Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code

You use this program to assign a stock item to a warehouse and to define the warehouse information for a stock item. Before you can process transactions for stock items, they must be assigned to (i.e. stocked in) at least one warehouse.

You use the Warehouses program to define and maintain warehouses.

The Inventory Warehouses for Stock Codes listview displays details of warehouses in which the selected stock item is currently stocked. Related programs

Toolbar and menu

Field Description



Save and Close

This saves the details you entered or changed and returns to the previous screen.


This returns you to the previous screen.


Select this to indicate a new stock code to assign a warehouse.


Select this to remove the stock item from the warehouse currently displayed (i.e. remove the stock code to warehouse link).

When the warehouse is deleted or the stock code to warehouse link is removed, the history and movements for that stock code are deleted.


Select this to save the details entered or changed.

Stock code

Indicate the stock item to link to a warehouse or to several warehouses.


Enter the warehouse to which to link the stock item. This is the warehouse in which the item must be stocked.

Operator access to the warehouse is checked and rejected when access is denied.

Add Multiple Warehouses

Select this to assign the stock item to multiple warehouses with the same information against the item in each warehouse.

This means you only enter the data for the item once and this data is then transferred to each warehouse into which you add the item. For example, if you set the cost of the item to 1000 and add the item to four warehouses, then the cost of the item is 1000 in all four warehouses.

To define different data for the item (for example a different cost or different policy details) in the different warehouses, you need to add the item to each warehouse individually (i.e. do not use this function).

If you select this option, then you use the Warehouse list > Click to add a list option to indicate the warehouses to add to the stock item.

Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code

If you want to assign a stock item to more than one warehouse, you can use the Add Multiple Warehouses option.

Field Description

Stock code

This indicates the code of the stock item you selected to link to the warehouse(s).

Stock code description

This indicates the description of the stock code you selected to link to the warehouse(s).


This indicates the warehouse entered at the Warehouse field on the toolbar.

Warehouse description

This indicates the description of the warehouse you selected to link to the stock item.

Warehouse list

This only applies when the Add Multiple Warehouses option is enabled.

Define list

Select this to indicate a list of warehouses to which the stock code must be linked (see Warehouse List Selection).

Cost multiplier

Indicate what portion of the transaction value of the stock item comprises non-merchandise costs (e.g. freight, duty, tax, etc.).

The cost multiplier defined against a stock code/warehouse is only applicable to items that are not configured for LCT and you process a Receipt Line in Purchase Order Receipts.

The cost multiplier can be applied in the following programs:

  • Inventory Movements for the following transaction types:

    • Receipt, providing the option: Apply cost multiplier to process receipt is enabled (Inventory Setup).

    • GIT Transfer In

    • Backflushing

  • Purchase Order Receipts

  • Purchase Order Inspection

The Last cost of the item is calculated as the Receipt cost plus the calculated cost multiplier value when the Include non-merchandise costs option is enabled (Inventory Setup). When the Include non-merchandise costs option is not enabled, then the Last cost is the Receipt cost entered when processing the receipt using the Inventory Movements program.


This indicates the cost of one unit of the stock item in the selected warehouse.

Where applicable, it includes additional charges such as freight, customs duty, packaging, etc, and any purchase price variances.

Once you have entered and saved the Unit cost for a stock item, you cannot change it using the Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code program.

This cost is saved against the current period and prior periods. This ensures that when a transaction is processed for a previous period, the cost of the transaction is not zero.

If the warehouse is added from a posting program, then only the current period is updated with the cost entered.

If your costing method is set to Standard (Inventory Setup or Warehouses if you are using costing per warehouse), then you need to use the Inventory Movements or Transfer BOM Costs to Warehouse Costs program to change the unit cost. If your costing method is not set to Standard, then the unit cost is adjusted automatically by the movements that affect the unit cost (for example when using Purchase Order Receipts). Irrespective of your costing method, the unit cost of an item can be changed using the Cost Change function of the Inventory Movements program.

