SYSPRO User Interfaces
SYSPRO Desktop
The SYSPRO Windows Application provides full solution capabilities to heavy day-to-day users and is best suited to high-volume transaction processing.
It is also the most common method of interacting with SYSPRO.
SYSPRO Web UI (Avanti)
SYSPRO's Web Browser interface is a visually rich, minimalist user interface accessible via a web browser and doesn't require any installation on the Windows desktop or device.
Access to certain solution features and capabilities are limited.
SYSPRO Espresso
SYSPRO's Mobile interface is a device agnostic mobile solution (designed specifically for use on mobile devices) and is capable of providing insightful summary business information.
The mobile app is useful for inquiring and transacting in SYSPRO whilst working remotely.
Differences between Desktop and Web Clients
The user interface of the SYSPRO Web UI (Avanti) has been developed to provide a fully immersive Web experience for SYSPRO.
Consequently, some of the functionality and operator interaction with the SYSPRO client differs between the SYSPRO Desktop and SYSPRO Web UI (Avanti) environments.
This article details the current differences that exist between the Desktop and Web environments.
Feature Differences
The following features are not supported currently within the SYSPRO Web UI (Avanti):
Workflow Designer
Quotation Multi Offer Support
Functionality Differences
The following functionality is not currently supported within the Web Client:

Company Creation
License Maintenance
Business Object Configuration
Role Management: Copying single actions or field settings

Operations Gantt Chart

Outlook Calendar

Stock Code Interchange
GL Structure Entry

Financial Report Writer Designer
Basic Report Writer Designer and Viewer
Crystal Report Designer
Report Control Maintenance
Report Templates:
Importing and Exporting
Importing and Exporting
Menu Maintenance
Add Other Menu Item

Custom Form Entry within Grid
UI Differences

The SYSPRO Web UI (Avanti) has been designed with the intention to produce a clean, uncluttered user interface and provide the flexibility to add and remove fields as required.
Therefore, not all fields that are displayed by default in the SYSPRO Desktop are automatically displayed in the SYSPRO Web UI (Avanti). However, all available fields can be added to the web page via customization, if required.
As such, all web pages are customizable, and either the original view or a blank view can be used as the starting point for making customizations.
Once a page has been customized, any future deployed changes to those pages will require amending to add additional fields, whether these fields have been added as custom form fields in SYSPRO or added through enhancements to the product.

Most customizations made within the SYSPRO Desktop are dynamically displayed within the SYSPRO Web UI (Avanti).
The following indicates the few customization capabilities that are not yet available within the SYSPRO Web UI (Avanti):
Espresso Menu Design
Predictive Search Layout
VB Script Events:
Focus Change
Button Click
Freeze Columns
Group Totals
Form Actions:
Link to Key Fields
Adding button to a form
Context Menu items can't be selected for modification within the VBScript Editor
Certain form field properties are not available for modification within the Customize Application

All browse windows have been replaced with search functionality using the SYSPRO Espresso and SYSPRO Web UI (Avanti) filter customizations for determining the filters that are applied to each search function.

The SYSPRO Web UI (Avanti) only supports SRS Crystal Report document printing and therefore any financial reports will require converting.
In addition, the SYSPRO Web UI (Avanti) only supports Server-side Printing.
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