SRS Document Pending Archive

You use this program to view and optionally archive SRS documents not yet archived.

The program lists SRS documents that currently reside in the pending archived queue, but which have not yet been archived. Once archived, they can be viewed using the SRS Document Archive Viewer program.

During the normal course of generating and archiving documents, there should be relatively few documents in the pending archive queue (i.e. only the documents just about to be archived). However, under certain circumstances, a number of documents may be listed in the pending archive. Pending document batches exist because the archiving program could not successfully complete the document archiving process on a client workstation or a batch may be currently being archived on a client workstation.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Archive Now

Select this to archive the documents currently displayed in the Pending Archive listview.

Only documents that are not locked are archived.

Stop Archive Process

Select this to stop the archive process. The system continues to archive the document currently being archived and then only stops archiving.

The archiving process is restarted when any operator prints a document which requires archiving or when the Archive Now option is selected.


Select this to refresh the contents of the listview.

You typically select this function after you have unlocked and selected to archive documents.

Archive Now

Select this to archive all unlocked documents currently displayed in the Pending Archives listview.

Locked documents cannot be archived.

Delete All

Select this to delete all pending archive documents.

When you select this function, you are prompted to confirm deletion of the document batches providing you did not select the option not to show the message again (see Delete Pending Archive Record).

See Deletion considerations in Notes and warnings

Unlock All

Select this to unlock all documents currently displayed in the Pending Archives listview.

A document batch may be locked because it is currently being archived or because an error occurred during the archiving process.

See also: Notes and warnings.


Select this to refresh the contents of the listview.

You typically select this function after you have unlocked and selected to archive documents to check that the documents are no longer listed as pending.

Delete Pending Archive Record

When you select to delete one or all pending archive records, you are warned that all files linked to the record(s) will be deleted and that the document(s) will not be archived.

Field Description
Do not show this message again

Select this to stop the message from being displayed for your operator code again.

This will be applied permanently for your operator and not only for the current run of the program.

Delete Pending Archive Record Select this to delete the record(s) you selected.
Do Not Delete Select this to return to the previous screen without deleting the records.

Pending Archives

The documents currently waiting to be archived are displayed in this listview.

The information displayed is company-specific.

Column Description

Select this to delete the currently highlighted document batch.

When you select this function, you are prompted to confirm deletion of the document batch providing you did not select the option not to show the message again (see Delete Pending Archive Record).

See Deletion considerations in Notes and warnings


Select this to unlock the currently highlighted document batch.

See also: Notes and warnings.

View error

Select this to open the Notepad and view any error messages that may exist against currently highlighted document batch.

These errors could have occurred at any step of the archiving process. Refer to Archiving Process for details of these steps.

These error messages are also written to the Archive_error_operator code_date_time.txt file in the \Base\Settings folder.

Archive date This indicates the date on which the document batch was put into the pending archive.
Operator name This indicates the name of the operator who generated the document.
Lock date This indicates the date on which the document batch was locked.
Lock operator name This indicates the name of the operator who initiated the archive and against whom the batch is locked.

This indicates the pending archive folder, which is located in the folder you specified in the SRS Document Archive Setup program for archiving documents.

The pending archive folder contains the rpt, xsd and one or more xml files, depending on the number of documents generated (i.e. a document batch can contain one or more documents). All these files make up the document batch.

Archive time This indicates the time at which the document batch was put into the pending archive.
Archive type

This indicates the archived file type as follows:

  • 1 denotes a Crystal Reports format (.rpt) file
  • 2 denotes an Adobe Acrobat format (.pdf) file
  • 3 denotes both an Crystal Reports and a Adobe Acrobat file

You use the Maintain SRS Document Templates program to indicate the format in which you want to archive printed, faxed and emailed documents.

Batch count Indicates the number of documents in each record (batch) in the pending archive.
Document Id This indicates the document in the control file that was used to create the pending archive entry.
Document type This indicates the type of document (e.g. Stock receipts, Purchase orders, etc.).
Error file

This indicates the name of the file containing the error message(s) found when attempting to archive the batch.

This file resides in the \Base\Settings folder.


This indicates the identity of the GUID (globally unique identifier) file.

This ID is unique and is created by SRS each time you generate (or regenerate) the document.

This file resides in the pending sub folder of the Archive Location you selected (SRS Document Archive Setup).

Lock operator code This indicates the code of the operator who initiated the archive and against whom the batch is locked.
Lock time This indicates the time at which the document batch was locked.
Operator code This indicates the code of the operator who generated the document.

This indicates the schema file (xsd) used to archive the document.

This file resides in the pending sub folder of the Archive Location you selected (SRS Document Archive Setup).


This indicates the template used to archive the document.

This file resides in the pending sub folder of the Archive Location you selected (SRS Document Archive Setup).


When you select the hyperlink in the View Errors column of the Pending Archives listview, any error messages which occurred during the archiving process for that document are displayed in this pane.

Although you can type notes in this pane, you cannot save these user-defined notes against the pending document batch.

Archiving Process

When you generate an SRS document using a template which is set to archive the document (Maintain SRS Document Templates) the following procedure occurs:

  1. A record is created in the Pending Archive Control file.

    The key of the control record in this file points to the Pending Archive folder.

    The Pending Archive folder contains the rpt, xsd and one or more a files, depending on the number of documents generated (i.e. a document batch can contain one or more documents). All these files make up the document batch.

  2. The archive process queries the control record in the Pending Archive Control file and copies the rpt and xsd files from the document batch.

    At this time, the control record in the Pending Archive Control file is locked to the operator who initiated the archive.

