SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Setup > Setup Options > Configuration

This indicates your pre-printed stationery is a combined remittance and check.

This prints checks and remittances on separate stationery or printers (e.g. you can print your checks on pre-printed stationery and your remittances on pre-printed stationery or using MS Word or SRS printing).

This indicates that you only want to print remittances (e.g. you typically pay your suppliers electronically).

This indicates that you want to configure your check print requirements against the bank.

This indicates whether the difference between the supplier's invoice value and the total merchandise value of the GRN line(s) you selected to match is based on a percentage or a value.
This occurs during processing in the AP Invoice Posting program.

This is the maximum permitted GRN variance percentage or value.

Enter the cut-off % for variances arising when matching the value of supplier invoices to the value of selected GRN line(s).
If Inventory is integrated to GL and the difference is less than this % then the variance is posted to the GRN suspense account. Otherwise it is posted to the Purchase price variance account.
If Inventory is not integrated to GL and the difference is more than this % then the variance is posted to the Default merchandise account. Otherwise it must be allocated manually.

This applies the exchange rate against the invoice as the default rate when the invoice is released for payment, or when a check is voided, or when a manual check payment is made.

This applies the exchange rate from the Browse on Currencies table to the invoice as the default rate.

This revalues all invoices released for payment and generates a revaluation value for any exchange rate variance created.
This option is only enabled when you select Default to currency table rate.
The exchange variance is posted to the Realized variance account account defined in the AP Currency Variance GL Interface program. If not defined, then the variance is posted to the Exchange variance account defined against the bank.

This posts checks to the Cash Book module as withdrawal entries at the time of printing the Payment Cycle Maintenance report.

This accumulates all invoices, debit notes and credit notes of a specific age (based on the ageing method) into a single invoice for each balance forward customer when you run the Month end function of the AR Period End program.
Once consolidated, all original invoices and associated payments, adjustments, debit notes, credit notes, multimedia and invoice notes for the age are deleted.
You cannot select this option if your invoice ageing method is set to By invoice due date.
Reports that print detailed information on invoices and the transactions processed against them will only report on the consolidated invoices once the month end has been processed.
Invoices for foreign currency customers are not consolidated, because each invoice can have its own fixed exchange rate. Future invoices (i.e. ones that have an invoice date in the future) are not consolidated.

This indicates the default ageing method to use when producing AR statements.

This ages invoices according to the last seven period end dates. An invoice is defined as current if the invoice date is after the last period end date.

This ages invoices according to the last seven period end dates. An invoice is defined as current if the invoice date is after the second last period end date.

This ages invoices according to the difference between the invoice date and the system run date.

This ages invoices according to the due date of the invoice. This is calculated as the invoice date plus the days till due as defined within the AR Invoice Terms program. The invoice remains current for as long as the due date remains greater than the ageing date.

This indicates the terms code to use for finance charge invoices created by the AR Finance Charge Calculation program.
Although your entry here is not validated (i.e. the AR Invoice Terms program is not checked to ensure that the terms code entered here exists) if you want to compound finance charges then you need to enter a valid terms code here. You should also enter a valid terms code here for credit control purposes.

This indicates whether debit or credit notes must be generated when settlement discount is processed as part of a customer's payment.
Local tax regulations may require generating a credit note when settlement discount is processed against a customer payment and a debit note when a payment that includes settlement discount is reversed.
The As required option generates discount credit and debit notes if this is selected in the AR Payments and Adjustments program.

This option (together with the payment type defined against the deposit slip details) determines how AR payments are posted to Cash Book. The Bank deposit slip required option must be enabled to integrate AR payments to Cash Book.

This overrides the Cash Book integration level when capturing AR payments and is enabled if integration is set to Posted by cash journal.
Individual transactions are created for each payment with a type of Check.
A single transaction per journal is created for the total of all payments with a type of Cash.
A single transaction is created per journal for the total of all local currency payments with a type of Other and individual transactions are created for each foreign currency payment.

This consolidates the payment types (cash, check, other, post dated checks) into one amount before integrating to Cash Book.

This posts book value depreciation to GL according to the settings defined for asset integration.

This posts book value depreciation values to the GL code defined against each asset. You can only access this option after completing an Asset month end and before running the Asset Depreciation Calculation for the current month. This is to prevent you changing the integration method between routines.

This indicates whether you want the system to calculate (historical) book and tax depreciation when adding a new asset purchased before your current financial month and whether it must be added historically or in the current period.

The system will not calculate the (historical) book and tax depreciation automatically up to the end of the last financial month (i.e. no catch-up depreciation is calculated). You will need to enter the historical depreciation information for each prior period and year manually using the Asset Acquisition program

The system will not calculate the (historical) book and tax depreciation automatically up to the end of the last financial month. You will need to enter the historical depreciation information for the prior periods manually using the Asset Acquisition program.

The system calculates the (historical) book and tax depreciation automatically up to the end of the last financial month.
A brought forward balance is created, which could mean that historical reports may not balance to current year reports. This is typically only useful in take-on situations.
The system attempts to spread the book value depreciation across historical periods depending on the period end dates defined for the Assets Register module and the Start depreciation date defined against each asset.
When you add an asset into a prior year, Addition and Catch-up depreciation (accumulated) entries are created plus the current year entries.
Regardless of your selection here, tax (wear and tear) depreciation is always calculated automatically up to the end of the last financial month.

The system calculates the (historical) book and tax depreciation automatically up to the end of the last financial month and places the total value of the historical depreciation into the current period. No 'brought forward' balance is created.

Changing the basis for depreciation can result in loss of historical data and entries.

Indicate the basis of depreciation for the book value of your assets.

Indicate the basis of depreciation for the tax value of your assets.

This calculates the current period depreciation at period end.

This recalculates the full current year's depreciation at each period end.

This recalculates depreciation for the full life of the asset.

Indicate the basis for depreciation for each of the Alternate valuations of your assets.

This uses the date conventions defined here against the various asset valuations, for all assets in that asset valuation.

This uses the date conventions defined against each individual depreciation code.

Indicate the date convention you require for book value depreciation.

Indicate the date convention you require for tax value depreciation.

Indicate the basis for depreciation for each of the Alternate valuations of your assets.

This lets you indicate how you want to match deposit records which are imported using the Automatic Bank Reconciliation program to deposit transactions in the cash book transaction file.

This reconciles deposits automatically if the entry at the value field in the import file matches the entry in the transaction file.

This reconciles deposits automatically if the entries at the value, date and reference fields in the import file match the entries in the transaction file.

This reconciles deposits automatically if the entries at the value and date fields of the import file match the entries in the transaction file.

This defaults to viewing the ledger file in ledger code sequence.

This defaults to viewing the ledger file in ledger description sequence.

This lets you query General Ledger budget balances by section using the GL Structure Query program. You can only select this if you enabled the Section analysis required option.

This leaves budget information intact after running a year end.

This sets the current years' budgets to zero at year end (i.e. you will have to enter budgets manually for the new year).

This sets next years' budgets to become the budgets for the current year after running a year end. If the budget for the next year is not defined, then the current year budget remains intact.

This indicates the level at which you require variable budget amounts to be spread across each period of the year.

This applies the spread to all ledger codes in the company.

This applies the spread to ledger codes according to the groups to which they are assigned.

This extends the sales order credit checking routine to the dispatch notes system and is performed at the time of creating the dispatch note. The credit checking routine is repeated each time the dispatch note quantity is changed.

