Operator Activities

Controls whether an operator can process an Invoice transaction type using the AP Invoice Posting program.

Controls whether an operator can process a Credit note transaction type using the AP Invoice Posting program.

Controls whether an operator can process a Debit note transaction type using the AP Invoice Posting program.

Controls whether an operator can process an Adjustment transaction type using the AP Invoice Posting program.

Controls whether an operator can add a registered invoice using the AP Invoice Registration program.
This does not prevent the operator from adding and changing debit and credit notes for registered invoices.

Controls whether an operator can process an Approve invoice transaction type in the AP Invoice Posting program.

Controls whether an operator can contra invoices using the AP Invoice Contra program.

Controls whether an operator can select the LCT register invoice option in the AP Invoice Registration program to indicate whether or not an invoice is a LCT registered invoice.

Controls whether operators can add custom fields to the EFT Additional Fields pane of the Suppliers program.

Controls whether an operator can add or maintain an EFT payments type payment run in the Payment Cycle Maintenance program.

Controls whether an operator can add a new supplier using the Suppliers program.

Controls whether an operator can change the details against a supplier using the Suppliers program.

Controls whether an operator can delete a supplier using the following programs:
- Suppliers
- Browse on Suppliers

Controls whether an operator can assign/change the default values for selected fields (i.e. disables the Default Values function of the Suppliers program).

Controls whether an operator can deselect the GRN matching required option in the AP Invoice Posting program, in order to bypass the GRN matching phase when posting an invoice.
This prevents the operator from posting an invoice until at least one GRN line is selected when GRN matching is required for a supplier (Suppliers).
This does not apply to setting the GRN matching required option in the (Suppliers) program.

Controls whether an operator can delete a payment run using the following programs:
Payment Cycle Maintenance
AP Group Payments

Controls operator access to the following functions in the Payment Cycle Maintenance program:
Change - used to maintain the Gross payment and Discount amount for an invoice.
Remove - used to remove selected invoices from being released for payment.
Hold - used to set an invoice in the Invoices Released for Payment listview on hold.
In addition, this controls operator access to the following functions in the Invoices to Review listview of the AP Release Invoices to Pay by Review program:
Released for invoices released in a prior run of the program.
On hold
Deselect All for invoices released in a prior run of the program.

Controls whether an operator can use the Payment Cycle Maintenance or AP Group Payments programs to:
use the Clear Manual Checks option to remove invoices from the payment run.
use the Clear Void Check option to delete invoices from the payment run.

Controls whether an operator can maintain Supplier and Management notes for a supplier using the Supplier Query program.
This does not prevent the notes from being displayed.

Controls whether an operator can process an Invoice document type using the AR Invoice Posting program.

Controls whether an operator can process a Credit note document type using the AR Invoice Posting program.

Controls whether an operator can process a Debit note document type using the AR Invoice Posting program.

Controls whether an operator can process a Payment transaction type using the AR Payments and Adjustments program.

Controls whether an operator can process a Adjustment transaction type using the AR Payments and Adjustments program.

Controls whether an operator can process a Miscellaneous Receipt transaction type when using the AR Payments and Adjustments program.

Controls whether an operator can deselect the Create discount notes option in the AR Payments and Adjustments program.
This activity only applies when the Print credit or debit notes setup option is defined as As required (Setup Options > Configuration > Financial > Accounts Receivable).

Controls whether an operator can place a customer on hold within the Customers program.

Controls whether an operator can release a customer's on hold status within the Customers program.

Controls whether an operator can add, remove and change customer notes and management notes for a customer within the following programs:
- Customer Query
- Customers
Operators can still view these notes and maintain additional notes.

Controls whether an operator can access the Recalc Amount function to recalculate the payment amount to equal the selected invoices during processing in the AR Payments and Adjustments program.

Controls whether an operator can use the AR Collector Run Maintenance program to verify a collector run after the collected payment information is entered.

Controls whether an operator can close a collector run using the AR Collector Run Maintenance program.

Controls whether an operator can post a payment run using the following programs:
AR Payment Run
AR Group Payment Run
When denied, the Post function is disabled.

Controls whether an operator can close a payment run using the Cancel function of the following programs:
AR Payment Run
AR Group Payment Run

Controls whether an operator can approve and/or unapprove a payment run using the following programs:
AR Payment Run
AR Group Payment Run
When denied, the Authorize function is disabled.

Controls whether an operator can use the AR Post Dated Checks program to void a post dated check.
When disallowed, the option to set the New status to Void is not displayed.

Controls whether an operator can change the Deduction customer in the following programs, for customers defined as Trade promotions customers (Customers):
AR Payments and Adjustments
This applies when the value of the payment amount is less than the invoices selected for payment.
Deduction Review
The deduction customer can be changed to the master account or to any sub-account in the grouping.

Controls whether an operator can add an asset using the Assets program.
This does not prevent an operator from adding an asset using the Asset Initial Capture program.

Controls whether an operator can maintain an asset using the Assets program.
This does not prevent an operator from maintaining an asset using the Asset Initial Capture program.

Controls whether an operator can delete an asset using the following programs:
- Browse on Assets
- Assets
This does not prevent an operator from deleting an asset using the Asset Initial Capture program.

Controls whether an operator can use the Asset Depreciation Calculation program to update the depreciation values for assets.
When denied, the operator can only calculate the depreciation and print the report.

Controls whether an operator can access the Asset Count Review program.

Controls whether an operator can access the Asset Count Import program.

Controls whether an operator can capture count details as a Counter using the Asset Count Capture program.

Controls whether an operator can capture count details as a Verifier using the Asset Count Capture program.

Controls whether an operator can use the Asset Capex Items program to add new capex requisition lines to a capex item when the item's budget is exceeded.

Controls whether an operator can use the Asset Capex Items program to approve a capex requisition line when the capex item's budget is exceeded.

Controls whether an operator can use the Asset Capex Items program to add a new capex item.

Controls whether an operator can use the Asset Capex Items program to amend details for an existing capex item.

Controls whether an operator can use the Asset Capex Items program to delete a capex item.

Controls whether an operator can use the Asset Capex Items program to approve a capex item.

Controls whether an operator can use the Asset Capex Items program to add a new capex requisition line.

Controls whether an operator can use the Asset Capex Items program to amend details for an existing capex requisition line.

Controls whether an operator can use the Asset Capex Items program to delete a capex requisition line.

Controls whether an operator can use the Asset Capex Items program to approve a capex requisition line.

Controls whether an operator can use the Asset Capex Items program to perform the following functions:
- Link a capex line to a requisition, purchase order or job.
- Create a requisition, purchase order or job for a requisition line.

Controls whether an operator can use the Assets in Suspense program to generate assets.

