Master Data Take On

This program lets you use SYSPRO's Setup business objects to capture new master data in SYSPRO or update and delete existing data.

The program processes data that you either enter manually (or copy) into the Import Details grid or import from an Excel spreadsheet.

Amendment journals are generated, according to the requirements defined against the various setup programs.

This program is typically a take on program and is not intended for daily use by operators.

Getting Started

Access control

  • Ensure that the relevant operator activities and electronic signatures have been enabled for your login credentials.


Operator access to the following activities within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Operators program.

Activity Description
Allowed to import from client Controls whether an operator can use a SYSPRO import program to import data from a client machine (in a client/server environment).

Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.

Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the eSignature Setup program.

eSignature Transaction Description
Import Master Data

Controls access to the Import function of the Master Data Take On program.

Import Master Data Column Sequence

Controls access to the Sequence Columns function of the Master Data Take On program.


  • You can run the program from the SYSPRO Ribbon bar (Import->Quantum Architecture->Import Master Data).

    You can also use the Run a program function together with the Setup business object parameter (e.g. File->Run->IMPIMP ARSSCS opens the program and loads the AR Customer Maintenance business object).

Restrictions and limits

Business objects
  • Because the Master Data Take On program is a generic program that takes the information supplied in the Import Details grid and passes it to the relevant business object, it is restricted by the limitations and functionality available in the relevant business object.

    These objects are listed in the Program column of the Data to be Imported listview and only the business objects to which you are allowed access are enabled.

  • Currently, none of the business objects cater for Structured General Ledger. Because the Master Data Take On program makes extensive use of business objects to import data, it also does not cater for Structured General Ledger.

  • To perform the required function, you need access to the setup business object as well as the function you want to perform using that business object.

    • For example: If you have access to the setup business object for suppliers, but you are denied access to deleting a supplier, then an Operator denied access to activity message is displayed on validation of the data grid when you attempt to delete a supplier.

  • Although the listview is limited to 100 columns, a maximum of 98 columns can be selected from a table for import (the first column is used for validation checking and the last column for error description).

  • The program does not support your regional settings. It is a generic program and columns are not defined as alpha, numeric or date because the fields can change depending on the setup program.

    Each column is therefore defined as an alpha field and whatever value is supplied to this program is merely passed to the business object that is called.

  • The program identifies key elements, so duplicate key entries are not allowed.

Importing directly from an Excel spreadsheet
  • When importing directly from an Excel spreadsheet:

    • Special characters are not supported.

      To import special characters, you need to copy and paste the values from Excel into the grid.

      Although this method is slower, it is currently the only way in which special characters can be imported.

    • Numeric values must be formatted as text.

    • The import data must be located in the first sheet in the Excel workbook.

    • The Excel column headings must be the same as the XML element names.

      The easiest way to achieve this is to export the Excel table from the Import Details pane for the relevant data file, and then populate the spreadsheet.

    • As the Excel spreadsheet is converted to an XML file on validation, the column sequence is not an issue (i.e. the XML can be created in any order).

    • The number of elements is not limited to 99, because the grid infrastructure is not used.

Importing using the grid
  • The input provided in the grid of this program must be in the same format as the input you would supply to a business object.

    • All date fields must be in the format: CCYY-MM-DD, regardless of your regional settings. If the date in the import file is in any other format, then the imported date defaults to the SYSPRO company date. This is the norm for all date formats when importing data in SYSPRO.

    • All numeric fields must be in the format: ZZZZZ.99, regardless of your regional settings (i.e. using a decimal point). For example: 44,55 (using a decimal comma) is interpreted as 4455.000.

  • When pasting data into the grid, a blank line is created as the first line in the grid. This is because, by default, focus is set on the first editable line in all import program grids.

  • The program performs no validation. Validation is only performed by the business object which is called. It does not, therefore, prevent you from entering too many characters for a field (e.g. if you supply a branch code, the program will allow you to supply more than 15 characters).

Custom form data
  • Duplicate key entries are not identified when importing custom form data.

  • When importing custom form data for AR product classes (i.e. using the ARPCL FormType) where you want to add an entry for a global product class, you must first enter spaces in the KeyField column (10 characters) to account for where the branch would normally be entered for a branch product class.

  • When importing custom form data for BOM structures (i.e. using the BOMMAT FormType) you need to supply the full BomStructure key (ParentPart, Version, Release, Route, SequenceNum, Component). If you have indicated that you don't require version and release, then you need to enter spaces for each of these fields (five characters) when supplying the key.

Troubleshooting and FAQs

Element errors

  • Errors created by a missing required element in the grid are output to the last column of the grid, providing the error is the last one in the row. If there are multiple errors, then only the last error is written to the last column.

  • the Multimedia Setup business object allows you to set the <OutputErrorsAsXml> input parameter to Y if you want the program to display errors on screen (so that you can correct the parameter) instead of generating exception errors that closes the program.

User Interface

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
New Import

Select this to change the criteria in the Options pane. The Options pane is disabled once a program is selected from the Data to Import listview.

Validate This checks the validity of the data you entered into the Import Details grid, or Excel spreadsheet, before importing information.

When processing directly from an Excel spreadsheet, the program converts the spreadsheet into an XML file and then calls the relevant business object for validation. If validation fails, the errors are displayed in the Import Results pane. The XML file is deleted if validation fails, or once the import is complete.

