AR Statement Format

You use this program to define the page layout for printing your customer statements.

Multiple statement formats can be defined, enabling you to customize your statements to meet your various customers' needs.

A statement format must be defined before you can use the Statement Print program.

Toolbar and menu


The statement formats currently defined are displayed in this listview.

Column Description
Format This displays the format code for the statement format.
Description This displays the description of the statement format.
Print method This displays the print method for the statement format. (e.g. Standard document, Word document or SYSPRO reporting services document).

AR Statement Format

This screen is displayed when you select the Add or Change option from the Edit menu.

Field Description

Allocate a format code to the statement.

You use the field to the left of the statement key to enter a description for the statement format.

Formats: 0, 00 and Blank are not recognized as valid formats and therefore cannot be used. These formats are reserved for use by the SYSPRO Reporting Services print index.

Print method

Select the method by which you want to print statements for the selected format.

Format options

Indicate which section of the document you want to maintain. You select one of the options and then use the Change function to define the preferences and page layouts for your document.

The options available vary according to the Print method you select.

Month-to-date Messages

Specify print positions for month-to-date informational messages you want to print on your statements.

Invoice Messages

Specify print positions for invoice detail messages you want to print on your statements.

Transaction Messages Specify print positions for transaction detail messages you want to print on your statements.
Remittance Message Enter the position at which you want to print a 15 character balance forward message on your statements.
Change Indicate and maintain the preferences and print positions for the various sections of your document.
Copy Format

Select this to copy an A/R statement format from another company to your current company or to copy statement formats within the current company.

This function is only enabled when you add a new format.

Save Select this to save the information you entered.

Select this to print a document using test characters to verify that the print positions and fields you defined are correctly aligned on your stationery.

It is advisable to print the alignment to the printer on which you will be printing your documents.

Print Select this to print the stationery format information you defined and saved.

It is advisable to keep this report for disaster recovery purposes.

Close Select this to exit the program without saving any information you entered.

Copy Format

The Copy Format function enables you to copy an A/R statement format from another company to your current company or to copy statement formats within the current company.

This is useful if you want to define multiple formats for your statements, with minor differences in each. Instead of having to re-define the entire document, you can copy the original document to another format and then apply the required changes to the copied format.

Statement formats can also be copied between companies (i.e. from one company to another).

Field Description
Current company id

This indicates the company in which you are currently working.

This is the company into which the statement format will be copied.

Copy from company id

Indicate a valid company from which you want to copy an A/R statement format.

Select the current company if you want to create a new statement format from an existing statement format in the current company.

Copy from format Select the statement format you want to copy into the current format.

Select this to copy the A/R statement format you selected into the current format.

If you are copying an SRS report to the new format, you are prompted to enter a new template name, as the copy process does not copy the existing SRS report's document template. If you select not to enter a new template name, then the copy process is not performed.

Cancel Select this to return to the previous screen without copying a format.


You use the Alignment function to print one or more statements using test characters to verify that the fields you defined are correctly aligned on your stationery.

Field Description
Number of pages to print Indicate the number of test statements to print. You can select up to 5 statements to print one after the other.

This enables you to check whether the information on each statement is aligned correctly not only on the first statement, but also on each subsequent statement.

Print test statement alignment?  
OK Select this to print the test format alignment according to your selection at the previous field.
Cancel Select this to return to the previous screen without printing an alignment.


You use the options on this tab to select the preferences and sections for which you want to define the print positions for your document(s).

The following options are available depending on the Print method you selected:

  • Preferences
  • Heading section
  • Month-to-date information section
  • Invoice detail section
  • Transaction detail section
  • Remittance advice detail section
  • Payment detail section
  • Post dated check detail section
  • Total section
  • Finance charge/credit status section
  • SRS Options (see SRS Document Print Setup and Maintain SRS Document Templates)
  • MS Word Options

When you highlight a section for a Standard document format and select the Change function, the fields for which print positions can be defined are displayed.

The following options are used to indicate the print positions for these fields:

Field Description
Clear Row/Column

Select this to set the row and column print positions for the highlighted field to zero, so that the field is not printed.

