Supplier Query

This program lets you view data relating to your suppliers in the in the Accounts Payable module.
The purchasing department typically uses this program to view and verify supplier information and/or track the status of supplier invoices for goods received. A request for information on supplier invoices, payments, GRNs, etc. can also come from the supplier or externally in response to a customer request.
Things you can do in this program include:
- View supplier details, invoices and payments
- Track the status of supplier invoices for goods received
Adjust a GRN (Goods Received Note)
Update customer and management notes

This is a single large remittance to a primary supplier instead of multiple payments to many individual suppliers.
This type of payment is processed using a group supplier, which comprises a primary supplier (who receives the payment) and multiple associated downstream secondary suppliers. A group supplier is created using the AP Group Suppliers program (Program List > Accounts Payable > Setup).
A group payment is created using the AP Group Payments program (Program List > Accounts Payable > Payment Processing).

This comprises a primary supplier and one or more associated downstream suppliers (i.e. secondary suppliers). These groups are used to create and process group payments.
Group Suppliers are maintained using the AP Group Suppliers program (Program List > Accounts Payable > Setup).

An intercompany group payment affects two or more SYSPRO companies and involves the Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable modules.
The transaction is processed in the primary company and involves payments to secondary companies for Accounts Payable or payments from secondary companies for Accounts Receivable.
All secondary SYSPRO companies must be located on the same SYSPRO server as the primary SYSPRO company.

This is the supplier against which the single remittance for payments to multiple secondary suppliers is processed (i.e. recipient of the aggregate payment). This single remittance is known as a group payment.
When processing group/intercompany group payments, this is the supplier in the primary SYSPRO company against which payments to multiple secondary suppliers either in the same or secondary SYSPRO company are processed.
Primary suppliers are created and maintained using the AP Group Suppliers program (Program List > Accounts Payable > Setup).

This is the company in which you process the group/intercompany group payment.
This is also the company where the primary customer (for Accounts Receivable) or primary supplier (for Accounts Payable) is located.
All secondary SYSPRO companies must be located on the same SYSPRO server as the primary SYSPRO company.

A purchase order is the document used to define the details of a product or service provided by a seller to a buyer. It becomes a temporary legal contract to buy products or services once the seller accepts it.
Once the need for goods or services is identified and the pre-purchase activities (e.g. requisitioning, supplier sourcing and price negotiation) are complete, a purchase order for the goods is placed with the relevant supplier.

This supplier is paid together with its associated primary supplier via a single remittance (i.e. group payment).
Suppliers for group payments are defined using the AP Group Suppliers program (Program List > Accounts Payable > Setup).

Secondary SYSPRO companies are updated by the transaction that is initiated and processed in the primary SYSPRO company.
All secondary SYSPRO companies must be located on the same SYSPRO server as the primary SYSPRO company.

Suppliers provide a mechanism for you to raise purchase orders within SYSPRO, as well as being used as a selection criterion to generate reports.
You can configure group suppliers to facilitate group and intercompany group payments (i.e. processing a single large remittance to a primary supplier instead of multiple payments to many individual suppliers).
Static information configured against a supplier is used to determine applicable tax, discounts, etc., when processing purchasing transactions.
Documents received from a supplier (e.g. invoices, credit notes, debit notes, etc.) are stored against the supplier and let you keep track of the company's liabilities.
You maintain supplier details using the Suppliers program and you create group suppliers using the AP Group Suppliers program (Program List > Accounts Payable > Setup).

You restrict operator access to activities within a program using the Operator Maintenance program.

Controls whether an operator can maintain Supplier and Management notes for a supplier using the Supplier Query program.
This does not prevent the notes from being displayed.

You can restrict operator access to programs by assigning them to groups and applying access control against the group (configured using the Operator Groups program).

You can restrict operator access to functions within a program using passwords (configured using the Password Definition program).
When defined, the password must be entered before you can access the function.

This password restricts access to maintaining Management notes for a supplier using the following programs:
- Supplier Query
- Suppliers
This does not prevent the notes from being displayed.

The following configuration options in SYSPRO may affect processing within this program or feature, including whether certain fields and options are accessible.

The Setup Options program lets you configure how SYSPRO behaves across all modules. These settings can affect processing within this program.

