Promotion Code

You use this program to maintain details of the promotion codes used in the Trade Promotions module.

They define the rules for applying both line and global promotions to a sales order and can be one of the following:

  • Off Invoice - a money off reduction applied to an invoice

    Discounts or price reductions can apply to a select group of stock items and can be applied to individual customers, customer classes, customer branches or geographic areas. They can be applied at sales order (global) or sales order line (tiered) level.

  • Accrual - values or points accrued for later redemption

  • Free Goods - an item given away for free or sold at a reduced price

    These can be applied to individual stock items, product groups, product classes or departments for individual customers, customer classes, customer branches or geographic areas.

Promotions can be applied to customers defined as Trade promotions customers (Customers) without having to apply trade promotion pricing.

Promotion Code Maintenance

Field Description
Promotion code Indicate the promotion code to maintain. This code uniquely identifies the promotion.
Promotion code This indicates the code of the promotion you are currently maintaining.
Description Enter a description for the promotion code.

Select this to accumulate the promotion over the entire sales order as line items are added.

Global promotions qualify order-wide, so individual stock item line quantities are accumulated and matched to threshold minimums. Minimums can be met by the accumulation of different stock item quantities when these items are members of a global promotion's product group, product class, department or stock code list.

Global promotions may apply to Off-invoice, Accrual and Free Good promotion types, with the following restrictions:

  • A Free goods global promotion must use a single specific stock code for the free item.
  • An Off invoice global promotion must be a line promotion.
  • The Price change option is disabled for global promotions.
  • Global promotions are calculated on gross prices only. This is the original line price of the item without any discounts.

If you do not select this option, then the promotion is applied to individual order lines. Each line only qualifies for the promotion when the at line's threshold is reached. Individual stock item line quantities are NOT accumulated and matched to threshold minimums.


Select this to define a different promotion to a single order line, based on different line thresholds.

Because tiered promotions are applied to each order line separately, stock code line values (quantity, mass or volume) cannot be accumulated to meet order threshold minimums.

You would select this option if, for example, for Stock item AAA you want to apply:

  • a 5% promotional discount if a quantity of 5 is purchased.

  • a 10% promotional discount if a quantity of 10 is purchased.

  • a 15% promotional discount if a quantity of 15 is purchased.

You cannot select this for a Free goods promotion type.

If you do not select this option, then a single promotion is applied to an order line. For example against stock item AAA you want to apply a 10% discount when the single threshold is reached.

Promotion type
Promotion sequence Specify the order in which multiple promotions must be applied to a single line.

If this is left as zero or you defined the same sequence number against multiple promotions, then promotion codes are applied in alphabetical sequence.

For example if you have two promotion codes 'Discount' and 'Value' and both promotions apply to a specific line, then the 'Discount' code is applied before 'Value' code. However, you can set the promotion sequence for 'Value' to 1 and 'Discount' to 2 to force the system to apply the 'Value' code before the 'Discount' code.

This value cannot be zero when the Member of group option is enabled.

Promotion sequence group


Member of group

Enable this if the promotion is a part of a limited group of promotions.

This will allow you to select a limited number of promotions from the same group during sales order processing.

It will make use of the same sequence number entered in the Promotion sequence field, which cannot be zero.

Maximum selections allowed

Indicate the maximum number of promotions that can be selected from the group.

You can select up to 9 as the maximum, and it cannot be zero if you enabled the Member of group option.

Promotion status  
Budget limits

Indicate that limits are required for this promotion.

The Budget Limits pane is enabled allowing you to define the limits. The Status field is also enabled.

You cannot select this option for an Accrual promotion type.


You can view or change the status of the promotion in conjunction with the budget limit.

The status of the promotion can be:

  • Active

  • Expired through limit (when the budget allocations reach the budget limit, the promotion is flagged as expired)

  • Manually expired

  • Manually reactivated

  • Automatically reactivated (if the Reactivate promotion when limit utilization reduced setup option is selected, and a sales order is canceled, deleted or changed and the allocated amount falls below the budget amount, this status will be displayed).

See Activity considerations in Notes and warnings.

Promotion dates Define the date range for which the promotion applies (is valid).
Date type

Indicate the date on which the promotion must be based.