Text Fields Select this to enter the text to print and its specific position on each document.
Change Select this to maintain the row and column print positions for the highlighted field.

Select this to close the current window and return to the previous window. You save the changes you made when exiting the program.

Text Fields

The Text Fields function enables you to enter up to 5 lines of text (15 characters per line) that you want to print at a specific position on each document.

The Row specification for any field cannot exceed 65 and the Column specification for any field cannot exceed 120.

Field Description
Clear text Select this to clear the text and print positions for the highlighted text field.
Change Select this maintain the highlighted text line.
Text Indicate the actual text that must be printed on the document.

Indicate the vertical position (i.e. Top to bottom) at which you want to print the text entered in the Text field.


Indicate the horizontal position (i.e. Left to right) at which you want to print the text entered in the Text field.

OK Select this to accept the information you entered for the text field.
Cancel Select this to ignore the information you entered for the text field and to return to the previous screen.
Close Select this to return to the previous screen.


You use the Change function from within each section to maintain the row and column print positions for the highlighted field in the section.

The Row specification for any field cannot exceed 65 and the Column specification for any field cannot exceed 120.

Field Description

All measurements are based from the top left hand corner of the page.

For some fields, only the Row or only the Column may be available for you to indicate.

To assist you in positioning the fields correctly, you can use the Print Mask program to print a grid of the required columns and lines. Ensure that the layout mask is output to the printer on which you will be printing your documents.


Indicate the vertical position (i.e. top to bottom) at which you want to print the highlighted field.


Indicate the horizontal position (i.e. left to right) at which you want to print the highlighted field.

OK Select this to accept the print positions you entered.
Cancel Select this to ignore the print position you entered and to return to the previous screen.


Month-to-date Messages

You use the Month-to-date Messages function to specify print positions for month-to-date informational messages you want to print on your statements.

Only the Balance forward message is available for SRS and Word formats.

The Month-to-date messages are not available in the SRS format, but can be added in a text field.

Field Description
Balance forward message

Define a balance forward message to be printed on the statement.

This only applies to statements printed for customers whose Balance print type is defined as Brought forward (Customers).

Text Enter the free format message you want to print against the balance brought forward on the statement.
Message position Enter the position at which the balance forward message must be printed.
Month-to-date payments message Define a message relating to month to date payments.
Text Enter the free format message you want to print against the month-to-date payments value.
Message Enter the position at which the month-to-date payment message must be printed.
Month-to-date Discounts message Define a message relating to month to date discounts.
Text Enter the free format message you want to print against the month-to-date discount value on the statement.
Message Enter the position at which the month-to-date discounts message must be printed.
Continuation message Define a continuation message.
Text Enter the free format message you want to print as the message indicating subsequent pages on the statement.
Message position Enter the position at which the continuation message must be printed.
Close Select this to return to the previous screen.

You save the changes you made to the format at the time of exiting the program.

Invoice Messages

You use the Invoice Messages function to specify print positions for invoice detail messages you want to print on your statements.

Field Description
Invoice type message position Enter the position at which you want to print the message reflecting the type of invoice.

Indicate the text you want to print against the various invoice types.

The messages are printed in the position defined at the Invoice type message position field.

Finance charge

Enter the text you want to print against finance charge type invoices.

The default text is Fin.charge, but can be changed.


Enter the text you want to print against invoices.

The default text is Invoice, but can be changed.

Debit note

Enter the text you want to print against debit notes.

The default text is Dr note, but can be changed.

Credit note

Enter the text you want to print against credit notes.

The default text is Cr note, but can be changed.

Consolidated invoice

Enter the text you want to print against consolidated invoices.

The default text is Balance, but can be changed.

Close Select this to return to the previous screen.

You save the changes you made to the format at the time of exiting the program.

Transaction Messages

You use the Transaction Messages function to specify print positions for transaction detail messages you want to print on your statements.

Field Description
Transaction code message position Enter the position at which you want to print the message reflecting the type of transaction.

Define the text you want to print against the various transaction types.

The messages are printed in the position defined at the Transaction code message position field.

