Structures and Routings
This program lets you define your bills of materials (i.e. the elements required in a sequence of manufacturing operations, as well as the structural relationships between parent and component parts).
Field | Description |
File | |
New Parent |
Select this to be able to change the parent item to maintain. |
Gantt Chart |
Select this to use the WIP Operations Graphing Program program to view a graphic representation of operations defined for the structure. |
Play Operation |
Select this to view multimedia objects defined against the selected operation. |
Zoom on Operation |
Select this to view details of the currently selected operation (see Maintain Operations for Stock Code). |
Play Component |
Select this to view multimedia objects defined against the selected component. |
Zoom on Component |
Select this to view details of the currently selected component (see Maintain Components for Stock Code). |
Import Structure |
This enables you to import single level components from a flat ASCII file using the Structure Import program. |
Co-products |
Use the BOM Co-Product Maintenance program to view and maintain co-products attached to a notional part on the current route. This option is only enabled if the parent stock code for which you are maintaining structures and routing is defined as a Notional part (Stock Codes). |
Exit |
Select this to exit the program. |
Edit | |
Add Operation |
Select this to assign a new operation to the parent stock code. You can add a maximum of 999 operations to each bill of materials structure. |
Insert Operation |
Select this to assign a new operation to the parent stock code before the currently highlighted operation. |
Change Operation |
Select this to change the details of the currently highlighted operation assigned to the parent stock code. |
Move Operation |
Select this to re-sequence operations assigned to the parent stock code (see Move Operation). This option is available only if more than one operation is held against the parent stock code. |
Copy Operations |
Select this to copy operations from another stock code into the current structure (see Copy Operations). |
Delete |
![]() Select this to remove the currently highlighted operation from the parent stock code. When an operation defined against a notional part is deleted, all detail cost apportionments against the operation are deleted. In addition, the program re-sequences the operation number defined as offsets against the co-products (BOM Co-Product Maintenance). ![]() Select this to remove all operations from the parent stock code. |
View Operation Narrations |
Select this to use the Admin Notepad Editor (Monospaced Text) program to view custom form information for the currently highlighted operation. |
Add Component | Select this to assign a new component to the parent stock code. |
Change Component | Select this to change the details of the currently highlighted component assigned to the parent stock code. |
Copy Components | Select this to copy the materials from another stocked item (see Copy Components). |
Delete |
![]() Select this to remove the currently highlighted component from the parent stock code. ![]() Select this to remove all components from the parent stock code. |
Sequence |
The sequence number specified on the BOM is used when printing online documents in the WIP Job Issues program, so that the allocations are printed in the correct sequence. This sequence number is not used to control the order in which items are allocated when kit issuing. ![]() Select this to re-sequence individual components assigned to the parent stock code (see Change Sequence Number). ![]() Select this to change the sequence of all components assigned to the parent stock code. This option is available only if more than one component is held against the parent stock code (see Resequence Materials). |
View Component Narrations | Use the Admin Notepad Editor (Monospaced Text) program to view narration information for the currently highlighted component. |
Edit Icons | Use the BOM Icons for Structure & Routings program to assign different icons to
operations and materials that are displayed in the tree view
pane. You can define two sets of icons for each structure and/or operation entity. |
Options | |
Confirm Deletions | Select this to be prompted to confirm the deletion of an operation or component before performing the deletion process. If you do not select this option, then the operation or component is deleted immediately you select to delete it. |
Preferences | Select this to configure default options for viewing information on the Structure & Routings screen (see Preferences). |
Parent stock code |
Indicate the finished item for which you want to maintain a bill of materials and operations. Co-products: A co-product can be manufactured by itself or be attached to a notional part. You cannot enter a co-product which is attached to a notional part if the co-product and notional part are on the same route. In this case you need to enter the notional part stock item to view the structures and routings. Bought out items: Although you can define a structure and routing against a bought out item and then create a job for the item, it is not treated as a made-in item anywhere else in the system (such as cost implosion, MRP, Advanced Trial Kitting, etc). This is because the item is defined as a bought out item and the system treats it as such. A warning message is displayed when the parent stock code is:
In all cases you can select to continue. |
Route | Indicate the routing for which you want to maintain
operations and components. Sales Order entry always uses route 0. Therefore to sell Kit type items, route 0 must be used. This defaults to the Default route indicated against your Preferences. |
Include non-current |
Select this to display non-current components for the bill for the current run of the program. If you do not select this option and the setup option: Structure on/off dates is enabled (Bill of Materials Setup) then component's whose Structure on date has not been reached or whose Structure off date is exceeded are displayed. To always exclude these components, you can deselect the Preference: Include non-current by default (see Preferences). The Status bar displayed at the bottom of the window indicates whether non-current components are included or excluded. |
Configurator |
![]() Select this to create a customized product using the Product Configurator Wizard. ![]() Select this to use the Product Configurator Wizard to test if the configuration you have created is functioning correctly. |
ECC Controlled Stock Code
This screen is displayed when you enter a stock item which is defined as ECC controlled (Stock Codes).
