> AR Terms Due Dates

AR Terms Due Dates

You use this program to maintain the end dates for your user defined buckets for discount and/or invoice due when your AR terms are set to Number of days fixed.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Start Processing Select this to display, generate or delete the due dates according to the Processing options you indicated.
Invoice terms Indicate the invoice term for which to maintain due dates.

AR Terms Due Dates

Field Description
Terms This displays the invoice discount term you are currently maintaining.
Description This displays the description of the discount term you are currently maintaining.
Processing options  
Due date option

Indicate the function to apply to the due dates for the AR terms option selected.

Option Description
View Select this to display the due dates for the Start date and End date ranges specified.
Generate Select this to create due dates for the Start date and End date ranges and the Number of days interval specified.
Purge Select this to delete the due dates for the Start date and End date ranges specified. You are prompted to confirm the deletion of the due dates when you select the Start Processing function.
AR terms option

Indicate which due dates to process.

Option Description
Invoice Select this to view, generate or purge Invoice due dates for the Invoice term.
Discount Select this to view, generate or purge Discount due dates for the Invoice term.
Start date Indicate the date from which to view, generate or purge due dates.
End date Indicate the end date to which to view, generate or purge due dates.
Number of days interval Indicate the length of the periods of your user defined discount/invoice ageing buckets as defined in the Discount days field of the AR Invoice Terms program. This is used by the Generate function to automatically create due dates from the Start date to the End date specified.

For example, if your Discount days are set to 7, then your discount due dates should be defined in 7 day lengths (e.g. 7/01/YY, 14/01/YY, 21/01/YY, 28/01/YY, etc). Similarly, if, for example, your Invoice days are set to 10, then your invoice due dates should be defined in 10 day lengths (e.g. 10/01/YY, 20/01/YY, 30/01/YY, etc).

AR Terms Due Date Details

The Invoice or Discount due dates are displayed in this pane according to the Processing options you indicated.

Field Description
Save Select this to save the due dates entered in the grid, or generated automatically, or copied.
Copy dates If you are currently maintaining Invoice due dates, then this will copy the invoice due dates to the Discount due dates. Similarly, if you are currently maintaining Discount due dates, then this will copy those dates to the Invoice due dates.

You typically copy the dates if your Invoice days are the same as your Discount days in the AR Invoice Terms program (i.e. if your discount ageing buckets and your invoice due ageing buckets are the same length).

Due date If you are maintaining Invoice due dates then this indicates the end dates of your ageing buckets for invoice ageing. The dates are used as the cut-off dates by which payment must be made by a customer to prevent the invoice becoming overdue. The transaction date is the basis for determining the ageing bucket into which the transaction amount falls.

If you are maintaining Discount due dates, then this indicates the cut-off date by which payment must be made by a customer in order to qualify for the settlement discount for each discount bucket.

Due dates can be entered into the grid manually or generated automatically using the Generate option and indicating the Start date, End date and Number of days interval.

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • This program can be accessed by selecting the Define option at the Defined fixed day calendar fields of the AR Invoice Terms program.