Adjustment entry

Enter the text you want to print against adjustment entries.

The default text is Adjmnt, but can be changed.

Credit entry

Enter the text you want to print against credit entries.

The default text is Credit, but can be changed.

Debit entry

Enter the text you want to print against debit entries.

The default text is Debit, but can be changed.

Payment entry

Enter the text you want to print against payment entries.

The default text is Payment, but can be changed.

Close Select this to return to the previous screen.

You save the changes you made to the format at the time of exiting the program.

Remittance Message

You use the Remittance Messages function to enter the position at which you want to print a 15 character balance forward message on your statements.

Field Description

The message you define here is only printed on statements where the Balance print type for the customer is defined as Balance forward (Customers).

The default is Bal.fwd, but can be changed.

Message position Enter the position at which the balance forward message must be printed on the remittance advice section of the statement.
Close Select this to return to the previous screen.

You save the changes you made to the format at the time of exiting the program.


You use the Preferences option to configure default settings you want to apply when printing A/R statements.

The following preferences can be selected when you use highlight the Preferences line and select the Change function:

Field Description
Total number of lines on page

The entry made here (up to 99) indicates the number of lines you require on your statements.

This is the total lines on the page which the program uses to calculate when to skip to the next statement. It is not the total printable area, which is only 65 lines.

The number of lines between 99 and 65 allows for a pre-printed logo on the statement, outside of the printable area.

Format is 6.1 compatible This applies to stationery formats defined in the SYSPRO 6.1 SP1 version of the software and is enabled by default for stationery formats defined in that version.

When enabled, the document is printed in the format specified in the SYSPRO 6.1 SP1 version of the software providing no presentation lengths are changed against the Keys defined in the Setup Options program.

First detail line starts on line

The entry made here (up to 65) indicates the line number from the beginning of the page at which the first detail line will be printed, within the block of detail line information.

If you are printing a brought forward balance on your statements, then the brought forward amount is printed on the line before the line number indicated here.

Last detail line ends on line The entry made here (up to 65 and not less than the first detail line) indicates the line number at which the last detail line will be printed. This must be from the beginning of the page, within the block of detail line information.
Print date format

Indicate the format according to which you want to print dates on your document.

This can be based on your system date format or a user defined date format (i.e. short date or long date).

These formats are defined within the Setup Options program (Setup Options > System Setup > General) but can be overridden at company level (Setup Options > Company > General).

Days to age breaks

Enter the number of days to each subsequent age break for the ageing of your customer invoices. Each age break represents an ageing column that can be printed within the totals. A total of 7 age breaks are available.

  • If your ageing method is set to By aged statement or By statement (Accounts Receivable Setup) and your invoice due terms are not set to Number of days fixed (AR Invoice Terms) then your entry here must be in multiples of 30. If not, you will not be able to access the Statement Print program.

  • If your ageing method is set to By statement and your invoice terms are set to Number of days fixed (AR Invoice Terms) then the headings defined in the AR Terms Ageing Headings program are used as the ageing buckets.

  • If your Report ageing method is set to By invoice due date (Statement Print) then the first age break must always be zero (i.e. Current).

    For example:

    If the 2nd age break is 30, then a 24 day old invoice balance is added into the 1st column's total.

Care must be taken when changing the Days to age breaks, especially if you are using pre-printed statement stationery. This is because the balances for each aged bucket may be printed in the incorrect ageing field on your stationery.

Print options  
Future invoices

Select this to print invoices with a date later than the statement date.

The value of future invoices printed on the statement is not included in the statement balance.

Sales message

Select this to print the text entered at the Sales message field at the time of printing statements (Statement Print).

To print the sales message, you must also define a print position for the Sales message position field in the Total section (AR Statement Format).

Zero balance invoices

Select this to include zero balance invoices when printing statements.

Zero balance invoices are printed if they became zero in the month for which you selected to print the statements.

Zero balance customers

Select this to include customers with zero balances against whom no movements have been recorded in the current month.

If you do not select this preference, then no statements are generated for customer's whose account balance is zero, only if no movements have taken place on the account during the month for which statements are being printed. (i.e. if any movement has occurred on the customer's account during the month for which statements are being printed, then the statement is printed even if the balance is zero).