Controls operator access for the following:
To run the Structures and Routings program.
Access to the following queries from the Production pane of the Inventory Query program:
- Where Used
- Structure
- Routing
Denying this activity takes precedence over the setting defined for the Structures and Routings program in the Operator Groups program.

Controls whether an operator can process a deposit or an interbank transfer using the Cash Book Deposits and Withdrawals program.

Controls whether an operator can process a withdrawal or an interbank transfer using the Cash Book Deposits and Withdrawals program.

Controls whether an operator can reconcile and/or unreconcile Cash Book transactions in the Cash Book Deposits and Withdrawals program.
This does not prevent access to the Automatic Bank Reconciliation program.

Controls whether an operator can adjust a Cash Book transaction in the Cash Book Deposits and Withdrawals program, if the current posting period differs from the original posting period for the transaction.
The posting period for the current run of the Cash Book Deposits and Withdrawals program must match the posting period of the original transaction (i.e. the operator cannot change a transaction in a previous period).

Controls whether an operator can process an EFT transaction using the Cash Book Deposits and Withdrawals program.

Controls whether an operator can change an EFT transaction in the Cash Book Deposits and Withdrawals program.

Controls whether an operator can add attendees to activities using the Contact Activity Posting program.

Controls whether an operator can remove attendees from activities using the Contact Activity Posting program.

Controls whether an operator can remove attendees from activities using the Contact Management to Outlook Sync program.

Controls whether an operator can delete attachments from activities using the Contact Activity Posting program.

Controls whether an operator can delete activities using the following programs:
- Contact Activity Posting
- Contact Management Query

Controls whether an operator can change information against activities using the Contact Activity Posting program.

Controls whether an operator can add unknown attendees to an activity using the Contact Activity Posting program.

Controls whether an operator can synchronize SYSPRO Contact Management contacts from an organization list to Microsoft Outlook using the Contact Management to Outlook Sync program.

Controls whether an operator can synchronize all SYSPRO Contact Management contacts to Microsoft Outlook, using the Contact Management to Outlook Sync program, irrespective of Contact Management organization list.

Controls whether an operator can synchronize Microsoft Outlook contacts to SYSPRO Contact Management contacts using the Contact Management to Outlook Sync program.

Controls whether an operator can synchronize new additions to Microsoft Outlook contacts to the SYSPRO Contact Management contacts using the Contact Management to Outlook Sync program.

Controls whether an operator can change the design of a custom form.

Controls whether an operator can capture data for a custom form.
An operator will not be able to complete a transaction when this activity is denied and a custom form with mandatory fields is linked to the transaction.

Controls whether an operator can print the contents of a listview and/or output the contents of a listview to an HTML page, XML document or Excel spreadsheet.

Controls whether an operator can access options from the context menu displayed when right-clicking form fields.

Controls whether an operator can edit VBScripts or change customized panes.
It also controls whether an operator can access the Visual Designer program
(displayed from the sub menu of the icon).
This does not apply to importing customized panes, which is controlled by the Allow to import customized panes activity.

This applies to closing docking panes using the 'x' on the pane.
If this option is not enabled, then the operator is prompted to confirm the closing of the pane.
In addition, the operator can select not to be reminded again until logging in again. If the operator selects not to be reminded, the panes are automatically closed without warning. However, the next time the operator logs in, the prompt is reinstated.
When this option is enabled, the operator is never prompted to confirm the closing of the pane.

Controls whether operator changes to docking pane layouts are saved when the operator belongs to a role (Customization Management).
If customization for a program exists in Customization Management against an industry or system-wide role, operators will not be allowed to reset layouts for that program. They will only be able to reset layouts for programs where no customization exists, even if the operators have access to the Save docking layout when using roles / industry / system-wide operator activity.
With a ordinary role, only operators that have access to the Save docking layout when using roles / industry / system-wide operator activity will be able to reset layouts. This applies to all programs, regardless of whether customization exists for the programs or not. If the operator does not have access to that operator activity, they will not see the Reset Layout option in any programs.
When using roles, changes to your personal view of the role are saved when you exit an application (e.g. pinning and unpinning panes and making changes to the splitter positions).
If access to this activity is enabled, then changes to the personal view of the role made by the operator are retained and displayed the next time the operator accesses that application. The system always attempts to load the operator's own docking layout first followed by any specifically designed role layout.
If access to this activity is denied, then any changes the operator makes to docking pane layouts are ignored once the operator exits the application. The standard role designed layout is restored when next the application is loaded.

Controls whether operator changes to listview layouts are saved when the operator belongs to a role (Customization Management).
If access to this activity is enabled, then the operator can perform the following functions:
- Rearrange and resize columns.
- Remove columns and add them back.
- Apply grouping and sorting to listviews.
These settings are preserved when exiting the application when the user is linked to a role.
In addition, the operator can reset the listview layout, even if roles are in use.
However, if the administrator changes the design of the listview layout for the given role, then the newly-designed layout is automatically applied when the operator re-launches the application.
In other words, the operator can adjust the listview column settings for personal use until such time as the administrator specifically designs that listview layout, when the new layout is applied.
If a listview layout has been designed for the application at role level, then pressing Ctrl+F5 will reset the view to the default role-based layout.

This controls whether an operator can customize field properties at group and company level.
If you are not allowed access to the Forms - Customization by operator activity, then you will be unable to customize field properties at group and company level, even if you have been granted access to the Forms - Caption adjustments for group/company activity.
If you allow this activity for an operator, then the changes made to captions can only be viewed by that operator while maintaining the captions.
Only operators who cannot maintain captions are able to view the results of the changes made (i.e. it is assumed that the operator making the changes - the administrator - needs to be able to view all captions at all times).
Therefore, if you customize a form at group, company or role level, you need to deny access to this activity for those operators who must use the customized form. Otherwise the form you design (customize) is not displayed for the operators.
If this activity was previously enabled for an operator and is now denied, then any caption adjustments previously made for the operator are replaced by the default captions for the company or operator group (i.e. all forms will ignore any settings applied at operator level for the operator and will apply the settings at either group or company level).

Controls whether an operator can use the browse function to load the Browse on Files and Folders on Server program to locate files on the server in a client-server environment.
Operators can still navigate to a file or folder on the server by typing in the full path name in the entry field.

Controls whether an operator can access the functions displayed when typically using the right mouse button in the Browse on Files and Folders on Server program.

Prevents an operator from launching programs from the SYSPRO menu at the same time that another SYSPRO program is already loaded.
This avoids the situation where, for example, the same dispatch note is maintained simultaneously (Dispatch Note Maintenance) by different operators leading to duplicate dispatch invoices.

