AR Statement Print

You use this program to generate account statements for a range of selected customers for the current month or the previous two months.

Things you can do in this program include:

  • Print, email or fax account statements

  • Generate customer statements for group payments

Toolbar and menu

Field Description

Select this to print up to 5 alignment pages enabling you to test the layout and form pitch of your continuous stationery.

You can select the up/down arrows at the Alignment option to indicate the number of test statements to print to check the alignment of the stationery in your printer.

This only applies when you generate statements for a single statement format.


Select this to preview the document before printing it. This option also enables you to email the statement to the customer, irrespective of which Document transmission method for statements is defined against the customer (Customers).

This option is only enabled when:

  • generating a statement for a single customer (i.e. you select Single at the Customer statement selection field)


  • you select the option: Suppress customer's format and enter a single statement format to use for all customers

Select this to generate the statements according to your selections.

If you selected to generate a statement for a single customer, and that customer's Document transmission method is set to Fax, then when you select the Print/Send option, you can select to either fax or email the statement to the customer.

If you selected to generate a statement for a single customer, you can use the Preview Document function to preview the document before printing it. When emailing to a single customer from the Print Preview screen, the default email address against that customer is used.

If you did not select to print zero balance customers (AR Statement Format - Preferences) then no statements are generated for customer's whose account balance is zero, if no movements have taken place on the account during the month for which statements are being printed. If any movement has occurred on the customer's account during the month for which statements are being printed, then the statement is printed even if the balance is zero.

At the end of processing, the Print Summary pane displays the total number of statements produced and the value of statements produced in each of the customer currencies. You indicate your preferences for viewing, printing or emailing this information in the After processing complete section of the Report Options.

Statements generated in automated mode will print to the default printer. Before running the scheduled tasks ensure that any customized stationery is added to this printer.

Save Form Values This option is only enabled in Design mode (Automation Design). Your selections are saved and applied when the program is run in automated mode.

Form values and defaults are applied at operator level. They are not saved at role or group level.

Report Options

Field Description
Print optimized statement

Select this to print the statement in SQL optimized mode.

The following sequencing options in the AR Statement Format program will be ignored if this option is selected:

  • Sequence invoices across sub-accounts

    Statements will always be sequenced by invoice number across all sub-accounts

  • Sequence of Detail Printing

    SQL optimized statements for Standard and Word printing will always print in invoice, payments and post dated checks sequence

This option is only available in a SQL environment.

Statement as of Indicate the month for which to generate statements.

Statements can be generated for the current and previous two months.

Report sequence

Indicate the order in which to generate the statements.

Option Description
Customer Select this to print statements by customer code.
Short name Select this to print statements by customer short name.
Branch Select this to print statements by Accounts Receivable branch.
Customer class Select this to print statements by customer class.
Geographic area Select this to print statements by geographic area.
Salesperson Select this to print statements by salesperson.
User defined sequence

Select this to print statements in a user-defined sequence.

You enter the name of the tag-file to be used at the time of printing the report.

A tag file is created using a text editor and enables you to print reports in a sequence not catered for by the system (see Tag files).

This option is not available when running in SQL optimized mode.

Statement date

Indicate the date required to be printed on statements.

This date is also used for ageing calculations.

Balance options Regardless of the selection you make here, statements are not printed if no invoices exist for the customer.

To generate statements for customers who have a debit balance and for customers who have a credit balance, you need to select both the Debits and Credits options. Alternatively, select the Balance selection option.

Debits Select this to print statements for customers with debit balances only.
Credits Select this to print statements for customers with credit balances only.
Balance selection

Select this to define the minimum amount a customer's balance must exceed before a statement is printed for that customer.

If you do not select this option, then statements are printed for all selected customers, irrespective of the balance type.

This option is not available if you selected the Credits option to print statements for only those customers with a credit balance.
Minimum balance You use this field to indicate the amount which a customer's balance must exceed before a statement is printed.
Currency options

To print details of your customer's currency on statements, you must select the preference: Print currency information (Preferences) against the statement format you are using.

Currency selection Indicate the currency for which to print the value of transactions.