Sequence invoices across sub-accounts

Select this to print invoices in invoice number sequence across all sub-accounts.

If you select this option, then when you generate your statements, you need to also select the option: Consolidate master account (Statement Print).

If you have enabled the Print optimized statement option in the Statement Print program, statements will always be sequenced by invoice number across all sub-accounts.

Print currency information

Select this to print details of your customer's currency on statements.

This includes local and foreign currencies.

Use 1000 separator in values

Select this to apply the 1000 separator configured within the Company Maintenance program (Options tab) to all numeric values, including values defined in custom form fields.

Format is 6.1 compatible

This applies to stationery formats defined in the SYSPRO 6.1 SP1 version of the software and is enabled by default for stationery formats defined in that version.

When enabled, the document is printed in the format specified in the SYSPRO 6.1 SP1 version of the software providing no presentation lengths are changed against the Keys defined in the Setup Options program.

Print only 'Complete' e-invoices

Select this to only include electronic invoices that have a status of C - Completed.

This field is only available when the E-invoicing required setup option is enabled (Setup Options > Preferences > Financials > Accounts Receivable).

Print detail transactions

The selections made here enable you to indicate the type of detail transactions you want to print on your statements.

These selections do not apply to SRS document printing, as all fields are included in the AR statement SRS document templates. You therefore need to design the SRS document template according to your requirements for including/excluding transactions.

Payment Select this to include payments on your statements.
Adjustment Select this to include adjustment transactions on your statements.
Debit note Select this to include debit notes on your statements.
Credit note Select this to include credit notes on your statements.

Select this to return to the previous screen.

To save the preferences you entered, you must select Save from the A/R Statement Format screen.

Sequence of Detail Printing

You use the Sequence of Detail Printing function to indicate the sequence (i.e. the order) in which the invoice details, payment details and post dated check details must appear on your statements.

You must define the print positions for the options you select in order for the details to be printed on the statements. For example, if you select to print Invoice details and payment details, but you have not defined the print positions for the payment details in the Payment details section, then no payment details are printed.

Field Description
Sequence of detail printing
  • SQL optimized statements for Standard and Word printing will always print in invoice, payments and post dated checks sequence.

  • Options that include post dated check information are not available if you selected the option: Print checks separately in the Post Dated Check Detail Section (Format options).

If you select to sequence details by Invoice details, payment details or Payment details, invoice details, then the payment details are printed twice on the statement. The payment details printed immediately after the invoices are the payment transactions for those invoices. Note that a single invoice could have multiple payments. The payment details printed at the bottom of the statement are the payment summary details, which are the total check amounts.

The following options are available:

  • Invoice details
  • Invoice details, payment details
  • Invoice details, payment details, post dated checks
  • Invoice details, post dated checks
  • Invoice details, post dated checks, payment details
  • Payment details, invoice details
  • Payment details, invoice details, post dated checks
  • Payment details, post dated checks, invoice details
  • Post dated checks, invoice details
  • Post dated checks, Invoice details, Payment details
  • Post dated checks, payment details, invoice details
Close Select this to return to the previous screen.

Bitmap Forms

You use the Bitmap Forms function to specify bitmap images that you want to print on your statements when they are faxed and/or printed.

Field Description
Bitmap for faxing

Enter the name of the bitmap that you want to associate with the faxing of the stationery format.

The file must have a .BMP extension.

Your entry at this field is used only if your Fax settings are configured to use a 3rd party fax application to fax your documents.

Bitmap for printing

Enter the name of the bitmap that you want to associate with the printing of the stationery format.

The file must have a .BMP extension.

Bitmap width

Indicate the width of the bitmap image that you want to print on the document and the measurement factor to use (i.e. inches or millimeters).

The bitmap is scaled automatically according to the specifications entered, retaining the aspect ratio (i.e. width to height).

Close Select this to accept the information you entered and to return to the previous screen.

Heading Section

The following options are available when you use highlight the Heading section line and select the Change function:

The row refers to the vertical (top to bottom) position on the statement, while the column refers to the horizontal (left to right) position on the statement.