Controls whether an operator can launch a SYSPRO program by selecting the Run a program option from the SYSPRO Button, or by pressing Ctrl+R from within the SYSPRO Main Menu.
This option only takes effect the first time the operator logs

Controls whether an operator can access the Personalize function to configure desktop settings.

Controls whether an operator can select the New SYSPRO instance option from the SYSPRO Button of the SYSPRO Main Menu.
A change to this activity is only recognized when the operator logs out of SYSPRO and then back into SYSPRO.

Controls whether an operator can create or modify menus on the SYSPRO Desktop (including access to the toolbar functions).

Controls whether an operator can customize task dialogs and show dialogs with single buttons as auto-expiring messages (i.e. toast notifications).
This must be enabled if you are not customizing at role level.

Controls whether an operator can design flow graphs by role.
If this activity is disabled, but the Flow Graph - Allowed to design flow graphs activity is allowed, operators will be able to change their own flow graph but not any flow graphs for a role.

Controls whether an operator is able to publish the main menu as an HTML file.
This is to prevent unauthorized access to system files when browsing for a location to save the web menu.

Controls whether an operator can set Search Windows to be available system-wide.
This affects the availability of the Apply system-wide option in search windows defined from the Main Menu and in SYSPRO Reporting Services.

Controls whether an operator can import customized panes into any application with a docking layout when the operator does not belong to a Role.
This includes using the Click to Import Customized Panes function of the Executive View pane.

Controls whether an operator can use the File Open option to manually enter an URL address when using the SYSPRO browser or to enter a URL address by selecting the Browse icon.
When denied, the operator cannot access the Internet using the following:
The RW XML Report Viewer program.
The GL XML Report Viewer program.

When this activity is enabled, whenever the operator is printing to a Windows printer and has enabled the Request Print Dialog option from the SYSPRO Desktop, then the print dialog (displayed just before the report is produced) defaults to displaying the previously saved/configured printer from SYSPRO.
If this activity is not enabled, then the print dialog that is displayed just before a report is produced always defaults to displaying your Windows default printer (regardless of any printer setup from within SYSPRO). Any previously selected printer is ignored and the current Windows default printer is always selected.
This only affects Windows printing from within SYSPRO itself and only takes effect if you enabled the Request Print Dialog option.

Controls whether an operator can copy files (using the Upload Files to Server program) from the client machine to the application server.

Controls whether an operator can maintain import data in a data grid within any SYSPRO import program before the import is performed.

Controls whether an operator can use a SYSPRO import program to import data from a client machine (in a client/server environment).

Controls whether an operator can use the Settings function in the Enterprise Search window to modify Search Categories (i.e. which table columns to include in the search and the number of rows to return, or to add their own search categories).

Controls whether an operator can activate Design Mode within the Flow Graph pane.
If this activity is disabled, then operators cannot change their own flow graph or flow graphs by role, regardless of the setting against the Main Menu - Allow to design flow graphs by role activity, as the Design Flow Graphs option on the Administration tab of the Ribbon Bar will be disabled.

Enables the Design button () on the top right corner of the
Espresso menu from where operators can add and maintain tiles within

Enables the Design button () on the top right corner of an
application once the application is open in Espresso.
This allows the operator to add or remove fields and components, as well as maintain how the component is displayed within the application.

Controls whether an operator can maintain Espresso searches in the Custom Configuration program.

Controls the adding, copying and changing of journals using the GL Journal Entry program.
This activity is ignored when capturing journals using a business object (i.e. using e.net).

Controls the authorizing and de-authorizing of journals in the following programs:
- GL Journal Entry
- GL Recurring Journals
The Authorize Journal and Cancel Authorization functions of the GL Journal Entry and GL Recurring Journals programs are disabled.
For the setting of this activity to take effect, the setup option must be enabled (Setup Options > Preferences > Financials > General Ledger).

Controls the posting of journals using the following programs:
- GL Journal Entry
- GL Post Multiple Normal Journals
The Post function of the GL Journal Entry program is disabled and the GL Post Multiple Normal Journals program cannot be loaded.
This activity is ignored when posting journals using a business object (i.e. using e.net).

Controls the printing of journals using the following programs:
- GL Journal Entry
- GL Journal Report
For the setting of this activity to take effect, the Limit view of journals to capturer setup option must be enabled (Setup Options > Preferences > Financials > General Ledger).
If you allow the activity: GL journal authorize, then disallowing this activity has no effect.

Controls whether an operator can automatically create a ledger code from the structure when using the Structured General Ledger definition system (see GL Structure Definition).
If this activity is allowed and the operator enters a ledger code which does not exist, but is valid according to the defined structure, it is automatically created in the General Ledger.
When the activity is not allowed and the
operator enters a ledger code which does not exist a '
This activity only applies when the General Ledger Structure definition system is enabled.

Controls whether an operator can select the Transfers OUT and Transfers IN options of the Inventory Movements program when the Full Goods in Transit facility is in use.
These options are not displayed in the Inventory Movements program when this activity is denied.
This does not prevent the operator from processing Immediate Transfers or No Destination Transfers (see Inventory Movements).

Controls whether an operator can allocate a lot which is on hold when processing the following:
- A Supply Chain Transfer (SCT) using the Sales Order Entry program.
- A GIT Transfer Out transaction using the Inventory Movements program.
The following preferences are enabled when this activity is allowed:
Give warning if lot is on hold (SCT) (Sales Order Entry)
Give warning if lot is on hold (Inventory Movements)

Controls whether an operator can perform the following:
Set a GIT transfer to complete if the receipt quantity entered is greater than the outstanding quantity for the transfer in the Inventory Movements program.
Increase the actual Quantity to receive when processing an Apportionment distribution in the GIT Receipt with Apportionment program and adjusting back to the source warehouse.

Controls whether an operator can perform the following:
Set a GIT transfer to complete if the receipt quantity entered is less than the outstanding quantity for the transfer in the Inventory Movements program.
Decrease the actual Quantity to receive when processing an Apportionment distribution in the GIT Receipt with Apportionment program and adjusting back to the source warehouse or expensing partial receipts.

Controls whether an operator can select the Out (no destination) transfer function of the Inventory Movements program.

Controls whether an operator has access to the following:
In the Inventory Movements program (when using the Transfer In function and the Goods in Transit facility is in use):
the Ledger code to which postings are made when partially receipting in stock and writing it off as an Expense issue.
the Apply transfer cost multiplier option when applying a transfer cost multiplier.
When denied, the cost multiplier cannot be overwritten and a non-merchandise cost cannot be entered.
In the GIT Receipt with Apportionment program, the Ledger code field to which to post an expense issue.

Controls whether an operator can process a bin transfer transaction using the Inventory Movements program, when the same lot number is stored in different bins but the expiry date against the lot number is different in each bin.
If this activity is denied, then the preference: Warn if transferring lots with different dates is disabled in the Inventory Movements program.