Start date Enter the date from which the promotion applies.
Expiry date Enter the date on which the promotion ends (expires).

Define how you want to select the trade promotion items during sales order processing.

Stock category selection  
Stock category

Indicate the stock items that qualify for the promotion.

Stock code

Enter the stock code of the item to which the promotion applies.

This field is only displayed if you selected Stock code at the Stock category field.

Product group

Enter the product group to which the promotion applies.

This field is only displayed if you selected Product group at the Stock category field.

Product class

Enter the product class to which the promotion applies.

This field is only displayed if you selected Product class at the Stock category field.


Enter the department to which the promotion applies.

This field is only displayed if you selected Department at the Stock categoryfield.

Inventory custom form 1-2

Enter the custom form field details to which the promotion applies.

This field is only displayed if you selected the custom form field at the Stock category field.

Stock category list

Indicate a list of stock items to which the promotion applies.

This field is only displayed if you selected Stock list at the Stock category field.

Secondary stock category selection

Indicate the secondary stock category(ies) to qualify for a promotion.

The secondary category(ies) will be available as an alternative criteria for qualifying, or will be mandatory depending on the Stock category type selected.

Stock category type
Second stock category Indicate the secondary stock code category to qualify for the promotion.
Customer category selection  
Currency Indicate the currency in which the promotion applies. Only those customers indicated within the Customer category selection, whose currency matches the currency entered here are eligible for the promotion.

If you select a single customer in the Customer category selection, then this field is disabled and the currency defined against the customer (Customers) is used for the promotion code.

Customer category

Indicate the customers who qualify for the promotion.


Enter the single customer to whom the promotion applies.

This field is only displayed if you selected Customer at the Customer category field.

Geographic area

Enter the single geographic area to which the promotion applies.

This field is only displayed if you selected Geographic area at the Customer category field.

Customer class

Enter the single customer class to which the promotion applies.

This field is only displayed if you selected Customer class at the Customer category field.

Customer branch

Enter the branch to which the promotion applies.

This field is only displayed if you selected Branch at the Customer category field.

Buying group

Enter the single buying group to which the promotion applies.

This field is only displayed if you selected Buying group at the Customer category field.

Customer custom form 1-2

Enter the custom form field details to which the promotion applies.

This field is only displayed if you selected the custom form field at the Customer category field.

Customer category list

Indicate a list of customers to whom the promotion applies.

The currency defined against the customers you add to the list must match the currency entered in the Currency field above.

This field is only displayed if you selected Customer list at the Customer category field.

Apply to sub accounts

Select this to also apply the promotion to the sub accounts attached to the customer account entered in the previous field (Master Sub-accounts).

If you select this option, then the promotion is applied to the sub-accounts regardless of whether sub-account invoices are attached to the master account or not.

This does not apply to Trade Promotions' master/sub accounts (TPM Master Sub-accounts).

Secondary customer category selection

Indicate the secondary customer(s) to qualify for a promotion.

The secondary category(ies) will be available as an alternative criteria for qualifying, or will be mandatory depending on the Customer category type selected.

Customer category type
Secondary customer category Indicate the secondary customer category to qualify for the promotion.
Secondary apply to sub accounts Select this to also apply the promotion to the secondary sub accounts attached to the secondary customer account selected.
Calculation type selection

These options are only enabled for Off invoice and Accrual promotion types.

For Off invoice promotions, the percentage, price or value is displayed on the sales order.

For Accrual promotions, the percentage, price or value accrued to the customer is not displayed on the order, but can be viewed using the Promotion Review program.

Calculation type
Price code Select this to apply a specific price code as an Off invoice promotion.

If you select this option, then the Off invoice allowance defaults to Price change and cannot be changed.

This is only available for Non-tiered line Off invoice promotions.


Enter the percentage for the promotion according to the calculation type selected.

This field allows you to enter a percentage with up to five decimals.
Price Enter the price for the promotion according to the calculation type selected.

Enter the value for the promotion according to the calculation type selected.

Value type

For global or tiered promotions that have a mass threshold, only the Gross, Mass and Mass plus value types are allowed.