The following table lists the fields available for printing in the heading section of statements:

Field Origin/Comment
Company name This prints you company's name.
Company address line 1 -3 Company Maintenance - Address tab
Company tax registration number Company Maintenance - General tab
Customer name  
Customer address line 1 -5 Customers
Customer postal/zip code Customers
Statement page number This prints page numbers on the documentation.
Customer account number Customers (customer code)
Salesperson number Customers
Statement date This prints the statement date you specified when you generated the statements using the Statement Print program.
Invoice terms Customers
Company registration number

Company Maintenance - General tab

If your nationality code is set to CAN and you require the Canadian GST system, then this field is not available.

GST registration number If your nationality code is set to CAN and you require the Canadian GST system (Company Tax Options Setup) then this prints the GST registration number field instead of the Company registration number.
Branch name AR Branches - Description for branch code
Branch address line 1 - 3 AR Branches
Currency Customers

You must select the preference: Print currency information if you want to print details of your customer's currency on statements.

Currency description Currencies - Description defined against the currency
Contact Customers
Credit limit Customers
Tax exemption number Customers
Customer name (remit. advice) This prints the customer's name on the remittance advice section of the statement.
Customer (remit. advice) This prints the customer's account code on the remittance advice section of the statement.
Statement date (remit. advice) This prints the statement date you specified when you generated the statements using the Statement Print program on the remittance advice section of the statement.
Fax number Customers
Customer co tax registration number Customers
Customer Email Customers

Month-to-date Information section

The following options are available when you use highlight the Month-to-date Information section line and select the Change function:

The column position refers to the horizontal (left to right) position on the statement.

There is no row specification as this will be taken from your entry at the First detail line starts on line field as indicated on the Preferences screen.


The following fields can be printed in the Month-to-date Information Section on statements:

  • No of payments this month
  • Value of payments this month
  • Value of discounts this month

Invoice Detail section

You use the Invoice Detail Section to define the column at which you want to print each of the invoice details on your statements.

The column position refers to the horizontal (left to right) position on the statement.

There is no row specification as this will be taken from your entry at the First detail line starts on line field as indicated on the Preferences screen.


The following table lists the fields can be printed in the Invoice Detail section:

Field Origin/Comment


This prints the invoice number.

Invoice date

This prints the invoice date.

Invoice reference

This prints the invoice reference number.

Invoice amount - debit

This prints the debit value of the invoice.

Invoice amount - credit

This prints the credit value of the invoice.

Invoice terms

This prints the terms applicable to the invoice.

Invoice discount available

This prints the terms discount applicable to the transaction. Terms discount is calculated according to the A/R Invoice terms code (AR Invoice Terms) defined against the transaction, together with the options selected at the Calculation for terms discount option (Accounts Receivable Setup).

Invoice balance

This prints the invoice balance amount.


This prints the customer number where the customer is a sub-account.

Sub-account information is only listed if you are printing a consolidated statement for the master account (i.e. Printing details of the attached sub-account on the master account's statement), the invoices are held against the sub-account, and the invoice details being printed are for the sub-account.

Sub-account ship-to-addr. line 1 - 2

This prints the shipping address of the attached sub-account.

You can only print this field if the invoices are held against the sub-account.

Sub-account store number

This prints the store number of the attached sub-account.

You can only print this field if the invoices are held against the sub-account or if the sub account is attached to the master account before the invoice is processed.

Sales order

This prints the original sales order number from which the invoice was generated.

POD reference

This prints the proof of delivery reference for the invoice.

Invoice due date

This prints the date on which the invoice is due for payment. This date is calculated based on the invoice date and the terms defined against the invoice.

You typically print this date on the statement when you base your settlement discount terms on invoice due date rather than on statement date.

E-invoice status

This displays the status of the e-invoice.

Transaction Detail section

You use the Transaction Detail Section to define the column at which you want to print each of the transaction details on your statements.

The transactions printed on the statement when using Standard, Word and SRS printing include:

  • Payments, providing you select the preference to include Payments at the Print detail transactions option and you select Invoice detail, Payment details from the Sequence of Detail Printing function.