Field | Description |
OK | Select this to accept your selections and to return to the previous screen. |
Cancel | Select this to return to the previous screen. |
ECC function | |
Maintain proposed structure & routing |
Select this to maintain the proposed structure and routing. A warning message is displayed if the stock item's structure and routing has not been enabled by an ECO. If you select to ignore the warning and continue, then this option is disabled (i.e. you cannot maintain the proposed structure and routing). |
View a Revision/Release | Select this to indicate the revision/release of the
stock item you want to display. This is disabled when the ECC Stock Control level is set to Stock code (Bill of Materials Setup). |
Revision | Indicate the revision of the stock item you want to display. |
Release | Indicate the release of the stock item you want to display. |
Parent Stock Information
This pane displays stock code information on the parent item of the BOM.
Field | Description |
Stock code | This indicates the stock code of the parent item of the BOM. |
Description | This indicates the stock code description of the parent item of the BOM. |
Long description | This indicates the long stock code description of the parent item of the BOM. |
Route | This indicates the route of the parent item of the BOM. |
WIP branch |
This indicates the Work in Progress branch defined against the route or work center.
Structure and Routing Parent Details
Field | Description |
Save | Select this icon to save the information you entered or changed for the parent item. |
Co-product cost apportionment | If the parent item is a notional part, then this indicates the cost apportionment of the co-products attached to the notional part (see Setup Options). |
Co-product type |
If the parent item is a notional part, then this indicates the type of co-products attached to the notional part (see Setup Options). |
Parent uom |
Indicate the unit of measure to use for the parent if you defined units of measure other than the stocking unit of measure against the component stock item in the Stock Code Maintenance program. This is only available when the Use manufacturing unit of measure setup option is enabled (Setup Options > Configuration > Manufacturing > Work in Progress). |
Links | |
Notes | Select this to use the Admin Notepad Editor (Rich Text) program to attach free format notes to the parent/route combination. |
Structure and Routing
The structure and routing information for the parent item is displayed in a tree view and the Operations and Components listviews.
The information in the tree view remains static after the Parent stock code is loaded and is only updated when the Parent stock code is loaded again. This is was done by design to optimize the program, because bills can be up to 15 levels deep.
You can set the display options for the tree view using the Preferences (see Preferences).
Sequence numbers are only displayed in the tree view if you enabled the option: Structure sequencing required (Bill of Materials Setup).
If you selected the Preference: Sequence materials by operation and a component used in an operation is non-current and you are excluding non-current items, then that item is excluded from the tree view, as are any further components used in that operation.
Tree view options
Submenu item | Description |
This icon is displayed when you position your mouse pointer in the white space at the top of the tree view pane. |
Expand if Collapsed | Expands the tree view back to where it was before selecting
the Collapse All option. Note that child nodes must be expanded manually by clicking on them. This option merely re-expands the nodes previously manually expanded and does not expand all levels of the tree view. |
Collapse All | Collapses the entire tree view. Only the top parent item is displayed. |
Prints the tree view as it is displayed on the screen. If the tree view is entirely collapsed, then it prints the tree view as displayed before you selected Collapse All. | |
Print Preview | Displays a preview of the tree view as it is displayed on the screen. The tree view can be printed from the Preview screen. If the tree view is entirely collapsed, then it prints the tree view as displayed before you selected Collapse All. |
Output to Excel | Outputs the contents of the tree view as displayed on the
screen to Excel. If all nodes are expanded, then the entire tree view is exported. If only some nodes are expanded, then only the information for the expanded nodes is exported. |
Background Color | Enables you to set the background color for the tree view. |
Foreground Color | Enables you to set the foreground color of the tree view. |
Show tree view Lines | Toggles between displaying the connecting lines between the nodes in the tree. |
Hot Tracking | Toggles between highlighting the line your mouse is currently hovering over. |
Reset tree view | Resets the tree view options to their defaults. |
The operations for the item selected in the Structure and Routing tree view (the parent or sub-assembly) are displayed in this listview.
