MPS Review

You use this program to create master production schedules on-line.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description




This exits the program.




Configure preferences to apply when reviewing the Master Production Schedule.


Enter the warehouse to use for the review.

Alternatively, you can use the Review Options pane to indicate multiple warehouses to use for the review.

This field is disabled if you select to consolidate warehouses or use a warehouse selection from the Review Options pane.

Stock code

Enter the item you want to review for the selected warehouse(s).

Once you have indicated the stock code, you use the Review Options pane to indicate the criteria you require for running the review.

Change Rev/Rel

Uses the ECC Revision Release program to indicate the specific revision/release of the stock item you want to review.

This option is only enabled for ECC-controlled items.

Use current

Uses the current revision/release of the ECC-controlled item for the review.

Start Review

Display information according to the options and preferences you indicated.

Review Suggestions

Reviews suggested build schedules and optionally creates build schedules.




View and maintain details of forecasts for the selected stock item using the Forecast Maintenance program.

Build Schedule

View and maintain details of the build schedule for the selected stock item using the Build Schedule Maintenance program.


Configure preferences to apply when reviewing the Master Production Schedule.


This screen is displayed when you select the Preferences function or you select Preferences from the Options menu.

Field Description

Criteria selection


ATP negative in first period

View stock codes for which the available-to-promise is negative in period 1.

Proj avail less than safety within PTF

View stock codes for which the projected available is below safety within the planning time fence.

Proj avail less than safety within PH

View stock codes for which the projected available is below safety within the planning horizon.

Past due build schedules

View stock codes for which build schedules are past the due date.

Inclusion selection


Include past due forecasts

Select this to include stock codes for which the forecasts are past the due date.

Include forward orders

Select this to include stock codes for forward orders in the review.

Forward orders are entered in the Sales Order Entry program and are customer orders that require stock allocations to be made at a future date.

Include orders excluded from MRP

Select this to include stock codes which were excluded from the Material Requirements Planning calculation in Sales orders.

This option must be added using the Show Captions option as it is not displayed by default.

Limit periods up to selection


Date selection

Period limit


Period selection


Period length

Enter the number of days required in a period.

Number periods

Enter the maximum number of periods (in the range 1 to 98) required to be viewed.

Review Options

This pane is enabled once you have indicated the stock item for which you want to review the schedules.

Field Description

Run date

Indicate a valid date from which viewing must commence.

Number periods

Indicate the maximum number of periods (in the range 1 to 98) required to be viewed.

Use warehouse selection

Uses your warehouse selection below for the review.

Use warehouses defined in setup

Uses the warehouse selections made within the Requirements Planning Setup program for the review.

Warehouse selection

Indicate the warehouse(s) to use for the review (if you selected the Use warehouse selection option).

Consolidate warehouses

Consolidates the values of all warehouses in which the selected item is stocked.

Include ECC deplete oldest

Include the job allocations using the ECC consumption method Deplete oldest (Structures and Routings).

Warehouse values

Column Description


Indicates the warehouse selected for the review.

The word 'Consolidated' is displayed if more than one warehouse was included in the review.

Qty on hand

Indicates the quantity of the item physically in the warehouse (including quantities on hold).

Qty on back order

Indicates the sales order back order quantity (excluding unallocated scheduled order back order quantities).

Qty allocated to S/O

Indicates the quantity on back order together with the sales order ship quantity (excluding unallocated scheduled order back order and ship quantities).

Ship quantities for credit notes are not included in the sales order ship quantity (these quantities are only available once the credit has been fully processed).

Qty available

Indicates the quantity on hand less the quantity allocated to sales orders for the item in the selected warehouse.

It includes stock on hold, stock in expired lots, stock locked by ECOs and stock in bins that are on hold (the quantity on hand used in the calculation is the quantity physically in the warehouse and includes quantities on hold).

Qty in inspection

Indicates the quantity of purchased items awaiting inspection (i.e. receipted into inspection, but not receipted into stock).