    You do not have to define the print positions for payments in the Payment Detail section, but if you do, then the payment details are repeated at the end of the statement. This means that if you define the print positions in the Transaction Detail section and in the Payment Detail section, then payment information is reflected twice on the statement. Payments will be reflected against the invoices processed for the payment (from the Transaction Detail section print positions defined), because payments are a transaction against an invoice, and a list of payments is reflected on the statement (from the Payment Detail section print positions defined).

  • Debit notes and Credit notes, providing you select the preference to include Debit notes and Credit notes at the Print detail transactions option.

  • Adjustments, providing you select the preference to include Adjustments at the Print detail transactions option.

The column position refers to the horizontal (left to right) position on the statement.

There is no row specification as this will be taken from your entry at the First detail line starts on line field as indicated on the Preferences screen.


The following table lists the fields you can print in the Transaction Detail section of statements:

Field Origin/Comment
Transaction reference This prints the reference entered against the transaction at the time the transaction was processed.
Transaction date This prints the date entered against the transaction at the time the transaction was processed.
Transaction amount - debit This prints the amount of the transaction if it is a positive value.
Transaction amount - credit This prints the amount of the transaction if it is a negative value.
Transaction discount given This prints the value of the discount given at the time of processing the transaction.

Remittance Advice Detail section

You use the Remittance advice detail section to define the column at which you want to print each of the remittance advice details on your statements.

The column position refers to the horizontal (left to right) position on the statement.

There is no row specification as this will be taken from your entry at the First detail line starts on line field as indicated on the Preferences screen.


The following table lists the fields you can print in the Remittance Advice Detail section of statements:

Field Origin/Comment
Invoice This prints the invoice number.
Invoice date This prints the invoice date entered against the invoice at the time it was processed.
Invoice balance This prints the current invoice balance
Transaction reference This prints the reference entered against the transaction at the time the transaction was processed.
Transaction amount - debit This prints the amount of the transaction if it is a positive value.
Transaction amount - credit This prints the amount of the transaction if it is a negative value.
Invoice amount This prints the original invoice value

Payment Detail section

You use the Payment detail section to define the column at which you want to print each of the payment details on your statements.

  • Payment details can only be printed on statements if you indicated that you require payment details to be retained (Accounts Receivable Setup).

  • To print payments, you must select the Preference to include Payments at the Print detail transactions option and select Invoice detail, Payment details from the Sequence of Detail Printing function.

    If you define the print positions for payments in the Transaction Detail section and in the Payment Detail section, then payment information is reflected twice on the statement, because payments are a transaction against an invoice. The payments will be reflected against the invoices processed for the payment (from the Transaction Detail section print positions defined) and a list of payments will be reflected on the statement (from the Payment Detail section print positions defined).

The column position refers to the horizontal (left to right) position on the statement.

There is no row specification as this will be taken from your entry at the First detail line starts on line field as indicated on the Preferences screen.

Field Description
Message The Message function enables you to enter the position at which you want to print a 15 character payment message on your statements.
Message This indicates the actual text you want to print in the payment detail section of the statement.
Message position This indicates the column at which you want to print the message entered in the previous field.
Close Select this to return to the previous screen.


The following table lists the fields you can print in the Payment Detail section of statements:

Field Origin/Comment
Payment reference This prints the payment reference entered at the time of processing the payment.
Payment date This prints the payment date entered at the time of processing the payment.
Payment amount This prints the payment amount entered at the time of processing the payment.

Post Dated Check Detail section

You use the Post dated check detail section to define the column at which you want to print post dated check details on your statements.

The column position refers to the horizontal (left to right) position on the statement.

There is no row specification as this will be taken from your entry at the First detail line starts on line field as indicated on the Preferences screen.

Field Description
First check line starts on line Enter the line number (up to 65) at which printing of the block of post dated check details is to begin.
Last check line ends on line Enter the line number (up to 65) at which printing of the block of post dated check details is to end.
Print checks separately

If you select this option, then post dated checks are printed in a separate block on your statements as indicated by your entry at the First check line starts on line and Last check line ends on line fields.