Field | Description |
New | Select this to add a new operation. |
Change | Select this to maintain the operation currently highlighted in the listview. |
Delete | Select this to delete the operation currently highlighted in the listview. |
Copy | Select this to copy operations from another stock code into the current structure (see Copy Operations). |
Functions | |
Insert Operation | Select this to assign a new operation to the parent stock code before the currently highlighted operation. |
Move Operation | Select this to re-sequence operations assigned to the parent stock code (see Move Operation). This option is available only if more than one operation is held against the parent stock code. |
Delete All Operations | Select this to remove all operations from the parent stock code. |
Zoom | Select this to view details of the operation currently highlighted in the listview. |
Play | Select this to view multimedia objects defined against the operation currently highlighted in the listview. |
Gantt Chart | Select this to use the WIP Operations Graphing Program program to view a graphic representation of operations defined for the structure. |
Operations Listview
The listview displays details of the operations in the BOM.
Operation Information
The information displayed in this pane relates to the operation currently highlighted in the Operations listview and includes the following:
Column | Description |
Milestone operation | This indicates whether the operation is set as a
milestone. See also: Glossary. |
Supplier | This indicates the supplier for a subcontract operation. |
Transfer quantity |
This is used in the Factory Scheduling module. It enables you to indicate when the subsequent operation can start by transferring a quantity or percentage from the current operation. For example, if the job quantity is 50 and you do not use the transfer quantity facility, then the next operation will only start when the 50 are completed in the current operation. However, if you set the transfer method to Quantity and enter 10, then 10 is transferred to the next operation. So, the next operation can start once 10 have been completed in the current operation.
Narrations | See Admin Notepad Editor (Monospaced Text). |
Maintain Operations for Stock Code
This screen is displayed when you select the Add Operation, Change Operation or Insert Operation options from the Edit menu.
The fields you can maintain depend on whether you are adding, inserting or changing an operation.
Field | Description |
Mode | |
Add | Select this to add a new operation. |
Insert | Select this to add a new operation before the operation specified in the Operation field. |
Change | Select this to maintain an operation. |
Save |
Select this to save the information you entered. If a custom form is defined for BOM operations and/or BOM structures and at least one of the fields on the form is defined as mandatory (see Custom Forms Entry) then you are prompted to enter the custom form details before you can save the operation. This only applies when you add an operation. |
Operation |
Assign an operation to the parent stock code. If you enter an operation that already exists, you can select the Add function to insert this as a new operation. You cannot add an operation for an item defined as a Phantom part (Stock Codes). Operations must be attached to the stocked materials. When an operation is inserted against a notional part, the program re-sequences the operation number defined as offsets against the co-products (BOM Co-Product Maintenance). You can define a maximum of 999 operations against each bill of materials structure. Because operations are assigned to work centers (and work centers are assigned to cost centers), at least one cost center must be held on file before you can add an operation. |
Play | Select this to use the Multimedia program to view multimedia objects for the operation. |
Edit | Select this icon to use the Multimedia program to maintain multimedia objects for the operation. |
Operation Type | |
Internal | Select this to maintain an internal operation. |
Subcontract | Select this to maintain a subcontract operation. |
Internal Operation Details
The following fields are enabled for internal operations:
Field | Description |
Operation | This indicates the operation number you are currently maintaining. |
Work center |
Indicate the work center in which the operation must be performed. Depending on whether you specified an internal or subcontract work center, the fields that can be defined changes accordingly. |
Description | This indicates the description for the work center. |
WIP branch |
This indicates the WIP branch of the current operation or work center. If the WIP branch against the work center is not defined, then the WIP branch defined against the route for the main structure is displayed. |
Time unit of measure | This indicates the time unit of measure defined against the cost center (Cost Centers) defined against the work center. |
Setup time | Indicate the time taken to ready a specific machine, process or work center for use. No usable items are produced during the setup period. It forms part of the operation elapsed time. |
Startup time | Indicate the time taken to gradually bring the specific machine, line or work center up to full production speed while producing usable product. It forms part of the operation elapsed time. |
Startup quantity |
Indicate the quantity of product manufactured during the start up period and is deducted from the actual quantity to be manufactured when the run time is calculated This quantity must be less than the quantity in the Economic batch quantity field against the stock item (Stock Codes). If it is not, then the accuracy of the BOM calculations is affected. |
Run time | The values entered in these fields and the fields
which are enabled depend on the Run time
calculation method defined against the work