You can suppress the display of stock item costs (i.e. normally visible in the Cost column of the listview pane) selectively by operator.

Minimum quantity

This indicates the minimum quantity of the item required to be stocked in the warehouse at any point in time.

It is used as a stock control feature, and you can report on items where the on hand quantity is less than this figure using the Warehouse Exception program.

This field is updated by the calculation performed by the Inventory Minimum Quantity Calculation program.

Maximum quantity

This indicates the maximum quantity of the item required to be stocked in the warehouse at any point in time.

It is used as a stock control feature, and you can report on items where the on hand quantity exceeds this figure using the Warehouse Exception program (providing that the entry made here is non-zero).

It is also using together with batching rule D (i.e. order to maximum quantity) within the Requirements Planning module.

SYSPRO does not allow any order policy (Stock Code Maintenance) to exceed the Maximum quantity defined.

Safety stock level

This stock control feature highlights instances where stock falls below a prescribed level and is used within the Requirements Planning module.

The safety stock level is usually set to be above the minimum stock level. It is the quantity of stock kept in the warehouse to protect against fluctuations in demand or supply.

You can report on items where the on hand quantity falls below this figure, using the Warehouse Exception program.

Re-order quantity

Indicate the quantity at which you should place an order for more of a particular stock item.

The re-order quantity is printed on the Purchasing Work Sheet report.

If you are using costing by warehouse (Inventory Setup) and are retaining the BOM Costs by warehouse then the Re-order quantity is used as the EBQ (Economic Batch Quantity) in all cost calculations.

The warehouse re-order quantity is only used in the MRP requirements calculation when an item is transfer-supplied and suggested supply chain transfers are being created.

Pallet quantity

Indicate a default quantity of the stock item that is required to be held in each bin, and is used when processing a purchase order receipt.

Default bin location

Indicate the specific location of the stock item in a particular warehouse.

The Default bin location is used to generate the default bin for the warehouse. If this is not defined, then the default bin location for the warehouse defaults to the warehouse code itself.

If Multiple bins in use is selected against the warehouse (Warehouses) then the default bin can be defined here. The Default bin location is only created when adding a warehouse to a stock code, and is not updated if the location is changed, unless the warehouse is allowed to go negative and you're depleting from the default bin.

If Multiple bins in use is not selected against the warehouse, you cannot change the default bin when there is a stock take in progress for the warehouse.

The default bin location is also the location from which stock is issued during the Backflushing function of the Inventory Movements program.

When you create a new stock code and attach it to a warehouse, then a default bin is created for the item using the warehouse as the bin if Multiple bins is enabled at company level. This record is saved in the InvMultBin table with no quantities and the bin equal to the warehouse.

User defined 1-3

Optionally indicate extra information you want to store against the warehouse.

You can specify your own wording for these fields (Inventory Setup).

Order policy details

Indicate the batching rules you require for the stock item in this warehouse.

The batching rule (or buying rule) is used by the Requirements Planning module to indicate how you want to address quantity shortages encountered for the stock item. Although a buying rule is applied to bought-out items and a batch rule is applied to made-in items, the term is interchangeable within the Requirements Planning system because the buying or batch rules can apply to either bought-out or made-in items.

These options are only enabled if you selected the Batching rule: Q - Apply warehouse order policy for the item (Stock Code Maintenance).

Order policy

The order policy you select depends on the equivalent batching rule you require. See Batching Rules and Order Policy Equivalents.

The order policy defined against the warehouse to use (Stock Code Maintenance) is applied when the Consolidate selected warehouses option is enabled (Requirements Planning Setup).

The following order policies are available:

Major order multiple

If this field is set to anything other than zero, then the order quantity is calculated as a multiple of the entered value.

Minor order multiple

If this field is set to anything other than zero, then the order quantity is calculated as a multiple of the entered value.

Minimum order quantity

If this field is set to anything other than zero, then the order quantity is at least the entered value even if the requirement is for less.