This indicates how you want to process freight lines (entered during sales order entry) on dispatch notes. You can include them on all dispatch notes, only on the first dispatch note, only on the last dispatch note, or you can exclude them from dispatch notes.

This indicates how you want to process comment lines (entered during sales order entry) on dispatch notes. You can include them on all dispatch notes, only on the first dispatch note, only on the last dispatch note, or you can exclude them from dispatch notes.

This indicates how you want to process miscellaneous lines (entered during sales order entry) on dispatch notes. You can include them on all dispatch notes, only on the first dispatch note, only on the last dispatch note, or you can exclude them from dispatch notes.

This indicates the basis according to which you want include sales order lines in the dispatch review. This can be based on lines having a quantity to ship, lines having a quantity on back order, or lines having an outstanding order quantity (i.e. either a quantity to ship or a quantity on backorder). The suggested dispatch quantity will be based on your selection here, subject to stock availability.

This uses the ledger account defined at the Non-stocked misc and freight field against the AR branch for non-stocked items, freight charges and miscellaneous charges dispatched using the Dispatch Note Review program. If Inventory is not installed, then this option applies only to freight charges and miscellaneous charges dispatched using the Dispatch Note Review program.

If you indicated that unit of measure conversion factors are theoretical then your entry here indicates the cut-off percentage at which the stocking quantity to dispatch is allowed to deviate from the calculated percentage before it is rejected.

This allows the dispatch of a quantity to exceed the order quantity on a sales order line. You can over-dispatch a quantity using the Dispatch Note Review program.
You won't be able to over-dispatch kit type items if the Retain original order quantity option is also enabled.

This retains the original order quantity against the sales order when the corresponding dispatch note is over dispatched. You will be unable to over dispatch kit type items if this option is enabled.

This allows the dispatch of a quantity that is less than the order quantity on the sales order line. When using the Dispatch Note Review program, you can under-dispatch the order line and mark the line as complete if no further dispatching against the line is required.

This lets you change the status of a dispatch note to 3 (ready to print) when maintenance is performed on a dispatch note that has been previously printed (i.e. Status 5 - dispatch printed).

This prints dispatch note lines even if the quantity to dispatch is zero.

This lets the operator change the status of a dispatch note manually from 5 (dispatch printed) to 7 (ready to invoice) during dispatch maintenance. Otherwise the status of the dispatch note is set to 7 (ready to invoice) automatically once the dispatch note has been printed.

This retains custom form data captured against dispatch notes, for reprinting on dispatch invoices. If this option is enabled, then dispatch note custom forms are copied to the dispatch invoice reference, enabling you to reprint the forms. Dispatch invoice custom form data is created when a dispatch invoice is printed and can be viewed and maintained using the Sales Invoice Query program. Custom form data is not printed on consolidated dispatch invoices.

This uses the dispatch note number to confirm the next invoice/dispatch. Enabling this option sets the Use dispatch note to confirm delivery option to selected by default in the Contract Maintenance program. You should not select this option if you are confirming deliveries by invoice.

Select this to print a line on the dispatch note invoice for each dispatch line that was consolidated.
This option is only applied if the dispatched lines have the same:
- unit cost
- tax code
- line discounts
- unit of measure and conversion factors
- price and price unit of measure
- tariff codes (for EU companies)
If these fields are the same then the Dispatch Note Consolidation program consolidates the dispatch lines into one line for printing. The option then determines whether it should print the dispatches that make up that consolidated line as sub-lines on the invoice, or print all the dispatches as separate invoice lines.
If you don't select this option, then a line is printed for the total consolidation and a sub-line for each dispatch. You typically select this option to avoid rounding errors. Rounding errors may occur if you consolidate a number of different dispatches for a single sales order line and the sales order quantities are defined to 3 decimal places or the price is defined to 4 or 5 decimal places.
If you select this option, then ensure that you also enable the Individual dispatch lines on cons inv preference (SO Document Formats)

This lets you choose to use the sales order price on a dispatch note consolidated invoice instead of defaulting to the dispatch note price.

This automatically sets the dispatch note header to cancelled when all lines on the dispatch note are cancelled in the Dispatch Note Maintenance program. As soon as you cancel the last line, the dispatch note itself is set to cancelled. If this option is not enabled, then the dispatch note header remains in the status it was in when you loaded the Dispatch Note Maintenance program.

This values your inventory on a first-in-first-out basis. You won't be allowed to store inventory costs in a unit of measure other than stocked and stock on hand won't be allowed to go negative in any warehouse (except for floorstock items stocked in the floorstock warehouse). This option is automatically selected if Actual costing is enabled, or if Costing per warehouse is enabled and the costing method for any warehouse is set to FIFO.

This requires entry of bins upon the receipt, issue or transfer of items and when capturing stock take information. The Purge and Archive program runs to ensure the default bin is inserted into existing lot records and their associated transactions against your traceable or ECC-controlled items. Run the Balance function of the Order Purge and Inventory Period End programs to ensure there are no quantities in ship without bin allocations and to transfer any qty on hand to the default bin.

This is only available if multiple bins is enabled and the serial tracking system is required. You typically use this to track serialized items by bin location.

Only available in a SQL environment and if multiple bins is in use. Initially, all warehouses using multiple bins are flagged as fixed bin warehouses. The Show Warehouses hyperlink lets you switch off this facility selectively for warehouses. Fixed bins requires a bin to exist in the WhmBin table before you can transact against it. If the Create bins at inventory transaction option is switched on, bins can only be created at transaction time for warehouses not using fixed bins.
The Show Warehouses hyperlink is also used to maintain the WMS control options against the warehouse (Warehouse Maintenance).

This indicates that picks will need to be confirmed before picked sales orders can be dispatched.

This indicates that you want to be able to set a destination bin in a marshalling area within your warehouses.

This indicates you want to set marshalling on for all customers by default.

This lets you add a WMS mission when a cycle count is selected.

This lets you add a WMS mission when a pick is added.

This lets you add a WMS mission when a putaway is created.

This is the percentage by which the cost of an item received into stock (and a cost change to an item) is allowed to differ from the cost of the item on file. Although a warning is displayed if this percentage is exceeded, it only applies to cost changes made to individual items and it does not apply to receipts if your costing method is set to Standard costing (items are receipted at standard cost and, therefore, no variance occurs).

Select this to monitor inter-warehouse transfers generated from the Inventory Movements program, as well as supply chain transfers generated from the Sales Order Entry program. You must select this to perform requisition issues and/or transfers. Any stock transfers that are still in process should be completed before you enable/disable this feature. The Warehouse Exception program highlights unfinished transfers while the GIT Conversion Program program converts existing warehouse transfers to GIT transfers.

Also known as item or batch-specific costing, this applies to lot traceable and batch serialized items. It uses FIFO valuation to track and process costs and overrides any other costing method defined at company or warehouse level. Manual numbering must be set for traceable items and serialized items must be set for capture at the time of receipt and not during order entry. If you are currently using serials, then first run the Serial File Balance Report to ensure all batch serials balance.

This prints an Inventory Initial Aged Valuation report of stock quantities over the last five years. This is useful when you carry a limited stock of spare parts for component items that may have a long life and you need to provide for the depreciation of these items annually.

This stores the last cost entered for a receipt separately from the standard inventory cost. This only applies if the costing method is set to Standard, or if costing per warehouse is enabled.