Setup Options > Configuration > Financial > Accounts Payable
- Cash projection period in days

Setup Options > Tax > Company Tax Options
- Withholding tax required

Setup Options > General Ledger Integration > General Ledger Codes
- Integration level
Dimension analysis

Setup Options > General Ledger Integration > Payables Ledger Codes
- Intercompany payments interface

This option is only available when outstanding purchase orders exist for the supplier.
If no purchase orders exist, this option becomes unavailable.

The size of the buckets is determined by the number of days defined against the Cash projection period in days setup option (Setup Options > Configuration > Financial > Accounts Payable).

You may only have access to view customer notes and management notes.
You will only be able to maintain customer notes and management notes if you have been granted access to the AP Update/add/remove Management/Supplier Notes activity.

The withholding tax details are only displayed if the Withholding tax required setup option is enabled (Setup Options > Tax > Company Tax Options).

The cash projection graph can only be displayed if the Cash projection required preference option is enabled.

- Open the Supplier Query program.
Enter the supplier code in the Supplier field and press Tab, or alternatively select the browse icon to use the Browse on Suppliers program to locate the supplier code.
Select the various panes to the view supplier, invoice and payment details.
Select an invoice from the Invoices listview.
Look at the Status field to track the status of supplier invoices for goods received.
View payments made to the supplier for the selected invoice on the Payments listview.

- Open the Supplier Query program.
- Select Options, followed by Preferences.
- Enable or disable the various options available.
- Select Save Preferences.

- Open the Supplier Query program.
- Enter supplier code in the Supplier field and press Tab, or alternatively select the browse icon to use the Browse on Suppliers program to locate the supplier code.
- Select Query from the menu, followed by Goods Received Note.
Select the GRN and then select GRN Adjustment from the toolbar.
The GRN's for Supplier screen is displayed where you can view and/or update the GRN details.

You can only maintain customer and management notes if you have been granted access to the AP Update/add/remove Management/Supplier Notes activity.
- Open the Supplier Query program.
- Enter the supplier code in the Supplier field and press Tab, or alternatively select the browse icon to use the Browse on Suppliers program to locate the supplier code.
- Select Notes from the menu and then select either Supplier Notes or Management Notes.
Edit and/or update the note, then select Save.

Columns in a listview are sometimes hidden by default. You can reinstate them using the Field Chooser option from the context-sensitive menu (displayed by right-clicking a header column header in the listview). Select and drag the required column to a position in the listview header.
Fields on a pane are sometimes removed by default. You can reinstate them using the Field Selector option from the context-sensitive menu (displayed by right-clicking any field in the pane). Select and drag the required fields onto the pane.
The captions for fields are also sometimes hidden. You can select the Show Captions option from the context-sensitive menu to see a list of them. Click on the relevant caption to reinstate it to the form.
If the Show Captions option is grayed out, it means no captions are hidden for that form.
Press Ctrl+F1 within a listview or form to view a complete list of functions available.
The query loads faster if you deselect the Cash Projection required preference option.
Use the Invoices Selection tab in the Invoices pane to select the data to display in the listviews.
Select Refresh Details on this pane to view data according to your selections.
This tab changes to Receipt Selection if you select the Receipt tab and Scrap Selection when you select the Scrap tab.

Field | Description |
Options | |
Preferences |
This lets you configure default settings that must be used when processing transactions within this program. |
Supplier Currency Projection |
Enable this option to display the cash projection in the currency of the supplier. |
Query |
In the SYSPRO Web UI (Avanti), these options are available in the Linked Views drop-down. |
Invoice |
This lets you view details of transactions processed against invoices for a supplier using the AP Supplier Invoices program. |
Registered Invoices |
This lets you view details of registered invoices processed for the supplier using the Browse on AP Registered Invoices program. |
Registered Cr/Dr Notes |
This lets you view details of registered credit notes and/or debit notes processed for the supplier using the Browse on AP Registered Credit and Debit Notes program. |
Goods Received Notes |
This lets you view details of the outstanding GRNs for a purchase order using the Browse on GRNs program. You can also select the GRN Adjustment option to adjust any transactions that have been created with a purchase order receipt and stored in the GRN suspense file. |
Outstanding P/orders |
This lets you view all outstanding (i.e. active) purchase orders for the supplier using the PO Browse on Purchase Orders program. This option is only enabled when outstanding purchase orders exist for the supplier. |
Blanket P/orders |
This lets you view standing orders for the supplier using the Browse on Contracts program. |
Group and Interco Payments |
Select the Show hyperlink to launch the AP Browse on Payment Runs program, where you can view all group and intercompany group payment runs where the queried supplier was included. |
Contact |
This lets you view information on contacts for the supplier using the Contact Management Query program. |
Notes |
This lets you view and maintain Supplier Notes and Management Notes using the Admin Notepad Editor (Monospaced Text) program. |
Supplier |
Enter the supplier code whose details you want to query. |