Maximum order quantity

If this field is set to anything other than zero, then the order quantity will not exceed the entered value. If the requirement is greater than the entered value, then multiple orders will be required.

Fixed time period

Indicate the number of working days that represents a fixed time period.

The entry made here is used for all time-based buying rules (i.e. C, K, L, M and N) within the Requirements Planning module.

The fixed time period is ignored when the order policy is M - Order to max if less than min or S - Order to max if shortage.

All order policies take the entry in this field into account. If you enter one or zero in this field, then orders are raised on the date required. Any value greater than zero will cause requirements planning to apply the time period to scheduling demand and raising suggestions.

Transfer supplied details

Assign defaults to use when transferring this stock item from a source warehouse to this warehouse.

Transfer supplied item

Indicate whether the stock item for this warehouse can be supplied by another warehouse.

You must enable this option if you want to be able to create supply chain transfer orders (SCTs) for this warehouse/stock code combination using the Back order Review program, and if you want the Requirements Planning system to take account of supply chain transfer orders.

This option is disabled if the item is defined as bought-out at warehouse level (see Bought out item).

Source warehouse

Indicate the supplying warehouse from which stock will be transferred to replenish the warehouse you are maintaining for the stock item. This cannot be the same warehouse that you are currently maintaining.
Transfer lead time (days)

Indicate the number of days it takes to move the stock item from the source warehouse to the target warehouse.

It is used to calculate the expected delivery date. Non-working days are not taken into account when calculating the expected delivery date if the Use absolute days option is enabled (Inventory Setup). When this option is not enabled, non-working days are accounted for when calculating the due date or receipt date for the transfer supplied items.

If this field is left blank, then the program uses the entry defined in the GIT Browse on Warehouse Move Matrix program. If the entry in the matrix is blank, then this field defaults to zero (0).

Within MRP, the lead time entered here is added to the dock to stock days and the entry defined at the Days after stock arrival it can be used option (Requirements Planning Setup).

Transfer dock to stock (days)

Indicate the number of days after a stock item arrives in the target warehouse that it is available to use.

Within MRP, the dock to stock days entered here is added to the lead time and the entry defined at the Days after stock arrival it can be used option (Requirements Planning Setup).

Use warehouse buying rule

Enable this to indicate that the buying rule specified against the warehouse must be used by the Requirements Planning system to calculate order quantities in the event of a stock shortage.

If you select to use the warehouse buying rule, then the Re-order quantity assigned to the warehouse is used instead of the Economic Batch Quantity and the Pallet quantity is used instead of the pan size.

Replenishment rule

This applies only when the Use warehouse buying rule option is enabled.

The buying rule selected here is used by the Requirements Planning system and indicates how you want to address quantity shortages encountered for the stock item.

Fixed time period (days)

This applies only when the Use warehouse buying rule option is enabled.

It indicates the number of working days that represents a fixed time period. This is set to 1 when the Replenishment rule is C - Fixed time period and you do not enter a fixed time period.

For example: A fixed time period of 1 day indicates that if a shortage is encountered, that the total shortage for today and the next working day is used as if the shortage falls today.

The entry made here is used for all time-based buying rules (i.e. C, K, L, M and N) within the Requirements Planning module.

Transfer cost multiplier

This is used to calculate the additional non-merchandise costs that you want to add to the cost of transferring goods (e.g. Freight and handling charges)

The multiplier is only applied if you selected to apply a cost multiplier when processing receipts (Inventory Setup).

Ledger code

Indicate the GL account to which the non-merchandise value arising from the transfer of goods must be disbursed. This field is only enabled when the Transfer cost multiplier is not 1.

BOM costing

Indicate the BOM costs to use for all items in the currently selected warehouse.

These BOM costs are updated for all parent parts by the Bill of Materials Cost Implosion program when the Manual cost option is not enabled.

These options are only enabled when the Apply warehouse BOM costs is enabled (Inventory Setup).

BOM operations cost

Indicate the total cost of all operations for each item included in this warehouse.

