EFT Payments Extract

You use this program to extract Accounts Payable and Cash Book EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) transactions into batches for payment by the bank.

Accounts Payable and Cash Book transactions can be combined and extracted into a single batch if required.

This program:

  • creates the XML file if required (EFT Bank Control).
  • activates the After EFT payment extract trigger, if selected (Trigger Program Setup).
  • automatically generates the EFT Completed Payments list.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Save Select this to save your selections in the Transactionslistview.
Bank Indicate the bank code for which to extract the EFT payments.
Select All

Select this to mark all transactions displayed in the Transactions listview as selected for extraction into the EFT batch.

To select individual entries, you use your mouse pointer to place a tick in the check box at the beginning of the transaction line you want to select.

Deselect All

Select this to remove all ticks from the check boxes at the beginning of each line in the listview. No lines remain selected for extraction into an EFT batch.

To deselect individual entries, you use your mouse pointer to remove the tick in the check box at the beginning of the transaction line.

Delete A/P entry

If you enabled the option Total posting for Cash book integration (Banks) then this function enables you to delete the selected AP entries from the EFT system.

Print selection

Select this to print a list of all the transactions you selected for extraction.

You use this report to check that all required transactions have been selected prior to creating the payment batch and the XML file (if required - EFT Bank Control).

You can only access this option if you have access to the EFT Selected Payments program.

Create file

Select this to create a batch consisting of all the transactions marked for extraction (i.e. all selected transactions). If required, an XML file containing details of these transactions is also created.

A unique batch number is assigned to the transactions extracted and the transactions are moved to a status of Paid.

When an extract is performed, the system refers to the Suppliers and Browse on EFT Cash Book Beneficiaries files to extract the current banking information for suppliers and cash book beneficiaries respectively.

Action date

This indicates the date on which the transactions must be paid by the bank.

This date cannot be earlier than the current date.

OK Select this to create the batch, and the XML file if required (EFT Bank Control).
Cancel Select this to return to the listview without creating the file.

Bank Info

Information for the selected bank is displayed in this pane.

Extract Info

Column Description
XML file directory

This indicates the directory in which the XML file will be stored once created.

This is the directory defined against the bank (EFT Bank Control).


This indicates whether the XML file directory is located on the client machine or on the server.

This location is defined against the bank (EFT Bank Control).

Last file name This indicates the previous name of the XML file created the last time an EFT payments extract was run.
XML detail type This indicates the XML output structure of the XML file as defined against the bank (EFT Bank Control).


This listview displays the EFT transactions processed in the Accounts Payable and Cash Book modules which have not yet been extracted to a batch (i.e. EFT transactions not in a status of Paid).

Column Description

This prints the information currently displayed in the listview, Report or output pane.

Export to Excel

This lets you export the data to Microsoft Excel.

Edit Options
Copy This lets you copy rows or columns in the data grid.
Paste (all columns) This lets you paste the all columns from the grid.
Paste (visible columns only) This lets you paste the visible columns from Excel back into the grid, after you have exported the grid content to Excel.
Duplicate This lets you duplicate the selected entry row in the grid.
Find and Replace This lets you find and replace data in the grid.


This enables you to select/deselct the batch for extraction. A tick in this column indicates that the batch is included for extraction.

You can use the Select All and Deselect All functions to apply a tick or remove the tick from all lines listed.

Module This indicates the module in which the transaction originated. AP indicates the Accounts payable module and CB indicates the Cash Book module.
Supplier This indicates the code of the supplier you are paying via this EFT batch.
Name This indicates the name of the supplier you are paying.
Date This indicates the date on which the EFT was created.
EFT number

This indicates the EFT number of the batch.

If the batch was created in the Accounts payable module, then you can select the batch number to use the EFT Invoice Details program to view the A/P invoices associated with the highlighted transaction.

Payment amount This indicates the EFT amount in the currency of the supplier or bank.
Currency This indicates the currency of the supplier or bank.
Local equivalent This indicates the EFT amount in your local currency.
Check register or Cash book key

This indicates the check register in which the EFT was created if the payment originated in the Accounts Payable module.

For an EFT payment which originated in the Cash Book module, this indicates the key for the transaction created in the Cash Book Transaction Detail table/file.

Hints and tips

  • You can use the EFT Payments Re-extract program to re-extract a batch of payments.

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • You can only extract transactions for a single bank and a single currency at a time.