center (see Work Centers). For example, if the run time method against the work center is defined as Unit, then you will need to enter the Unit run time. If the method is defined as Rate or Block, then you will need to enter the Quantity and Time taken, for the unit run time to be calculated automatically. You indicate the maximum number of decimals to print on reports for operation times using the Style for labor times option (Company Maintenance). There are two fields for the run time in the BomOperations table:
![]() This indicates the run time calculation method defined against the work center (Work Centers). ![]() Enter the quantity of the item that can be manufactured in the time entered in the Time taken field below. This field is only enabled when the Run time calculation method defined against the work center is Rate or Block. This can be changed at the time of capturing the job (see WIP Job and Op Maintenance and WIP Add an Operation). ![]() You use this field to enter the time taken to produce the specific quantity of the item entered in the Quantity field. This field is only enabled if the Run time calculation method defined against the work center is Rate or Block. This can be changed at the time of capturing the job (see WIP Job and Op Maintenance and WIP Add an Operation). ![]() Indicate the time taken to produce one unit during full speed production. It forms part of elapsed time. If the Run time calculation method defined against the work center is Block or Rate, then the Unit run time is calculated by the system according to the values you entered in the Quantity and Time taken fields. You can only access this field if the Run time calculation method for the work center is defined as Unit (Work Centers). |
Teardown time | Indicate the time taken to close down the specific machine, line, or work center used in the operation after production is complete. It forms part of the elapsed time. Typically, no usable items are produced during the teardown period. |
Wait time | Indicate the amount of time between the end of the current operation and the availability of the product to be moved to the next work center. This forms part of elapsed time. Wait time is not included in the calculation of capacity required or in the costing calculations. |
Capacity required | This indicates the capacity required for the operation. |
Capacity unit of measure | This indicates the unit of measure for the capacity as defined against the work center (Work Centers). |
Maximum units | Indicate the maximum number of productive units
available in the work center that can be used on the
operation. This value is used in the calculation of capacity
required and elapsed time. The number of productive units is the lowest common denominator in which the productive unit capacity of a work center is grouped within a factory. |
Units description | This indicates the description for the units in the Maximum units field. |
Number of pieces |
Indicate the number of pieces involved in the operation. This enables you to mark quantities in a measure that is meaningful to you. For example: If the job is to make bicycle wheels and this operation is to make spokes for the wheels, then you could indicate that 30 spokes (i.e. number of pieces) are required for each wheel. Additionally, when making spokes for a bicycle wheel, the operator could mark the number of spokes produced during the operation enabling the system to calculate the number of wheels for which the operator has manufactured spokes. |
Work center rate indicator | Indicate the work center rate applicable to this
operation. You can select the browse icon to load the BOM Work Center Rates program to view the rates for each rate indicator currently defined against the work center. This only applies if you entered a valid work center code in the Work Center field. |
Milestone operation |
Indicate whether this is a milestone operation. You can use the preference: Default to milestone when adding operation to always set this option to selected. Subcontract operations are always marked as milestone operations, but they are not used as a trigger to post to previous non-milestone operations. It is assumed that the operation immediately prior to a subcontract operation would be set as a milestone to allow for some control over materials leaving to be worked on by the subcontractor. |
Time required in days |
![]() Indicate whether the elapsed time of the operation must be dynamically calculated, or manually entered as a fixed number of days. Select this to indicate that the elapsed time of the operation is manually entered as a fixed number of days. If you do not select this option, then the elapsed time of the operation is dynamically calculated. Dynamically calculated elapsed times means that if the batch size changes then the elapsed time is amended automatically. This enables the Requirements Calculation and Forward Finite Scheduling programs to take account of this when calculating suggested job start and delivery dates. The Lead Time Calculation program re-calculates dynamic elapsed times providing you do not define the elapsed time as fixed. ![]() Enter the elapsed time in days for the operation. This only applies if you selected the Fixed elapsed time option. ![]() This indicates the time between the current operation and the next operation. ![]()
This only applies if you haven't defined a movement matrix for the work center in the Browse on Work Center Move Matrices program. |
Inspection |
This field is only used for documentation purposes and can be printed on your factory documentation. ![]() Select this if no inspection is required for the operation. ![]() Select this if a full inspection is required for the operation. ![]() Select this if a sample inspection is required for the operation. |
Maximum operators | Indicate the maximum number of operators permitted to process the operation. This may not exceed the number of operators assigned to the work center. |
Machine | Indicate the default machine for the operation during labor postings, for documentary purposes. |
Minor setup code | This is used for documentary purposes and is printed on the Dispatch List. |
Minor setup time | This is used for documentary purposes and is printed on the Dispatch List. The entry made here cannot exceed the set-up time for the operation. |
Tool set | Indicate the tool set to use for the operation.