Field | Description |
Select | |
Cash projection required |
Enable this option to include funds availability details. This displays when funds need to be available to pay transactions, while taking discounts that are due into consideration. |
Include unapproved invoices |
Enable this option to include unapproved registered invoice, credit note and debit note values in the relevant cash projection aged bucket. A separate unapproved total will be displayed.
Project at current rate |
Enable this option to convert foreign amounts into local currency at the current exchange rate. If this option is not enabled, these amounts will be converted at the exchange rate applicable at the time the transaction was entered.
Display retained invoices |
Include zero balance invoices in the listview pane of the Supplier Invoices function (i.e. those invoices that you have paid and are retaining for a prescribed period). You can toggle this option from within the Supplier Invoices function. |
Display invoices in | |
Detail |
Enable this to view invoice details together with any transactions processed against the invoice. |
Summary |
Enable this to view invoice details only. No transactions are displayed when invoices are viewed in summary. |
Save Preferences | This saves preferences against your operator code and uses them for future runs of the program until next you change them. |
Close |
Save the preferences for the current run of the program only. |

General details about the supplier are displayed in these fields, some of which include:
Field | Description |
Cash projections - amount |
The supplier's invoices, credit notes and debit notes are accumulated into buckets which show when funds need to be available to pay invoices, while taking advantage of available discounts. The size of each bucket is determined by the number of days defined for the Cash projection period in days setup option. For example: If an entry of 30 is made against the setup option, the fields displayed in the Cash projections sections are:
Each transaction is then aged by calculating the difference in days between the company date and either the discount date or the due date against the transaction. Once the difference has been calculated, the transaction is added to the appropriate bucket. ![]()
Auto vouchering |
This displays the auto vouchering selection defined against the supplier. ![]() The supplier uses auto vouchering, but this can be overridden during purchase order processing. ![]() The supplier never uses auto vouchering. ![]() The supplier always uses auto vouchering and this cannot be overridden during purchase order processing. |
Purchase details |
Last purchase |
This field is updated when an invoice is created in the following programs:
Invoices |
Select the Show hyperlink to view details of transactions processed against invoices for a supplier using the AP Supplier Invoices program. |
Registered invoices |
TSelect the Show hyperlink to view details of registered invoices processed for the supplier using the Browse on AP Registered Invoices program. |
Registered credit and debit notes |
Select the Show hyperlink to view details of registered credit notes and/or debit notes processed for the supplier using the Browse on AP Registered Credit and Debit Notes program. |
Goods received notes |
Select the Show hyperlink to view details of the outstanding GRNs for a purchase order using the Browse on GRNs program. You can also select the GRN Adjustment option to adjust any transactions that have been created with a purchase order receipt and stored in the GRN suspense file. |
Outstanding purchase orders |
Select the Show hyperlink to view all outstanding (i.e. active) purchase orders for the supplier using the PO Browse on Purchase Orders program. This option is only enabled when outstanding purchase orders exist for the supplier. |
Blanket purchase orders |
Select the Show hyperlink to view standing orders for the supplier using the Browse on Contracts program. |
Group and interco payments |
Select the Show hyperlink to view all group and intercompany group payment runs where the queried supplier was included using the AP Browse on Payment Runs program. |

The supplier's contact details are displayed in this pane.

