Open Reporting API
The Open Reporting API lets developers and external applications call SYSPRO to run and distribute documents directly in the external application.
Leveraging the SYSPRO Reporting Service Server infrastructure, developers can query the SYSPRO database and produce the required documents which are added to the print queue from where they can be viewed, executed and managed. Developers can access the document via the document queue for further automation (a destination code indicates the origin of the queue item).

The Open Reporting API enables custom application or third party developers to programmatically produce single documents from applications outside the main SYSPRO application, by referencing an assembly located within the SYSPRO \Base folder.
The Open Reporting API works by creating a business object wrapper around the standard SYSPRO print programs and by providing business objects to retrieve the required information about those documents that are printed. Please refer to the Referencing section for more information on the XML that is used for each document type.
Documents that have already been generated and stored in the document queue can't be retrieved via the API.
Each document type first needs to be converted to support the Open Reporting API before the wrapper business objects can be written to call them. This is to ensure that the SYSPRO print programs don't try to show any user interface when called by the API. As a result, not all document types may be supported by the API.
The business objects used by the Open Reporting API are intended for use within the API only and should not be used directly in SYSPRO reserves the right to change the way these business objects work in order to support the API.

Before using the Open Reporting API, ensure that Server-side Printing is configured correctly in SYSPRO.
The following is required:

Reporting Host Service
Crystal Reports Server Embedded (CR 2016 and any specific service packs)
SAP BusinessObjects BI platform .Net SDK Redistributable 64-bit 4.2. SP3

Browser pop-ups must be enabled
This is only applicable for previewing PDFs in a web-browser application.

Server-side reporting (configured within the SYSPRO Setup Options program Setup Options > System Setup > Reporting).
e.Net Service Details (configured within the SYSPRO Setup Options program Setup Options > System Setup > Artificial Intelligence).
SMTP emailing (configured within the SYSPRO Setup Options program Setup Options > System Setup > Connectivity).

The Open Reporting API is only supported for SRS server-side printing, as it makes use of the SYSPRO 8 Reporting Host Service to call the print business objects and generate documents.
The Open Reporting API is therefore not available for client-side printing.
When emailing a document, only one email address can be entered in the To and CC lines.
Known limitations:
The following are known limitations, which may be addressed during the lifetime of SYSPRO 8:
Batch printing of documents is currently not supported.
Report printing is not supported.
Documents that are printed using this architecture are currently not added to the document archive.
The generated documents are stored in the SRS document queue used for server side printing and will be visible from the SRS Document Queue program. However, they are not added to the document archive.
There will be no PDF file in the SRS Document Printing archive folder, nor will the document be visible in the Document Archive Viewer.
This functionality is limited to the following document types:
Sales order documents
Delivery notes
Order acknowledgments
Dispatch notes
Dispatch note invoices
AR statements
Factory documentation
Foreign and local purchase orders (excluding requisitions)
Support for other documents and reports may be made available in the future.

The Setup Options program lets you configure how SYSPRO behaves across all modules. These settings can affect processing within this program.

Setup Options > System Setup > E.Net Service Details
- Server name
- SOAP port
- REST port

Setup Options > System Setup > Reporting
- Reporting configuration
- Server-side configuration

The SYSPROSRSClientLibrary.dll assembly file is located in your SYSPRO \Base folder.
It is placed into this folder during the installation of SYSPRO 8.

This file is no longer in use and has been replaced by the SYSPROSRSClientLibrary.dll assembly file.
The SYSPROSRSClientLibrary.dll assembly (located in your \Base directory) is used by all applications that want to use the functionality of the SRS API.
All DLLs are located in your \Base directory.

Load the System Setup program (SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Setup > General Setup).
Navigate to the Reporting tab.
The host service end-point is displayed at the Reporting service field of the Server-side configuration section.

The SYSPROSRSClientLibrary.dll assembly is used by all applications that want to use the printing or reporting services functionality.
The SysproWCFClientLibrary40.dll assembly can be used for all applications that want to access SYSPRO.
The SysproWCFClientLibrary40.dll is not a requirement for printing.