Select this to add the calculated cost multiplier value to the receipt cost of an item when using the Inventory Movements program to process a receipt or a GIT transfer in. You must also select the Apply cost multiplier to process receipt option to include the cost multiplier in the last cost of the item. If not selected, then the cost multiplier defined against the item is ignored and its value is not reflected in the Last cost of the item.

This records serial number information when processing transactions for serialized stock items. Once selected, you can only deselect this option when no active orders exist for any serialized item and there is no allocated quantities of serialized items.

This allows the same serial numbers to be used for different stock codes when accepting items into stock. When receipting batch serialized items (and you have not enabled the Multiple batch serial receipts allowed option) the existing serial numbers must be stocked in the warehouse in which the receipt is being processed. This does not apply to manual serials. If this option is not selected, then you cannot receipt reserved serials into an alternate stock code from inspection.

This retains the history of header and transaction details for manual serial numbers against which a negative receipt has been processed (i.e. reversing a receipt processed against the wrong serial number). You won't be able to re-use the serial number for the same stock item. If this option is not enabled, serial history is removed if the only other transaction for the serial was a receipt (i.e. the system assumes you are reversing a receipt done against an incorrect serial number).

This enables you to alternate between entering a SYSPRO stock code or a supplier's catalogue number during Purchase Order Entry. You must enable this option before defining your supplier stock codes. If you enable this option and purchase a non-stocked item from a supplier, the system automatically creates an entry in the supplier/stock code interchange file.

This lets you hold inventory costs in a unit of measure other than the stocking unit of measure. You define the applicable cost unit of measure when adding stock items using the Stock Code Maintenance program. You cannot select this option if FIFO valuation is enabled, or if your costing method is set to FIFO or LIFO.

This depletes lots by the earliest date that a lot was received into stock. If a lot does not already exist then it retains the date of when the lot was receipted for that stock item. Upon transfer to a new warehouse, the receipt date from the original lot is used.

This depletes lots by the earliest lot expiry date. Upon transfer to a new warehouse, the receipt date is set to the transaction date. If a lot doesn't already exist, then it's created with the transaction date.

SYSPRO's Espresso Pack Size Scanning feature lets you associate a barcode or radio frequency identification (RFID) to different units of measure for an item. Then, using either the SYSPRO Espresso Missions & Tasks or Order Picking applications, you can scan the item in the warehouse to automatically add the unit of measure quantity to the picking (or moving) quantity (i.e. without having to manually enter the number of units picked).

This initially assigns each warehouse the chosen costing method. You can then change the method for specific warehouses (e.g. when high value, low usage items are stored in a separate warehouse and you require a different method of costing for accuracy. Alternatively, if you manufacture and distribute a product you may want to apply standard costing to your work in progress and average costing to your distribution warehouse). Otherwise the costing method selected is used for all warehouses.

This uses the BOM costs held against the warehouse for costing purposes for all stock items held in that warehouse. Otherwise the BOM costs held against each individual stock item are used for costing purposes and you won't be able to process the cost implosion by warehouse. You should use the Cost Implosion program to roll-up costs before selecting this option. You must select this option to be able to use the cost against an alternate route when you transfer BOM costs to Warehouse.

This determines how your inventory is valued.

This averages out the new cost and the existing cost of an item.

This lets you define a cost for each item that is only updated using the Cost Change function or Transfer BOM Costs to Warehouse Costs program.

This values your inventory according to the last cost entered when receipting the item.

This issues from the oldest bucket held on file.

This issues from the newest bucket held on file.
If you change to LIFO costing (company-wide or against a warehouse then we recommend you run the Balance function of the Inventory Period End program before you start posting transactions.

Indicate whether you want to allow stock on hand to go negative in warehouses for the selected company.
The Yes and Dependent on warehouse options do not activate negative stock for the warehouse; you must maintain details against the warehouse(s) for this option to take effect.

Indicate a specific list of warehouses in which stock is allowed (or not allowed) to go negative.

Indicate a range of warehouses in which stock is allowed (or not allowed) to go negative.

This lets you choose whether to allow or disallow negative stock for the selected warehouses.

If you don't select this option, then FIFO journals are still created, but they are not printed. It also does not prevent FIFO journals from being displayed in the Journal Entries listview of the Inventory Movements program.

This makes adjustments to lots from the most recent FIFO bucket when running the Balance function of the Inventory Period End program. This applies only when FIFO valuation is enabled.

This allows a zero cost transaction to be processed when returning stock to a FIFO/LIFO bucket that has a zero unit cost. The returned quantity is added to the FIFO/LIFO bucket, but the unit cost of the bucket remains unaffected. Otherwise a new FIFO/LIFO bucket is created with the returned quantity at the current warehouse cost. The Stock Take Confirmation program updates FIFO/LIFO buckets according to your selection here.

This includes non-merchandise costs (entered in the Apportion Details function of the PO Receipts with Apportionment program) in the last cost of the item. It also includes the calculated cost multiplier value to the receipt cost of an item when using the Purchase Order Receipts program. When receipting into a standard costing warehouse, the standard cost of the item is used; non-merchandise costs are not included in the last cost.

This restricts each purchase order to a single warehouse (i.e. you cannot enter a warehouse per line). The warehouse address is used as the delivery address for the order and can only be changed if the Allow maintenance of delivery address option is enabled. You can define a default warehouse against operators who use the Purchase Order Entry program so that they don't have to manually enter the required warehouse when adding purchase orders.

This stores all purchase order receipts entered in a special suspense file for Accounts Payable invoice matching and checking.

This allows an operator to decide whether the supplier must be paid for inspection items that are scrapped.

Indicate the minimum capex requisition line value permitted before the program forces the requisition user to enter a valid capex number.

You typically enter a minimum value here to ensure that any requisition line with a greater value is seen by the requisition users listed at the Mandatory user codes checked in routing field, before being approved. This lets each requisition user (to whom the line is routed) view the line and add comments, if required.

This indicates the minimum value from which you can create an RFQ from a requisition.

Indicate the first user code to which you want to route a requisition line when the Minimum line value for checking routing amount is exceeded.

Indicate the second user code to which you want to route a requisition line when the Minimum line value for checking routing amount is exceeded.

Indicate the third user code to which you want to route a requisition line when the Minimum line value for checking routing amount is exceeded.

Indicate the fourth user code to which you want to route a requisition line when the Minimum line value for checking routing amount is exceeded.

This indicates you don't require the entry of routing narrative when saving a requisition, or when accessing additional information, or when routing the requisition to another user.

This automatically replaces whatever narration you entered in the Route note field with the routing comment: Automatically Approved or Requires Approval, depending on whether a requisition/requisition line is approved or fails approval.

This allows you to maintains budgets for groups of requisition users. Ensure that you have defined requisition groups and allocated all requisition users to a requisition group.

This defines requisition budgets at stock code level (you can enter a budget for a product class instead of stock code if you want to budget for non-stocked items at product class level).

This defines requisition budgets at product class level (you can also define a stock code within the product class).

This indicates the budget values are monetary amounts.

This indicates the budget values are quantities.

This means you don't want to use stores requisitions (i.e. requisitions can only be turned into purchase orders).

This creates requisitions on your warehouses to supply items.

This creates requisitions to transfer items from another warehouse.

This lets you to choose the type of requisition to create providing your requisition user authority level allows you access to the detailed information in the Requisition Entry Maintenance program.

This performs checks based on the maximum requisition values defined against the requisition user. Automatic approval can only be done at this level.

This performs checks based on the maximum approval value defined against the requisition user group. Automatic approval cannot be done at this level.

