Accounts Payable > Supplier Query > AP Revaluation Details

AP Revaluation Details

You use this program to view the details of invoices revalued using the AP Exchange Rate Revaluation program.

Listview columns

Column Description
Year This indicates the financial year in which the revaluation was performed.
Period This indicates the period in which the revaluation was performed.
Supplier This indicates the supplier for whom the invoice was revalued.
Invoice This indicates the invoice number that was revalued.
Journal This indicates the journal number created by the revaluation.
Entry no This indicates the revaluation entry number for the invoice.
Journal date This indicates the date on which the revaluation journal was created.
Invoice balance This indicates the invoice balance in the foreign currency on which the revaluation was performed.
Revaluation amount This indicates the revalued invoice balance in local currency.
After rate This indicates the exchange rate at which the revaluation was performed.
After multiply or divide This indicates whether the revalued exchange rate was multiplied or divided to arrive at the local currency equivalent (see Currencies).
Before rate This indicates the exchange rate before the revaluation was performed. This changes for each revaluation performed. You need to sort the listview by Journal date to view the original invoice date if you revalued the invoice more than once.
Before multiply or divide This indicates whether the previous exchange rate was multiplied or divided to arrive at the local currency equivalent.

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • You can access this program from the Supplier Query program by highlighting an invoice in the Invoice listview and typically using your right mouse button to select the Revaluation Details option.