Yes, you can produce a document from within SYSPRO workflow if you create a custom activity that will allow you to create a reference to the client library assembly and write your C# code.

The SYSPRO 8 Reporting Host Service is deployed via the SYSPRO Installer and can be installed automatically when SYSPRO 8 is installed.
We recommend stopping the SYSPRO 8 Reporting Host Service before any updates are done and restarting it thereafter.

From the Setup Options program, select the Reporting System Setup form (Setup Options > System Setup > Reporting).
Configure the required settings:
Field Action Reporting configuration
Select Server-side reporting using SQL.
SQL Server Name
Enter the name of the SQL Server instance that contains the _SRS database.
Reporting authentication
Select the type of authentication you will use.
Save your changes.
Ensure that you can successfully print the document type using SYSPRO before trying to print it using the API.

All API calls are done via the SRS library.
Create a new project and add the DLL as a reference.
Use the five available methods to query and generate documents.

Open the solution.
Select the Solution Explorer (View > Solution Explorer).
- Right-click on References in the Solution Explorer pane of the project and select Add Reference.
- Select Browse and navigate to the SYSPRO \Base folder.
- Select the reference, e.g. SYSPROSRSClientLibrary.dll and click on Add.
Ensure the assembly is checked in the list of assemblies and select OK.

The following indicates the business objects that are affected by this feature:

The SO Document Details Query business object is used by the Espresso Application (or third party program) to obtain sales order and invoice details. This then returns a list of documents that can be printed.

The SO Document Print Query business object is used by the Espresso Application (or third party program) to obtain and return information in the XML format required to generate SRS documents.

The exposed API methods can be used in a number of ways:
Controlling login and logout.
Controlling the formats of the documents.
This lets customers with login credentials access their data to generate documentation from third-party applications. External or third-party applications like SYSPRO Espresso can request the information from the API and, once received, apply it to generate the required documents.
The SYSPROSRSClientLibrary.dll assembly (located in the \Base folder) allows an application like SYSPRO Espresso to call the SYSPRO 8 Reporting Host Service in order to create the documents.
The following API methods or functions are exposed:

This controls and authorizes the logging on of users. This method returns a session ID.
Because the API logs on via the service, which is a trusted application, SYSPRO doesn’t require a password. Although the method requests passwords, these aren't actually used.
This means that you need to make sure that any operator log on authentication is handled by the third party or custom application.

This controls and authorizes access of users that are already logged in. This method returns a session ID.
This takes a session ID you have generated by doing a logon using the SYSPRO 8 Communications Load Balancer and authenticates that as a valid session ID and returns a GUID.

This logs off sessions of stand-alone applications.
This takes the GUID that is returned by the AuthSysproUser function and performs a log off.
This GUID that is returned is not the same as the session ID that is returned from a log on.

This provides a list of formats for the selected document type as well as sometimes additional information pertaining to the selected document. This method returns XML with details of available documents and formats.
This only returns SRS formats and looks at the control file (i.e. sales order control file), to determine which formats are defined for SRS according to the governing business rules.
This method returns the following that can be used to determine which document types can be printed:
For the Sales Order Document Printing functionality:
Sales order number
Sales order status
Sales order flags
- Dispatch note number
Print & reprint flags
For other document types:
Purchase order number
Quote number
Factory documentation number

This generates the document to print on the host server.
When previewing the document, it is returned in a HEX encoded format of a PDF document
The input XML is passed to the business object, which in turn communicates with the Document Print program. The SYSPRO 8 Reporting Host Service uses the XML returned from the Document Print program, to generate the document using the selected format.