This performs checks based on product classes within user groups. Automatic approval cannot be done at this level.

This optionally includes fixed costs and minimum charges when calculating the new landed cost of an inventory item (calculated using the Calculate New Landed Cost program). You configure fixed costs/minimum charges against LCT elements which you attach to the various routes that you will use to ship items from the supplier to your warehouse.

This lets you add a purchase order line with a zero price to a shipment using the LCT Shipment Maintenance program.

This includes any additional costs calculated from LCT elements when receipting a shipment against the last cost for the item. When receipting into a standard costing warehouse and the 'Update last cost if using standard cost' isn't selected, then the standard cost of the item is used and non-merchandise costs are not included in the last cost.

This uses an alternate unit of measure as the basis of any calculation or apportionment in Landed Cost Tracking. The quantity of a purchase order raised using an alternate unit of measure is converted to the stocking unit of measure on all lines of the shipment. This means that when calculation codes or apportionments are done, all the lines are based on the same unit of measure. Otherwise all calculations are always based on the quantity entered on the purchase order.

This creates an order when cross-shipping an item that has been returned by a customer for repairs or refurbishment. Cross-shipping is typically required when the customer is unable to return the defective item before receiving the replacement.

This creates a works order for the repair of merchandise that has been returned by a customer.

This only prints the RMA.

This forces the operator to enter a problem code at the time of issuing an RMA. Don't enable this if you want the system to prompt you for a restocking code 'At line level' as the prompt is only displayed if the problem code on the RMA is blank.

This automatically creates a sales order when issuing an RMA which requires a cross-shipment (i.e. a customer requires the replacement item before being able to return the defective item).

This prompts you to enter serial numbers when processing a cross-shipment. Otherwise you only need to supply the serial numbers at the time of invoicing (i.e. when the order goes to a status of 8). If multiple bins is installed in the warehouse, or the stock code is lot traceable or ECC-controlled, then you have to capture serial numbers regardless of your selection here.

This indicates the maximum number of days that merchandise returned for cross-shipments can be received before warning messages are displayed.

This indicates the default product class for restocking.

This indicates that restocking is required when the customer is credited for the return of defective items.

This indicates that restocking is required for the repair of items that are still under warranty.

This indicates that restocking is required for the repair of items that are no longer under warranty.

This indicates that restocking is required when the customer is unhappy with the product and requires a credit.

This indicates that restocking is required for a returned item that was incorrectly ordered by a customer.

This indicates that restocking is required for a returned item that was incorrectly shipped to a customer.

This indicates that restocking is required when the customer needs to be credited for the balance of a shipment that was short-supplied.

This indicates the default product class that will be used for non-stocked items when adding an RTS.

This generates AP credit invoices for a supplier for any freight and/or handling costs incurred on returned merchandise.

This indicates whether you want to store month-to-date and year-to-date sales figures in the salesperson/product class file as quantities or values. Because Sales Analysis figures are held in a single set of buckets, if sales analysis history already exists and you change this option then historical information is not changed (i.e. a mix of quantities and values is displayed in the Sales Analysis Query).

Enable this to produce an analysis of all taxable/exempt sales made against each tax code for the period, month and year-to-date from the Sales Tax program. If this option is changed at a later date, then no details are printed on the report, regardless of whether data is held on file.

This updates your sales history files only at the time of running the Sales Analysis Update program.

This updates your sales history files real-time (i.e. the sales history files are updated after the completion of each AR invoice transaction, depending on your sales history selections). If you have existing sales orders, then you need to run the Sales Analysis Update program before changing this option, to ensure that all transactions are updated in the Sales Analysis files.

This retains a detailed history of sales transactions based on your selections at the Detailed key options section of the screen. The detailed history is sequenced according to these keys. If you select this option, then you must include at least one key option before you can exit the program.

This retains a summary history of sales transactions, sequenced according to the sales history key areas defined using the Maintain Summary function.

This retains a file of all the transactions from the Accounts Receivable sales transaction detail file that has been used to create history. This enables you to re-define your sales analysis key selections after implementation and rebuild your sales history detail and summary files automatically using the Recreate Sales History program.

This retains the summary zoom index (maintained in the Sales Analysis zoom index on the sales history summary file).
It is used by developers of 3rd party applications (e.g. ODBC-compliant programs such as Access or Excel) to drill down to the transactions making up a particular value.
You would therefore only select this option if you intended to write custom reports to drill down to transaction level. You must retain the archive sales history data if you want to retain the summary zoom index.

Miscellaneous charges (except ones processed against an underscore product class) are included in your summary, detail and archive history.
When adding miscellaneous lines in Sales Order Entry, ensure that you review the default product class (_OTH) assigned.
To update past history:
- Select the Recreate archive from transactions option in the Recreate Sales History program.
- Re-run the Recreate Sales History program and select the Recreate history detail/summary from archive option.

This option comes into play when you change the method of representing budgets. The system warns you that changing the method of representing budgets invalidates historical information currently held for salespersons and product classes when setup options are saved.

If retaining detailed sales history, this includes the salesperson as part of the key to your detailed sales history records.

If retaining detailed sales history, this includes the branch as part of the key to your detailed sales history records.

If retaining detailed sales history, this includes the order type as part of the key to your detailed sales history records.

If retaining detailed sales history, this includes the customer class as part of the key to your detailed sales history records.

If retaining detailed sales history, this includes the geographic area as part of the key to your detailed sales history records.

If retaining detailed sales history, this includes the customer as part of the key to your detailed sales history records.

If retaining detailed sales history, this includes the warehouse as part of the key to your detailed sales history records.

If retaining detailed sales history, this includes the department as part of the key to your detailed sales history records.

If retaining detailed sales history, this includes the product class as part of the key to your detailed sales history records.

If retaining detailed sales history, this includes the stock code as part of the key to your detailed sales history records.

This uses the branch as the default warehouse in Sales Order Entry, Point of Sale Entry and Product Configurator. Otherwise, the default warehouse defined at operator level is used. If this is not defined, then the default warehouse defined at company level is used.

This allows the entry of negative quantities for stocked and non-stocked lines when capturing orders.

This calculates the invoice discount after line discounts have been applied. Otherwise invoice and line discounts are applied to the total merchandise value of the order entered.

This updates the sales order customer delivery performance file/table with details of each stocked and non-stocked order line invoiced. If using single level bill of materials, then only details of the parent part of the kit is output to the performance file. Details are not output for IBT sales, credit/debit notes, any order line containing a negative line, and any order line for which the order quantity is zero.

This indicates how you want to be notified of stock shortages for billing-type orders.

This only notifies you if the back order decision is by operator (or by warehouse and stock is not allowed to go negative).

This only notifies you if stock is not allowed to go negative.

This only notifies you if stock is not allowed to go negative and also caters for entry of a manual invoice number for the first invoice produced, even if automatic invoice numbering is selected.

This is the number of days (up to 99999) within which stock for a line must be allocated for scheduled orders. Stock is allocated if the difference between the order date and the entered ship date is less than the number of days entered here. If equal to, or greater than, then stock isn't allocated. If you change this entry, then quantities already allocated and ready to be shipped are reset and placed on back order.

An entry is required here if your Default Sales Order browse sequence preference is set as Alternate key (i.e. the geographic area assigned to the customer, the warehouse assigned to the order, or the branch assigned to the order). Alternate keys let you browse on orders in a sequence other than order number, customer, or customer purchase order number.

