WIP by Branch
The WIP by Branch feature extends ledger integration options to include integration at branch level (only job classification was available before). This means that each branch and job classification can have separate WIP ledger control accounts. Previously, you could only define a single WIP control account and WIP variance account per company.

You can enable WIP branches for the following:
- Jobs
- WIP inspections
- Job numbering
- Job classification

The programs related to this feature are accessed from the Program List of the SYSPRO menu:
- Program List > Work in Progress

Within SYSPRO, branches are used for reporting and analysis purposes and as a means of integrating transactions to General Ledger for balancing and control purposes.

WIP branches are linked to jobs.
You can define the general ledger integration at branch or job classification level. Depending on the GL integration level defined, the ledger codes set up against the branch or against the job classification are used.
GL integration by WIP branch facilitates reporting and analysis of work in progress transactions by branch. A default branch can be defined against the route, an operator, a bill of material and a job.
You maintain branches using the WIP Branch Maintenance program.

To use this feature, the following setup option(s) must be enabled:
Apply integration level at
(Setup Options > General Ledger Integration > General Ledger Codes)
This must be defined as WIP branch level or Job classification level.

You can secure this feature by implementing a range of controls against the affected programs. Although not all these controls are applicable to each feature, they include the following:
- You restrict operator access to activities within a program using the Operator Maintenance program.
- You can restrict operator access to the fields within a program (configured using the Operator Maintenance program).
- You can restrict operator access to functions within a program using passwords (configured using the Password Definition program). When defined, the password must be entered before you can access the function.
- You can restrict access to the eSignature transactions within a program at operator, group, role or company level (configured using the Electronic Signature Configuration Setup program). Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering that gives you greater control over your system changes.
- You can restrict operator access to programs by assigning them to groups and applying access control against the group (configured using the Operator Groups program).
- You can restrict operator access to programs by assigning them to roles and applying access control against the role (configured using the Role Management program).

The Setup Options program lets you configure how SYSPRO behaves across all modules. These settings can affect processing within this program.

Setup Options > General Ledger Integration > General Ledger Codes
- Apply integration level at

Setup Options > General Ledger Integration > Work in Progress Ledger Codes
Job classifications

Setup Options > Keys > Manufacturing
- Numbering method (Jobs)
Numbering method (WIP inspection)

Setup Options > Preferences > Manufacturing > Bill of Materials
- Default WIP branch

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The following process outlines how to implement Work in Progress by WIP branch.
Define the integration level for Work in Progress to the General Ledger:
Setup Options (Setup Options > General Ledger Integration > General Ledger Codes)
Select the integration level at the Apply integration level at setup option:
WIP branch level
When selecting this option, the WIP control account defined against the branch in WIP Branch Maintenance will be used.
Job classification level
When selecting this option, the WIP control account defined against the job classification will be used.
Create Work in Progress branches in this program:
WIP Branch Maintenance
Capture the WIP branch details as well as the WIP ledger codes for the various WIP accounts.
Define the Work in Progress branches in the following programs:
Job Classification
Define a WIP branch for the job classification.
Define a WIP branch for the BOM route.
Work Centers
Define a WIP branch for the work center or operation.
Optionally define the default Work in Progress branch required in the applicable programs:
Setup Options (Setup Options > Preferences > Manufacturing > Bill of Materials)
Define the default WIP branch at the Default WIP branch setup option.
Operator Maintenance (SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Setup > Operators)
Define the default Work in Progress branch against the operator at the WIP branch field of the Defaults tab.
Routings (Program List > Bill of Materials > Setup)
This only applies if the Alternate routings setup option is enabled (Setup Options > Preferences > Manufacturing > Bill of Materials).
Define the default Work in Progress branch against the route at the Branch field.
If Alternate routings is enabled and a job is created for a stocked parent part, then the WIP branch defined against the route will be used for the job.
If Work in Progress is integrated to the General Ledger at WIP branch level, then the WIP control account defined against the WIP branch will be used for the job.
Configure job numbering by WIP branch:
Setup Options (Setup Options > Keys > Manufacturing)
Define the Numbering method for Jobs as Branch.
WIP Branch Maintenance (Program List > Work in Progress > Setup)
Define the Next job prefix and Next job number against the branch.
The Next job prefix is used if the Prefix length setup option at the Jobs section is larger than zero.
Configure WIP inspection numbering by WIP branch:
Setup Options (Setup Options > Keys > Manufacturing)
Define the Numbering method for WIP inspection as Branch.
WIP Branch Maintenance (Program List > Work in Progress > Setup)
Define the Next WIP inspection prefix and Next WIP inspection reference against the branch.
The Next WIP inspection prefix is used if the Prefix length setup option at the WIP inspection section is larger than zero.
Update existing jobs and routes with the WIP branch depending on your configured General Ledger integration:
The WIP branch, ledger account and job classification (if applicable) will only be updated on active jobs if no material or labor has been issued.
If the Apply integration level at setup option is defined as WIP branch level:
WIP Branch Update (SYSPRO Button > Run a program)
Define a WIP branch to update existing jobs.
The WIP control account from the WIP branch will also be saved against the job, material and labor allocations.
If the Apply integration level at setup option is defined as Job classification level:
Job Classification (Program List > Work in Progress > Setup)
Define a job classification to update existing jobs.
The WIP control account and the WIP branch defined against the job classification will also be saved against the job, material and labor allocations.
If the WIP integration at the Apply integration level at setup option is defined as WIP branch level:
WIP Branch Maintenance (Program List > Work in Progress > Setup)
Specify the WIP control account.
If the WIP integration at the Apply integration level at setup option is defined as Job classification level:
Job Classification (Program List > Work in Progress > Setup)
Specify the WIP control account and the WIP branch.