API method name: Determine document options

This function can be used to return information on a specific sales order as well as the formats that have been configured per sales order document type. This allows the application developer to present a user interface to their customer and control which documents can be printed and which print options are available.
For example, if both the CanPrintAcknowledgement and CanRePrintAcknowledgement values are false, then no order acknowledgment can be generated or reprinted for the sales order.
Information for any invoices that have been generated for a sales order will be returned and if there are any lines available to invoice on the sales order then the CanGenerateInvoice element will have a value of true.
Various document types will return flags to indicate whether a document can be printed or reprinted. It is up to the 3rd party application to read and store these flags and then provide the correct value for Reprint element in the produce document input XML ,where applicable.
The following codes are used for the sales order documents types:
- I - invoice
- D - delivery note
- O - order acknowledgment
- N - dispatch notes

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
<OrderNumber FilterType='S' FilterValue='791' />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
<DocumentControl Language="05" Language2="EN" CssStyle="" DecFormat="1" DateFormat="01" Role="01" Version="8.0.001" OperatorPrimaryRole=" ">
<CancelledFlag />
<DocumentType>Order Acknowledgement</DocumentType>
<FormatName>Order Acknowledgemen</FormatName>
<DocumentType>Delivery Note</DocumentType>
<FormatName>Delivery Note</FormatName>

The only options available for this document type is to return a list of the SRS formats that have been configured.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
<Format />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<DocumentControl Language="05" Language2="EN" CssStyle="" DecFormat="1" DateFormat="01" Role="01" Version="8.0.001" OperatorPrimaryRole=" ">
<DocumentType>A/R Statement Print</DocumentType>
<FormatName>Customer Statement</FormatName>

This function returns information for a given purchase order as well as all the formats that have been defined so that the user interface can prompt the user to select a format and print. As with the sales order document type, flags are returned to indicate whether the document can be printed and reprinted.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<PurchaseOrder FilterType="S" FilterValue="420" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<DocumentControl Language="05" Language2="EN" CssStyle="" DecFormat="1" DateFormat="01" Role="01" Version="8.0.000" OperatorPrimaryRole=" ">
<Translated_OrderStatus>Order printed</Translated_OrderStatus>
<Translated_PurchaseOrderType>Import order</Translated_PurchaseOrderType>
<PurchaseOrderActiveFlag />
<PurchaseOrderCancelledFlag />
<DocumentTypeDescription>Purchase orders - foreign</DocumentTypeDescription>
<FormatName>P/order - Foreign</FormatName>
<DocumentTypeDescription>Purchase orders - Local</DocumentTypeDescription>
<FormatName>P/order - Local</FormatName>

This function returns information for a given quotation as well as all the formats that have been defined so that the user interface can prompt the user to select a format and print. As with the sales order document type, flags are returned to indicate whether the document can be printed and reprinted.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<Quotation FilterType="S" FilterValue="344" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<DocumentControl Language="05" Language2="EN" CssStyle="" DecFormat="1" DateFormat="01" Role="01" Version="8.0.001" OperatorPrimaryRole=" ">
<Translated_OrderStatus>In progress</Translated_OrderStatus>
<FormatName>Quotation - Multiple</FormatName>

The only options available for this document type is to return a list of the SRS formats that have been configured.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<DocumentControl Language="05" Language2="EN" CssStyle="" DecFormat="1" DateFormat="01" Role="01" Version="8.0.001" OperatorPrimaryRole=" ">
<FormatName>Job Card</FormatName>
<FormatName>Picking Slip</FormatName>

API method name: ProduceDocument
The XML parameters for each document type are the same, the only difference would be the DocumentType element which indicates for which document type you are generating the document. The DocumentType element is not case sensitive.
The purpose of the parameter XML is to tell the function what you would like to do with the document that is generated.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
<PrinterName />
<EmailFromAddress />
<EmailToAddress />
<EmailCCAddress />
<EmailToAddress />
<EmailBodyText />

When printing a sales order, you need to supply the DocumentType element to tell the API which sales order document you want to produce, in this case it is an invoice.
For example:
This instructs the API to reprint invoice 100506 for sales order 791 using format 0.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
<OrderNumber FilterType='S' FilterValue='000791' />
<InvoiceNumber FilterType='S' FilterValue='100506' />
For example:
This instructs the API to reprint dispatch note invoice 100540 for sales order 945 and dispatch note 0000029 using format 0.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
<InvoiceNumber FilterType="S" FilterValue="100540" />
<OrderNumber FilterType="S" FilterValue="000000000000945" />
<DispatchNote FilterType="S" FilterValue="000000000000027" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
<DocumentType>AR Statement Print</DocumentType>
<PrinterName />
<EmailFromAddress />
<EmailToAddress />
<EmailCCAddress />
<EmailToAddress />
<EmailBodyText />

