AR Find Customer for Invoice

You use this program to find the specific customer for which an invoice, debit note or credit note was created.

Once the customer has been matched to the entered number, you can view the original details captured for the document.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Select Select this to choose the customer for payment processing.

This function applies only when the Search for Invoice function from the Proof of Delivery program is selected.

Invoice Indicate the invoice, debit or credit note number for which you want to display the customer details.
Find Customer (arrow) Select this to find the next customer for which the same invoice number was created.

Customer's Invoice Details listview

Column Description
Customer This displays the customer code of the specific customer for which the invoice was created.
Customer name This displays the customer name for the customer code displayed above.
Customer invoice This displays the invoice number entered on the AR Find Customer for Invoice screen.
Invoice date This displays the date on which the invoice was created.
Original amount This displays the original value of the invoice when it was first created.
Outstanding This displays the amount outstanding against the invoice. If the outstanding value and the original value are different, then either a payment (or part payment) was received for the invoice, or a credit note, debit note or an adjustment was processed against the invoice.
Sales order This displays the sales order number from which the invoice was generated.
Type This indicates the whether the Customer invoice entered is an invoice (INV), a credit note (C/N) or a debit note (D/N).

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • This program can be accessed:

    • by selecting the Search for Invoice function from the Proof of Delivery program
    • by selecting the File - Run option from the main SYSPRO menu and entering IMPIFN

Coding considerations

  • As it is possible to use the same invoice number for invoices, credit and debit notes created in the AR Invoice Posting program, the same Customer invoice number could appear more than once in the listview for the same customer. In this case, you need to check the Type column to view the difference in the document types for the number.