Controls whether an operator can select the Receipts function of the Inventory Movements program to process stock receipts.

Controls whether an operator can access the following:
The Adjustments function of the Inventory Movements program to process stock adjustments.
When this is denied together with the activity: Inventory expense issues, then the operator cannot access the Transfer complete field when processing a Goods in Transit Transfer In.
The Adjust back to source warehouse option in the GIT Receipt with Apportionment program to update the source warehouse with the difference in quantity when an over or under receipt is processed.

Controls whether an operator can select the Cost Changes function of the Inventory Movements program.

Controls whether an operator can select the Cost Modifications function of the Inventory Movements program.

Controls whether an operator can select the Backflushing function of the Inventory Movements program.

Controls whether an operator can select the Immediate transfer function of the Inventory Movements program when the Goods in Transit facility is in use.
When the Goods in Transit facility is not in use, then this controls whether an operator can select the Out, In and Immediate transfer functions of the Inventory Movements program.

Controls whether an operator can select the Bin Transfers function of the Inventory Movements program.

Controls whether an operator can select the Physical Count function of the Inventory Movements program.

Controls whether an operator can access the following:
The Expense Issues function of the Inventory Movements program to issue items from inventory for miscellaneous purposes.
If you deny an operator access to this activity, together with the activity: Inventory stock adjustments, then the operator cannot access the Transfer complete field when processing Goods in Transit transfers In.
The Expense partial receipt option in the GIT Receipt with Apportionment program to process an expense issue against the source warehouse when an under receipt is processed.

Controls whether an operator can select the Recalculate current cost from FIFO buckets option when performing the Balance function of the Inventory Period End program.

Controls whether an operator can change the hold status of a stock item within the Stock Code On Hold Maintenance program.
Inv Release stock on partial hold

Controls whether an operator can add (or copy) a stock code using the Stock Code Maintenance or Browse on Stock Codes programs.

Controls whether an operator can change stock code details (including notes) within the Stock Code Maintenance program.

Controls whether an operator can delete a stock code using the following programs:
- Browse on Stock Codes
- Stock Code Maintenance

Controls whether an operator can receipt items into a lot that has expired using the following programs:
- Inventory Movements
- Job Receipts
- Purchase Order Receipts
- Purchase Order Inspection
When allowed, a warning is displayed if the operator receipts an item into an expired lot.
The operator can cancel the transaction or process the receipt.

Controls whether an operator can use the Inventory Movements and Bins, Lots & Serial Capture programs to:
- return an existing manual serial number back into stock,
- process a negative issue of an existing manual serial, or
- process a positive adjustment transaction for a manual serial that was sold (providing the quantity available for the serial is zero).
When this activity is not allowed, a message is displayed indicating that the serial has already been used.

This is providing that the Retain all serial information setup option is enabled (Setup Options > Configuration > Distribution > Inventory) and that the following applies:
The last transaction for the serial was for a negative receipt.
There is no stock on hand available against the existing serial.

This is providing that the following applies:
The last transaction for the serial was for a positive issue.
There is no stock on hand available against the existing serial.

This is providing that the quantity available for the serial is zero.
In addition, if the warehouse is not the same as the original warehouse for the sold serial, then the serial can be transferred.

Controls whether an operator can issue items from expired lots when processing expense issues using the Inventory Movements program.

Controls whether an operator can update current (live) Inventory forecasts using the following programs:
- Batch Forecasting
- IO Stock Levels Modeling
- Manual Forecasting
This also affects the Target for results options that can be selected in the IO Selection Sets program.

This applies to e.net only.

This applies to e.net only.

Controls whether an operator can select the User-defined hierarchies option in the following programs when adding a hierarchical quotation or job:
- Quotations
- Job Entry
- Maintenance Job Entry
The option to select a user-defined hierarchy is disabled if access to this activity is denied.
You typically deny this activity if you only use standard hierarchies.

Controls whether an operator can change a job hierarchy using the P&C Maintenance of Job Hierarchies program.
The Add, Changeand Delete options from the Edit menu of the P&C Maintenance of Job Hierarchies program are disabled.

Controls whether an operator can add allocations to a head/section of a hierarchical job if the allocation would cause the threshold for that head/section to be exceeded.
Thresholds are defined against each head/section using the P&C Maintenance of Job Hierarchies program.

Controls whether an operator can issue allocations to a head/section of a hierarchical job if the allocation would cause the threshold for that head/section to be exceeded.
Thresholds are defined against each head/section using the P&C Maintenance of Job Hierarchies program.

This applies to e.net only.

This applies to e.net only.

This applies to e.net only.

This applies to e.net only.

This applies to e.net only.
When this activity is denied, then an error is issued when the receipt quantity is less than the Acceptable quantity over/under supply percentage.
The Ignore warnings option in the Purchase Order Receipt Import program cannot be used to bypass this validation error.
When this activity is allowed, then only a warning is issued and the operator can choose to ignore it and receipt the purchase order.

This applies to e.net only.
When this activity is denied, then an error is issued when the receipt quantity is more than the Acceptable quantity over/under supply percentage.
The Ignore warnings option in the Purchase Order Receipt Import program cannot be used to bypass this validation error.
When this activity is allowed, then only a warning is issued and the operator can choose to ignore it and receipt the purchase order.

This applies to e.net only.

This applies to e.net only.

This applies to e.net only.

This applies to e.net only.

Controls whether an operator can print a purchase order using the following programs:
- Purchase Order Entry
- Purchase Order Print

Controls whether an operator can print purchase order requisitions using the following programs:
- Requisition Entry
- Requisition Print

Controls whether an operator can change either the Supplier or Warehouse fields when using the Purchase Order Entry program to copy a purchase order.

Controls whether an operator can access the Inspection function in the Purchase Order Receipts program.
Disabling this activity prevents the operator from accessing the Purchase Order Inspection program.
You can enable this activity and use additional activities to prevent operators from accessing selective options within the Inspection function if required. These include:
Inspecting items
Scrapping items
Rejecting items
Returning items
Accepting items
Counting items
Changing the scrap liability for scrapped items

Controls whether an operator can access the Inspect option function in the Purchase Order Inspection program.

Controls whether an operator can access the Scrap option function in the Purchase Order Inspection program.

Controls whether an operator can access the Reject option function in the Purchase Order Inspection program.

Controls whether an operator can access the Return option function in the Purchase Order Inspection program.

Controls whether an operator can access the Accept option function in the Purchase Order Inspection program

Controls whether an operator can access the Count option function in the Purchase Order Inspection program.

Controls whether an operator can access the Liability for Scrapped Documents pane in the Purchase Order Inspection program.