If not, they are printed in the block defined within the Preferences section if post dated checks are selected within the Sequence of Detail Printing function.

Clear column

Select this to delete the column print positions for the highlighted field.

There is no row specification as this will be taken from your entry at the First detail line starts on line field as indicated on the Preferences screen.

When you select this function, the print positions for the highlighted field are set to zero, which means the field is not printed.

Message The Message function enables you to enter the position at which you want to print a 15 character post dated check message on your statements.
Message This indicates the actual text you want to print for post dated checks on the statement.
Message position This indicates the column at which you want to print the message entered in the previous field.
Close Select this to return to the previous screen.
Change Select this to define the print positions for the highlighted field.
Close Select this to return to the previous screen.


You use the AR Post Dated Checks program to capture details of post dated checks received from customers.

The following table lists the fields you can print in the Post Dated Check Detail section of statements:

Field Origin/Comment
Post dated check number This prints the check number of the post dated check
Post dated date This prints the date held against the post dated check.
Post dated amount This prints the value of the post dated check.

Total Section

You use the Total section to define the row and column at which you want to print totals on your customer statements.

The row refers to the vertical (top to bottom) position on the statement, while the column refers to the horizontal (left to right) position on the statement.


The following fields can be printed in the Total section of statements:

Field Origin/Comment
Customer balance (exc futures)

This prints the customer's account balance excluding any future invoices.

The value of future invoices (whether included on the statement or not), is never included in the customer's statement balance.

First - Seventh ageing column position

These fields print the value of outstanding invoices that fall within the respective ageing columns on the statement.

The ageing columns are defined against the Days to age breaks in the Preferences section of this document format.

Futures balance This prints the value of all future invoices that were excluded from the customer's balance.
Discount available This prints the total value of settlement discount available to the customer.

This value does not include settlement discount on future invoices, invoices with a zero or credit balance or invoices where the terms have exceeded the discount days.

Credit balance This prints the total value of all negative invoices on the statement.
Credit status message position This indicates the print position for the message indicating the customer's credit status on the statement.
Sales message position

This indicates the print position for the Sales message entered at the time of processing statements (Statement Print).

This message can only be entered at the time of processing statements.

You must also select the Preference: Print options - Sales message against the statement format you will be using when printing statements.

Unallocated post dated checks This prints the total value of all post dated checks that are due but which have not yet been allocated to the customer's account.
Unavailable post dated checks This prints the total value of all post dated checks that are not yet due
Current balance less P-D checks This prints the customer's balance less all post dated checks, regardless of whether they have fallen due.
Customer This prints the customer's account code.
Customer name This prints the customer's name.
Statement date This prints the statement date as specified when you generate statements using the Statement Print program.
Company name This prints your company's name.
Customer balance (remittance) This prints the customer's account balance, excluding any future invoices, on the remittance section of the statement.
Currency Customers

You must select the preference: Print currency information if you want to print details of your customer's currency on statements.

Currency description Currencies - Description defined against the currency
First - Seventh ageing column (remittance) These fields print the value of outstanding invoices that fall within the respective ageing columns on the remittance section of the statement.

The ageing columns are defined against the Days to age breaks in the Preferences section of this document format.

Finance Charge/credit Status section

You use the Finance charge/credit status section to define print positions for finance charge and credit status messages on your customer statements.

Field Description
Finance charge messages

Define the message relating to finance charges that must be printed on the statement.

The message can be up to 3 lines long and up to 30 characters can be entered on each line.


Indicate the vertical position (i.e. Top to bottom) at which you want to print the finance charge message

The row specification cannot exceed 65.


Indicate the horizontal position (i.e. Left to right) at which you want to print the finance charge message.

The column specification cannot exceed 120.

Line 1 - 3 Indicate the first, second and third line of text for the finance charge message.
Credit status messages

Define up to 4 credit status messages you want to print on your statements.

Message 1 Enter the actual text you want to print for this message.
Override Select this if you entered a credit status message in the Message 1 field, but do not want to print it on your statements.
Credit status age

Enter a credit status in the range 0 to 9. The credit status message is printed for all customers whose oldest invoice exceeds or is equal to the credit status entered here.