This will force an entry at the Alternate key field when capturing sales orders or RMAs.

Enter your own wording for the Alternate key field. This description does not apply to the Point of Sale Entry program. To avoid confusion with standard SYSPRO field descriptions in forms and listviews, we don't recommend that you use the same description as a key field in SYSPRO (e.g. customer, supplier, stock code, etc.). You'll need to manually change the Alternate key caption (right-click the Alternate key field, select Field Properties and change the Caption field).

This lets you indicate the stock code cross references that must be used when adding stocked lines to an order using the Customer/Stock Code Interchange facility.

This uses only the stock code cross references defined against the sub-account.

This uses only the stock code cross references defined against the master account.

This uses the stock code cross references defined against the sub-account (if they exist) or the master account.
The Customer stock codes for sub-accounts setup option works in conjunction with the Invoices attached to selection made against the Sub-account (Master Sub-accounts).
If invoices are attached to the master account, then browsing stock codes in Sales Order Entry displays the customer stock codes defined against the master account.
If invoices are attached to the sub-account, then browsing stock codes in Sales Order Entry displays the customer stock codes defined against the sub-account (i.e. not the ones defined against the master account).

This displays a Packaging Details screen when you select it from the Dimensions function of the Sales Order Entry program.

This displays the Packaging Details screen when you save a stocked line with a non-zero ship quantity.

This displays the Packaging Details screen when you save a stocked line with a non-zero ship quantity, but prevents you from saving the line until these details are entered. The details are translated into comments that are attached to the order line.

This lets you assign your own wording for the Special instructions field. This field can be printed on delivery notes and invoices.

Assign your own wording for the Order type field. The field is used to classify sales orders according to the type of sale, as well as a selection criterion for the printing of Sales Order reports. It can also be used in the Sales Analysis module to provide a breakdown of the salesperson, product class and sales history reports.

This indicates you want to enter a stock item's price manually for each order line.

This establishes the price by combining the customer's Auto price code selection and whether the item's pricing method is coded or discounted.

This matches the stock item's Price category to a position in the customer's Price category/code table to establish the price of an item. The price code/discount code is retrieved depending on whether the item's pricing method is coded or discounted.

This indicates you have prices groups linked to a customer, branch, customer class, geographic area or custom form. Each of these groups has a set of pricing rules based on the group and the rules. A best price is derived for the customer for a stock code. If none exists, the list price amount is applied.
If the pricing method is changed from Manual to Price groups, lines can't be added to existing orders because the price group against existing orders will be incorrectly validated, unless the pricing method is changed back to Manual. You can then switch back to Price groups without the data being affected.
This pricing method is not yet supported by the Product Configurator.

If your pricing method is set to Price groups, then this options lets you indicate how a customer's price group is determined. Options include: customer, branch, custom form, customer class and geographic area.

This option enables you to control the price update of a stocked line with quantity discounted pricing.

This recalculates the price on a sales order, regardless of whether changes have been made to the line (this caters for a situation where the quantity discounted price has changed).

This recalculates the price only when a change is made to the order quantity of the line.

Line discounts are calculated by multiplying the price of an item by the quantity ordered and then applying the discount applicable.

Line discounts are calculated by applying the discount to the unit price before multiplying this by the quantity ordered, letting you establish the net unit price of a line to which the quantity is then applied.

This uses the system/company date to determine the validity of the price (the date must be in the range of the valid sales order contract for the correct price to be used on a sales order). The ship date entered in the sales order header is ignored.

This uses the date entered in the Order date field to determine the validity of price contracts. The system date and the ship date entered in the sales order header are ignored.

This disables order maintenance functions if a delivery note has been produced for an order.

This disables order maintenance functions if a delivery note has been produced for an order but allows for the cancelling of an order line/order.

This enables the order maintenance functions if a delivery note has been produced for an order. This option is set at company level and therefore applies to all operators. However, you can prevent unauthorized access using operator activities.

This saves sales order custom form information against invoice reprint details and allows its retrieval at the time of reprinting the invoice. The information is deleted when you select the Purge invoice reprint file option in the Order Purge program. Custom form fields defined against the sales order (header) and individual order lines are saved for reprinting. Invoice custom form data is created when an order is printed and can be viewed and maintained by the Sales Invoice Query program.

This prints all orders lines on the initial invoice, including lines with a zero quantity to ship. Subsequent invoices will print only those lines where there are goods to ship.

This prints only lines with a non-zero ship quantity on the initial invoice. Regardless of your selection here, details for back-ordered lines are printed on the invoice if you enabled the Print all back-ordered lines option at the time of defining the invoice format.

This lets you enter an expiry date for manual serial numbers entered during sales order processing.

This lets you enter a scrap date for manual serial numbers entered during sales order processing.

This lets you indicate the level at which you want to set a minimum percentage by which the price must exceed the cost for stocked and non-stocked items. This does not apply to credit notes or inter-branch transfers.
For Stock code margin this is only used if you have assigned a minimum margin to the item.
Margin checking is only performed when the order line is entered and saved. It is based on the current cost (if your costing method is Standard or Average) and on Last cost (if your costing method is FIFO, LIFO or Last cost).

This bases the minimum margin check on the extended order line value, excluding any line discounts.

This bases the minimum margin check on the extended order line value, including line discounts.
For Kit type F items, the check is performed on the parent.
For Kit type K items, the check is performed on each individual component of the kit.
For Kit type S items, no check is performed.

This enables you to continue processing an order, regardless of whether the minimum price margin has been exceeded. Otherwise you will be unable to continue processing a sales order that has exceeded this minimum price percentage above cost margin.

This indicates the warehouse from which returnable items (e.g. crates, pallets, etc.) must be depleted. The warehouse entered here is ignored if you enable the Use associated merchandise warehouse option.

This uses the warehouse associated with the stock item as the warehouse from which the returnable item must be depleted. If this option is enabled, then the entry at the Warehouse field is ignored. When processing a supply chain transfer, only one source and one target warehouse can be specified. Therefore, a returnable item is always issued from, and receipted into, the source and target warehouses selected for the SCT.

This relates to the entry of customer purchase order numbers in the Sales Order Entry and Quick Sales Order Entry programs.

This indicates you do not require unique customer purchase order numbers.

This requires unique customer purchase order numbers for the customer.

This requires customer purchase order numbers to be unique for the company.

This generates order analysis files when you add order lines.

This generates order analysis files when you change order lines.

This generates order analysis files when you cancel orders and order lines. Ensure that you also enable the Output detail lines for cancelled order option. You must also select this option if you want to record lost sales when cancelling merchandise lines in programs such as Sales Order Entry or Point of Sale Entry.

This generates order analysis files for blanket sales orders. If you enable this option together with the Order lines added option, then when processing a release for a new sales order the sales order is included in the Order Intake Query. Similarly, if you enable this option together with the Order lines changed option, then any changes to a blanket sales order are included in the Order Intake Query.

This generates order analysis files when changes are made to order lines affecting the total value of discount applicable to the order.

This includes all the detail lines attached to an order in the order analysis files generated when you cancel an order.

This enables you to alternate between entering a SYSPRO stock code or the supplier's catalogue number when capturing sales orders.

This generates detail order lines for first level components automatically when capturing an order for a parent stock item. You must select this option to be able to process the return of kit items using the RMA Issues and Receipts program.

