SYSPRO User Interfaces


SYSPRO Desktop

The SYSPRO Windows Application provides full solution capabilities to heavy day-to-day users and is best suited to high-volume transaction processing.

It is also the most common method of interacting with SYSPRO.


SYSPRO Web UI (Avanti)

SYSPRO's Web Browser interface is a visually rich, minimalist user interface accessible via a web browser and doesn't require any installation on the Windows desktop or device.

Access to certain solution features and capabilities are limited.


SYSPRO Espresso

SYSPRO's Mobile interface is a device agnostic mobile solution (designed specifically for use on mobile devices) and is capable of providing insightful summary business information.

The mobile app is useful for inquiring and transacting in SYSPRO whilst working remotely.

Differences between Desktop and Web Clients

The user interface of the SYSPRO Web UI (Avanti) has been developed to provide a fully immersive Web experience for SYSPRO.

Consequently, some of the functionality and operator interaction with the SYSPRO client differs between the SYSPRO Desktop and SYSPRO Web UI (Avanti) environments.

This article details the current differences that exist between the Desktop and Web environments.

Feature Differences

The following features are not supported currently within the SYSPRO Web UI (Avanti):

  • Workflow Designer

  • Quotation Multi Offer Support

  • Scheduler

Functionality Differences

The following functionality is not currently supported within the Web Client:

UI Differences