The ageing breaks entered in the Preferences section are used to age invoices.

Message 2 Enter the actual text you want to print for this message.
Override Select this if you entered a credit status message in the Message 2 field, but do not want to print it on your statements.
Credit status age

Enter a credit status in the range 0 to 9. The credit status message is printed for all customers whose oldest invoice exceeds or is equal to the credit status entered here.

The ageing breaks entered in the Preferences section are used to age invoices.

Message 3 Enter the actual text you want to print for this message.
Override Select this if you entered a credit status message in the Message 3 field, but do not want to print it on your statements.
Credit status age

Enter a credit status in the range 0 to 9.

The credit status message is printed for all customers whose oldest invoice exceeds or is equal to the credit status entered here.

The ageing breaks entered in the Preferences section are used to age invoices.

Message 4 Enter the actual text you want to print for this message.
Override Select this if you entered a credit status message in the Message 4 field, but do not want to print it on your statements.
Credit status age

Enter a credit status in the range 0 to 9. The credit status message is printed for all customers whose oldest invoice exceeds or is equal to the credit status entered here.

The ageing breaks entered in the Preferences section are used to age invoices.

Close Select this to return to the Browse on AP Invoice Terms screen.

MS Word Options

As an alternative to printing your documents on pre-printed stationery, you can configure SYSPRO to allow you to print your stationery documents using Microsoft Word.

MS Word Options

This option is only enabled if you selected the option: Print using MS Word. It enables you to open the applicable Word template and insert the fields that you want to print on your stationery.


These examples refer to printing statements using Standard or MSWord printing only.

Example 1

You want to produce a statement that reflects Invoice information, followed by information on payments, adjustments, debit and credit notes applied to each invoice. You also want to print unapplied payments on the statement.

To do this, you need to define the following:

  • From the Preferences:

    • Select all options under the Print detail transactions section.
    • From the Sequence of Detail Printing function, select the Invoice details, payment details option
  • On the Invoice Detail section, define the print positions for the details you want to print for invoices on the statement.
  • On the Transaction Detail section, define the print positions for the details you want to print for payments, adjustments, debit and credit notes on the statement.
  • Define the print positions for whatever other information you require on the statement. For example the Heading, Total and Month-to-date information sections.
  • From the Statement Print program select:

    • Balance type selection = Both
    • Print selections = Suppress customer's format
    • Statement format = enter the statement format defined for this example.

Example 2

You want to produce a statement that reflects Invoice information, followed by information on payments, adjustments, debit and credit notes applied to each invoice as well as unapplied payments (i.e. the same as for Example 1), but in addition, you also want to print a list of payments received on the statement.

This may be useful, because the payment information displayed against each invoice is the payment amount applied to that invoice only. If you applied a single payment amount to several invoices, you may want to display the total payment amount (e.g. the total check amount) at the end of the statement as well.

To do this, you need to define the following:

  • From the Preferences:

    • Select all options under the Print detail transactions section.
    • From the Sequence of Detail Printing function, select the Invoice details, payment details option
  • On the Invoice Detail section, define the print positions for the details you want to print for invoices on the statement.
  • On the Transaction Detail section, define the print positions for the details you want to print for payments, adjustments, debit and credit notes on the statement.
  • On the Payment Detail section, define the print positions for the details you want to print for payments on the statement.

  • Define the print positions for whatever other information you require on the statement. For example the Heading, Total and Month-to-date information sections.
  • From the Statement Print program select:

    • Balance type selection = Both
    • Print selections = Suppress customer's format
    • Statement format = enter the statement format defined for this example.


Add a statement format

  1. From the listview pane of the AR Statement Format program, select Add from the Edit menu.

    Alternatively, select the Add icon from the toolbar.

  2. Enter a unique format code for the statement format you want to add.

    If you enter the code of an existing customer, then the details for the existing customer are displayed and can be maintained.

  3. Enter the details for the new format.

  4. Select Save to save the details you entered or Close to ignore the details you entered and to return to the listview.