Define the wording you want to print/display for the packaging comment. Packaging details are printed as comment lines against sales order lines for stocked items. In addition, the wording you define here is displayed on the Packaging Details screen of the Sales Order Entry program.

Indicate the default wording that you want to display for the package type field. The default wording is 'packages', but this can be changed to the package type you typically use (e.g. cartons, boxes, rolls, pallets, containers, etc.).

This is the default wording you want to use for the package contents field. The default wording is 'containing', but can be changed.

This is the default wording you want to use for the unit of measure contained in the package. If blank, then the order unit of measure defined on the sales order line is used for the packaging comment.

This lets you reserve stock for a customer when processing sales orders for stocked and non-stocked items (i.e. it prevents the sale of that stock to another customer, which allows you to guarantee delivery prior to the actual shipping process). Reserved quantities are not used in Dispatch notes - if you want these order quantities to be considered for dispatch then any reserved quantity must be moved to backorder or ship.

This requires the entry of lot, bin and serial information when reserving stock (unless the Capture serial numbers for orders option is not selected; multiple bins is not in use; and the item is not traceable, in which case you are only prompted when the items are shipped). The Automatic deplete in Inventory preference option takes precedence over this option (i.e. lots are allocated automatically from the first lot that can fully satisfy the requirement).

This places the quantity in ship when processing a receipt linked to a sales order.

This places the quantity in reserve when processing a receipt linked to a sales order. Any lot and serial information entered against the receipt is automatically added to the order.

This reserves quantities only if the sales order is in a status 4 or status 8. Otherwise the quantity received is moved into ship.

This bases credit checking on whether the customer's balance and outstanding order value exceeds the credit limit. If a customer fails a credit check, then the entered order is placed into suspense until the appropriate credit authority is entered to release the order.

This bases credit checking on the customer's invoice terms and is performed automatically when processing orders during sales order entry. The calculation using the invoice terms code, the invoice ageing method and settings configured against the customer.

This uses the credit status of the customer when performing invoice terms credit checking. The number of days outstanding is calculated as: 30 times the credit status defined against the customer, less the number of days defined against that customer's invoice terms code. If the result is positive, then the terms are deemed to have been exceeded. Otherwise the terms credit check is based on the number of days that the oldest, non-credit transaction is outstanding against the customer.

This performs credit checking on current orders at the time an order is shipped and is based only on the customer's credit limit. This option only applies when the Apply check to current order only preference is enabled.

If checking the customer's credit limit, then this includes tax when calculating a customer's outstanding/released order value.
If the Apply check to current order only preference is enabled, then tax is included when the invoice is about to be produced.
If the Apply check when quantity moved to ship option is enabled, then tax is included when the order is shipped. It does not apply if USA tax is in use (USA tax is always exclusive, so the order value is always exclusive).

If checking the customer's credit limit, then this includes tax when calculating a customer's invoiced order value. It does not apply if USA tax is in use (USA tax is always exclusive, so the order value is always exclusive).

This indicates the number of decimals to use when calculating contract prices and net unit prices. The number of decimals normally applied to pricing calculations is three. This option enables you to round the calculated price to two, three, four, or five decimals. This option only affects contract prices that are calculated (i.e. mark-up list price, mark-up cost by a percentage, quantity discount breaks, list price less a percentage, list price less chain discount, coded less chain discount)

This includes order lines attached to contracts that are defined as a flat price, coded, list price less a percentage, or mark-up cost by a percentage in the order line discount calculation. Contract prices based on a discount (i.e. quantity discount breaks, list price less chain discount and coded less chain discount) are excluded from the order line discount calculation.

This bases commission on the sale of merchandise after discounts have been applied.

This bases commission on the profit gained from net merchandise sales.

This bases commission on the merchandise sale quantity multiplied by the list price of the item, regardless of the actual price entered against the order line.

This multiplies the commissionable amount by the commission percentage assigned to the salesperson.

This multiplies the commissionable amount by the percentage assigned to the commission code of the price code used in the order.

Select this to request the commission code whenever the commission is based on price.

This enables delivery notes to be printed online when processing sales orders

This enables invoices to be printed online when processing sales orders.

This allows invoice reprints to be printed online when processing orders.

This enables order acknowledgments to be printed online when processing sales orders.

This prints all order lines on delivery notes, regardless of whether there is any quantity to be shipped. This option relates only to merchandise lines on delivery notes (freight, miscellaneous and comment lines are printed if you have configured them against the document format). If you enabled the Print all back-ordered lines option when defining the delivery note format, then details for back-ordered lines are also printed on the delivery note.

This prints plus/less wording on quotations, delivery notes and invoices for any chained discount percentages entered against an order.

This indicates the default counter sales or point of sales customer you want to use when processing an order. This is used only if you have not defined a default Counter sales customer against the operator. You can also define customers as cash only customers by enabling the Counter sales only option in the Customers program. This prevents credit sale transactions from being processed for these customers.

This displays change due after printing a counter sales invoice or a point of sale document (either from a new order or as a result of maintaining an existing order). The change due from the last invoice is displayed when you return to either the Customer field or the Order number field.

This changes the order type of a normal order to be a counter sales type order when processing deposit transactions against the order.
If you select this option together with the Deposits only for back order quantities option, then the sales order must be in a status 4 or status 8 before you can process a payment or a deposit.
This option does not apply to the Point of Sale Entry system.

Select this if you only want to be able to process deposits for counter sales if the order has a quantity on backorder.

This enables you to close a counter sale without processing a payment, regardless of whether there is an undistributed amount.
This is useful, for example, where the merchandise line is on back order but the counter sale includes freight and/or miscellaneous charges which should only be invoiced when the merchandised line is shipped.
If you select this option, then the End Sales Order function is enabled on the counter sales screen.
This option does not apply to Point of Sale Entry.

This allows operators to change the default payment code defined against the Payment code for cash transaction option when processing transactions to pay cash out or take cash in. You can prevent operators from changing the payment code by restricting access to the Counter Sales payment code cash in/out operator security field.

This sets the default payment code to use when processing transactions where cash is paid out of the cash drawer, or taken into the cash drawer. If the Change payment code for cash transaction option is enabled, then the payment code can be changed at the time of paying cashing out or taking cash in.

This enables you to process a payment in a foreign currency for a local currency customer. This only applies to Normal payment types processed using the SO Counter Sales program.

This displays and prints counter sales payments as comment lines against the order/invoice. If you don't select this option, then details of counter sales payments can be printed on sales order documents as payment lines.

This displays and prints counter sales deposits as comments against the order/invoice. When more than one deposit is taken against a counter sale, an additional comment line indicates the current total deposit amount on the sales order. If you don't select this option, then counter sales deposits can be printed on sales order documents as deposit lines.

This allows you to enter a list of up to 10 invoice formats for which you want to print invoices on continuous stationery (with one header and one total section). If you leave this blank, then your invoices will print on standard invoice stationery with a header section on each page and both a header and total section on the last page.

This lets you restrict entry of the credit card number in the SO Counter Sales program and the display of the credit card number on the Counter Sales Report.

This lets you enter up to 18 digits.

This lets you enter up to four digits.

Once enabled, you must configure a route code against each customer (or warehouse, for an SCT order) to indicate the standard delivery method as well as a distance to indicate the order in which the load must be delivered. You associate a delivery frequency to each route as well as the number of deliveries that can be made on a single day. You associate an order to a route based on the customer and as each specific line is added to the order, the appropriate route detail (load) is calculated.

This lets you create delivery loads only on working days as defined in your company calendar.