The AR Statement format allows for multiple options to be provided via a 3rd party API.
For more information on these elements, please refer to the AR Statement Print program in SYSPRO
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<StatementDate />
<SalesMessage />
<Customer FilterType="S" FilterValue="0000001" />

Supported values for the DocumentType element are Purchase orders - Local and Purchase orders - Foreign.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
<DocumentType>Purchase orders - Local</DocumentType>
<PrinterName />
<EmailFromAddress />
<EmailToAddress />
<EmailCCAddress />
<EmailToAddress />
<EmailBodyText />

Valid values for the DocumentType element are either L (local) or F (foreign) and the format code selected must have been created for the specified purchase order document type.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<OrderNumber FilterType="S" FilterValue="458" />

Supported values for the DocumentType element are Quotation - Single, Quotation - Multiple line and Quotation - Multiple column.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
<DocumentType>Quotation - Single</DocumentType>
<PrinterName />
<EmailFromAddress />
<EmailToAddress />
<EmailCCAddress />
<EmailToAddress />
<EmailBodyText />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<DocumentDate />
<PrintDefaultOffer />
<PrintOffer2 />
<PrintOffer3 />
<PrintOffer4 />
<PrintOffer5 />
<Quotation FilterType="S" FilterValue="951" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
<DocumentType>Factory Documentation</DocumentType>
<PrinterName />
<EmailFromAddress />
<EmailToAddress />
<EmailCCAddress />
<EmailToAddress />
<EmailBodyText />

The following sample code is provided to assist you in using the API.
The sample code is provided in C# and is specifically for sales order document types. It needs to be adjusted if used for other document types.

// Replace "localhost:20140" with the endpoint of your
// SRS reporting host service
// See Reporting service field on the Reporting tab in System Setup
SYSPROSRSClientLibrary.SYSPROSRSClient _sysproSRSClient =
new SYSPROSRSClientLibrary.SYSPROSRSClient("localhost:20140")

The passwords are not validated using this function.
The custom or third party application must handle authentication, should this be required.
// The following assumes that you have set up the OperatorCode and
// CompanyCode method arguments with appropriate values.
// Passwords are not required as the host service is a trusted application
string sessionId = "";sessionId = _sysproSRSClient.AuthenticateSYSPROUser(OperatorCode, "",
CompanyCode, "");

You would only use this function if you already have a session ID that you want to use.
This method requires operator and company password.
// // Create the Load Balancer instance using the e.Net Load Balancer end point
// See Server name and REST port fields on the service details tab
// in System Setup
// Requires "using SYSPROWCFServicesClientLibrary40;"
SYSPROWCFServicesPrimitiveClient WCFNETTCP;
WCFNETTCP = new SYSPROWCFServicesPrimitiveClient(WCFAddress,
// Generate the session id with the Logon function to the relevant
// SYSPRO instance
string GUID = WCFNETTCP.Logon(OperatorCode, OperatorPassword,
CompanyCode, CompanyPassword,
"", "", SYSPROInstance, "");
// Validate the session id with the API
string sessionId = "";
sessionId = _sysproSRSClient.AuthenticateSYSPROGuid(GUID);

// Validate the session id with the API
sessionId = _sysproSRSClient.AuthenticateSYSPROGuid(GUID);
StringBuilder xmlIn = new StringBuilder();
xmlIn.AppendFormat("<OrderNumber FilterType='S' FilterValue='{0}' />", 791);
// Where 791 is the Sales Order number
string documentOptions = _sysproSRSClient.DetermineDocumentOptions(
sessionId, "SalesOrder", xmlIn.ToString());
// See documentation for sample XML out