The following indicates areas in the product that may be affected by implementing this feature:

Program List > Work in Progress > Setup
This program lets you add and maintain branches for the Work in Progress module.

Program List > Work in Progress > Setup
You can select a WIP branch and specify the following ledger accounts for each job classification:
- WIP control ledger code
- WIP variance ledger code
- WIP automatically cleared variance
WIP inspection ledger account
The ledger codes are required only if the Apply integration level at setup option is defined as Job classification level.

Accessible from the Post function from the WIP Inspection Maintenance program.
The WIP Branch is displayed in the Inspection Details pane and the ledger account is displayed in the Post Information pane.

Program List > Work in Progress > WIP Inspection
The WIP branch can be printed in the Detail section of WIP inspection receipt documents.

Program List > Bill of Materials > Setup
The WIP branch is displayed on the BOM Route Details pane so that you can assign a branch to the route.

Program List > Bill of Materials > Setup
The WIP branch is displayed on the Parent Stock Information pane.
The BOM structure is allocated to the WIP branch based on the routing applied to the structure.
The WIP branch field at the Internal Operations Details pane indicates the WIP branch of the current operation or work center.

SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Setup > Operators
The default WIP branch can be defined against the operator at the Access section of the Defaults tab and access to branches can be restricted in the Access listview.

Program List > Work in Progress > Setup
The WIP branch field at to the Machine Details pane indicates the WIP branch defined against the work center.

Program List > Work in Progress > Setup
The WIP branch field at to the Employee Details pane indicates the WIP branch defined against the work center.

Program List > Work in Progress > Setup
The WIP branch field at to the General Information pane indicates the WIP branch defined against the work center.

Program List > Work in Progress > Job Postings
The WIP branch field at to the Capacity Calendar Details pane indicates the WIP branch defined against the work center.

Accessible from the Change function from the WIP Browse on Labor Allocations program.
The WIP branch field at to the Internal Operation Details pane indicates the WIP branch defined against the job, work center or operation.

Accessible from the Add function from the WIP Browse on Labor Allocations program.
The WIP branch field at to the Internal Operation Details pane indicates the WIP branch defined against the job, work center or operation.

Program List > Work in Progress > Job Postings
You can select a WIP branch for each job that is created. The default used is determined (in order of priority) as follows:
- Job classification (if WIP is integrated to the ledger by job classification)
- Route (for a stocked job, if alternate routing is used)
- Operator
- Bill of Material
The WIP branch and WIP ledger code fields are disabled when maintaining a job that uses multiple WIP branches for work centers and operations, as the Transfer Job to WIP Branch program must be used to transfer the job costs to the WIP ledger code defined for the operation.

Program List > Work in Progress > Job Postings
The WIP branch against the job is displayed in the Job Information pane.
The WIP ledger code is displayed in the Job Details pane.

Program List > Work in Progress > Job Postings
The WIP branch recorded against the job is displayed in the Job Details pane.
The Current WIP branch field at the Job Details pane indicates the WIP branch of the current operation or work center.

Program List > Work in Progress > Job Postings
The WIP branch recorded against the job is displayed in the General Information pane.
The Current WIP branch field at the General Information pane indicates the WIP branch of the current operation or work center.

Program List > Work in Progress > Job Postings
The WIP branch recorded against the job is displayed in the General pane.

Program List > Work in Progress > Job Postings
The WIP branch recorded against the job is displayed in the Job Entry Details pane.
The Current WIP branch field at the Job Entry Details pane indicates the WIP branch of the current operation or work center.