Controls whether an operator can change the lot expiry date calculated using the shelf life defined against the item (Stock Code Maintenance) when receiving lot traceable items into stock using the following programs:
- Purchase Order Receipts
- Purchase Order Inspection
This is irrespective of whether the item requires inspection.
This does not prevent the operator changing the lot expiry date from the Inspection screen.
Different operators would typically perform the functions of receipt and inspection and this option therefore only restricts the operator who is receipting the items.

Controls whether a warning is displayed when an operator imports Purchase Order receipts using the Purchase Order Receipts program and the receipt quantity is less than the order quantity.
The receipt can be imported.

Controls whether a warning message is displayed when an operator imports Purchase Order receipts using the Purchase Order Receipts program and the receipt quantity exceeds the order quantity.
The receipt can be imported.

Controls whether a warning message is displayed when an operator imports Purchase Order receipts for a manual serialised item using the Purchase Order Receipts program and the receipt quantity differs from the order quantity.
The receipt can be imported.

Controls whether an operator can delete LCT routes and associated elements defined against a stock item.
Within the Bill of Landed Costs program the Delete Route option is disabled.
This does not prevent an operator from deleting elements held against routes, only from deleting entire routes together with their elements.

Controls whether an operator can globally change the exchange rate for a shipment when the shipment is attached to a sales order.
If this activity is not enabled, then the Global Exchange Rate option is disabled in the LCT Shipment Maintenance program when the shipment is associated with a sales order.

Controls whether an operator can access the Advice menu in the Shipment Tracking Entry program, in order to maintain the consignment details for a shipment reference using the LCT Shipment Maintenance program.

Controls whether requisition users can create purchase orders, issues and transfers from requisitions when they are not the current holder of the requisition.
When this activity is denied, the preference Creating Purchase orders, Issues and Transfers > Only select requisitions for current holder is disabled.
When this activity is allowed, the preference can be selected as required by the operator.

Controls whether an operator can change the requisition user code when using the following programs:
- Requisition Entry
- Requisition Create Purchase Orders
- Requisition Review
The User field in these programs defaults to the Requisition user defined against the operator's code (Operator Maintenance).
Therefore, the operator cannot use these programs if this activity is denied and the default Requisition user is not defined.

Controls whether an operator can use the Requisition Entry program to approve a requisition or requisition line when requisition budgets are in use but no budget is defined for the stock code or product class for the year/month (Group Budgets).
If this activity is allowed, then the operator can approve the requisition or requisition line if no budget is defined against the product class or stock code.

Controls whether an operator can use the Requisition Entry program to approve a requisition or requisition line when requisition budgets are in use and the requisition/line amount is more than the remaining budget for the stock code or product class for the year/month (Group Budgets).
When this is not allowed and the requisition/line is over budget, the requisition/line is routed to the next user in the chain, even if the amount is within the current user's maximum limit for approving requisitions/lines.

Controls whether an operator can delete requisition budgets using the following programs:
- Group Budgets
- Requisitions -Browse on Group Budgets

Controls whether an operator can approve requisition lines with a zero price in the Requisition Entry program.
The preference: Warn if price is zero when approving in the Requisition Entry program must be selected together with this activity for a warning message to be displayed when a requisition contains zero priced lines. The operator can then approve or ignore the lines.

Controls whether an operator can approve requisitions that contain lines with a zero price when using the Approve > Requisition option of the Requisition Entry program.
The preference: Warn if price is zero when approving in the Requisition Entry program must be selected together with this activity for a warning message to be displayed when a requisition contains zero priced lines. The operator can then approve or ignore the lines.

Controls whether an operator can cancel a partially receipted purchase order line using the Purchase Order Entry program.
This does not prevent the operator from marking the purchase order line as complete when processing a receipt using the Purchase Order Receipts program.

Controls whether an operator can set a partially receipted purchase order line to Complete using the Cancel line option in the Purchase Order Entry program.
This does not prevent the operator from using the Purchase Order Receipts program to set a partially receipted line to complete.

Controls whether an operator can cancel a purchase order that has been partially receipted in the Purchase Order Entry program.

Controls whether an operator can set a purchase order that has been partially receipted to Status 9 - Complete in the Purchase Order Entry program.
PO Allow us of any current supplier contract price for Blanket PO

Controls whether an operator can exclude or include a purchase order (or order line) for stocked and non-stocked items from the requirements calculation:
when adding or maintaining purchase orders using the Purchase Order Entry program,
when creating purchase orders using the PO Creation program, or
when reviewing items using the Included/Excluded Item Review program.

Controls whether an operator can exclude or include a requisition line for a stocked or non-stocked item from the requirements calculation:
when adding or maintaining requisitions using the Requisition Entry Maintenance program, or
when reviewing items using the Included/Excluded Item Review program.

Controls whether unconfirmed detail lines in a partially confirmed quotation attached to a sales order can subsequently be confirmed using the Quotation Confirmation program.
Only confirmed quotations that were attached to a sales order can be further confirmed.

Controls whether an operator can create reports that update data files.
When this activity is denied, the Allow updates option is disabled when creating the report and when maintaining the report.
The operator is not prevented from running an existing report that updates data (i.e. a report that already has the option: Allow updates set to Y).
The operator is not prevented from
copying an existing report that updates data; changing the variables to be updated; and running the report. -
The operator can still access the options from the Update tab for a field, but cannot run the report.

Controls whether an operator can create or maintain a report form.

Controls whether an operator can create or maintain report themes.

Controls whether an operator can purge archived SRS reports.

Controls whether an operator can view archived reports, regardless of whether the SRS View operator group archived items activity is enabled.

Controls whether an operator can create, edit and delete report schedules.

Controls whether an operator can change the priority of reports in the queue (server-side printing).

Controls whether an operator can delete a report in the report queue (server-side printing).
Only reports run by the logged in operator can be deleted.

Controls whether an operator can archive an RMA line using the RMA Issues and Receipts program.

Controls whether an operator can issue a credit note using the RMA Issues and Receipts program.

Controls whether an operator can select the Exchange option from the RMA Issues and Receipts program to issue a credit note and a sales order.

Controls whether an operator can select the Fix in-house option from the RMA Issues and Receipts program to indicate that the product is being repaired.

Controls whether an operator can select the Inspect option from the RMA Issues and Receipts program to indicate that the product is being inspected.

Controls whether an operator can create a
This applies when the Action is either Fix in-house, or Exchange followed by Repair.

Controls whether an operator can cancel an RMA using the RMA Issues and Receipts program.

Controls whether an operator can maintain custom form data for an RMA which is in a status of Complete.