//Produce a document for sales order invoice
StringBuilder xmlParam = new StringBuilder();
xmlParam.Append("<PrinterName />");
xmlParam.Append("<EmailFromAddress />");
xmlParam.Append("<EmailToAddress />");
xmlParam.Append("<EmailCcAddress />");
xmlParam.Append("<EmailSubject />");
xmlParam.Append("<EmailBodyText />");
StringBuilder xmlIn = new StringBuilder();
// This is always 'ONLINE'
// See Document Type Codes
// Format code selected to print with - see output from DetermineDocumentOptions
Print/Reprint flag - see output from DetermineDocumentOptions
xmlIn.AppendFormat("<OrderNumber FilterType='S' FilterValue='{0}' />",791);
//Where 791 is the Sales Order number
xmlIn.AppendFormat("<InvoiceNumber FilterType='S' FilterValue='{0}' />",100506);
// Where 100506 is the Invoice number
string xmlOut = _sysproSRSClient.ProduceDocument(
sessionId, xmlParam.ToString(), xmlIn.ToString());
// See documentation for sample XML out

byte[] docByte = GetByteStringFromOutput(xmlOut);
/// <summary>
/// Function that converts a Hex encoded string to an array
/// of unsigned integers that represents the ASCII bytes
/// </summary>
private static byte[] GetByteStringFromOutput(string XMLOut)
byte[] bytes = new byte[] { };
XDocument XOut = XDocument.Parse(XMLOut);
// Use Linq to get the HEX encoded document string
XElement docHex = XOut.Descendants().Where(n =>
n.Name == "DocumentHex").First();
if (docHex == null)
return bytes;
string HexString = docHex.Value;
// Get the number of characters in the string
int NumberChars = HexString.Length;
// Each byte is derived from 2 characters in the input
// that together represent the HEX value of the byte
bytes = new byte[NumberChars / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < NumberChars; i += 2)
// The 16 in the following conversion indicates that this
// is converting from HEX, or Base 16.
bytes[i / 2] = Convert.ToByte(HexString.Substring(i, 2), 16);
return bytes;
catch { throw; }

// If you authenticated using a OperatorCode and
// CompanyCode then you might want to logoff.

This is the sales order number.

This is the sales order status flag.

Following the entry of a sales order document into the system, a status code is assigned to the order header indicating its progress within the system.
The status code held against an order determines which functions can be performed at that point, particularly during maintenance and printing.
The current order status is stored in the SorMaster table.
The status may also be stored in the SorMasterRep table, but may not be the same as the status in the SorMaster table.
For example:
For an SCT order, the status in the SorMasterRep table is the order status at the time of performing the transfer, whereas the order status in SorMaster is the current status.
The following are the possible statuses that can be assigned to a sales order header:
Status | Description |
0 - Order in process |
The entered order is currently being maintained by another user or the End order function was not performed (e.g. a power failure occurred during the entry or maintenance of an order). This status can be reset to the previous status using the Order Maintenance function. |
1 - Open order line |
An order has been entered into the system. A delivery note must be printed before the order can be released for invoicing. Next status: 4 - In warehouse The following actions place an order into a status of 4 - In warehouse:
2 - Open back order |
An order or billing contains lines which could not be shipped owing to a stock shortage. The order or billing may have been partially invoiced, but there are remaining lines on back order. Releases for a Blanket Sales Order have been accepted. An order or billing has to pass through the invoicing process at least once to become an open order. You can cancel an order that is in a status 2 - Open back order providing that the order has been partially invoiced and the Cancel open order previously invoiced setup option is enabled (Setup Options > Preferences > Distribution > Sales Orders). Your configuration of the Back orders setup option affects how this status is updated (Setup Options > Preferences > Distribution > Sales Orders):
Next status:
3 - Released back order |
An open back order now has items to be shipped and has been released for delivery note printing. Billings are released into status 8 - To invoice, not status 3 - Released back order. The next delivery note print will produce a delivery note document. Your configuration of the Back orders setup option affects how this status is updated (Setup Options > Preferences > Distribution > Sales Orders):
Next status: 4 - In warehouse |
4 - In warehouse |
A delivery note has been printed for an open order or a released back order. Next status: 8 - To invoice |
8 - To invoice |
A billing has been entered. A back ordered billing has been released. An order in the warehouse has been released. Next status:
8 - To transfer |
A Supply Chain Transfer order has been entered. Next status: 9 - Complete |
F - Forward order |
The order is indefinite and must be released before it is processed as a normal order. Next status: 1 - Open order line When releasing a Forward order, the quantity is placed in back order when any of the following are true:
S - In suspense |
An order or billing has failed credit checking. An order or billing has been placed on hold. Next status: The order reverts to the status in process (0 - Order in process) prior to the order being suspended. |
9 - Complete |
A sales order has been fully invoiced and will be removed from file when the Order Purge program is run. When a Blanket Sales Order is complete in terms of invoicing, it is set to a status of S - In suspense while waiting for the next release. It is not set to a status of 9 - Complete. |
* Cancelled |
An order was canceled during entry (i.e. before it was completely entered into the system) and will be removed from the file when the Order Purge program is run. |
\ Cancelled |
An order was canceled prior to invoicing and will be removed from the file when the Order Purge program is run. |
R - Released to picking |
Indicates that an order has been released to picking. An open order (status 1 - Open order line) which contains lines for picking, would typically move to a status R - Released to picking and then P - In picking. Sales orders can only be invoiced when the picking cycle has been completed. |
P - In picking |
Indicates that the order is currently within the picking process. Once picking has completed, the order would return to a status 1 - Open order line, therefore enabling you to add additional lines if required, or proceed to the next required stage. |