BOM material cost

Indicate the total cost of all materials for each item included in this warehouse.

BOM fixed overhead

Indicate the total cost of all fixed overheads for each item included in this warehouse.

BOM variable overhead

Indicate the total cost of all variable overheads for each item included in this warehouse.

BOM subcontract cost

Indicate the total cost of all subcontract operations for each item included in this warehouse.

This field is only enabled if you selected the Subcontract operation and material costs setup option (Bill of Materials Setup).

Manual cost

Enable this if you do not want the Cost Implosion program to update the BOM costs defined against the warehouse.

Costs must be manually updated as required when you enable this option.

Bought out details

These options enable you to define the supplier, lead time and dock to stock time for an item at warehouse level rather than stock code level.

This typically applies in a distributed environment, where warehouses are in different locations and goods are typically ordered from different suppliers within these locations. The lead time and dock to stock for these goods often differ from location to location.

The scope of this feature is currently limited to planning.

Bought out item

Use lead times by warehouse

The label for this option is displayed as Use lead times by warehouse, if the stock code is a bought out item.

Enable this to set bought-out, made-in or subcontracted parts as bought-out at warehouse level and to use the warehouse values for replenishment.

When enabled, the supplier, supplier's lead time and dock to stock values entered at warehouse level (instead of stock code level) are used to calculate due dates in purchasing and planning, and to raise suggestions against the relevant supplier in Requirements Planning.

This option is ignored when using consolidated warehouses.

This option is disabled when the item is defined as transfer-supplied (see Transfer supplied item).


Indicate the code of the primary supplier from whom you usually purchase this stock item. Where relevant, the supplier entered here replaces the default supplier defined at stock code level. The code is validated only if the Accounts Payable or Purchase Order module is installed. Leave blank to use the supplier defined against the stock code.

Supplier name

This is the name of the selected supplier.

Bought out lead time (days)

This is the number of days in which to buy out the stock item.

For bought-out items, you enter the number of days it takes the supplier to deliver the item from the date the order is placed. This must be manually buffered for non-working days (e.g. if your supplier takes 3 days from the date of order to delivery, then this represents 3 working days. You will therefore need to buffer the lead time to account for weekends).

The lead time is used in the calculation performed by the Inventory Minimum Quantity Calculation program to establish the minimum quantity required for each stock code and warehouse. It is also used in the Requirements Planning and Bill of Materials modules.

Bought out dock to stock (days)

This is the number of days that a bought-out item must be in stock prior to usage. This lets you calculate an earlier due date for purchase orders and, from these, an earlier start date.

Non-working days on the factory calendar are taken into account when the delivery date is calculated to add to the ship date.

Warehouse List Selection

This screen is displayed when you select the Warehouse list > Click to add a list option to assign the stock item to multiple warehouses with the same information against the item in each warehouse.

Field Description

Accept and Close

Select this to assign the warehouses in the Selected Warehouses list to the stock code and to return to the previous screen.


Select this to return to the previous screen.

If you made any changes, then you are prompted to save these before returning to the previous screen.

Available Warehouses

This listview displays the warehouses currently defined in SYSPRO to which the selected stock code can be assigned.

Assign Selected

Select this to assign the warehouses highlighted in the Available Warehouses listview to the Selected Warehouses list. These are the warehouses you want to assign to the stock code.

You can use the Ctrl and Shift keys together with your mouse pointer to individually highlight the warehouses you want to assign to the stock code.

Assign All

Select this to assign all the warehouses in the Available Warehouses list to the stock code. All the warehouses in the Available Warehouses list are added to the Selected Warehouses list.

Selected Warehouses

This listview displays the warehouses to which you selected to assign the stock code.

Remove Selected

Select this to remove the currently highlighted warehouse(s) from the Selected Warehouses listview. The warehouses which are removed will not be linked to the stock code.

You can use the Ctrl and Shift keys together with your mouse pointer to individually highlight the warehouses you want to remove from the Selected Warehouses list.

