WIP Nest Processing
The Job Nesting feature lets you combine several small jobs into one larger nested job process. This lets you view and select combinations of work orders that can be batched together into larger processes (e.g. you can nest multiple jobs using the same raw material or components).
The result is a reduction of waste and operational costs, optimized use of raw material and resources, and improved efficiencies.
This program lets you process a job nest.
Things you can do in this program include:
- Process a job nest.
- Issue the actual material and labor to the job nest.
This program is accessed from the Program List of the SYSPRO menu:
Program List > Work in Progress > WIP Job Nesting
A group of jobs, processed together as a percentage of the material and labor used.
External generic or machine-specific software that performs the optimization of the nest against the raw materials.
Nesting refers to the process of efficiently manufacturing shaped and non-symmetrical parts from flat raw material.
The components in a nested-based process are positioned in a pattern that will best use the materials and minimize waste.
This is the integration interface that provides a link between ERP systems and a dedicated nesting software.
- The Associate serials by bin setup option (Setup Options > Configuration > Distribution > Inventory) must be enabled.
You can restrict operator access to programs by assigning them to groups and applying access control against the group (configured using the Operator Groups program).
The following configuration options in SYSPRO may affect processing within this program or feature, including whether certain fields and options are accessible.
The Setup Options program lets you configure how SYSPRO behaves across all modules. These settings can affect processing within this program.
Setup Options > Configuration > Distribution > Inventory
- Associate serials by bin
If the status of the job nest is not C - Confirmed it is unavailable for selection. Use the Job Nest Capture program toconfirm the job nest before processing it.
Open the WIP Nest Processing program (Program List > Work in Progress > WIP Job Nesting).
Select the job nest you want to process.
Issue all the required raw materials to the nest.
Once you have issued material, the nest status is set to I - In progress and you can't edit the nest using the Job Nest Capture program. -
Process the job nest, entering the stock utilization, remnant or scrap percentages.
Complete the job nest.
This sets the status to F - Finished/Complete.
You would typically use this procedure once the material and labor required for the job nest has been recorded.
- Open the WIP Nest Processing program (Program List > Work in Progress > WIP Job Nesting).
- Select the job nest you want to complete.
Select Set to complete from the Job Nest Header pane.
A tick mark is inserted in the Nest complete field indicating that the status has been updated to F - Finished/Complete.
Select the job nest that you want to process.
You can only select job nests that are in a status of C - Confirmed.
Field | Description |
Job nest details |
Job Nest | This indicates the job nest. |
Nest description |
This indicates the job nest description. |
Status |
This indicates the job nest status (which must be C - Confirmed in order to be processed). Once processed, the nest status will be set to C - Confirmed. |
Work center |
This indicates the work center of the job nest. |
Work center description |
This indicates the description of the work center. |
Nest complete |
A tick mark indicates that all raw material has been accounted for and the job nest is complete. |
Set nest to complete |
Select Set to complete to complete the nest.
If all raw material has been accounted for, the nest will be set to complete automatically. However, you can also set the nest to complete manually.
Field | Description |
Issue new material |
This issues the actual material that will be used for the job nest. This may not be the same material that was assigned to the job code using the Job Nest Capture program.
The material is taken out of stock and when the jobs are processed, even if this differs from the assigned material that was planned for the job nest.
Stock code |
This indicates the stock code of the issued material. |
Description |
This indicates the description of the stock code. |
Sheet |
This indicates the sheet that is issued for the job nest. |
Qty required |
This indicates the quantity of material that is required for the job nest. |
Qty issued |
This indicates the quantity of material that was issued for the job nest. |
Issue to nest |
Either Issue material or Issue done is displayed at this field. When material has not been issued, select Issue material and enter the materials in the Issue Materials pane. Once material has been issued:
Process jobs |
Either Issue first, Process jobs or Complete is displayed at this field.
The fields on this pane become available when you select Issue material on the Nest Materials pane.
Field | Description |
Post |
This posts the issued materials. |
Issue to the nest |
Stock code |
This indicates the stock code for of the material that will be issued to the nest. |
Warehouse |
This indicates the warehouse from which stock will be issued to the nest. |
Description |
This indicates the stock code description. |
Sheet |
This indicates the sheet number of the material that will be issued to the nest. |
Quantity |
This indicates the quantity of stock that will be issued to the nest. |
Unit of measure |
This lets you select the unit of measure required (i.e. stocking, alternate, manufacturing or other). |
Ledger code |
This indicates the ledger code against which the issued material will be billed. |
Bin location |
This indicates the location of the bin for the stock that will be issued. |
Lot |
This indicates the lot from which the stock will be issued. |
Serial |
This indicates the serial from which the stock will be issued. |
This screen is displayed when you select Process jobs option from the Nest Materials pane.
Jobs that are linked to the selected raw material (as well as unprocessed jobs not linked to any raw material) will be listed.
Field | Description |
Process nested jobs (labor and material) | This processes the nest jobs, applies utilization percentages, as well as the labor and material issued. |
Add scrap | This specifies that the remainder of the raw material or sheet will be scrapped. |
Add remnant | This specifies that the remainder of the raw material or sheet will be returned to the remnant bin for re-use. |
Nest Labor Details |
Labor details |
This lets you record the labor details in the unit of measure defined against the Work Centers. |
Machine |
Select the machine that was used to complete the job nest. |
Total runtime |
Enter the amount of time the machine required to complete the job nest.. |
Total startup time |
Enter the amount of time the machine required to start up. |
Total setup time |
Enter the amount of time required to set up the machine. |
Total teardown time |
Enter the amount of time the machine required to shut down. |
Rate indicator |
Indicate the machine rate. |
Employee |
Indicate the employee who operated the machine. |
Employee rate indicator |
Indicate the employee rate. |
Field | Description |
Job | This indicates the job code. |
Stock code | This indicates the stock code used. |
Stock description | This indicates the description of the stock code. |
Raw material stock | |
Sheet | This indicates the specific sheet or raw material that will be used for the job nest. |
Qty to make | This indicates the expected quantity for the job nest. |
Percentage utilization |
Enter a percentage utilization. For example: Part 1 took up 20% of the sheet.
Qty manufactured |
Optionally enter the manufactured quantity, which will be used as a default when receipting the job. |
Qty scrapped |
Enter the quantity that was scrapped for the job nest. These are typically items with defects that haven't passed quality control. |
Material reference |
Bin |
Enter the bin into which the remnant stock is placed. |
Scrap reason |
Enter the reason for scrapping items. This relates to the items in the Qty scrapped field. |
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