Program List > Work in Progress > Job Postings
The WIP branch can be included as a selection criterion from the Recalculation criteria pane.

Program List > Work in Progress > WIP Inspection
The WIP branch can be included as a selection criterion from the Review Criteria pane.
To add the WIP Branch column (which is hidden by default) use the Field Chooser function from the context-sensitive menu of the WIP Exception Variance Review listview.

Program List > Work in Progress > Job Postings
The WIP branch is displayed in the Job Details pane.

Program List > Requirements Planning > Requirements Planning
You can select the WIP branch you want to include when reviewing jobs. This defaults to the branch defined against the operator and is used when a live job is created for a suggested job from the review. It is also used for labor and material allocations.

Program List > Inventory > Transaction Processing
The WIP branch is displayed within the Backflushing Options pane.
The ledger account defined against the WIP branch selected during backflushing is displayed within the Backflushing pane.

Program List > Work in Progress > Job Postings
The WIP branch can be included as a selection criterion from the WIP Job Confirmation Criteria pane.
To add the WIP Branch column (which is hidden by default) use the Field Chooser function from the context-sensitive menu of the WIP Job Confirmations Reviewlistview.

Program List > Work in Progress > Job Postings
The WIP branch is displayed in the WIP branch column of the Capacity Pegging pane.
The Current WIP branch field at the Capacity Pegging pane indicates the WIP branch of the current operation or work center.
The Operation WIP branch field at the Capacity Pegging pane indicates the WIP branch defined against the operation, which will not change throughout the job processing.

Program List > Work in Progress > Job Postings
The WIP branch can be included as a selection criterion from the Review Criteria pane.
To add the WIP Branch column (which is hidden by default) use the Field Chooser function from the context-sensitive menu of the Report listview.

Program List > Work in Progress > WIP Inspection
The WIP branch can be included as a selection criterion from the WIP Inspection Options pane.
To add the WIP Branch column (which is hidden by default) use the Field Chooser function from the context-sensitive menu of the WIP Inspection listview.

Program List > Work in Progress > WIP Inspection
This program lets you transfer a job to another WIP branch between operation or material issues. This typically occurs when production is done at various WIP branches and jobs are transferred during production.

SYSPRO Button > Run a program > WIPPWB
This program updates existing open jobs and routes with the default WIP branch.

Program List > Work in Progress > Reports
Program List > SYSPRO Reporting Services > Work in Progress
This report displays job transfers between WIP branches.

The WIP branch defined against the job, work center or operation can be included in the selection criteria and is displayed in the output of the following reports:
The reports only include information for WIP branches to which the operator has access.
Factory Documentation
Trial Kitting
Advanced Trial Kitting
Job Variance
Factory Documentation
WIP Detail
Percentage Complete
Dispatch List
WIP Valuation
WIP Tracking
Labor Analysis
Material Scrap Analysis
Non-Productive Labor Analysis
WIP Inspection Trial Balance
WIP Inspection Report
WIP Inspection Document Print
Job Status
Labor Analysis
Machine Efficiency
Work Center Efficiency
The WIP branch is also included in the output of the following reports:
WIP Part Billings Distribution
WIP Labor Distribution
WIP Job Amendment Journals Report
WIP Labor Journal
Multi-level Job
Employee Efficiency

Program List > Work in Progress
The WIP branch recorded against the job is displayed in the Job Details pane.
The Current WIP branch field at the Job Details pane indicates the WIP branch of the current operation or work center.

Program List > Work in Progress
The WIP branch recorded against the job is displayed in the Job Details pane.
To add the WIP Branch column (which is hidden by default) use the Field Chooser function from the context-sensitive menu of the Attached Sub Jobs listview.

Accessible from the WIP Part Billing Journal option in the Details listview of the GL Query program.
The WIP branch against the transaction is displayed at the Zoom on WIP Part Billings listview.

Program List > Work in Progress > Job Postings
When different WIP branches are used during processing, the WIP branch defined against the labor allocation is the same as the current WIP branch against the job. You can use the Transfer Job to WIP Branch program to transfer the job to the correct branch.

Program List > Work in Progress > Browses
This program lets you browse and maintain WIP branches.

Accessible from the Operation Allocations option from the Query menu of the WIP Query program.
Use the Field Chooser option from the context-sensitive menu to add the WIP Branch column at the WIP Labor Allocations listview.

Program List > Work in Progress > Browses
Use the Field Chooser option from the context-sensitive menu to add the Current WIP Branch column at the Jobs listview.
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