This includes sales orders created through counter sales in Load Planning.

This calculates load capacity using the ship qty of each order line added to the load. A single order line can be part-shipped on different loads.

This calculates load capacity using the order qty of each order line added to the load. Each order line must be delivered in full on a single load.

This calculates load capacity using the dispatch qty of each dispatch note line added to the load. Each dispatch note must be delivered on a single load.

When you use the Browse on Delivery Routes or Delivery Loads programs to add loads to a route, you can let the system automatically create additional loads based on the information you entered for the first load.

This creates loads based on the number of loads specified at the Number of loads/days field.

This creates loads based on the number of days specified at the Number of loads/days field.

This is the default number of loads/number of days for which you want the system to automatically add loads when using the Browse on Delivery Routes program.

This allocates sales order lines to loads based on the required delivery date and the capacity of the load.

This allocates sales order lines to loads based on the date when stock is available for delivery and the capacity of the load.

This allows you to manually allocate sales order or dispatch note lines to loads when the lines are added/dispatched.

This allocates lines to loads automatically when the lines are added/dispatched.

This lets you only allocate sales order or dispatch note lines to loads using the Load Planning Delivery Load Maintenance program.

This checks that a delivery note or dispatch note was printed for each order line on a load before the load can be set to Confirmed.

This checks that an invoice was generated for each order line on a load before the load can be set to Confirmed.

This text is used to label deduction entries processed in the AR Payments and Adjustments program.

Enter text to prefix the stock description of free goods on a free goods promotion line. This defaults to Free: if left blank. However, promotions that allow the addition of extra stock items to an order often carry a price, so the prefix of Free is not always appropriate. {blank} uses the description of the free goods stock item without a prefix.

This assigns the current system date to the debit note generated when reinstating a deduction (using the Deduction Review program).

This assigns the original payment date to the debit note generated when reinstating a deduction.

This applies Trade Promotions credit checking after normal customer credit checking and is only relevant if Sales Order credit checking is enabled.

This includes kit components in the qualifying totals for the relevant global promotions.

This automatically ships free goods for a sales order line qualifying for a tiered free goods promotion, if the full quantity of the free good is available and the parent item is also shipped. Otherwise free goods line quantities are automatically placed on backorder for later release.

This automatically ships free goods for a sales order qualifying for a global free goods promotion, if the full quantity of the free good is available and the parent items are also shipped. Otherwise free goods global quantities are automatically placed in backorder for later release.

This applies order discounts in the Sales Order Entry and Point of Sale Entry programs to customers defined as Trade promotions customers (this does not apply to line discounts by product class). Order level discounts are not applied to customers defined with Trade promotions pricing.

This reduces rebate accruals when credit notes are created from invoices against which trade promotions accruals apply. When a credit note is built from an existing invoice, any accrual-type promotions applied on the invoice for the credited lines are recorded against the credit note. When the credit note is invoiced, the value of the accrual promotion for the original invoice is reduced based on the quantity credited, and a new transaction is created.

This controls the creation and updating of off-invoice promotions on a credit note.

This prevents order discounts from being applied to certain trade promotions lines.

Select this if you don't want to apply order discounts to free goods lines.

Indicate the default product class to use when adding off-invoice tiered promotions using the Promotion Code program.

Indicate the default product class to use when adding off-invoice global promotions using the Promotion Code program.

This uses the same product class code applied to the merchandise line for its promotional free goods item.

This uses the same product class code applied to the merchandise line for its promotional off-invoice value.

These options display the custom form fields defined against any inventory form. They provide additional qualifying criteria when adding promotions in Promotion Code.

Select the stock custom form to be included in a promotion.

Select a second stock custom form to be included in a promotion.

These options display the custom form fields defined against any customer form. They will be used as variable customer qualifications in Promotion Code.

Select the customized customer criteria to be included in a promotion.

Select a second customized customer criteria to be included in a promotion.

Indicate whether you want to apportion a product's elements of cost at the point of transition in the purchasing, manufacturing and sales cycle. If you choose not to update costs, then ABC fields are accumulated in parallel with conventional costs when the Cost Implosion program is run, but only the conventional costs are used in the accounting system

This lets you formalize changes to your bill of materials without needing to retain previous iterations of the bill.

This requires you to indicate the revision level when processing purchase orders, sales orders and jobs.

This requires you to indicate the revision and release level to use.

This lets you create more than one allocation against the same job at the time of issuing ECC material allocations to the job and depleting the oldest revision/release (only if the Deplete oldest rev/rel first (Component) option is enabled).
When this option is enabled, all ECC components against BOMs and jobs with an ECC consumption method of Use oldest are set to Use current (Structures and Routings). An allocation is created per revision/release, from the available quantity to issue of the rev/rel, for the quantity required for the job.
If not enabled, it prevents mixing different revisons/releases in one transaction when issuing ECC components to a job, or when backflushing using the Inventory Movements program if the Backflushing deplete oldest rev/rel option is enabled. In this case, the oldest rev/rel is not depleted when there is insufficient quantity to issue and the next single revision/release with sufficient quantity on hand is used instead.
Component reservation and depletion are mutually exclusive, so this option is not available when Reserve stock for confirmed jobs is enabled (Setup Options > Configuration > Manufacturing > Work in Progress).

This indicates that no changes are cosmetic (i.e. the revision/release is changed for each ECO change made).

This lets the system decide if changes are cosmetic or major.

This lets the operator decide if changes are cosmetic or major.

If you're applying BOM changes to an ECO and a component revision/release has changed, then this updates the component revision/release against BOMs of affected parent items in which the component exists. If the component revision/release is the same as the current revision/release of the component before it was updated, then the component revision/release against the BOM is updated automatically with the new revision/release of the component, regardless of this option.

Enable this option to prevent SYSPRO incrementing the release number of an item when only minor changes (which do not materially impact the composition or functionality of the part) are made to the BOM.

Indicate the revision/release to use (i.e. the consumption method) for jobs created from Bill of Materials.

Enable this to change BOM components with an ECC consumption method of Use current to a consumption method of Specific and to set the current revision and release against these allocations when creating a job.

This issues the oldest revision/release when issuing components to a job. You can also specify whether multiple revisions/releases of components can be issued to the job by setting the Allow issues from multiple rev/rels option.
You cannot deselect this if an MRP snapshot exists and material allocations in the snapshot tables are set to Deplete oldest. The snapshot must be deleted first.
You cannot select this if you are reserving stock for WIP allocations.

These options apply to the creation of purchase orders for ECC items. No default forces manual entry of a revision/release at the time of adding a purchase order.

These options apply to the creation of inventory movements for ECC items.

This enables you to issue the oldest revision/release when issuing components during backflushing and is only available when Deplete oldest rev/rel first (Component) is enabled.

These options apply to the creation of sales orders for ECC items. No default forces manual entry of a revision/release at the time of adding an sales order.

This indicates that only expense accounts are allowed to be used against an equipment code.

This indicates that the serial number of the equipment must be supplied against an equipment code.

This enables you to have a zero cost for non-stocked components.

This indicates the method used to calculate the end date for planned jobs.

This enables you to enter the start date and the end date for planned jobs.

This enables you to only enter the start date for planned jobs, as the end date will be calculated.

This prevents you from attaching a traceable component to a non-traceable parent item (ensuring that you can trace a component through all the levels as well as see where a lot has been used). You can still attach non-traceable components to a traceable parent part (e.g. you may not want to trace 'grease' as an item, but you still want to be able to use grease when making a traceable parent item). This option also affects the replacement of components.