If you select All, then the value of transactions are printed regardless of the currency in which they were posted.

Branch options Indicate the Accounts Receivable branch(es) for which to print statements.

Salesperson options

Indicate the salespersons for which to generate customer statements.

Customer options


Customer selection

Indicate the customer(s) for whom to print statements.

When the Report sequence is set to Short name, you need to set the Sequence in the Browse on Customers program to Customer Short Name to be able to browse and select customer short names.

When emailing or faxing statements to a single customer, the program checks the email/fax setup options against the customer (Customers) and the Customer selection as follows:

  • If you select the option Single, and you are emailing the statement, you can select the Preview Document option and then select the Email option from SYSPRO's Print Preview screen. This enables you to change the email address or add a message if required. Note that the email address must be defined against the customer (Customers).
  • If you select the Range option and enter the same customer number in the From and To fields, then you cannot select the Preview Document option and the Email/Fax cannot be previewed. The email or fax is automatically sent to the email or fax address defined against the customer (Customers).
Fax customers

Select this to generate statements for those customers to whom statements are set to be faxed.

The fax number defined in the Fax field under Document transmission (Customers) is used. This option produces statements according to the Fax/Email options defined against the customer.

Your selection here is ignored when you selected to generate statements for a single customer, because the Fax/Email options defined against the customer are used.

Email customers

Select this to generate statements for those customers to whom statements are set to be emailed.

You can only bulk email statements if the statement format print method is defined as Word or SRS (see AR Statement Format) and your operator code is configured to allow the fax/mail integration facility (Operators - Options).

The option: Group by email address (Maintain SRS Document Templates) must not be enabled when bulk emailing customer statements using a SRS document format.

When e-mailing a customer statement directly from SYSPRO's Print Preview screen, the e-mail address held against the customer (Customers) is used as the default, providing that you select to print a single customer statement.

This option produces statements according to the Fax/Email options defined against the customer. Your selection here is ignored when you selected to generate statements for a single customer, because the Fax/Email options defined against the customer are used.

Print customers Select this to generate statements for those customers to whom statements are not set to be faxed or emailed according to the Fax/Email options defined against the customer.

Your selection here is ignored when you selected to generate statements for a single customer, because the Fax/Email options defined against the customer are used.

Customer statement options  
Statement selection Indicate the statements to generate according to the statement format.

Select this to generate statements for all statement formats.

If you select this option, then statements are generated for the customers you selected, irrespective of the statement format defined against the customer (Customers).

If no default statement format is defined against the customer (Customers) then the first format displayed in the listview of the AR Statement Format program is used.


Select this to generate statements for a single statement format.

You indicate this format in the Statement format field below.

This option is automatically selected if you selected the Print selection: Suppress customer's format.

Statement format

Indicate the single statement format to use when generating statements.

Statements are only generated for customers whose default statement format matches the statement format entered in this field.

If you selected the Print selection: Suppress customer's format, then you must enter the statement format to use in this field.

If you enter a Standard document format, then statements are not emailed to any customers, irrespective of whether you indicated against the customer that statements must be emailed. The reason is that emailing is not supported for documents generated using a Standard document format (AR Statement Format).

Print selection  
Suppress customer's format

By default, the statement format defined against the customer is used when generating statements (Customers).

If no default statement format is defined against the customer (Customers) then the first format displayed in the listview pane of the AR Statement Format program is used.

Select this to ignore the statement format defined against the customer and use the statement format entered in the Statement format field of the Statement selection option.

You need to select this option if you are printing statements to a disk file and only want one file to be created for the statement run.

Print balance forward as open-item

Select this to print statements for balance brought forward customers as if they were open-item. i.e. all unpaid invoices are listed on the statement.

If you do not select this option, then the statements for balance forward customers are printed with a brought forward total followed by only current invoices being listed.

If you are printing statements using a Standard document format, the balance brought forward value is printed:

  • on the line before the line number defined in the First detail line starts on line field (AR Statement Format - Preferences)
  • in the column position defined for Invoice amount - debit, if the brought forward balance is a debit amount (AR Statement Format - Invoice Detail Section)
  • in the column position defined for Invoice amount - credit. if the brought forward balance is a credit amount (AR Statement Format - Invoice Detail Section)

You use the Month-to-date Messages function (AR Statement Format) to define the message to print for the balance brought forward value.

