Accounts Receivable > Setup > AR Initial Invoice Capture

AR Initial Invoice Capture

You use this program to capture invoices for selected customers, typically for a new installation where you require historical information to be transferred from either a manual Accounts Receivable system or the previous computerized system.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Customer Enter the customer for whom you want to capture invoices.

You cannot capture invoices for a sub-account customer whose invoices and balances are attached to the master account customer.

Post Invoices This updates the customer's current balance with the invoice details you entered as well as the Balance forward value in the Accounts Receivable control record (AR Company Control Balances).

None of the entries made here are posted to the Sales Analysis or General Ledger modules.

Exchange Rate This window is displayed if you entered a foreign currency customer. Indicate whether to post invoices at a fixed exchange rate.
YesSelect this to capture invoices for the customer at a fixed exchange rate.
NoSelect this to post invoices at different exchange rates. This enables you to access the Exchange rate field for each invoice.

You can only capture foreign currency invoices if you have enabled the Foreign currency sales required option (Accounts Receivable Setup).

Customer Details

Field Description
Posting information  
Customer name This indicates the customer for whom you are adding invoices.
Current balance This indicates the selected customer's current account balance.
Number of invoices This indicates the number of non-zero invoices, credit notes and debit notes which currently exist against the customer.
Currency This displays the currency defined against the customer (Customers).
Currency exchange rate This displays the current exchange rate for the currency as defined in the currency table (Currencies).

This only applies to foreign currency customers.

Invoice Details

Field Description
Customer invoice This indicates the reference for the invoice or credit note you are adding.

You can enter an Invoice id (reference) prefixed by the characters FC to denote a finance charge invoice. These invoices are recognised as being finance charge invoices by the AR Finance Charge Calculation program.

When you enter an invoice that already exists, you are prompted to remove the existing invoice.

Customer branch Indicate the Accounts Receivable branch against which the invoice must be posted.

This defaults to the branch defined against the customer, but can be changed.

If Accounts Receivable is integrated to General Ledger, then the branch determines the General Ledger account codes to which the transaction values are posted (see AR Branches).

Date This indicates the invoice date.
Amount This indicates the total invoice amount, including tax.

When you enter a negative amount, the system creates the transaction as a credit note.

The amount must be entered in the currency defined against the customer (Customers).

Discount amount This discount amount refers to settlement (terms) discount only.

The system automatically calculates the settlement discount based on the invoice terms held against the customer (Customers). You can enter an additional settlement (terms) discount amount for this invoice.


As this is settlement discount, this discount amount has no effect on the total invoice value used to update the customer's balance.

It is only applied when you use the AR Payments and Adjustments program to process the payment for the invoice and you accept the discount amount entered here.

Customer purchase order This indicates the customer's purchase order number (or order reference) for this invoice.
Exchange rate This indicates the exchange rate at which the invoice amount must be converted to the local currency. The local currency value is used to update the Balance forward value in the Accounts Receivable Control record (AR Company Control Balances).

This field only applies if you entered a foreign currency customer at the Customer field.

You can only enter an exchange rate if you selected not to post all invoices at the same rate.


This indicates the total value of all invoices added to the grid and which will be posted to the customer's account when you select the Post Invoices function

Notes and warnings

Data integrity

When you access this program, the following message is displayed:

This program is intended for use as part of a new 
SYSPRO implementation only. Subsequent use of the 
program may result in an imbalance between the 
Accounts Receivable and the General Ledger.

  • Capturing or deleting invoices using this program automatically updates the Balance forward value in the Accounts Receivable control record (AR Company Control Balances). For this reason, we do not recommend that you use this program after completing the initial take-on.

    Once the initial take-on is complete, operators should be denied access to this program.

  • None of the entries made using the AR Initial Invoice Capture program are posted to the Sales Analysis or General Ledger modules. These invoices are written to the ArTrnSummary table/file with a source code of T. These invoices do not affect sales, tax or commission values. The customer's account balance is, however, updated.

    This means that if Accounts Receivable is linked to the General Ledger (General Ledger Integration) at the time invoices are captured, then the Accounts Receivable control total will not balance to the General Ledger control account for Accounts Receivable.

    It is therefore recommended that you do not link Accounts Receivable to the General Ledger until you have completed the invoice take-on. Once take-on is complete, you process a General Ledger journal for the control total to the Accounts Receivable control account and then link Accounts Receivable to the General Ledger when you are ready to process transactions to the Accounts Receivable module (i.e. when you go live).


You should deny all operators access to this program once the Accounts Receivable take on is complete (see Groups).

Auditing considerations

  • The register numbers assigned during posting are recorded in the ArRegisterRef table (or the SOURCE\CPB\ARSRRF.MAX file in C-ISAM).

    When the register number is allocated, a new entry is added to this table with a Status of 0 - Open.

    Once all transactions are posted a second transaction is committed, the register entry is updated with the closed date and time, and the Status is changed to C-Closed.

    If a problem occurs during the second transaction (for example a power failure) then the audit record remains as 0.

Inserting Application Help

You would typically follow this procedure to display help for the current program in a customized pane that can be pinned to the program window.

Information includes step-by-step instructions for the various functions available within the program, including a brief overview of what the program does, what setup options are required and how to personalize the program.

  1. Open the program for which you want to insert application help into a customized pane.

    This functionality is only available for a program that has panes.

  2. Right-click any form field.

    You can also click the triangle menu icon that appears in the title area of a pane.

  3. Select Insert Application Help from the context-sensitive menu.

    The application help appears in a pane within your program. You can reposition the pane using the docking stickers or pin it to the program window.

Removing the Application Help pane

If you no longer want to display application help in a pane for your current program, you can simply remove it.

  1. Select the Close icon in the right-hand corner of the application help pane.

  2. Confirm that you want to delete the pane.