Requisition Users
Purchase Orders > Requisition System > Setup > User Maintenance
You use this program to add and change the requisition user codes.
Each person with access to the Requisition system must have a unique user code and associated authority level.
Menu and Toolbar
Field | Description |
File | |
Save and Close |
This saves the details you entered or changed and returns to the previous screen. |
Close |
This returns you to the previous screen. |
New | Select this icon to add a new requisition user code. |
Delete | Select this icon to delete the currently displayed requisition user code. |
Save | Select this icon to save the details you entered for the requisition user code. |
Requisition user | Enter the requisition user code you want to maintain. |
User Maintenance
Field | Description |
User Details | |
User Information | |
User | This indicates the requisition user code currently being maintained. |
Name | Enter the user name that will be displayed whenever the user code is entered. |
E-mail address |
Enter the user's e-mail address. This address is used in event management when the Notify user option is selected (see Event Management). |
Password |
Use the Password System program to define a unique password for a user code. The password is requested before the Requisition Entry program can be accessed. A password should be entered against each user code to prevent any unauthorized access to user codes. |
Authority level | Assign the authority to carry out specific activities
to the user. Each activity carries with it additional responsibilities within the Requisition system. More than one activity can be selected. At any level, only the originator of a requisition has the authority to cancel it. |
Add requisition | Allows the user to add basic Requisition information for requisition lines, but not add or change Detailed Information (Requisition Entry Maintenance). |
Add detailed information | Allows the user to add basic information for requisition lines, as well as add Detailed Information (Requisition Entry Maintenance) but not change this information once the requisition line is saved. |
Change detailed information | Allows the user to add basic information for requisition lines, as well as add and change Detailed Information (Requisition Entry Maintenance) for the requisition. |
Approve requisition | Allows the user to add basic information for
requisition lines, add and change Detailed
Information (Requisition Entry Maintenance) for the requisition, and
approve the requisition. Requisitions and requisition lines can be automatically approved according to the values you define at the Requisition maximum values option below. If the preference Default p/o creation type is blanket p/o in the Requisition Entry program is enabled, automatic approval will be ignored. |
Create RFQ | Allows the user to create a request for quote (RFQ) for the requisition. |
Create purchase orders | Allows the user to add basic information for requisition lines, add and change Detailed Information (Requisition Entry Maintenance) for the requisition, approve the requisition and create Purchase orders, Issues and Transfers. |
Routing information | |
Route on to user |
Indicate the next user who is to receive this requisition. The user code entered here is displayed as the default user code for the Route to option when creating a requisition using the Requisition Entry program. If this user is linked to a requisition group and the requisition/line exceeds the Requisition maximum values for the user, then the requisition/line is routed to the user in the Next user for routing field for the group (Group Approval Limits). No automatic requisition routing takes place if you do not define the next user for routing here or against the group (Group Approval Limits). |
Route to user to create RFQ | Indicate that the requisition must be routed to the user who creates the request for quote (RFQ). |
Route to user to create p/order |
Indicate the requisition user to which approved requisitions/requisition lines originating from this user must be automatically routed for purchase order creation, issue or transfer. The requisition user you enter here should have the authority to create purchase orders. The requisition/requisition line is automatically routed to this user if the Requisition maximum values defined are not exceeded. If this user belongs to a requisition user group and the Requisition maximum values defined are exceeded, then the requisition is routed to the Purchase order user defined against the group (Group Approval Limits). No automatic routing for purchase order creation takes place if you do not define the purchase order user here or against the group (Group Approval Limits). Refer to Requisition System Introduction for examples on how requisitions are routed. |
Requisition maximum values |
Refer to Requisition System Introduction for examples on how requisitions are routed. |
Entering a line | Enter the maximum requisition line value that the user
is authorized to process according to the user's authority
level. This field is available only if you are checking the maximum value at Line level (Purchase Orders Setup). |
Auto-approving a line | Enter the maximum requisition line value that the
system can automatically approve. This value cannot be more than the maximum value you set for entering a requisition line. You typically set a value for the automatic approval of a requisition line if you do not want to have to route each requisition line to another user for approval. For example, if you set this to 100, then only requisition lines exceeding a value of 100 will need to be routed to another user for approval. A message is displayed when a line is automatically approved and its status is set to Approved (Requisition Entry). This option is available only if you are checking the maximum value at Line level (Purchase Orders Setup). |
Entering | Enter the maximum total requisition value that the user
is authorized to process according to the user's authority
level. This option is available only if you are checking the maximum value at Requisition level (Purchase Orders Setup). |
Auto-approving | Enter the maximum total requisition value that the
system will automatically approve. This value cannot be more than the maximum value you set for entering a requisition. You typically set a value for the automatic approval of a requisition to avoid having to manually route every requisition to another user for approval. If, for example, you set this to 100, then only requisitions exceeding a value of 100 will need to be routed to another user for approval. A message is displayed when a requisition is automatically approved and its status is set to Approved (Requisition Entry). This option is available only if you are checking the maximum value at Requisition level (Purchase Orders Setup). |
Options | |
Check mandatory users | Select this to ensure that requisitions exceeding a minimum requisition line value (for checking routing) are routed to all the mandatory user codes (Purchase Orders Setup). |
Allow maintenance if not current holder | Allows the user with the appropriate authority to maintain a requisition/line if the user is the originator and the requisition/line has been routed to another user. |
Include user in MRP calculation |
Select this to indicate that requisitions created by or currently held by this requisition user must be recognized as a supply by the Requirements Calculation program. This option is only enabled if:
Temporarily unavailable |
Select this if this user is temporarily unavailable to receive requisitions. Requisitions are still routed to this user (for audit trail purposes), but are then immediately re-routed to the user defined in the Forward to field below. |
Forward to user |
Indicate the requisition user to which this user's requisitions must be routed during the period that this user is temporarily unavailable. A valid requisition user code must be entered. The user entered cannot be temporarily unavailable. This field is only enabled when you select the option: Temporarily unavailable. |
Allow creation from sales order review | Select this to allow access to the Back order Review program and to create requisitions from within this program. |
Warehouse | Indicate a valid warehouse code. This becomes the
default Requisition and Purchase order warehouse
code. The user will only be allowed to order goods from this warehouse. If this field is left blank, then the user has to manually enter a Warehouse code. |
Requisition user group | |
Requisition user group | Attach the user to a requisition group. A valid group must be entered if:
Requisition user groups are maintained using the Group Approval Limits program. |
Notes and warnings
Coding considerations
To be able to view and maintain requisitions created by the Purchase Order Review or Requisition Review programs, you must create a user named MRP.
You can assign authorities and options against this user in the same manner as for any other user, however, the MRP user is not a normal user and hence the next user to route the requisition to is only adhered to for auto approval.
Deletion considerations
- You cannot delete a requisition user if that user has any outstanding requisition lines. An outstanding requisition line is one that is not in a status of Canceled or P/Order.
eSignature considerations
Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.
Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the eSignature Setup program.
eSignature Transaction | Description |
PO Add requisition user |
Controls access to the addition of requisition users in the Requisition Users program. |
PO Change requisition user |
Controls access to the maintenance of requisition users in the Requisition Users program. |
PO Delete requisition user |
Controls access to the deletion of requisition users in the Requisition Users program. |
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