Consolidate master accounts

Select this to list invoices for attached sub-account customers when printing statements for master account customers.

Print individual attached accounts

Select this to print statements for sub-account customers.

Consolidate group accounts

This lets you print the statement consolidated by a primary customer. All secondary customers linked to the primary customer, are included.

The statement is generated using the currency of the primary customer.

Invoices sequenced by date

Select this to print invoices on the statement in date sequence.

When running in SQL optimized mode, the statement will print in invoice number sequence only.

This option will be ignored when running in SQL optimized mode.

Print without bitmap

Select this to exclude bitmaps from being printed on statements that are produced for this run of the program.

This option only applies if you are using a Standard document format for your statements (AR Statement Format).

If you are using an MS Word or SRS document format, then bitmaps are printed regardless of your selection at this option.

Sending selection

The difference between the Print only and Send only options is:

  • Print only selects the statements to print depending on the Fax/Email options defined against the customers.
  • Send only behaves according to the Fax/Email options defined against the customers.

Your selection at this option, together with your selection(s) at the Customer options and the Fax/Email option for statements defined against the customer (Customers) determines whether statements are faxed and/or emailed and/or printed.

If you select both the Print and Send options, then statements are emailed and faxed to the selected customers for the selected statement formats and all statements for the selected customers and statement formats are printed.

This option is only enabled if the option: Fax/mail integration required is selected against your operator code (Operators - Options).

The following table lists whether statements are faxed, emailed and/or printed when selecting the Print & Send option for the various combinations:

Include customers to: Customer set to Fax Customer set to Email Customer set to None
Fax, Email and Print Faxed and Printed Emailed and Printed Printed
Fax and Email Faxed and Printed Emailed and Printed  
Fax and Print Faxed and Printed   Printed
Email and Print   Emailed and Printed Printed
Fax Faxed and Printed    
Email   Emailed and Printed  
Print     Printed

Select this to only print statements for the selected customers and statement formats. No statements are faxed or emailed, irrespective of the Document transmission method defined against the customers (Customers).

The customers included in the statement print run depend on your selection at the option: Include customers to. For example, if you selected to include customers to Fax and Email, then statements are printed for those customers whose Document transmission method for statements is set to either Fax or Email (Customers).

The following table indicates when statements are printed when you select the Print only option for the various combinations of Document transmission options defined against customers (Customers):

Include customers to: Customer set to Fax Customer set to Email Customer set to None
Fax, Email and Print Printed Printed Printed
Fax and Email Printed Printed  
Fax and Print Printed   Printed
Email and Print   Printed Printed
Fax Printed    
Email   Printed  
Print     Printed

Select this to email, fax and optionally print statements for the selected customers and statement formats.

This option is only enabled if the option: Fax/mail integration required is selected against your operator code (Operators - Options).

The fax number defined in the Document transmission method - Fax field (Customers) is used.

Statements are faxed or emailed to those customers whose Document transmission method for statements is set to either Fax or Email (Customers). In addition, statements may be printed for selected customers, depending on your selection at the Include customers to option. For example, if you selected to include customers to Fax and Email, then no statements are printed. If, however, you select to include customers to Email and Print, then statements are emailed to customers set to Email and printed for customers set to None (Customers).

The following table indicates whether statements are faxed, emailed and/or printed when selecting the Send only option for the various combinations:

Include customers to: Customer set to Fax Customer set to Email Customer set to None
Fax, Email and Print Faxed Emailed Printed
Fax and Email Faxed Emailed  
Fax and Print Faxed   Printed
Email and Print   Emailed Printed
Fax Faxed    
Email   Emailed  
Print     Printed
Sales message

Enter a message of up to 50 characters that to print in the total section of each statement.