Remove All

Select this to remove all the warehouse(s) from the Selected Warehouses list.

Batching Rules and Order Policy Equivalents

If you selected the Batching rule: Q - Apply warehouse order policy for the item (Stock Code Maintenance) then you use the Order Policy Details options against the warehouse to define the batching rule for the item.

For each batching rule you can define against the stock item (Stock Code Maintenance) an equivalent rule can be defined against the warehouse for the stock item using the order policies.

This is illustrated in the tables below:

Batching Rule: A - Lot for lot

The order quantity is the shortage quantity.

Order policy

C - Cover shortage

Major order multiple


Minor order multiple


Minimum order quantity


Maximum order quantity


Fixed time period

Set to 1

Batching Rule: B - Multiples of EBQ

To calculate the order quantity, the shortage quantity is rounded up to the next multiple of the economic batch quantity.

Order policy

C - Cover shortage

Major order multiple

Set this to the same as the EBQ against the stock item (Stock Code Maintenance).

Minor order multiple

Set this to the same as the EBQ against the stock item (Stock Code Maintenance).

Minimum order quantity


Maximum order quantity


Fixed time period

Set to 1

Batching Rule: C - Fixed Time Period

When a shortage is encountered, the order quantity is calculated by adding all the shortages in the fixed time period ahead.

Order policy

C - Cover shortage

Major order multiple


Minor order multiple


Minimum order quantity


Maximum order quantity


Fixed time period

Set to 1 and 99 depending on the time period you require.

Batching Rule: D - Order to Maximum if Shortage

When a shortage is encountered, the order quantity is calculated to increase the stock holding up to the maximum defined against the warehouse.

Order policy

S - Order to max if shortage

Major order multiple


Minor order multiple


Minimum order quantity


Maximum order quantity


Fixed time period

Set to 1

Batching Rule: E - Order to Maximum if Less Than Minimum

As soon as the result field (during netting-off) falls below the minimum quantity, an order quantity is calculated to order sufficient to increase the quantity available up to the maximum quantity.

Order policy

M - Order to max if less than minimum

Major order multiple


Minor order multiple


Minimum order quantity


Maximum order quantity


Fixed time period

Set to 1

Batching Rule: F - Multiples of Pan

To calculate the order quantity, the shortage quantity is rounded up to the next multiple of the pan size.

Order policy

C - Cover shortage

Major order multiple

Set this to the same as the Pan size against the stock item (Stock Code Maintenance).

Minor order multiple

Set this to the same as the Pan size against the stock item (Stock Code Maintenance).

Minimum order quantity


Maximum order quantity


Fixed time period

Set to 1

Batching Rule: G - Multiple EBQ Lots

If a shortage occurs, then multiple orders should be created to satisfy the shortage, each the size of the EBQ.

Order policy

C - Cover shortage

Major order multiple

Set to 0

Minor order multiple

Set to 0

Minimum order quantity

Set this to the same as the EBQ against the stock item (Stock Code Maintenance).

Maximum order quantity

Set this to the same as the EBQ against the stock item (Stock Code Maintenance).

Fixed time period

Set to 1

Batching Rule: H - Multiple Pan Lots

If a shortage occurs, then multiple orders should be created to satisfy the shortage, each the size of the Pan.

Order policy

C - Cover shortage

Major order multiple

Set to 0

Minor order multiple

Set to 0

Minimum order quantity

Set this to the same as the Pan size against the stock item (Stock Code Maintenance).

Maximum order quantity

Set this to the same as the Pan size against the stock item (Stock Code Maintenance).

Fixed time period

Set to 1

Batching Rule: I - Minimum of EBQ

If a shortage occurs, the order quantity is the quantity required to meet the shortage, unless this is less than the EBQ (in which case the EBQ is used).

Order policy

C - Cover shortage

Major order multiple

Set to 0

Minor order multiple

Set to 0

Minimum order quantity

Set this to the same as the EBQ against the stock item (Stock Code Maintenance).

