Upgrading to SYSPRO Reporting Software 2020

This article explains the latest upgrade of the SYSPRO Additional Reporting Software to make use of SAP Crystal Reports 2020. It also provides details on the processes to follow when updating your reporting software.

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The SYSPRO Reporting Services architecture for printing and reporting (both client-side and server-side) has been upgraded to use SAP Crystal Reports 2020.

The advantages of this upgrade include:

  • Faster installation time (depending on the hardware and software configuration).

  • Reduced footprint on the reporting server installation (SAP Crystal Reports Server 2020 SP2 is 64-bit).

  • Faster start-up time for the Java server when using client-side reporting.

  • Improved performance when previewing, printing and archiving documents (depending on the environment and hardware configuration).

    Our internal testing has indicated an average of 50% reduction in processing time.

  • Quicker processing times when previewing reports and documents using the native XML driver.

  • Increased scalability lets you process reports with larger XML (depending on the complexity of the XML structure).

The install and use of the SYSPRO Additional Reporting Software is dependent on your installed version of SYSPRO 8:

  • Additional Reporting Software 2013 (i.e. SAP Crystal Reports 2013):

    Applies to SYSPRO 8 2020 R1 and prior versions.

    Due to SAP Crystal Reports 2013 having reached the end of its life cycle, the Additional Reporting Software 2013 is no longer available for new installations from January 2024.

  • Additional Reporting Software 2016 (i.e. SAP Crystal Reports 2016):

    Applies to SYSPRO 8 2020 R2, SYSPRO 8 2021 R1 and SYSPRO 8 2021 R2.

    Due to SAP Crystal Reports 2016 having reached the end of its life cycle, the Additional Reporting Software 2016 is no longer available for new installations from January 2024.

  • Additional Reporting Software 2020 (i.e. SAP Crystal Reports 2020):

    Applies to SYSPRO 8 2021 R2 to SYSPRO 8 2023.

    From January 2024, the Additional Reporting Software 2020 is the only SAP Crystal Reports version available for new installations.

  • Additional Reporting Software 2020 SP4 (i.e. SAP Crystal Reports Server 2020 SP4 server-side and SAP Crystal Reports Server 2020 SP35 client-side):

    Applies to SYSPRO 8 2023 and later versions.

    This is only applicable within SYSPRO 8 2023 if Hotfix KB8100663 has been applied.



Uninstall Process

If you have existing reporting software installed, the following indicates how to uninstall the older versions using the SYSPRO Installer Application:

Install Process

The following explains the steps to follow when updating to the latest reporting software version (i.e. SYSPRO Additional Reporting Software 2020) using the SYSPRO Installer Application: