Embedded Analytics Pack Details
This program lets you view or maintain the meta data associated with a
dashboard pack.Exploring

This program can't be run standalone and is accessed from the following program(s):
Embedded Analytics Export
From the Details function within the Action column of the Dashboards listview.
Embedded Analytics Import
From the Details function within the Details column of the Dashboards listview.

SYSPRO Business Activity Queries are SQL views that are created in the relevant company databases and (because they are defined in SYSPRO) are recognized as data sources. They provide a view into the business data commonly used during the typical business management process. The queries are built and secured in the core ERP system and then surfaced to users via their enterprise reporting and connectivity solutions.

Embedded analytics is the integration of data and analytics capabilities directly within SYSPRO.
This allows end users to access actionable insights and make better, faster decisions within their existing workflows, thereby improving product engagement and deepening customer relationships.

To use this feature, the following module(s) must be installed according to the terms of your software license agreement:
SYSPRO Embedded Analytics
In addition, you must have licensed
designer seats configured within your SYSPRO license.

To use this program, the following setup option(s) must be configured appropriately:

Setup Options > System Setup > Connectivity
Application Gateway service settings
This lets you connect to the SYSPRO Application Gateway service.
Embedded Analytics enabled
This lets you activate or deactivate the usage of the feature.
Analytics Endpoint
This lets you connect to .
This configures your environment.

SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Setup > Operators
This enables the selected operator to access the following programs:

Each dashboard pack contains the following:
Dashboard configuration file
All Business Activity Queries used by the dashboard's visuals
Metadata file containing details about the pack
PDF document with detailed information pertaining to the dashboard within the pack
Certain dashboards contain specific caveats in their use, which is explained, alongside the key metric definitions for each visualization on the dashboards.

The standard template dashboard packs (supplied by SYSPRO) are shipped with the product and stored within the \Base\Samples folder.
Custom template packs (created by third-party developers) can be stored within the \Work\Analytics folder on the SYSPRO Application server (i.e. you can't export a pack to a client-side folder).
Custom packs are not copied to the \Base\Samples folder.

If you delete a dashboard and then need to import it anew, you must first delete the current dashboard, as well as the visuals and sources that were created by the dashboard import process.
Failure to carry out this step will result in old visuals and sources being used in the re-imported dashboard.
This is to ensure that the re-import is successful and not at risk of using old sources or components.

To create an
dashboard pack and export it (along with all its related files), proceed as follows:-
Open the Embedded Analytics Export program (Program List > Embedded Analytics).
From the Dashboard listview, select the applicable dashboard that you want to export.
Once selected, navigate to the Action column and select the Details function against the dashboard.
This opens the Embedded Analytics Pack Details program, from where you can view the meta data associated with the selected dashboard.
In addition, the BAQ details pane indicates all Business Activity Queries that are used by or associated with the selected dashboard pack.
Within the Pack details form, update the entries as required:
Name and Description:
Leave as is, or edit as required.
The more descriptive you are in your naming convention and description, the easier it is for other users to identify and understand the purpose of the dashboard pack.
Indicate the user responsible for the dashboard pack creation.
Upload a PDF document to provide all the related details for the dashboard pack.
This allows the creator of the dashboard pack to provide:
Documentation about the pack and what it hopes to achieve
What visuals are included within the dashboard
What users should expect to see in within the dashboard.
Use the Preview function to view the document using the Document Viewer program.
Optionally indicate a website for more information about the dashboard author or their company.
Select the Save function to record your changes.
You are returned to the Embedded Analytics Export program.
Select the Export Selected Dashboards toolbar function.
This exports each pack in its entirety to a zip file (which includes all of its related files) with a seax extension.
This zip file is exported to the \Work\Analytics folder on the application server.
If the pack name already exists, a subscript is added to the end of the file name (e.g. Financial_Manager(1).seax).
The following characters are replaced in the file name:
All spaces are replaced by an underscore (_)
All semicolons are replaced by a dash (-)
Exit the program.

To import an
dashboard pack (along with all its related files), proceed as follows:-
Open the Embedded Analytics Import program (Program List > Embedded Analytics).
You are presented with a list of all
dashboard packs found within the following folders on the application server:-
From the listview, select the applicable dashboard that you want to import.
Once selected, navigate to the Details column and select the Details function against the dashboard.
This opens the Embedded Analytics Pack Details program, from where you can view the meta data associated with the selected dashboard.
In addition, the BAQ details pane indicates all Business Activity Queries that are used by or associated with the selected dashboard pack.
Within the Pack details form, you can optionally preview the PDF document saved against the Documentation field.
This allows the creator of the dashboard pack to provide:
Documentation about the pack and what it hopes to achieve
What visuals are included within the dashboard
What users should expect to see in within the dashboard.
Exit the Embedded Analytics Pack Details program to return to the Embedded Analytics Import screen.
Select the Import toolbar function.
The import process creates the required connections, sources and visuals it needs to populate the dashboard.
Exit the program.
Imported dashboards are displayed in the Library of the Embedded Analytics Designer program, with the operator that imported the pack listed as the Author for that dashboard. From there you can modify and tailor the dashboard according to your requirements.

Columns in a listview are sometimes hidden by default. You can reinstate them using the Field Chooser option from the context-sensitive menu (displayed by right-clicking a header column header in the listview). Select and drag the required column to a position in the listview header.
Fields on a pane are sometimes removed by default. You can reinstate them using the Field Selector option from the context-sensitive menu (displayed by right-clicking any field in the pane). Select and drag the required fields onto the pane.
The captions for fields are also sometimes hidden. You can select the Show Captions option from the context-sensitive menu to see a list of them. Click on the relevant caption to reinstate it to the form.
If the Show Captions option is grayed out, it means no captions are hidden for that form.
Press Ctrl+F1 within a listview or form to view a complete list of functions available.

Field | Description |
Name |
This indicates the name of the dashboard pack and may contain the targeted user, department or role. For example:
Description |
This indicates the description of the Embedded Analytics dashboard pack. |
Owner |
Indicate the user responsible for the dashboard pack creation. |
Version |
This indicates the current version number of the dashboard pack. This version number is automatically incremented every time a pack is maintained. |
Documentation |
This contains the file name of the supporting PDF document that provides all the related details for the dashboard pack (captured by the dashboard author). This allows the creator of the dashboard pack to provide:
Only PDF file types are supported. Use the Preview function to view the document using the Document Viewer program. |
This lets the author of the dashboard pack indicate a website for more information about the author or their company. Use the Navigate function to navigate to the URL defined. |
Created date |
This indicates the date on which the pack was created. |
Last updated date |
This indicates the date on which the pack was last maintained. |

This listview indicates all of the Business Activity Queries that are used by or associated with the selected dashboard pack.
Column | Description |
Name |
This indicates the name of the SYSPRO Business Activity Query. |
Description |
This indicates the description of the SYSPRO Business Activity Query. |
Version |
This indicates the version of the SYSPRO Business Activity Query when it was published. |
Database version |
This indicates the database version when the SYSPRO Business Activity Query was published. |
Date exported |
This indicates the date on which the SYSPRO Business Activity Query was exported. |
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