Assets > Capex System > Browses > Browse on Asset Capex Items

Browse on Asset Capex Items

You use this program to view details of capex items and their related requisition lines.

Listview columns

Column Description
Budgeted This indicates the budget value defined against the capex item (see Asset Capex Items).
Uncommitted This indicates the total value of the unit cost fields defined against the primary quotes of all the capex item's requisition lines (see Asset Capex Items).
Committed This indicates the total value of purchase order requisitions, purchase orders and jobs raised and linked to the capex item's requisition lines. This value is reduced when a requisition line is unlinked from a purchase order requisition, purchase order or job.
Spent This indicates the total value spent on all requisition lines of the capex item. The spent value is incremented each time a purchase order or job is receipted against a requisition line.
Start period This indicates the earliest start period and year defined against a requisition line for the capex item.
End period This indicates the latest start period and year defined against a requisition line for the capex item.

Notes and warnings

Restricted maintenance

  • You cannot maintain information displayed in this list view if access for this program is set to Browse only but access to the corresponding maintenance program is not allowed (see Security Access).

Activity considerations

Operator access to the following activities within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Operators program.

Activity Description
Assets Capex item add

Controls whether an operator can use the Asset Capex Items program to add a new capex item. This also controls access to the Add function of the Browse on Asset Capex Items program.

Assets Capex item change

Controls whether an operator can use the Asset Capex Items program to amend details for an existing capex item. This also controls access to the Change function of the Browse on Asset Capex Items program.

Assets Capex item delete

Controls whether an operator can use the Asset Capex Items or Browse on Asset Capex Items program to delete a capex item.