Controls whether an operator can process an RMA against an invoice for a greater quantity than the original invoice quantity using the RMA Detail program.
When this activity is

Controls whether an operator can create an order using the following programs:
- Sales Order Entry
- Sales Order Entry Express
- Quotation Confirmation

Controls whether an operator can process a Billing using the following programs:
- Sales Order Entry
- Sales Order Entry Express
- Quotation Confirmation

Controls whether an operator can process a Scheduled Order using the following programs:
- Sales Order Entry
- Sales Order Entry Express
It also controls whether an operator can create a Scheduled order from the Quotation Confirmation program.

Controls whether an operator can process a Credit Note using the following programs:
- Sales Order Entry
- Sales Order Entry Express

Controls whether an operator can process a Debit Note using the following programs:
- Sales Order Entry
- Sales Order Entry Express

Controls whether an operator can process a Forward Order using the following programs:
- Sales Order Entry
- Sales Order Entry Express
- Quotation Confirmation

Controls whether an operator can process a Counter Sale using the following programs:
- Sales Order Entry
- Sales Order Entry Express

Controls whether an operator can process an Inter Branch Transfer using the following programs:
- Sales Order Entry
- Sales Order Entry Express

Controls whether an operator can process/create a Hierarchical Order using the following programs:
- Sales Order Entry
- Sales Order Entry Express
- Quotation Confirmation

Controls whether an operator can access the following functions to create a sales order with no order lines (i.e. to create a sales order header only):
- The Create Order function from the Sales Order Entry program.
- The Assign Order Number function from the Sales Order Entry Express program.

Controls whether an operator can print delivery note documents using the following programs:
- Sales Order Entry
- Document Print

Controls whether an operator can print order acknowledgment documents using the following programs:
- Sales Order Entry
- Document Print

Controls whether an operator can print invoice, debit note or credit note documents using the following programs:
- Sales Order Entry
- Document Print
This does not prevent the operator from previewing these documents.

Controls whether an operator can print a credit note using the following programs:
- Sales Order Entry
- Document Print

Controls whether an operator can print a debit note using the following programs:
- Sales Order Entry
- Document Print

Controls whether an operator can print a dispatch note using the following programs:
- Sales Order Entry
- Document Print

Controls whether an operator can print a dispatch invoice using the following programs:
- Sales Order Entry
- Document Print

Controls whether an operator can print sales order documents using the Document Print program.
This does not prevent the operator from printing sales order documents online using the Sales Order Entry program.
If you set this activity to Denied, then the Reprint options of the Document Print program are selected by default and cannot be deselected by the operator. This means that the operator can only reprint sales order documents using the Document Print program.

Controls whether an operator can reprint sales order documents using the Document Print program.

Controls whether an operator can cancel a dispatch after it has been printed.
The operator is prevented from using the Dispatch Note Maintenance program to cancel the entire dispatch note or to cancel individual dispatch note lines if it is in a status 5 - Dispatch note printed.

Controls whether an operator can preview a sales order document on-line (or in batch mode) before it is printed.
You typically deny access to this activity for operators printing invoices in batch mode where no operator intervention is required before each invoice is printed.
The invoices are then printed without first displaying the Print Preview screen.

Controls whether an operator can preview a counter sales invoice document on-line from the following programs, before it is printed:
- Sales Order Entry
- SO Counter Sales
In addition, the operator cannot change the printer when processing a counter sales payment from the SO Counter Sales program.

Controls whether an operator can reset the customer's credit status when processing a credit note for that customer (using the Document Print program).
This applies if the Reset credit status after invoicing setup option is enabled (Setup Options > Preferences > Distribution > Sales Orders).

Controls whether an operator can process a Supply Chain Transfer using the following programs:
- Sales Order Entry
- Sales Order Entry Express

Controls whether an operator can print supply chain transfer documents using the Document Print program.

Controls whether an operator can use the following programs to print a dispatch note created from a supply chain transfer:
- Dispatch Note Maintenance
- Document Print

Controls whether an operator can use the Sales Order Entry program to set a sales order as 9 - Complete, or a sales order line as C - Complete.

Controls whether an operator can use the Sales Order Query program to maintain custom form information for an order which is in a status of 9 - complete.

Controls whether an operator can maintain order lines or cancel an order once the delivery note has been printed, or when it is ready to be invoiced.
It also controls whether an operator can maintain detail lines for credit notes, debit notes and billings (i.e. the operator won't be able to add, change or cancel lines or add comments to these order types).
This also includes:
Using the WIP Inspection or Job Receipts program to accept an item into stock for a job linked to a sales order for which a delivery note has already been printed.
Using the Part Billings program to part bill a job linked to a sales order for which a delivery note has already been printed
This does not prevent the operator from maintaining the sales order header information.
This activity is only applicable if the After delivery note print maintenance setup option is defined as Maintenance allowed (Setup Options > Configuration > Distribution > Sales Orders).

Controls whether an operator can print a document for a Quick Entry quote using the Quick Sales Order Entry program.

Controls whether an operator can change the price, the discount, or use one of the last prices paid for stocked items, when adding or maintaining a quote using the Quick Sales Order Entry program.
This activity does not apply if your Pricing method is defined as Manual (Setup Options > Configuration > Distribution > Sales Orders).

Controls whether an operator can change the Customer or Warehouse fields when copying a sales order using the following programs:
- Sales Order Entry
- Sales Order Entry Express
This therefore controls whether the operator can copy a sales order to a new customer and from a new warehouse.

Controls whether an operator can view the following when creating, maintaining or querying sales orders:
- Price and value of a sales order line
- Order value
- Merchandise value
- Invoice total
In addition, the transfer cost is not displayed when creating supply chain transfers or when browsing on sales order lines.
If the operator is allowed to print supply chain documents on-line (S/O Print SCT transfer) then the value of the order is printed and costs are revealed.

Controls whether an operator can process a payment (including a deposit) against a sales order.

Controls whether an operator can display and dispatch lines with a negative quantity when reviewing dispatch notes from within the Sales Order Entry program.
By default, the Dispatch Note Review program only displays sales order lines that have an outstanding quantity. However, if you select the Dispatch Note function from Sales Order Entry and this activity is allowed, then you can view order lines that have no outstanding quantity and that have a negative quantity.
This activity does not apply when you access the Dispatch Note Review program directly from the main menu; only when you access the Dispatch Note Review program from within the Sales Order Entry program.
Kit items are unaffected by this option, as negative quantities for kit items are automatically disallowed.

