GL Balancing Tool
This program lets you balance SYSPRO sub modules to General Ledger, allowing you to detect discrepancies between them. These discrepancies can occur because of data corruption (e.g. power outage during posting) unposted journal entries or journals being edited before posting to General Ledger. It is important that you resolve discrepancies, as inaccurate financials will have a detrimental effect on your financial reporting and planning.

You can restrict operator access to programs by assigning them to groups and applying access control against the group (configured using the Operator Groups program).

The following configuration options in SYSPRO may affect processing within this program or feature, including whether certain fields and options are accessible.

The Setup Options program lets you configure how SYSPRO behaves across all modules. These settings can affect processing within this program.

Setup Options > Configuration > Distribution > Inventory
- Costing method

Setup Options > General Ledger Integration > General Ledger Codes
- Create general ledger journal
Post general ledger journal
- Integration level

- This program can't check balances if the sub modules in SYSPRO are not integrated to General Ledger and has limited functionality if the sub modules are only integrated to General Ledger in summary (i.e. it can't drill down to transaction level when comparing balances).

The following modules can take advantage of the GL Balancing Tool:
- Accounts Payable
- Accounts Receivable
- Assets
- Cash Book
- Inventory Control
- Work in Progress

- Open the GL Balancing Tool program.
- Select the sub module, year and period that you want to reconcile to General Ledger.
- Enable the Include zero value transaction option (if you suspect there are zero balance transactions in the sub module that have a positive balance in the journal, or vice versa).
- Enable the Use FIFO costing method option (if you have selected the Inventory Control module).
Select Start Processing.
The Balance Summary pane is displayed.
View the transaction details and address the discrepancies by:
- Posting journals.
- Reversing journals.
Editing transactions.
Although you can post and reverse journals from within the GL Balancing Tool program, you can't edit transactions in this program.

Indicate the sub module that you want to balance to the General Ledger.

Indicate the financial year for the period you want to balance.

Indicate the period in the financial year you want to balance.This only displays the number of periods you have set up per financial year.

This includes transactions that have a zero balance.
Enabling this option may result in a many transactions being displayed. We recommend you only use this feature if you suspect that transactions exist with a balance in one account and zero in another.

Indicate whether you want to use FIFO costing for inventory balancing.
You can only access this field if you selected FIFO at the Costing method setup option and you selected Inventory at the Module field.

This pane is displayed when you have selected Start Processing on the Options pane. The information displayed will change according to the sub module you selected.
Field | Description |
Control account summary |
Sub module control account total | This displays the control account total of the sub module (i.e. all transactions that have been processed in the sub module). |
GL control total |
This displays the General Ledger control account total (i.e. all transactions that have been posted from the sub module to General Ledger. Select View details to open the GL Control pane to view a breakdown by ledger code. This gives you a quick overview of all control accounts totals, which you can cross reference with the sub module branch totals. Investigate GL codes that don't balance, by printing the Distribution Report in summary format so that you can balance the distribution report amounts with the breakdown by GL code. |
Difference | Any discrepancy between the AP and GL control account totals is displayed in red. |
Balancing entries |
The amounts displayed here indicates that a discrepancy exists between the sub module, the journal and General Ledger. Zero amounts indicate there is no discrepancy. |
Normal journal entries |
This reflects journal entries that are not recorded in the sub module, but which appear in the GL journal. The number of affected transactions are displayed in the Entries column. Select View details to open the Normal Journals pane. This lets you:
Unposted GL journal entries |
This amount reflects the total of all the journals that have not yet been posted to General Ledger. The number of affected transactions are displayed in the Entries column. Select View details to open the Unposted GL Journals pane. This lets you:
Once the transaction is posted, select the GL journal number to view the GL journal transaction. |
Unposted sub module entries |
This reflects the total of all the sub module transactions that have not yet been posted to the General Ledger. This comprises various amounts, depending on the sub module you selected. The number of affected transactions are displayed in the Entries column. Select View details to open the Unposted Sub Module Registers pane. This lets you:
Once the transaction is posted, select the GL journal number to view the GL journal transaction. |
GL transaction to GL journal |
This amount reflects a discrepancy between the GL journal and actual GL transactions. The number of affected transactions are displayed in the Entries column. Select View details to open the GL Transaction to Journal pane. This lets you:
A discrepancy here is unusual and could indicate data tampering or data corruption. We recommend checking distribution reports and analyzing why these aren't balancing. |
GL journal to sub module |
This reflects a discrepancy between the GL journal and the transactions in the sub module. The number of affected transactions are displayed in the Entries column. Select View details to open the GL Transaction to Sub Module pane. This lets you:
A discrepancy here is unusual and could indicate data tampering or data corruption. We recommend checking distribution reports and analyzing why these aren't balancing. |
Duplicate posted GL transactions |
This reflects duplicate transactions that have been posted to the GL journal. The number of affected transactions are displayed in the Entries column. Select View details to open the Duplicate Posted GL Journals pane. This lets you:
A discrepancy here is unusual and could indicate data tampering or data corruption. We recommend contacting your system administrator. |
Duplicate unposted GL transactions |
This reflects duplicate unposted transactions that appear on the GL journal. The number of affected transactions are displayed in the Entries column. Select View details to open the Duplicate Unposted GL Journals pane. This lets you:
A discrepancy here is unusual and could indicate data tampering or data corruption. We recommend contacting your system administrator. |
AR transactions to cash book |
This only applies to the Cash Book sub module.
The amount reflects Accounts Receivable transactions that appear in the Cash Book. The number of affected transactions are displayed in the Entries column. Select View details to open the AR transactions to Cash Book pane. This lets you:
This discrepancy may be due to unprocessed transactions. We recommend checking for and processing outstanding AR bank deposit slips. |
AP transactions to cash book |
This only applies to the Cash Book sub module.
The reflects Accounts Payable transactions that appear in the Cash Book. The number of affected transactions are displayed in the Entries column. Select View details to open the AP transactions to Cash Book pane. This lets you:
This discrepancy may be due to unprocessed transactions. We recommend checking whether any AP payment runs have not yet been transferred to the bank. |
AP journals to matched GRN entries |
This only applies to the GRN sub module.
This reflects GRN transactions that match transactions in the Accounts Payable module. The number of affected transactions are displayed in the Entries column. Select View details to open the AP Journals to Matched GRN Entries pane. This lets you:
This indicates that a value was posted to the GRN suspense account using the AP Invoice Posting program. We recommend analyzing why this transaction was done and correcting it in the General Ledger. |
Inventory journals to GRN entries |
This only applies to the GRN sub module.
This reflects GRN transactions that match journal transactions in the Inventory Control module. The number of affected transactions are displayed in the Entries column. Select View details to open the Inventory Journals to Matched GRN Entries pane. This lets you:
This indicates that the inventory journal amounts in the InvJournalDet table don't match the amounts in the GrnDetails table.
We recommend contacting your system administrator. |
Recalculated GL control |
This is the total amount of the GL control account, if all the balancing entries were actioned and resolved. |
Difference |
This reflects the difference between the recalculated GL control amount and the GL control total in the Control account summary section. |
Other | |
Invoices |
This is the total amount of unposted invoices in the sub module and should ideally be zero. |
Payments |
This is the total amount of unposted payments in the sub module and should ideally be zero. |
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