This is the translated description of the order status.

This flag determines whether the sales order is active.
- Blank - Yes
- N - No
- Z - To be archived

This is the translated description of the active flag.

This flag determines whether the sales order is cancelled.
- Blank - No
- Y - Yes

This is the translated description of the cancelled flag.

This determines the document type, which can be one of the following:
- B - Billing
- O - Order
- C - Credit note
- D - Debit note

This is the translated description of the document type.

This flag determines whether the order acknowledgment document may be printed.
- True - Yes can be printed
- False - No can't be printed

This flag determines whether the order acknowledgment document may be reprinted.
- True - Yes can be reprinted
- False - No can't be reprinted

This flag determines whether the delivery note document may be printed.
- True - Yes can be printed
- False - No can't be printed

This flag determines whether the order acknowledgment document may be reprinted.
- True - Yes can be reprinted
- False - No can't be reprinted

This flag determines whether an invoice can be generated from the sales order.
- True - An invoice can be generated from the sales order
- False - An invoice can't be generated from the sales order

This flag determines whether the dispatch note document may be printed.
- True - Yes can be printed
- False - No can't be printed

This flag determines whether the order acknowledgment document may be reprinted.
- True - Yes can be reprinted
- False - No can't be reprinted

This flag determines whether a dispatch note can be generated from the sales order.
- True - A dispatch note can be generated from the sales order
- False - A dispatch note can't be generated from the sales order

This is the list of dispatch notes details for the specified sales order and the list of any detail lines for a given order that has not yet been invoiced.

This lists any dispatch notes that were generated for the order.

This is the dispatch note number.

This is the dispatch note status flag.

This is the translated description of the dispatch note status.

This is the dispatch note invoice.

This lists any invoices that have been generated for the sales order.

This is the invoice number.

This is source document from which the invoice was generated.
- O = Sales order

This indicates the description of the invoice source.
O - Order
M - Multiple dispatch
C - Consolidate dispatch
T - Dispatch SCT

This is the date when the invoice was last printed.

This indicates the list of formats that can be used to print a sales order document.

This indicates the format details.

This flag determines the sales order document type.
- Invoice
- Delivery Note

This flag determines the sales order format code.
- a - z
- A - Z

This is a description of the format, as supplied by the user.

The XML root node. This includes the option and filter to determine how the document should be generated.

These are the options used to determine how the statement is generated.

This indicates the filter selection. A combination of the filters should equate to a single document.

This is the sales order number filter.
- Filter type S - single

This is the invoice number used to reprint a single invoice.

This is currently not applicable.

This is the dispatch note number filter.
- Filter type S - single

This is the date the document was captured.