Maximum order quantity

Set to 0

Fixed time period

Set to between 1 and 99 depending on the time period you require.

Batching Rule: J - Minimum of Pan

If a shortage occurs, the order quantity is the quantity required to meet the shortage, unless this is less than the Pan size (in which case the Pan size is used).

Order policy

C - Cover shortage

Major order multiple

Set to 0

Minor order multiple

Set to 0

Minimum order quantity

Set this to the same as the Pan size against the stock item (Stock Code Maintenance).

Maximum order quantity

Set to 0

Fixed time period

Set to between 1 and 99 depending on the time period you require.

Batching Rule: K - Multiples of EBQ (fixed time period)

This rule is a combination of rules B and C.

The order quantity is calculated by adding all the shortages in the fixed time period ahead.

Once this total shortage quantity has been calculated, then this is rounded up to the next multiple of the economic batch quantity.

Order policy

C - Cover shortage

Major order multiple

Set this to the same as the EBQ against the stock item (Stock Code Maintenance).

Minor order multiple

Set this to the same as the EBQ against the stock item (Stock Code Maintenance).

Minimum order quantity


Maximum order quantity


Fixed time period

Set to between 1 and 99 depending on the time period you require.

Batching Rule: L - Multiples of Pan (fixed time period)

This rule is a combination of rules F and C.

This rule is identical to rule K, except that the pan quantity is used instead of the economic batch quantity.

The order quantity is calculated by adding all the shortages in the fixed time period ahead.

Once this total shortage quantity has been calculated, then this is rounded up to the next multiple of the pan size.

Order policy

C - Cover shortage

Major order multiple

Set this to the same as the Pan size against the stock item (Stock Code Maintenance).

Minor order multiple

Set this to the same as the Pan size against the stock item (Stock Code Maintenance).

Minimum order quantity


Maximum order quantity


Fixed time period

Set to between 1 and 99 depending on the time period you require.

Batching Rule: M - Multiple EBQ Lots (fixed time period)

This rule is a combination of rules G and C.

The order quantity is calculated by adding all the shortages in the fixed time period ahead.

Once this total shortage quantity has been calculated, then multiple orders (each the size of the EBQ) are suggested.

Order policy

C - Cover shortage

Major order multiple

Set to 0

Minor order multiple

Set to 0

Minimum order quantity

Set this to the same as the EBQ against the stock item (Stock Code Maintenance).

Maximum order quantity

Set this to the same as the EBQ against the stock item (Stock Code Maintenance).

Fixed time period

Set to between 1 and 99 depending on the time period you require.

Batching Rule: N - Multiple Pan Lots (fixed time period)

This rule is a combination of rules H and C.

This rule is identical to rule M, except that the pan quantity is used instead of the economic batch quantity.

The order quantity is calculated by adding all the shortages in the fixed time period ahead.

Once this total shortage quantity has been calculated, then multiple orders (each the size of the pan) are suggested.

Order policy

C - Cover shortage

Major order multiple

Set to 0

Minor order multiple

Set to 0

Minimum order quantity

Set this to the same as the Pan size against the stock item (Stock Code Maintenance).

Maximum order quantity

Set this to the same as the Pan size against the stock item (Stock Code Maintenance).

Fixed time period

Set to between 1 and 99 depending on the time period you require.

Batching Rule: O - Minimum of EBQ, thereafter multiples of pan

If a shortage occurs, the order quantity is at least the EBQ. However, if the EBQ is insufficient to satisfy the shortage, then the remaining shortage is rounded up to the next multiple of the pan quantity.

Order policy

C - Cover shortage

Major order multiple

Set this to the same as the Pan size against the stock item (Stock Code Maintenance).

Minor order multiple

Set this to the same as the Pan size against the stock item (Stock Code Maintenance).

Minimum order quantity

Set this to the same as the EBQ against the stock item (Stock Code Maintenance).