The Import function is enabled when all the records are valid.

The ASSSAS, ASSSDP, IOPSSL, IOPSPO and BOMSRO programs are excluded from the key validation routine (i.e. the routine that checks all the key columns in the data grid to ensure each line is unique before calling the business object). These programs are validated by the business object.

Import This function is enabled when all the records are valid, and processes the data according to the Import Method indicated.

When notes are imported, an RTF document containing the text is created in the \Work\Notes folder and ADMNOT is updated.

This option is disabled as soon as any changes are made in the Import Details pane (i.e. changes must be validated before the Import function is re-enabled).

Ignore warning This ignores any warning messages displayed during the import process.
Apply if entire document valid This processes the data only if all the rows in the Import Details grid are valid (i.e. all rows in the grid are treated as a batch and processing fails if any row is invalid).

If you don't select this option, then valid rows are processed and invalid rows are ignored.

The Apply if entire document valid option must be disabled when Upsert is selected in the Method dropdown.

You need to indicate the function you want to perform on the database (i.e. Add, Update, Delete or Upsert).

Not all methods are available for all business objects (e.g. some business objects do not include an Update or Delete function).

The Upsert functionality is limited to the Use data grid import method.


Field Description
Data source  
Import method
From excel file

This processes the data directly from an Excel spreadsheet, without first copying it into the Import Details grid.

This method is better suited to larger data volumes and processing is faster as it bypasses using of the grid.

You must ensure that the headers in your Excel file correspond with the schemas and not the additional information headers when you are using the From excel file import method.
Use data grid This lets you enter the data to be processed in the Import Details grid.
File location In a client-server environment, you need to indicate whether the Excel file is located on the server or on the client machine. If the file is located on the client machine, it is copied to the server during the validation stage.
File name The name of the Excel spreadsheet to be processed, including the path to the file. You must supply the file name before selecting a program from the Data to Import listview.
Treat spaces as This lets you specify a number of user-defined characters that you want the program to treat as spaces.

The Master Data Take On program will change the character(s) to spaces for fields in the database that accept spaces to add/update fields.

For example: In the Stock Code On Hold Maintenance program, to release a stock code that is on hold or partial hold, the StockOnHold flag needs to be set to spaces. However, the import program does not recognise a space as a request to update the StockOnHold flag to release the hold, so you will need to enter some character(s) in the StockOnHold field and then use the Treat spaces as option to indicate that the character you used must be treated as a space (the default entry displayed at this field is [space]).

Avoid alpha and numeric characters in the array. Instead, we recommend you use special characters such as !@#$%^&* or an array of combinations which are unlikely to be used in other fields of the file being imported.

This field is disabled if the Import method is defined as From Excel file.

Show additional information

This allows you to show additional information for multi-line headers.

Data to be Imported

Column Description


This allows you to sequence the imported data by Module, Implementation or Custom.

If you select Custom in the Sequence field and do not have a custom list already defined and saved, refer to the How do I define a custom list for sequencing? in the Troubleshooting and FAQs section.
Data This displays a list of SYSPRO business objects that are available for processing. The list resides in the IMPDTO.IMP file of the \Base\Store folder. The objects available depend on the Method selected.
No of existing records This indicates the number of records that currently exist for the selected item (e.g. an entry of 4 against Currencies indicates that four currencies are currently defined for the company).
Program This is the 6-character program name associated with the business object. To display this column you need to drag it from the Field Chooser window (activated by right-clicking the header of the pane).
Sequence column file path This displays the path of the customized sequence column settings file. If it has not been customized, then the word Default is displayed. This column is accessed from the Field Chooser.

Import Details

This editable listview grid enables you to paste the required data from an Excel spreadsheet, or to manually enter the data for the selected business object. When copying from an Excel spreadsheet, ensure that the first column of the spreadsheet is blank to accommodate the Validation status column (i.e. the first column) in the listview.

The listview columns correspond to the schema information defined for the relevant business object listed in the Program column of the Data to be Imported listview.

The data table relevant to each business object is listed in the IMPDTO.IMP file in your \Base\Store folder.

Refer to the respective Business Object Schema for any information required for a specific column.

An asterisk (*) in a column heading denotes a key column.

The last column in the listview is titled Error description, and displays the first error encountered during the validation process.

Use the Export to Excel option to save data entered manually.

Field Description
Sequence Columns This lets you change the column sequence as well as exclude or include columns.

Any change to the sequence is stored in the IMPSEQ_Operator_Program file of the \Base\Settings folder (e.g. IMPSEQ_Admin_ARSSCS).

An asterisk (*) against a Column name denotes a key column.

Delete this file to restore the default sequence.

You cannot re-sequence columns if you are sorting on a column name.

Print This prints the contents of the pane.
Export to Excel This exports the grid to Excel, together with any data entered. You can export a blank grid to Excel and use this as the template to create your import data in the Excel spreadsheet.
Search text This filters the rows displayed in the grid.
Clear This clears the search text field.
Copy Copies the currently-selected row to the clipboard.
Paste (all columns) Copies an entire entry from the clipboard.
Paste (visible columns only) Paste data into the columns that currently appear in the grid, in the sequence that they appear.
Duplicate Copies the currently-selected row.
Find and Replace Replace text in the grid with alternate text.
Validation flag A tick in the first column indicates that the row is valid and can be imported.