  3. The archive process copies the first xml file and generates the document.

  4. The RPT or PDF or both (RPT and PDF) are created depending on the archive settings for the document template (Maintain SRS Document Templates).

  5. The archive files are copied to the server.

  6. The control record in the Archive Control file is updated.

    A different Archive Control file is created for each document type. This enables you to view the pending archive documents by document type in the SRS Document Pending Archive program.

    The SRS Document Archive Viewer displays the individual archived documents.

  7. The xml file is deleted from the server.

  8. The archive process copies the next xml file (if more than one xml file exists for the batch) and Steps 4 to 7 are repeated.

    Step 8 is repeated for all xml files in the batch.

  9. Once all xml files have been processed, the rpt and xsd files are deleted from the server.

  10. The Pending Archive folder is deleted.

  11. The record in the Pending Archive Control file is deleted.

When any errors are detected during this process, the archiving of the batch stops and the document batch is locked. Details of the errors found are written to the Archive_error_operatorcode_date_time.txt" file in the \Base\Settings folder.

When using server-side printing, the Reporting Host Service processes all the pending archives for all the companies, in ascending order on based on the company code.

Notes and warnings

Coding considerations

  • Whilst there are any items in the pending archive, you cannot configure archive information for that type of document (see Maintain SRS Document Types).

  • If you shut down your machine while archiving is in process, you are prompted to either stop the archiving process or cancel the system shutdown.

    If you select to stop the archiving process, the system continues to archive the document currently being archived and then only stops archiving. A message to indicate that archiving has halted is displayed.

    If you select to cancel the shut down, then archiving continues.

Restrictions and limits

  • Only document templates you selected to archive (Maintain SRS Document Templates) are archived.

  • Documents are archived when they are initially generated (printed, faxed or emailed) and each time they are re-generated (i.e. re-printed, re-emailed or re-faxed) from within the various document printing programs in SYSPRO.

    Documents are not re-archived when you reprint them from within the SRS Document Archive Viewer programs.

Deletion considerations

  • If you Delete all the pending archive records, then all files linked to the records are deleted and the documents are not added to the document archive.

  • If you delete the pending archive batch, then all the document files in the batch are deleted and the documents are not added to the document archive.

Unlocking considerations

Before you select to unlock any document, you should establish the reason for the lock.

Check the Lock date, Lock time and Lock operator name.

If the Lock date is today and the Lock time is recent and the Operator is currently logged into SYSPRO, then the documents may currently be in the process of being archived by that operator.

If you now unlock these documents and select to archive them, the documents will be duplicated in the archive. In addition, one or more errors may arise.

If the Lock date is the previous day or later and you establish that the Operator is not archiving documents, then an error has occurred during the archiving process.


Archiving pending document batches

  • Ensure that no other client workstations are currently archiving the pending document batch.

You would typically use this procedure as part of an administration function to archive pending document batches.

Pending document batches exist because the archiving program could not successfully complete the document archiving process on a client workstation (or it may be an active archiving process on a client workstation).

  1. Open the SRS Document Pending Archive Viewer program (SYSPRO main menu > Utilities > SRS Document Setup > SRS Document Pending Archive).

  2. Select Archive Now.

    The archiving process is started on the client workstation.

    You can use the Refresh (F5) option to check the status of the archiving process.

    All pending document batches that are not locked are archived.

Deleting pending document batches

  • Ensure that there are no active archiving processes on any of the client workstations.

  • Ensure that these document batches are not to be archived.

You would typically use this procedure as part of an administration function to delete inactive pending archive document batches.

Pending document batches exist because the archiving program could not successfully complete the document archiving process on a client workstation (or it may be an active archiving process on a client workstation).

You can delete a currently active archiving process (even when it is in a locked state). You should therefore take care when deleting locked batches.

  1. Open the SRS Document Pending Archive Viewer program (SYSPRO main menu > Utilities > SRS Document Setup > SRS Document Pending Archive).

  2. Select the document batch you want to delete, and then select the Delete hyperlink next to the document batch.

    You can also select the Delete All option if you want to delete all the locked/unlocked pending document batches.

  3. Select Delete Pending Archive Record.

    The document batch is removed from the Pending Archives pane.

Stopping an archiving process on the client workstation

You would typically use this procedure when you need to stop the archiving process that is currently running on your client workstation.

You need to stop the archiving process before you shut down the client workstation to ensure that the server side control files are left in the correct state.

You can only stop the archiving process that is running on the current client workstation, not on other client workstations.

  1. Maximize the SYSPRO SRS Document Archiving window.

    This window is automatically minimized to the Windows task bar when the archiving process starts on the client workstation.

    It will be displayed if the archiving process started automatically (while you were printing documents) or if you selected the Archive Now option in the Document Pending Archive Viewer program.

  2. Select Stop SRS Document Archiving.

    The archiving process is stopped, and the server side control files are left in the correct state.

Unlocking pending document batches

You would typically use this procedure as part of an administration function to unlock pending archive document batches so that they can either be deleted or archived.

Pending document batches exist because the archiving program could not successfully complete the document archiving process on a client workstation (or it may be an active archiving process on a client workstation).

Pending document batches may be locked because it is currently being archived, or an error may have occurred while the archiving process was running on a client workstation.

  1. Open the SRS Document Pending Archive Viewer program (SYSPRO main menu > Utilities > SRS Document Setup > SRS Document Pending Archive).

  2. Select the document batch you want to unlock.

    You can also select the Unlock All option if you want to unlock all the locked pending document batches.

  3. Select the Unlock hyperlink next to the document batch, and select Unlock Pending Archive Record.

    It is possible to unlock a batch which is currently being archived. You should therefore take care when unlocking locked batches.