Threshold selection

Off invoice and Accrual promotion types can have thresholds defined by quantity, mass, volume or value.

For global promotions, you enter the threshold value in the Quantity/Mass/Volume/Amount fields below. For tiered promotions, you define the threshold values in the Tiered Details pane.

Threshold type

The threshold type defines the quantity, mass or volume of the item that must be bought by the customer to qualify for the promotion.

Quantity Enter the global threshold quantity for the promotion code.
Mass Enter the global threshold mass for the promotion code.
Volume Enter the global threshold volume for the promotion code.

Enter the global threshold amount (value) for the promotion code.

The following applies when adding an order for a Trade Promotions customer:

  • A promotion with a threshold defined as Amount is evaluated using the merchandise value of the line prior to any promotions being applied.

  • The promotion applies to merchandise values only.

  • Line discounts are applied to calculate the merchandise value.

  • Order level discounts are ignored (not applied).

Off Invoice

This pane is displayed for Off invoice promotion types.

Field Description
Off invoice allowance

This defaults to Price change and cannot be changed if you selected Price code at the Calculation type field.

Product class

Indicate the product class to use for miscellaneous charge lines created for a line promotion when integrating to the General Ledger.

This product class is not used to qualify the line item for promotion.

This defaults to the default product class defined for tiered or global promotions (depending on the promotion you are defining) but can be changed (Trade Promotions Setup).

Price code Indicate the price code to apply to the off invoice promotion.

A valid price code must be entered. The code is not validated at this point, because price codes are defined at stock code level, whereas promotions are often not.

When you process a sales order for a trade promotions customer, any promotion using a price code as part of the promotion is processed according to the following rules:

  • Calculation type is Price code:

    The entered price code is checked on the sales order and, if valid, is used to apply a new price to the order line. If the price code does not exist for the stock code, then no change is made to the order line.

  • Off invoice allowance is Code less promo:

    The price on the order line is first changed to be the new price code entered here.

    The promotion is then applied to that new price.

    You must sequence the promotions correctly if you want this price to apply to subsequent promotions.

    If the price code does not exist for the stock code, then no change is made to the order line prior to applying the promotion.

Price list

This lets you select a price list to apply to the off invoice promotion if you have selected Price list less promo at the Off invoice allowance field.

Associated stock code selection

Indicate the Off invoice - associated products to which this promotion applies. You can indicate the actual stock code(s) or that the promotion applies to stock codes belonging to one or more product classes, product groups or departments.

At least one option must be selected in the Stock category selection - the All option must not be selected when using associated products.

Budget Limits

This pane is displayed for a promotion with limits. You can define the promotion limits, and view the budget allocations during the promotion.

Field Description
Budget limits  
Budget type Indicate the budget type that the limit is based on.
Limit Enter the budget limit for the promotion.

The limit can be entered as a value, quantity, mass or volume depending on the budget type selected.

Promotion allocations

Enter the promotion values.


This pane is displayed for Accrual promotion types.

Field Description
Accrual type Enter a valid accrual type for the accrual promotion.
G/L accounts  
Accrual account Enter the General Ledger account to which the value of the accrual promotion must be credited when a sales order is processed.

This defaults to the GL account defined for promotion accruals (General Ledger Integration), but can be changed for this specific promotion code.

Expense account Enter the General Ledger account to which the value of the accrual promotion must be debited when a sales order is processed.

This defaults to the GL account defined for promotion expenses (General Ledger Integration), but can be changed for this specific promotion code.

Deduction code Enter the deduction code for the accrual promotion.

An accrual promotion must be linked to a deduction code as the deduction code is used in the Deduction Review program to evaluate and resolve customer deductions for trade promotion accruals.

This field defaults to the default deduction code defined for accrual promotions, but can be changed (Trade Promotions Setup).


These fields are only enabled if the Tax at promotion level option is selected in the Trade Promotion Setup program.

When adding or changing a tax code while maintaining promotions, you will be prompted to update current and in process promotion transactions with the new tax information.


Indicate that the promotion is taxable, and use the tax code entered below for the accrual promotion.

Tax code

Enter the default tax code to be used for the accrual promotion.