Maximum order quantity

Set to 0

Fixed time period

Set to between 1 and 99 depending on the time period you require.

Batching Rule: P - Suppress MRP ordering

Demand generated for this item will not result in any suggested purchase orders, unless you have indicated that batching rules must be overridden (Requirements Planning Setup).

Order policy

P - Suppress MRP Ordering

Major order multiple

Not applicable

Minor order multiple

Not applicable

Minimum order quantity

Not applicable

Maximum order quantity

Not applicable

Fixed time period

Not applicable

Q - Apply warehouse order policy

The batching rule against the individual warehouse in which the item is stocked (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) is used.

Notes and warnings

Coding considerations

  • When you add a stock code to a warehouse, the cost entered is saved against the current period and prior periods. This ensures that when a transaction is processed for a previous period, the cost of the transaction is not zero.

    However, if an operator adds the warehouse from within a posting program, then only the current period is updated with the cost entered.

  • You cannot assign an ECC-controlled stock item to a warehouse if it has been put on hold in the ECC Change Orders program (i.e. If the Hold stock maintenance checkbox is ticked in the Affected Items listview of the ECC Change Orders program). The message: Stock code xxxx held by engineering change control is displayed, where xxxx is the actual code.

Deletion considerations

  • Before deleting a warehouse (i.e. removing the stock code to warehouse link) you need to ensure that you do not have any Scheduled orders (irrespective of ship orback order) that are not allocated (i.e. fall outside the date range for allocation of scheduled orders). The Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code program does not check whether scheduled orders exist before allowing you to delete the warehouse against the stock code.

    Once deleted, an error message is displayed indicating that the scheduled order can only be canceled when you maintain these unallocated scheduled sales orders for that stock code/warehouse combination.

  • When the warehouse is deleted or the stock code to warehouse link is removed, the history and movements for that stock code are deleted.

Bought-out at warehouse level considerations

The following table indicates a list of programs affected by the enhancement released in SYSPRO 7 Update 1 Port 015 (the facility to set replenishment values for stock codes at warehouse level).

Affected program(s) Description of change

Requirements Calculation

If an item is defined as bought-out at warehouse level (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) then the supplier, lead time and dock to stock days defined against the warehouse is used instead of the values held against the stock code. This is ignored if using consolidated warehouses.

MRP Forecast Depletion Take-on

If an item is defined as bought-out at warehouse level (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) and the Forecast depletion period type setup option (Requirements Planning Setup) is defined as Planning time fence, then the lead time and dock to stock days defined against the warehouse is used instead of the values held against the stock code.

MPS Review

If reviewing an item that is defined as bought-out at warehouse level (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) then the Stock Information pane shows the supplier, lead time and dock to stock days defined against the warehouse instead of the values held against the stock code. The Production Information pane shows the lead time defined against the warehouse instead of the value held against the stock code. This is ignored if using consolidated warehouses.

MRP List of Forecasts

If an item is defined as bought-out at warehouse level (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) then the lead time defined against the warehouse is used to calculate time fences (PTF, DTF and PH) instead of the value held against the stock code. This is ignored if using consolidated warehouses.

Multiple Forecast Additions, Forecast Maintenance, Build Schedule Maintenance

If an item is defined as bought-out at warehouse level (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) then the Stock Information pane will show the supplier, lead time and dock to stock defined against the warehouse instead of the values held against the stock code. The dock to stock days and lead time defined against the warehouse is used in the calculation of time fences (PTF, DTF and PH).

MRP Potential Oversupply Report

If a made-in item is defined as bought-out at warehouse level (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) then filtering on part category B returns the item. The supplier and dock to stock days defined against the warehouse is used instead of the values held against the stock code. This is ignored if consolidating warehouses.

Purchase Order Review, Requisition Review

If an item is defined as bought-out at warehouse level (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) then the dock to stock days defined against the warehouse is used to calculate the due date instead of the value held against the stock code.

