Price Group Rule Query
This program lets you view a list of price group rules from which one can be selected and applied to a sales order.

This program can't be run standalone and is accessed from the following program(s):
Sales Order Entry
From the Price group rule field in the Order line pane.
Sales Order Entry Express
From the Price group rule column in the Sales Order Lines Capture pane.
Quick Sales Order Entry
From the Price group rule column in the Order Lines pane.

The pricing engine is used to create flexible, multi-level pricing structures to manage a wide variety of price rules and methods. To facilitate this, a customer is linked to a price group which contains price rules. Price rules may refer to price lists or other configurations like invoice discounts or order discount breaks. Price lists can be created for stock codes, product classes, departments and price categories.
A stock code can exist on multiple price lists, which can have different price methods defined (e.g. flat price, price less %, etc.). In addition, multiple price lists can be linked to one price group, where each price list functions as a price rule.

The pricing method determines what price the system must use for a sales order line as well as the discounts applicable to the sales order lines and total merchandise value.
The pricing method for Contract Pricing is defined at company level (Setup Options > Configuration > Distribution > Sales Orders) and against stock items using the Stock Code Maintenance program.
To use the Sales Pricing Engine, your Pricing method must be defined as Price groups at company level (Setup Options > Configuration > Distribution > Sales Orders) and the pricing method must be specified against price lists using the Price List Maintenance program (not against stock items).

Price groups are used to assign prices and discounts to commercial entities (e.g. customers, geographic areas or branches).
Price groups can have multiple price rules, which are linked to price lists.
You can create a hierarchical pricing structure by defining priorities and contracts against price rules. The price rule with the highest priority trumps other price rules and overrides the ‘best price’. When a contract is linked to a price group, it becomes a price rule that is included in the pricing hierarchy.

The price group level establishes which price groups must be applied for the company.
For example:
If price groups exist for both the customer and geographic area, then this setting determines which price group takes precedence.

This indicates a list of prices for a grouping of stock codes, product classes, departments or price categories. A price method is specified for each price list, which may be a flat price, discounted price, or quantity discounted price.
You can define statuses against a price list, such as Blank - Active, R - In review or H - On hold.
Only price lists that have a status of Blank - Active are included when the Price Query determines the best price.

This indicates the lowest sales price available to the customer.

To use this program, the following setup option(s) must be configured appropriately:

Setup Options > Configuration > Distribution > Sales Orders
Pricing method
This must be defined as Price groups.

The following configuration options in SYSPRO may affect processing within this program or feature, including whether certain fields and options are accessible.

Setup Options > Configuration > Distribution > Sales Orders
- Pricing method
- Price group level

This message is displayed when you attempt to open any of the following programs before the Pricing method setup option has been configured:
Price List Maintenance
SO Price Group Order Discounts
Price Group Maintenance
Price List Maintenance
Price Query
Price List Query
Price Group Query
Price List Browse
Price Group Browse
Price List Review
Price List Conversion
SO Stock Code Price Query by Price List
SO Contract Price Maintenance by Price Group

Ensure that the Pricing method setup option is defined as Price Groups within the Setup Options program (Setup Options > Configuration > Distribution > Sales Orders) before attempting to use any of these programs.

Columns in a listview are sometimes hidden by default. You can reinstate them using the Field Chooser option from the context-sensitive menu (displayed by right-clicking a header column header in the listview). Select and drag the required column to a position in the listview header.
Press Ctrl+F1 within a listview or form to view a complete list of functions available.

Column | Description |
Price group rule |
This indicates the unique code of the price group rule. |
Description |
This indicates the description defined for the price group rule. |
Price list |
This indicates the price list linked to the price group rule. |
Unit price |
This indicates the price per unit within the price group. |
Price uom |
This indicates the unit of measure on which the price list is based. |
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