GST taxable

Indicate that GST tax is required for the promotion.

GST only applies if your nationality code is defined as CAN.

GST code

Enter the default GST code to use for the accrual promotion.

Free Goods

This pane is displayed for Free goods promotion types.

Field Description

Stock code to be generated

Specify which stock item must be given away for free or sold at a reduced price when the threshold is reached.

If the free good is a kit type, then only the parent item is given as the free good (the kit components are ignored). In addition, only the stock of the free good parent item is depleted.

Order stock code Select this to give away (or apply a price reduction to) the same stock item as was sold (the item to which the promotion applies). You would typically select this option for 'buy one get one free' or a 'buy one get the second one at half price' types of promotions.

Specific stock code

Select this to give away (or apply a price reduction to) a different stock item to the one sold (i.e. the item to which the promotion applies).

You typically select this option for 'buy item A and get item B for free' or 'buy item A and get item B at half price' types of promotions.

Stock code list

Create a list of stock codes at the List of stock codes field. Enables the List of stock codes to define a stock code list to be selected at time of applying the promotion.

Stock code

Enter the stock item which must be given away for free when the promotion threshold is met. This field is only enabled if you selected the option: Specific stock code.

Method to apply

These options enable you to define the price that must be charged for the free or reduced price item defined at the Stock code to be generated option above.

Invoice price

Enter the price to be charged for the item defined in the Stock code to be generated field (i.e. the item that must be given away for free or sold at a reduced price when the threshold is reached).

If you enter zero in this field then the item is supplied to the customer free of charge. You would enter zero for a 'buy one get one free' or a 'buy item A and get item B for free' type of promotion.

This field is not enabled when the Method to apply is Price code.

Customer price

This indicates the net price (after promotional price reduction discounts) that the customer will pay for the free good item.

This option is not enabled for the Actual price change method, as the customer price and invoice price are identical.

This field is not enabled when the Method to apply is Price code.

Free goods price list

This lets you specify the price list using the SO Stock Code Price Query by Price List program.

You can only select a free goods price list if you selected Price list at the Method to apply field.

Free goods product class

Indicate the product class to use for the free goods promotion.

When defined, this product class is used on the Free goods promotion line in Sales orders, rather than the product class defined against the stock item. This provides greater control over the integration of costs for free goods into the General Ledger.

The product class can only be entered if the promotion is a global promotion or the Merchandise line product class - Apply for free goods option is not enabled (Trade Promotions Setup).

The product class must be valid.

Free goods price code

Indicate the price code to use for the free goods promotion.

A valid price code must be entered. The code is not validated at this point, because price codes are defined at stock code level, whereas promotions are often not.

When you process a sales order for a trade promotions customer, this price code is used to derive the price placed on the free goods line. If the price code entered here is invalid, then the price of the free goods line is set to zero.

This field is only enabled when the Method to apply is Price code.

In multiples of

Select this to define thresholds in multiples of the item sold, rather than having to define each threshold multiple individually.

For example: You want to supply one item free for each 10 sold, 2 items for each 20 sold, 3 items for each 30 sold, etc. To do this, you can select the In multiples of option. At the Threshold/Quantity field you enter 10 and at the Quantity to ship field you enter 1.

Do not select this if you want to define each threshold multiple individually. You define the thresholds in the Free Goods Details pane.


This option is only enabled when you select the In multiples of option.

Round up

Select this to apply the promotion to any order quantity up to the minimum required for the promotion.

For example:

Your promotion is defined as 'one item free for every 10 ordered.'

This means that any order quantity from 1 up to 10 will qualify for the 1 free item; any quantity ordered between 11 and 20 will qualify for 2 free items; etc.

Round down

Select this to apply the promotion only if the order quantity meets at least the minimum required for the promotion criteria.

For example:

Your promotion is defined as 'one item free for every 10 ordered.

The order must be for at least a quantity of 10 to get the 1 free item, so that any order quantity from 10 up to 19 will qualify for 1 free item; any quantity ordered between 20 to 29 will qualify for 2 free items; etc.


Enter the quantity that must be sold to qualify for the free promotion quantity (the quantity entered in the Quantity to ship field).