This is the document type, which can be one of the following:
- D - Delivery note
- I - Invoice
- O - Acknowledgement
- N - Dispatch Note

This is the format of the document, which can be one of the following:
- 0 - 9
- A - Z
- a - z

This is the print function:
- ONLINE - synchronously generates a single document

This translates foreign text and notes for multi-language option.

This flag determines whether the invoice may be reprinted.
- Y - reprint

This is currently not applicable.

This indicates the selected format options details and the configuration against the template assigned to the format.

This flag is returned by the GETFMTS function.

This is the SRS Document Type.
- Invoice
- get other document types...

This is the Format code that is returned by the GETFMTDET function call.

This is the index to the document entry in the document print control file that is returned by the GETFMTDET function call.

This is the document descriptionthat is returned by the GETFMTDET function call.

Name of the schema file used by the document that is returned by the GETFMTDET function call.

This is the path to the schema file on the application server that is returned by the GETFMTDET function call.

This is the name of the template file used by the document that is returned by the GETFMTDET function call.

This is the path to the template file on the application server that is returned by the GETFMTDET function call.

These are the internal print flags.

This is the custom email subject line.

This is the custom print file name.

This lets you select to use the SQL driver instead of the XML driver.
- True - Use SQL driver
- False - Use XML driver

This is the name of the first printer defined against the document.

This is the number of copies that will be printed.

This lets you collate print copies.
- True - Collate copies
- False - Don't collate copies

This is the document format description from the format control record.

The XML root element. This includes the option and filter to determine how the document should be generated.

This indicates the options used to determine how the statement should be generated

This indicates the filter selection.
Filters should equate to a single document, and currently there is one filter selection which is a customer.

This indicates the customer for whom statements are printed.

This Indicates the business object function to be performed.
Currently ONLINE is the only function available.

This is the document format code.

This defines the financial period for which the statement will be printed.
- C - Current
- P - Previous period 1
- 2 - Previous period 2
If no value is supplied, a default of 'C - Current' will be used.

This is the ageing date that will be applied to the transactions.
The date will default to the relevant ageing date as per the StatementAsOf option supplied, i.e.
- If either P - Previous period or 2 - Previous period 2 is set, the ageing dates for these periods will be applied.
- If this is set to C - Current period, the date will default to the company date.
- A manually entered date overwrites any default dates.

This indicates what ageing method should be applied when ageing transactions.
- S - Statement
- A - Aged statement
- I - Invoice date
- D - Invoice due date
If no value is supplied, the ageing option defined in the AR setup program will be used.

This indicates whether to list invoices for attached sub-account customers when printing statements for master account customer.

This indicates whether statements are printed for sub-account customers.
If you select Y – Yes at IncludeAttached and ConsolidateSub, the invoices for the attached sub-account customers are printed twice - once on the statement for the master account and once on the statement for the sub-account.
This is assuming that both the master and sub-account customer numbers are included in the range of customers for which statements must be printed.
If this is set to Y – Yes, the Currency value in the Statement Information (reflect on the xml out) will not balance back to the values displayed in the At a Glance - Accounts Receivable

- Y - Yes - prints statement for balance brought forward customer as if it were open-item. i.e. all unpaid invoices are listed on the statement.
- N - No - statements for balance forward customer are printed with a brought forward total followed by only current invoices being listed.

This indicates whether customer with certain balances should be included.
- A - All
- D - Debit
- C - Credit
If no value is supplied then a default value of A - All will be used.

This indicates the amount which a customer's balance must exceed before a statement is printed.

A message of up to 50 characters that you want printed on the statement.

This indicates that the specified purchase order can be printer based on the purchase order status.
True - the selected purchase order is ready to be printed.

This indicates that the specified purchase order can be re-printed based on whether the purchase order has been printed.
True - the purchase order has been printed and can now be reprinted.

The XML root element.

This is the XML tag which includes the selected purchase order details including the status of the purchase order and the list of formats that can be used when printing a purchase order.