MRP Master Production Schedule

If an item is defined as bought-out at warehouse level (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) then the lead time defined against the warehouse is used instead of the value held against the stock code. The item is always flagged as a bought-out item. This is ignored if consolidating warehouses.

MRP Purchase Order Action Report

If an item is defined as bought-out at warehouse level (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) then the supplier, lead time and dock to stock days defined against the warehouse is used instead of the values held against the stock code (the dock to stock days is used to calculate the supply demand date).

MRP Material Requirements Report

If an item is defined as bought-out at warehouse level (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) then the supplier defined against the warehouse is output and the part category will be bought-out. The lead time and dock to stock defined against the warehouse is used to calculate the planning time fence instead of the values held against the stock code.

Multi-level Trial Kitting - Legacy, Multi-level Trial Kitting, Advanced Trial Kitting (Legacy)

If an item is defined as bought-out at warehouse level (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) then the supplier and lead time defined against the warehouse is used instead of the values held against the stock code. The Warehouse to use defined against the item is used if consolidating warehouses.

BOM Advanced Trial Kitting Query

If a component is defined as bought-out at warehouse level (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) then the supplier and lead times defined against the warehouse is used instead of the values held against the stock code.

Lead Time Calculation

Component lead times are used to calculate the lead time of the parent. If the component is defined as bought-out at warehouse level (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) then the lead time value of components defined against the warehouse is used instead of the values held against the stock code.

BOM Scheduling Profile

If an item is defined as bought-out at warehouse level (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) then the supplier and lead time defined against the Warehouse to use of the component is used instead of the values held against the stock code. The item will always be bought-out in the specified warehouse.

Purchase Order Entry, PO Purchase Order Import

If an item is defined as bought-out at warehouse level (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) then the lead time defined against the warehouse is used to calculate the due date instead of the value held against the stock code.

Contract Maintenance, Requisition Entry Maintenance, Purchase Order Inspection, Purchase Order Receipts, Requisition List, PO Build Purchase Order Line, PO Build Req Line Information

If an item is defined as bought-out at warehouse level (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) then the supplier defined against the warehouse is used instead of the supplier held against the stock code.

Sales Order Entry, Sales Order Entry Express

For scheduled orders, if the Use LDT + DTS to calculate ship date when there is insufficient stock preference is enabled (Sales Order Entry) and the stock item is defined as bought-out at warehouse level (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) then at the time of creating the purchase order the ship date is calculated using the lead time defined against the warehouse instead of the values held against the stock code.

Time Fences

If an item is defined as bought-out at warehouse level (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) then the lead time and dock to stock days defined against the Warehouse to use for the item is displayed instead of the values held against the stock code.

Inventory ATP Query, Inventory Available to Promise Query

If an item is defined as bought-out at warehouse level (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) then the supplier and lead time defined against the warehouse is used to calculate the various time fences instead of the values held against the stock code.

eSignature considerations

Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.

Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the eSignature Setup program.

eSignature Transaction Description

Inv Stock warehouse added

Controls access to the New Warehouse function in the Inventory Movements, Inventory Warehouses for Stock Codes and Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code programs.

Inv Stock warehouse changed

Controls access to the Warehouse maintenance in the Inventory Warehouses for Stock Codes and Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code programs.

Inv Stock warehouse deleted

Controls access to the Delete function in the Inventory Warehouses for Stock Codes and Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code programs.

Inv Stock warehouse add multiple

Controls access to the Add Multiple Warehouses function in the Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code program.

Field considerations

Operator access to the following fields within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Security Fields function of the Operators program.

Field Description

INV Show costs in stock code maintenance

Controls whether an operator can access the cost fields of the Stock Code Maintenance and Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code programs, and view costs in the Browse on Stock Codes program.

Be careful that you do not deny an operator access to the viewing of Costs in stock code maintenance, while allowing the same operator the facility to maintain stock codes. In this scenario, the operator will still be able to view and change details of BOM Costs held against the item.

Hints and tips

Record amendments

  • Amendment journals are created if these are required for Inventory (Inventory Setup).