Qty in transit to be received

Indicates the outstanding non-immediate warehouse transfers shown against the target warehouse.

Qty on order

Indicates the quantity of outstanding purchase orders, made-in jobs and supply chain transfers.

Qty allocated to WIP

Indicates the outstanding materials to be issued to jobs (including allocations to both confirmed and unconfirmed jobs).

Deplete oldest WIP qty

Indicates the total quantity of job allocations for the item using the ECC consumption method Deplete oldest (Structures and Routings).

Production Information

Field Description

Gross requirements rule

This indicates the gross requirements rule defined against the stock item when calculating the demand for a stock code/warehouse.

Batching rule

This indicates the batching / buying rule for the stock item that is used by the Requirements Planning system and indicates how quantity shortages for the stock item are addressed.

Order policy

This indicates the order policy for the stock item, which depends on the equivalent batching rule.

The order policy defined against the warehouse to use (Stock Code Maintenance) is applied when the Consolidate selected warehouses option is enabled (Requirements Planning Setup).

The following order policies are available:

Major order multiple

If this field is set to anything other than zero, then the order quantity is calculated as a multiple of the entered value.

Minor order multiple

If this field is set to anything other than zero, then the order quantity is calculated as a multiple of the entered value.

Minimum order quantity

If this field is set to anything other than zero, then the order quantity is at least the entered value even if the requirement is for less.

Maximum order quantity

If this field is set to anything other than zero, then the order quantity will not exceed the entered value. If the requirement is greater than the entered value, then multiple orders will be required.

Minimum quantity

This indicates the minimum quantity of the item required to be stocked in the warehouse at any point in time.

It is used as a stock control feature, and you can report on items where the on hand quantity is less than this figure using the Warehouse Exception program.

This field is updated by the calculation performed by the Inventory Minimum Quantity Calculation program.

Maximum quantity

This indicates the maximum quantity of the item required to be stocked in the warehouse at any point in time.

It is used as a stock control feature, and you can report on items where the on hand quantity exceeds this figure using the Warehouse Exception program (providing that the entry made here is non-zero).

It is also using together with batching rule D (i.e. order to maximum quantity) within the Requirements Planning module.

SYSPRO does not allow any order policy (Stock Code Maintenance) to exceed the Maximum quantity defined.

Safety stock level

This stock control feature highlights instances where stock falls below a prescribed level and is used within the Requirements Planning module.

The safety stock level is usually set to be above the minimum stock level. It is the quantity of stock kept in the warehouse to protect against fluctuations in demand or supply.

You can report on items where the on hand quantity falls below this figure, using the Warehouse Exception program.

Percent yield

This indicates the percentage of an item that is lost in the manufacturing process so that a shortfall in actual production does not cause an unexpected inability to meet demand on time.

Lead time (days)

This indicates the lead time defined against the warehouse.

Demand time fence (days)

This indicates the number of days required to fulfill the order.

Review Suggested Build Schedules

This screen is displayed when you select the Review Suggestions option to review the suggested build schedules and optionally create build schedules.

Field Description


Indicate the reference you want to assign to the build schedule.


Indicate the resource code for the item. This defaults to the resource code defined against the stock code.

Create Build Schedules

Creates build schedules for the suggested build schedules you have highlighted.

For items defined with a batching rule of E - Order to maximum if less than minimum (Stock Codes) the minimum and maximum quantities defined against the warehouse are used to calculate the suggestions made.

Safety stock is applied to the time fence selected in the Requirements Planning Setup program if you selected to include it in the requirements calculation.

Notes and warnings

Bought-out at warehouse level considerations

  • If reviewing an item that is defined as bought-out at warehouse level (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) then the Stock Information pane shows the supplier, lead time and dock to stock days defined against the warehouse instead of the values held against the stock code. The Production Information pane shows the lead time defined against the warehouse instead of the value held against the stock code. This is ignored if using consolidated warehouses.