This allows the same lot numbers to be used for different stock codes when adding new lot numbers in the Inventory, Purchase Orders and Work In Progress modules. Don't select this if you require lot numbers to be unique at company level. This option does not apply to adding lots if the Automatic lot numbering option is enabled as you won't be able to receipt in a specific lot. The option is ignored by the Job Receipts program if you enabled the Lot number to be equal to job number option.

The profit entered here is applied to non-stocked items on a quotation once any additional charges have been added.

This adds a default markup percentage to each non-stocked item on a quotation (this is added to the cost of the item).

This adds a default percentage margin to each non-stocked item on a quotation (this is added to the selling price of the item).

This determines how you want to calculate the costs and manufacturing lead times for made-in items when you use the Cost/Lead Time Rollup function.

This uses the current inventory cost of made-in items as the basis for the calculation.

This uses the last cost used for made-in items as the basis for the calculation.

This uses the current Bill of Materials material cost of made-in items as the basis for the calculation.

This calculates and applies sales order discount breaks to sales orders created from quotations using the Quotation Confirmation program. If you don't select this, then you won't be able to apply discounts according to discount breaks to a sales order created from a quotation.

This recalculates and applies discount breaks when confirming a quotation. Otherwise the incorrect discount may be applied to the order (e.g. if you have 2 quote lines for a product class - one below the minimum quantity and the other above, both lines are discounted because the system adds the total quantity for the product class to apply discount. If you confirm the quote, but only select the line that is below the minimum quantity, the discount is not recalculated).

This caters for a number of versions of a single quotation, instead of changing the quotation number each time you amend and save the quotation using the Quotations program.

If quotation version is enabled, then this prompts you to change the quotation version number when changing an existing quotation using the Quotations program. The prompt occurs once only on the first change of the quotation. Thereafter, it is only redisplayed after you save the quotation and version and later make another change. If not enabled, the quotation version number is automatically increased on a change.

Choose the default pricing method to use when reviewing suggested purchase orders within the Purchase Order Review program. This can be the Current inventory cost price, the Last price paid or the Purchase price.

This includes the final phase of the requirements planning calculation. If not selected, then the dynamic capacity profile is not built in the snapshot directory and load levelling is unavailable within Requirements Planning.

Added to the longest cumulative manufacturing time to calculate the manufacturing time fence.

This indicates the number of days into the future that you want to look for forecasting purposes (i.e. the number of days from the planning time fence that general planning will take place). The visibility factor (in days) added to the planning time fence gives the planning horizon and any date thereafter is not normally subject to any build schedules. Note: The higher the Visibility factor, the longer the Requirements Calculation program will take to create the snapshot.

This schedules supply according to the earliest demand date found, even if the supply may have been linked to a demand in the future. Selecting this may lead to inappropriate assumptions as supply dates may be suggested to be altered to new dates which are impractical to implement. Not selecting this option may lead to serious over-ordering of supplies as an unsatisfied demand generates a suggested job or purchase order, despite the availability of supply the next day.

This leaves your live data files unlocked while snapshot files are created using the Requirements Calculation program. Regardless of your selection, you cannot run the Requirements Calculation program while any job maintenance program is being run by any operator; or when the SCT creation program is being run and you are including transfers or quotations; or when converting a customer, supplier or GL code through the respective conversion programs.

This enables you to load jobs onto the dynamic capacity profile so that you can identify and resolve capacity constraints that occur within the manufacturing time fence. You can determine the seriousness of work center overloads and identify the jobs contributing to the overload. You can then maintain these jobs and alter the quantity to be made, change the start/finish dates, or move operations within the job by manipulating the queue time, move time or the operation elapsed time.

This uses the manufacturing unit of measure held against components when adding them to a bill of material. This enables you to manufacture items in the unit of measure in which you make them instead of the stocking unit of measure. Note that transactions are always calculated in the stocking unit of measure. They are then converted to the manufacturing unit of measure for display and reporting purposes, allowing you to view and report on the unit of measure you entered to manufacture the item.

These options only apply if the relevant components of the Advanced Scheduling and Planning module are installed as part of your license agreement (i.e. Finite Capacity Scheduling, Factory Planning, Progress Tracking and Quality Monitoring).

This requires the advanced scheduling programs to be available for use within this company. The advanced scheduling programs are run from the Scheduling folder of the Factory Scheduling menu.

This updates the Advanced Planning and Scheduling system whenever a sales order is added, copied, changed or canceled. This option replaces the need to configure SYSPRO triggers to generate a link between the Sales Order module and the Advanced Planning & Scheduling system.

This updates the Advanced Planning and Scheduling system whenever a job is added, changed or canceled. This option replaces the need to configure SYSPRO triggers to generate a link between the Work in Progress module and the Advanced Planning & Scheduling system.

This enables you to receive jobs into inspection for stocked parent parts that have been defined as traceable, or that require inspection. You cannot deselect this option once WIP inspection references are in progress; you must complete all outstanding WIP inspection references. If a parent item is defined as traceable (but without inspection) then the item is not taken into inspection, regardless of your selection here.

This allows the capture of serial numbers for jobs requiring inspection only once the item is received into stock after the inspection phase. Otherwise you can capture serials at the time the item is received into inspection. You cannot deselect this option once WIP inspection references for serialized items are in progress (unless they are only for items that are serialized, but not traceable, and you are recording serial numbers during order entry). You can generate a report to identify the inspection references still be completed.

This allows the capture of lots numbers for jobs requiring inspection only once the item is received into stock after the inspection phase. Otherwise, you can capture lots at the time the item is received into inspection. You cannot deselect this option once WIP inspection references for traceable items are in progress. You can, however, generate a report to identify the inspection references that must still be completed.

This sets the Part Billings program to calculate the gross profit automatically when processing a completed job. The gross profit is the difference between the accumulated costs to date and the selling price of the job. You won't be able to part-bill the entire quantity using the Line details billing method if the job is set to complete (which is automatically done when the entire quantity is part-billed). In this case, you are forced to use the Selling price billing method.

This is the lowest percentage of gross profit that the system will accept if you require the Part Billings program to calculate the gross profit automatically. An entry of zero indicates that there is no low profit margin.

This is the highest percentage of gross profit that the system will accept if you require the Part Billings program to calculate the gross profit automatically. An entry of zero indicates that there is no high profit margin.

This is used to calculate the value of allocations required. The expected value of allocations is printed on the Job Status report to indicate any variance between the expected and actual issues.

This values material allocations to a job at the Bill of Materials cost.

This values material allocations to a job at the current inventory unit cost. Regardless of your selection here, the actual value of issues to the job is not affected.

This forces a valid entry at the Job classification field when adding jobs. You use this option (together with security access settings defined against your operators) to restrict the unauthorized processing of jobs and allocations (i.e. viewing, adding, changing, importing, canceling and posting).

This reserves stock for material allocations for confirmed jobs. Quantities are reserved at the time of confirming created jobs. The quantity reserved for allocations is taken into account in the various modules when calculating quantities available and quantities allocated.

This tracks lots from the components through to the parent part. This enables you to track which component lot numbers were used in the production of a particular parent lot (i.e. one-to-one tracking between component lots and parent item lots).

This tracks serials from the components through to the parent part. This enables you to track which component serial numbers were used in the production of a particular parent serial number. (i.e. one-to-one tracking between component serials and parent item serials).
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