This only applies when the threshold is based on the Quantity and the In multiples of option is enabled.


Enter the mass that must be sold to qualify for the free promotion quantity (the quantity entered in the Quantity to ship field).

This only applies when the threshold is based on the Mass and the In multiples of option is enabled.


Enter the volume that must be sold to qualify for the free promotion quantity (the quantity entered in the Quantity to ship field).

This only applies when the threshold is based on the Volume and the In multiples of option is enabled.


Enter the merchandise amount (value) that must be sold to qualify for the free promotion quantity (the quantity entered in the Quantity to ship field).

The following applies when adding an order for a Trade Promotions customer:

  • A promotion with a threshold defined as Amount is evaluated using the merchandise value of the line prior to any promotions being applied.

  • The promotion applies to merchandise values only.

  • Line discounts are applied to calculate the merchandise value.

  • Order level discounts are ignored (not applied).

This only applies when the threshold is based on Amount and the In multiples of option is enabled.

Quantity to ship

Enter the quantity of the item that must be supplied free of charge or at the reduced price when the quantity, mass, volume or amount threshold is reached or exceeded on the sale.

This field is only enabled if you selected the In multiples of option.

List of stock codes

Generate a list of free goods items using the Generic Define List of Items program.

A free goods stock code can be selected from this list when applying the promotion to the sales order.

Free Goods Details

The fields in the pane are only enabled when you do not select the In multiples of field or you select the Tiered field.

The fields enable you to indicate the quantity, mass, volume or amount of the item that the customer must buy to qualify for the free good promotion.

Field Description


Enter the quantity that must be sold to qualify for the free promotion quantity (the quantity entered in the Quantity to ship field).

This only applies when the threshold is based on Quantity.


Enter the mass that must be sold to qualify for the free promotion quantity (the quantity entered in the Quantity to ship field).

This only applies when the threshold is based on Mass.


Enter the volume that must be sold to qualify for the free promotion quantity (the quantity entered in the Quantity to ship field).

This only applies when the threshold is based on Volume.


Enter the amount that must be sold to qualify for the free promotion quantity (the quantity entered in the Quantity to ship field).

This only applies when the threshold is based on Amount.

Quantity to ship

Enter the quantity of the item that must be supplied free of charge or at the reduced price when the quantity, mass, volume or amount threshold is reached or exceeded on the sale.

This only applies when the In multiples of option is enabled.

Tiered Details

This screen enables you to define the thresholds applicable to Off invoice and Accrual promotions that are tiered.

The fields enable you to define the thresholds for Off invoice and Accrual type tiered (non global) promotions.

Field Description


Enter the quantity that must be sold to qualify for the promotion.


Enter the mass that must be sold to qualify for the promotion.


Enter the volume that must be sold to qualify for the promotion.


Enter the value that must be sold to qualify for the promotion.

The following applies when adding an order for a Trade Promotions customer:

  • A promotion with a threshold defined as Amountis evaluated using the merchandise value of the line prior to any promotions being applied.

  • The promotion applies to merchandise values only.

  • Line discounts are applied to calculate the merchandise value.

  • Order level discounts are ignored (not applied).


Indicate the percentage by which the order line must be reduced when the threshold is reached.

This only applies when the Calculation type is set to Percentage.


Indicate the price by which the order line must be reduced when the threshold is reached.

This only applies when the Calculation type is set to Price.


Indicate the value by which the order line must be reduced when the threshold is reached.

This only applies when the Calculation type is set to Value.

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • You cannot delete a promotion which is currently on a sales order which has not yet been invoiced.

  • You cannot change the promotion type for a promotion that is currently in use in an active sales order.

  • Trade Promotions are based on stocking unit of measure quantities. Therefore, you can't create a Trade Promotion for an alternate or theoretical unit of measure.

    This means that (if you are using free goods promotions with a theoretical unit of measure) the quantity to ship for the free goods item can't be updated based on the actual quantity you are shipping for the main item, as the theoretical quantity only applies to what has been shipped.

    For example:

    If you want a promotion for a box of soda (alternate unit of measure) and there are 12 sodas (stocking unit of measure) in a box, then the Trade Promotion must be defined for a quantity of 12.

System messages