SRS Document Type, e.g.
- L - Purchase Orders - Local
F - Purchase Orders - Foreign
R - Purchase Orders - Requisitions
C - Blanket Contract

This is the description of the SRS Document type.
- Purchase Orders - Local

This is the code for the document format.

Document format name.
- P/order - Local

This indicates the list of the formats that can be used to print a purchase order.
This includes the document type (purchase order foreign or local) and the format codes per document type.

This indicates the purchase order key to be printer.

This indicates whether the purchase order status is active.

This indicates whether the purchase order status is cancelled.

This indicates the status of the purchase order.

This indicates the code of the purchase order type.

This • indicates the description for the order status.
0 - In process
1 - Ready to print
4 - Order printed
9 - Completed
* - Cancelled

This indicates the description of the order type.
L - Local
I - Import
O - Other

Print function. 'ONLINE' - synchronously generate a single document.

This indicates the purchase order document type.
- L - Purchase Orders - Local
- F - Purchase Orders - Foreign
- R - Purchase Orders - Requisitions
- C - Blanket Contract

This indicates the purchase order Format code.
- 0 - 9
- A - Z.
This is required for the GETFMTS function only.

This is reprint flag.
- Y - reprint a quotation

This indicates the filter selection for the order to be printed.
Filter selection ensures a single purchase order is printed.

This is the purchase order number filter.
- Filter Type 'S' - single

This indicates that the specified quotation can be printer based on the purchase order status.
True - the selected quotation is ready to be printed.

This indicates that the specified quotation can be re-printed based on whether the quotation has been printed.
True - the quotation has been printed and can now be reprinted.

The XML root node.

The XML tag which includes the selected quotation details including the status of the quotation and the list of formats that can be used when printing a quotation.

This indicates the quotation to be printed.

This indicates the version number of the specified quotation.

This indicates the status of the specified quotation.

This indicates the description of the quotation status.
0 - In progress
1 - Ready for printing
2 - Printed
4 - Confirmed
H - On hold
R - Rejected
S - Superseded - new version
\ - Cancelled

This is the date of the document.

This indicates the filter selection for the quotation to be printed.
Filter selection ensures a single quotation.

This indicates the quotation to be printed.

This is the print function.
- ONLINE - synchronously generate a single document.

This lets you print the default offer.
- D - Print
- N - Do not print

This lets you print offer number 1.
1 - Print
- N - Do not print

This lets you print offer number 2.
2 - Print
- N - Do not print

This lets you print offer number 3.
3 - Print
- N - Do not print

This lets you print offer number 4.
4 - Print
- N - Do not print

This lets you print offer number 5.
5 - Print
- N - Do not print

This is the quotation number filter type.
- S - single

This is the reprint flag.
- Y - reprint a quotation

This is the custom print file name.

This is the custom email subject line.

The XML root.

The XML tag which includes the selected job details including the status of the job and the list of formats that can be used when printing a job.

Description against the document in the document print control files that is returned by the GETFMTDET function.

This is the index to the document record in the document print control files that that is returned by the GETFMTDET function.

SRS Document Type.
- Quotation - Single

This indicates the document number according to which the job(s) must be printed.

This indicates the document format within the document number according to which the job must be printed.

These are PDF encryption details that are used by the process generating the PDF to encrypt the document if it is set against the format being used.

Print copies collated.
- True
- False

This is the number of copies to print.

Name of the first printer defined against the document

Schema file name - without path - used by the document type that is returned by the GETFMTDET function.

Full path to the schema used by the document type that is returned by the GETFMTDET function.

This is the Crystal RPT file name - without path - that used by the document and returned by the GETFMTDET function.

This is the full path to the Crystal RPT used by the document and returned by the GETFMTDET function.

Use SQL driver instead of XML driver
- True
- False

This is the document number according to which the job(s) must be printed.
- 1 - 4

This indicates the job for which the XML/document is generated.
The filter type is always single and filter value is Job.

This is the job filter type.
- S - single

This is the document format.
- 0 - 9
- A - Z

This indicates the options used to determine how the job should be generated and further filters using the state of the job.

The XML root element.
This includes the option and filter to determine how the document should be generated.
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