In this pane you can view and maintain the following notes:
- Supplier notes
- Management notes

These panes display invoice, credit note, debit note and payment information for the supplier.
Some columns are hidden by default and can be added using the Field Chooser function.
- Custom form columns relating to invoices are displayed on the Invoices pane.
- You can highlight a line in this listview and use your right mouse button to select Revaluation Details (AP Browse on Revaluation Details).
Some of the details that can be viewed include:
Field | Description |
Original discount |
The Original discount amount is displayed in brackets when the discount days have been exceeded (i.e. the discount due date has passed) according to the invoice terms. |
Reference |
AP-Co REF: The Reference column of the Payments pane indicates a contra adjustment processed in the AP Invoice Contra program. AV GRN: This is displayed for invoices created by Auto Vouchering. It indicates the GRN number for the invoice. When generating invoices by supplier, the first GRN in the grid is used as the invoice reference. |
Withholding tax |
These columns indicate the withholding tax code and amount for the invoice. These are displayed if the Withholding tax required setup option is enabled. |
Amount (supplier cur) |
This is the gross payment in the currency of the supplier. |
Ex rate (supplier currency) |
This is the supplier currency exchange rate used at the time of payment. Add the currency code of the supplier to the heading. |
Multi-currency |
Check box to indicate multi-currency payments. |
Payment currency |
Currency in which payment was made. |
Amount (payment currency) |
Gross payment in payment currency. |
Ex rate (payment cur) |
Exchange rate of payment currency. |
Jnl/Check reg | This indicates the journal or check register number against the payment. |
Amount (local cur primary) |
This indicates the gross payment value in the primary company's local currency. |
Amount (local cur sec) |
This indicates the gross payment value in the local currency of the secondary company. |
Dimension entry |
This indicates the Dimension Analysis record against the transaction. |
Ex rate (local sec to local prime) |
This indicates the exchange rate that is used to convert the gross payment from the secondary company's local currency to the primary company's local currency. |
Group payment |
This indicates whether the payment is a group payment. Group payments are created, executed and posted using the AP Group Payments program. |
Local cur primary |
This indicates the currency code of the local currency of the primary company. |
Local cur xref (sec) |
This indicates the currency code of the secondary company’s local currency (obtained from the TblCurrency table of the primary company). |
A check or tick mark indicates that this payment run spans two or more SYSPRO companies, i.e. the payment transaction is processed in the primary company and involves payments to secondary companies. |
Payment run |
This indicates the Payment run number associated with the group payment. This column is hidden by default and can be added using the Field Chooser function. |
Primary company |
This indicates the primary company in which the group or intercompany group payment run was processed. |
Primary register |
This indicates the check register number allocated to the payment run in the primary company. |
Primary supplier |
This indicates the code associated with the Primary supplier that is the recipient of the supplier group payment as indicated in the AP Group Payments program. The primary supplier and secondary suppliers associated with a supplier group (which serves as the mechanism that enables you to create a group payment) is defined in the AP Group Suppliers program. This column is hidden by default and can be added using the Field Chooser function. |
Supplier cur xref |
This indicates the currency code of the supplier’s currency (obtained from the TblCurrency table of the primary company). |

This displays details of receipts processed from the supplier.
Field | Description |
Price |
The purchase price only. Additional values for freight, etc. are not included in this value. |
Foreign Price |
The purchase price in the foreign currency, if the supplier you are querying is a foreign currency supplier. |
Landed price |
The total purchase order line value, including the purchase price plus any other charges such as freight. The value in this field is always displayed in your local currency. |

This displays the custom form information defined against the supplier.
Field | Description |
Custom Form Data Entry | Select this to enter custom form data against the supplier using the Custom Form Data Entry program. |

Details that can be viewed include:
Field | Description |
Last payment details | |
Check number |
The check number of the last payment made to the supplier. You can select the check number to use the Cash Book Zoom on AP Transactions program to view the payment details for the check. |
Monthly purchase history |
This displays a breakdown of supplier invoices (paid or unpaid) per period for the past 12 months. |
MTD purchase history | |
MTD other |
This displays the month to date value of AP invoices posted to the Other expense account, and is only displayed when when GRN matching is not used. |
YTD purchase history |
This indicates the current fiscal (financial) year's purchase history for the supplier. These fields are initialized with zeroes when the financial year end is run (AP Period End). |
YTD other |
This displays the year to date value of AP invoices posted to the Other expense account, and is only displayed when when GRN matching is not used. |
Previous year purchase history |
This displays the previous fiscal (financial) year's purchase history. When the financial year end is run, the current values on the YTD purchase history field move to the Previous year purchase history fields (AP Period End). |

This graph represents the monthly purchase history for the supplier in the current year.
Outstanding GRNs (Goods Received Notes) are not included in this graph.

This graph represents a cash projection for the supplier.
The cash projection is only displayed if the Cash projection required preference option is enabled.
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