Controls whether an operator can add additional lines to an existing dispatch note when reviewing dispatch notes within the Sales Order Entry program.
The operator is forced to create a new dispatch note each time items are dispatched, even if multiple dispatches are being made from one sales order.
This activity does not apply when you access the Dispatch Note Review program directly from the main menu; only when you access the Dispatch Note Review program from Sales Order Entry.
If you allow operators to add lines to existing dispatch notes, then the Manual release to invoice Manual release to invoice setup option must be enabled (Setup Options > Configuration > Distribution > Dispatch Notes).
SO Maintenance of custom forms for a completed dispatch note
SO Allow change of automatically calculated dispatch delivery load

Prevents an operator from maintaining sales orders, dispatch notes, or purchase orders that are still in process (i.e. status 0).
Alternatively, you can password-protect the maintenance of orders that are in process. This is achieved using the Password Definition program and configuring a password against the following functions:
PO Maintenance of purchase orders which are 'in process'
SO Maintenance of sales orders which are 'in process'
When two or more operators maintain the same dispatch note (Dispatch Note Maintenance) a warning message is displayed.
Ignoring the warning could result in duplicate dispatch notes.
Denying operators access to this activity alters the warning message to an error message, which operators cannot ignore.

Controls whether an operator can save a sales order line if a decimal overflow is encountered.
This option only applies if the following is true:
Multiple bins are enabled (quantities in bins are always held to 6 decimal places).
The maximum number of decimals defined against the stock code is less than 6.
Sales orders are entered in the alternate unit of measure defined against the stocked item.
If you enable this activity, then a warning message is displayed when a decimal overflow occurs, but the operator is not prevented from saving the order.
This could cause inventory and bin quantities to differ owing to rounding errors when the alternate unit of measure quantity is converted to the stocking unit of measure quantity.

Controls whether an operator can change or cancel service charge lines attached to a stock item in the following programs:
- Sales Order Entry
- Quotations
This does not apply to miscellaneous service charges.

Controls whether an operator can create a job from a sales order when the quantity ordered is greater than the quantity available.

Controls whether an operator can select the Add from Sales Order function in the Dispatch Note Maintenance program.
This function enables an operator to use the Dispatch Note Review program to:
- Review the original sales order.
- Dispatch available quantities.
- Add these dispatch lines to the current dispatch note.

Controls whether an operator can create a purchase order, requisition, or job from a sales order which is in a status of S - In suspense, when the quantity ordered is greater than the quantity available.

Controls whether an operator can change the quantity for a labor service charge using the SO Service Charges from Order Entry program.

Controls whether an operator can change the amount in the Value field of a user defined service charge, when adding or maintaining service charge lines from a sales order using the SO Service Charges from Order Entry program.

Controls whether an operator can use the Sales Order Entry program to add a sales order line to a delivery load, if this would cause the capacity (volume/mass) of the load to be exceeded.

Controls whether an operator can use the following programs to apply a newly-created trade promotion to an existing sales order:
- Sales Order Entry
- Sales Order Entry Express
- Dispatch Note Maintenance

Controls whether an operator can override the defined Reserve stock default ship status setup option (Setup Options > Preferences > Distribution > Sales Orders) when processing orders in the Sales Order Entry program.
When this activity is enabled, the operator is prompted to set the options for reserving stock when accessing the Sales Order Entry program.
In addition, the operator can indicate options for reserving stock when releasing items from backorder (Back Order Release) and when indicating demand criteria in the Inventory Demand Review program.

This enables you to prevent an operator from using the Bins, Lots & Serial Allocation program to add new serial numbers for a stock item.
This applies when the Record serial numbers option is defined as During receipt in the Stock Code Maintenance program and the operator is processing a sales order for the item.
This activity also applies to receipting using the RMA Issues and Receipts program.

Controls whether an operator can process a sales order for a customer when the order value after discount is less than the Minimum order value defined against the customer (Customers).
The minimum order value check is performed in the following programs:
- Sales Order Entry
- Quick Sales Order Entry
- Quotations
- Quotation Confirmation
This activity also controls whether an operator can change the value of the service charge applied to an order (by the SO Service Charges from Order Entry program) which does not meet the Minimum order value criteria.
This activity is disallowed by default.

Controls whether an operator can:
access the Invoice whole order field on a sales order.
produce a delivery note or an invoice (online or in batch mode) for a partially shipped order when the Invoice whole order only option is enabled against the customer (Customers).
change the order status to 8 - To invoice while there are order lines containing a back order quantity.
This applies in the following programs:
- Sales Order Entry
- Quick Sales Order Entry
- SO Counter Sales
This does not apply to supply chain transfer orders.
This activity is disallowed by default.

Controls whether an operator can process a credit note against an existing invoice for individual components of Kit types S andK (i.e. Kit type and Sub type kits).
When this activity is not enabled, the operator cannot use the following programs to select/deselect kit components for the credit note; only the entire kit can be credited:
- SO Sales Order Lines from Reprint
- SO Dispatch Order Lines from Reprint
This activity applies to the following
- Credit notes for invoices
- Consolidated invoices
- Dispatch notes
- Consolidated dispatch notes
- Returns using the RMA Detail program.

Controls whether an operator can use the Dispatch Note Maintenance program to cancel a dispatch note line which affects global trade promotions, when more than one dispatch note exists for a single sales order.
Global trade promotions are only added to the last dispatch note for an order and cannot therefore always be changed.

Controls whether an operator can:
- insert lines into a sales order that has been partially invoiced.
- change comment lines to be more than the original number of lines.
The operator can insert any line type by selecting the Insert before line option from the Entered Order Lines listview of the Sales Order Entry program.

Controls whether an operator can cancel a line which has not yet been invoiced on a sales order that has been partially invoiced.
This activity works together with the After delivery note print maintenance setup option (Setup Options > Configuration > Distribution > Sales Orders) as follows:
If the setup option is set to Maintenance allowed, then the operator can cancel any line, irrespective of this activity.
If the setup option is set to No maintenance allowed, then the operator can cancel comment lines and non-invoiced merchandise, freight and miscellaneous lines, if this activity is set to allowed.
The operator cannot cancel partially invoiced lines.

Controls whether an operator can change the deduction customer when reclassifying deductions in the Deduction Review program.
For master and sub accounts, the deduction customer field in the Deduction Review program can be changed to the master account or any sub account in the grouping, even when this activity is denied.

Controls whether an operator can change the following fields when posting an AP Invoice in the Promotion Review program:
- Tax code
- Tax amount
- QST code
- QST amount

Controls whether an operator can change the Tax code and Tax amount for an AR credit in the Promotion Review program.

Controls whether an operator can change the geographic area in the following programs when multiple ship to addresses are in use:
- Sales Order Entry
- SO Header Maintenance
This is set to denied by default.

Controls whether an operator can use the Promotion Code program to change the status of a trade promotion code in conjunction with the budget limit.

Controls whether an operator can exclude or include an entire sales order (or a sales order line for a stocked or non-stocked item) from the Material Requirements Planning calculation.
This applies when adding or maintaining sales orders using the following programs:
- Sales Order Entry
- Sales Order Entry Express
This activity also controls whether an operator can an SCT using the SO Supply Chain Transfer Creation program.

