SYSPRO Advanced Browse
The SYSPRO Advanced Browse feature consolidates SYSPRO's traditional browse look-ups into a single program, making it easier to administer and customize. The traditional browse look-up programs are typically accessed from the browse icon, or by pressing F9.

From SYSPRO 8 2021 R2, all new programs that require browses default to using the new advanced browse facility which is available for valid key fields on a toolbar, grid or form.
For the traditional browse look-up programs (accessed from the browse icon, or by pressing F9) you will need to enable the Enable advanced browse option (Setup Options > System Setup > System-Wide Personalization) to take advantage of the new advanced browse features.
Things you can do using this feature includes:
Browse records associated with the field from which you loaded the program.
Indicate the criteria according to which you want to browse records.
Filter records according to specific text contained in the first column, or all columns.
Specify the number of records that you want to display on a single page.
Reset any filters applied to your listview.
View current page number.

The following configuration options in SYSPRO may affect processing within this program or feature, including whether certain fields and options are accessible.

The Setup Options program lets you configure how SYSPRO behaves across all modules. These settings can affect processing within this program.

Setup Options > System Setup > System-Wide Personalization
- Enable advanced browse

The advanced browse feature doesn't apply to browse programs launched standalone from the Program List. It's only applicable to key fields associated with your setup, query and report programs (e.g. accessed from the browse icon, or by pressing F9).
The advanced browse feature doesn't cater for multiple part keys (e.g. when browsing on stock codes for a warehouse).
Because the advanced browse feature caters for extensive configuration and customization capabilities from within the Search Configuration program, some functions from the legacy browse programs are no longer applicable or required (e.g. adding or removing columns using the Field Chooser function or being able to re-arrange columns in the browse program).

From SYSPRO 8 2021 R2, all new programs that require browses default to using the new advanced browse facility which is available for valid key fields on a toolbar, grid or form.
For the traditional browse look-up programs (accessed from the browse icon, or by pressing F9) you will need to enable the Enable advanced browse option (Setup Options > System Setup > System-Wide Personalization) to take advantage of the new advanced browse features.

The following explains how to define the details and sequence in which you want to display information for each of your specific browses:
Open the Search Configuration program (Program List > Administration).
Expand the SYSPRO folder displayed in the Configured Searches pane.
This folder contains all the various browse and search fields that are configurable for this feature.
Select the field against which you want to configure its associated browse.
This loads the Search Details pane, as well as the Search Criteria listview which applies to the Predictive Search feature.
The Layout preview of the Search Details pane indicates the columns currently displayed in the browse that are associated with the field (this is purely informational and can't be edited).
Within the Search parameters section, select the hyperlink against Fields to return to indicate all the columns that you want to display in the Results listview associated with the browse.
This loads the Fields To Return window:
Use the checkboxes within the Include column to indicate all the fields that you want to include as columns in the browse associated with the field.
Fields with a
icon are primary fields and can't be deselected if the checkbox is disabled.
Select the Apply function.
Select the Save function of the Search Details pane.
This launches the Save Search window:
From the Search level option, indicate the level at which you want to save the search (e.g. system-wide, by company, by role or by operator).
Depending on your selected level, indicate the associated code within the Search company, Search role or Search operator fields.
Ensure that the Default option is enabled against the Product field.
Select the Save function.
The Configured Searches pane is updated with the new customized configuration.
From the Search Details pane, select the Order by fields hyperlink to specify the particular order in which you want to display your columns.
This loads the Order By Fields window:
Drag the fields associated with the columns (to be displayed in the browse) in the order of relevance that you require.
These columns are displayed from left to right of the browse Results listview.
Use the Move Up and Move Down functions in the toolbar to re-sequence records in the listview.
Select the Apply function.
At the Number of rows to return field, indicate the default number of rows that you want to display in the Results listview.
Select the Save function.
Exit the program.
You can now load the browse against the customized field. The fields that you selected and reordered should now be displayed as columns when using the SYSPRO Advanced Browse feature.

In the SYSPRO Web UI (Avanti) all browse programs are based on a generic browse that can be accessed from within the programs. You can't access a browse program directly (i.e. from the menu) in the SYSPRO Web UI (Avanti).
If you do try to access a browse program from the menu, an error message will be displayed that states that no web view exists for that program.
Enabling or disabling the SYSPRO Advanced Browse feature has no effect within the SYSPRO Web UI (Avanti).
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