The message you enter in this field is only printed on statements if, against the statement format you are using to print the statements, you:

  • selected the Preference: Sales message (AR Statement Format - Preferences)


  • defined a print position against the field: Sales message position in the Total section of the format (AR Statement Format - Total Section).
Email subject Indicate the text to put into the email subject line when emailing statements.
Email cc Indicate the email address of the person to whom to email a copy of the statement. This applies only when emailing statements.
After processing completed

These options are displayed within programs that can be automated. They enable you to indicate the action you want to perform once processing is complete (see Automation Design).

Ageing options You use these options to nominate the invoice ageing method to apply only to this run of the Statement Print program.

Refer to Invoice Ageing for details on how the aged balances for a customer are determined.

Current ageing method This indicates the ageing method previously selected.
Report ageing method This enables you to define the ageing method to use when producing statements.
By statement

Select this to age invoices according to the last seven period end dates.

An invoice is defined as current if the invoice date is after the last period end date.

If you select this option and you are using the standard 30 day ageing buckets, then you must define your age breaks in multiples of 30 on your statement format (AR Statement Format - Preferences).

By aged statement

Select this to age invoices according to the last seven period end dates.

An invoice is defined as current if the invoice date is after the second last period end date.

If you select this option, then you must define your age breaks in multiples of 30 on your statement format (AR Statement Format - Preferences).

By invoice dateSelect this to age invoices according to the difference between the invoice date and the system run date.
By invoice due date

Select this to age invoices according to the due date of the invoice.

This is calculated as the invoice date plus the days till due as defined within the A/R Invoice Terms table.

The invoice remains current for as long as the due date remains greater than the ageing date.

Statement Fax or Email

This screen is displayed when you select the Print/Send option and you generated a statement for a single customer whose Fax/Email option for statements is set to Fax (Browse on Customers).

This enables you to email the statement to the customer, even though the default transmission method is to fax the statements for this customer.

Field Description
Statement Fax or Email  

Select this to fax the statement to the customer.

A valid fax number must be defined against the customer (Customers).


Select this to email the statement to the customer.

A valid email address must be defined against the customer (Customers).

Cancel Select this to return to the previous screen without sending the statement to the customer.

Print Summary

The information in this pane is displayed once your statements have been printed and/or sent, providing you did not select the option: After processing completed > Close this application in the Report Options.

You use the After processing completed options within the Report Options to print or email this information.

Column Description
Statement information  
Statement date This indicates the date printed on each statement.
Total processed This indicates the total number of statements produced.
Printed This indicates the total number of statements printed.
Emailed This indicates the total number of statements emailed.
Faxed This indicates the total number of statements faxed.
Currency summary

This indicates the value of statements produced in each of the customer currencies.

The currency code and currency description are displayed together with the total value of the statements generated for that currency.

Notes and Warnings

Program access

  • You can only access this program if you defined your Accounts Receivable Statement Format (AR Statement Format).


  • Statements can only be printed for customers against whom you indicated that statements are required to be printed (Customers).

  • To levy Finance charges against customers, the AR Finance Charge Calculation program must be run before customer statements are produced. Otherwise the charges will not appear on the customers' statements.

Statements for master and sub accounts

  • If you select this both the Consolidate master accounts and Print individual attached accounts options, then the invoices for the attached sub-account customers are printed twice - once on the statement for the master account and once on the statement for the sub-account. This is assuming that both the master and sub account customer numbers are included in the range of customers for which statements must be printed.

    In this case, the document totals printed at the end of the statement run will not balance back to the values displayed in the AR Company Control Balances query.

  • Even if you select Consolidate master accounts and Print individual attached accounts, the sub account statements are not automatically printed when only the master account statement is selected for printing. You must also select the sub accounts in the range of customer statements to print.

Bulk emailing and faxing

  • This program does NOT require the Office Automation and Message module to be installed in order to fax/email statements in bulk.

Custom forms

  • Up to 20 Sales order custom form fields can be printed on statements providing these are defined. The custom fields are available for printing under the <Invoice> node when using the SRS document print format (AR Statement Format).

Coding considerations

  • Payment information is reflected twice on the statement if you defined the print positions for payments in both the Transaction Detail section and in the Payment Detail section in the AR Statement Format program.