Controls whether an operator can override the price for a dispatched stocked line, or change the price for a dispatched non-stocked order line, using the following programs:
- Sales Order Entry
- Sales Order Entry Express

Controls whether an operator can view options for any Accounts Payable forms within the Setup Options program.

Controls whether an operator can view options for any Accounts Receivable forms within the Setup Options program.

Controls whether an operator can view options for any Assets forms within the Setup Options program.

Controls whether an operator can view options for any Bill of Materials forms within the Setup Options program.

Controls whether an operator can view options for any Cash Book forms within the Setup Options program.

Controls whether an operator can view options for any Contact Management System forms within the Setup Options program.

Controls whether an operator can view options for any Electronic Funds Transfer forms within the Setup Options program.

Controls whether an operator can view options for any Dispatch Notes forms within the Setup Options program.

Controls whether an operator can view options for any General Ledger forms within the Setup Options program.

Controls whether an operator can view options for any Inventory Control forms within the Setup Options program.

Controls whether an operator can view options for any Inventory Optimization forms within the Setup Options program.

Controls whether an operator can view options for any Lot Traceability forms within the Setup Options program.

Controls whether an operator can view options for any Purchase Orders forms within the Setup Options program.

Controls whether an operator can view options for any Quotations forms within the Setup Options program.

Controls whether an operator can view options for any Sales Analysis forms within the Setup Options program.

Controls whether an operator can view options for any Sales Orders forms within the Setup Options program.

Controls whether an operator can view options for any Requirements Planning forms within the Setup Options program.

Controls whether an operator can view options for any Return Merchandise forms within the Setup Options program.

Controls whether an operator can view options for any Trade Promotions forms within the Setup Options program.

Controls whether an operator can view options for any Work in Progress forms within the Setup Options program.

Controls whether an operator can view options for any General Ledger Integration forms within the Setup Options program.

Controls whether an operator can view .pdf documents in the SRS Document Archive Viewer program.
This only applies when document archiving is enabled and the Archive type is set to PDF or Both (Maintain SRS Document Templates).

Controls whether an operator can email documents from the SRS Preview screen.

Controls whether an operator can print .rpt documents from the SRS Preview screen.

Controls whether an operator can export .rpt documents from the SRS Preview screen.

Controls whether an operator can view archived reports for other operators in the SRS Document Archive Viewer program when operator roles are defined (Role Management).
Enabling this activity enables all operators in the same role to view documents in the SRS Document Archive Viewer programs, irrespective of which operator in the role generated the document.
When not enabled, only the archived reports generated by an operator are displayed when that operator accesses the SRS Document Archive Viewer program.

Controls whether an operator can view archived reports for all operators in the SRS Document Archive Viewer program, irrespective of which operator generated the document.
When not enabled, only the archived reports generated by an operator are displayed when that operator accesses the SRS Document Archive Viewer program.

Controls whether an operator can change the priority of a document in the SRS Document Queue program (server-side printing).

Controls whether an operator can delete a document in the SRS Document Queue program (server-side printing).

Controls whether an operator can view documents created by all operators (server-side printing).

Controls whether an operator can preview documents from the SRS Document Queue program (server-side printing).

Controls whether an operator can print documents from the preview window of the SRS Document Queue program (server-side printing).

Controls whether an operator can email documents from the preview window of the SRS Document Queue program (server-side printing).

Controls whether an operator can reprint or re-email documents from the SRS Document Queue program (server-side printing).

Controls whether an operator is prompted to select the attachment type when emailing a document.
This only applies to emailing using the Outlook Email client when previewing documents from client side document printing.
This does not affect documents previewed from the document archive.

Controls whether an operator has access to the Purge Manager in the SRS Document Queue program (server-side printing).

Controls whether an operator can over-receipt a job using the following programs and business objects:
- Job Receipts
- Part Billings
- WIP Job Receipts (business object)
- WIP Part Billings (business object)
When denied, the operator cannot receipt in a quantity which is greater than the Quantity outstanding, or which is greater than the Quantity outstanding less the Quantity in inspection for the job.

Controls whether an operator can allocate non-stocked materials to a job at zero cost in the WIP Material Allocations - Maintenance program.

Controls whether an operator can enter a quantity greater than the quantity outstanding for an allocation when using the Job Issues program, or the Kit Issues Business Object to process a specific allocation.

Controls whether an operator can change the ECC revision and/or release information against a parent stock code after material and labor issues have been processed to the job.
When this activity is allowed, a warning message is displayed when the revision and/or release information is changed.

Controls whether an operator can access the following:
- The Post and On hold functions of the WIP Inspection Maintenance program.
- The Post, Inspect, Scrap, Rework and Accept functions of the WIP Inspection program.

Controls whether an operator can receive an item into inspection using the Inspect function of the WIP Inspection program.

Controls whether an operator can scrap an item using the Scrap function of the WIP Inspection program.

Controls whether an operator can change the general ledger code that is debited with the cost of scrapping an item when using the Scrap function of the WIP Inspection program.

Controls whether an operator can send an item to be reworked using the Rework function of the WIP Inspection program.

Controls whether an operator can accept an item into stock using the Accept function of the WIP Inspection program.

Controls whether an operator can change the general ledger code that is credited when accepting an item into stock using the Accept function of the WIP Inspection program.

Controls whether an operator can receipt made-in items into stock using different lots/serials than those reserved for the parent item when using the Job Receipts program.
Lots and serials can be reserved for jobs using the WIP Reserve Lots & Serials Maintenance program.
To achieve the same result company wide (i.e. for all operators), disable the Substitutions of lots/serials for parent setup option (Setup Options > Preferences > Manufacturing > Work in Progress).

Controls whether an operator can issue components to a job using different lots/serials than those reserved for the components when the job was confirmed.
Lots and serials can be reserved for jobs using the WIP Reserve Lots & Serials Maintenance program.
To achieve the same result company wide (i.e. for all operators), disable the Component substitution of lots/serials setup option (Setup Options > Preferences > Manufacturing > Work in Progress).

Controls whether an operator can view the following operations in the WIP Query program:
- Run rate
- Set-up rate
- Start-up rate
- Teardown rate
The operator can still view the Fixed and Variable overheads.

Controls whether an operator can bypass the tracking of lots/serials or can only partially track lots/serials when using the WIP Track Lots and Serials program.
The operator must track the entire quantity for lots/serials issued when this activity is denied.

Controls whether an operator can select the Set as Complete option from the Edit menu of the WIP Material Allocations - Browse program.
This does not prevent the operator from setting a material allocation to complete at the Is this allocation complete? prompt when posting a kit/specific issue.

Controls whether an operator can update SYSPRO from Factory Scheduling.
This applies to e.net only.
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