which you want to include the ledger journals in the report.

This only applies if you selected to include journals for a single period.

The number of periods displayed does not depend on the number of Accounting periods set in the Company Setup program. The program does however check how many accounting periods per year you are using. Therefore, if (for example) you set your Accounting periods to 12 and you select 15 at this field, an error is displayed.

Journal status selection Indicate the journals to include in the report based on their status.

The following journal statuses can be selected:

  • Journals not posted
  • Journals on hold
  • Cancelled journals
  • Posted journals
Sub module journals Indicate the sub-module journals you want to include in the report.

The sub-module journals are created by the GL Integration programs in each sub-module.


Journals captured in a sub-module prior to SYSPRO 6.1 are treated as Normal journals. Therefore, the selections you make here apply only to sub-module journals processed from SYSPRO 6.1 onwards.

The following sub-module journals can be selected:

  • AP invoice journals (created by the AP Invoice GL Integration program)
  • AP payment journals (created by the AP Payments GL Integration program)
  • AR invoice journals (created by the AR Invoice GL Integration program)
  • AR cash journals (created by the AR Payments GL Integration program)
  • Asset journals (created by the Asset GL Integration program)
  • Cash book journals (created by the Cash Book GL Integration program)
  • GRN journals (created by the GRN GL Integration program)
  • Inventory journals (created by the Inventory GL Integration program)
  • TPM journals (created by the Trade Promotions GL Integration program)
  • WIP labor journals (created by the WIP Labor GL Integration program)
  • WIP part billing journals (created by the WIP Part Billings GL Integration program)
Select All Select this to include journals from all sub-modules in the report.
Deselect All Select this to exclude journals from all sub-modules from the report.

By default, all journal types are selected. You would therefore use this option to deselect all the sub-module journals and then select only those few sub-module journals you want to include in the report.

Journal type selection Indicate the types of normal journals you want to include in the report.

The following journal types can be selected:

  • Normal journals
  • Provisional journals
  • User defined journals
  • Inter-company journals
  • Period end adjustments
  • Auditors adjustments
  • Statistical journals
  • Alternate currency journals
Select All Select this to include all normal journal types in the report.
Deselect All Select this to exclude all normal journal types from the report.

By default, all journal types are selected. You would therefore use this option to deselect all the journal types and then select only those few types you want to include in the report.

Authorized journals This only applies if you enabled the option: Authorization of journals before posting (General Ledger Setup).
Both Select this to include both authorized and unauthorized journals in the report.
Only authorized journals Select this to include only authorized journals in the report.
Only unauthorized journals Select this to include only unauthorized journals in the report.

Output Options

These options enable you to apply a theme to the report and to define multiple output destinations for the report once it has been compiled (SRS Output Options).

Report Details

A warning message is printed if a journal you selected to print is out-of-balance or has no entries.

Journals are printed in numerical order within the period in which they were processed.

For entries posted from the sub-modules, the date indicated against the transaction is the date on which the General Ledger journal was created by the relevant GL Integration program in the sub-module and not the date on which the transaction was processed. The date on the Journal report in the relative sub-module indicates the date on which the transaction was processed.

Notes and warnings

Activity considerations

Operator access to the following activities within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Operators program.

Activity Description
GL Journal print

Controls the printing of journals using the GL Journal Entry and GL Journal Report programs.


For the setting of this activity to take effect, you must select the setup option: Limit view of journals to capturer (General Ledger Setup).

If you allow the activity: GL journal authorize, then disallowing this activity has no effect.