This can be printed on your factory documentation and is also used in the SYSPRO Factory Scheduling module when you run the SFS Finite Scheduler and the SFS Advanced Scheduler. |
Tool set quantity | Indicate the tool set quantity required for the
operation. This cannot exceed the
Quantity assigned to the tool set
(Tool Sets). This can be printed on your factory documentation and is also used in the SYSPRO Factory Scheduling module when you run the SFS Finite Scheduler and the SFS Advanced Scheduler. |
Tool set consumption | Indicate the quantity of the tool set which will be
used up (consumed) by the operation. If this is set to zero,
then the "stock" of the tool set quantity is not reduced by
the operation. This can be printed on your factory documentation. |
Progressive scrap |
You can only access these fields if you enabled the option: Progressive scrap (Bill of Materials Setup). You cannot maintain the scrap percentage or quantity once the job is confirmed, or allocations have been issued. If you defined a fixed quantity of a component per parent, then any progressive scrap quantity or percentage defined against an Operation through which the component moves is not applied. Following is an analogy explaining the difference between progressive scrap and material scrap: Assume you manufacture action men dolls. If you know that you scrap about 10% of the arms whilst attaching them to the body, then you define this as material scrap to raise the quantity per on each parent part. If you know that you damage 10% of the body whilst attaching the arms, then you would define this as progressive scrap against the operation which attaches the arms. ![]() Indicate the percentage of scrap you want to assign to the operation. At the time of creating a job for the parent, any material allocation associated with this operation is inflated according to the scrap percentage entered. ![]() Indicate the quantity of scrap you want to assign to the operation. At the time of creating a job for the parent, any material allocation associated with this operation is inflated according to the scrap quantity entered. |
Transfer quantity | These options are used by the SYSPRO Factory
Scheduling system when you run the SFS Finite Scheduler or
the SFS Advanced Scheduler. It enables you to indicate when the subsequent operation can start by transferring a quantity or percentage from the current operation. For example, if the job quantity is 50 and you do not use the transfer quantity facility, then the next operation will only start when the 50 are completed in the current operation. However, if you set the transfer method to Quantity and enter 10, then 10 is transferred to the next operation. So, the next operation can start once 10 have been completed in the current operation. ![]() Indicate whether the transfer method is a quantity or a percentage. ![]() Indicate the quantity or percentage to transfer to the next operation. |
Narrations |
Select this to assign user-defined text to operations held against the parent stock code. If you indicated that standard narrations are required for operations (Bill of Materials Setup) then you can select whether to enter Specific narration text for the operation, or retrieve text assigned to a standard narration code. |
Calculations | |
Show |
Select this to view the run time method and capacity calculations for the operation. |
Parent uom | This displays the stocking unit of measure defined against the parent item (Stock Codes) and indicates the unit of measure for the value in the Startup quantity field. |
Subcontract Operation Details
The following fields are enabled for subcontract operations:
Field | Description |
Operation |
This indicates the operation number you are currently maintaining. |
Work center |
Indicate the work center in which the operation must be performed. Depending on whether you specified an internal or subcontract work center, the fields that can be defined changes accordingly. |
Description | This indicates the description for the work center. |
Supplier | Indicate the preferred supplier of the service. This defaults to the supplier assigned to work center. |
Time required in days |
![]() The number of days you enter here is used to establish the date on which a purchase order should be raised to reserve capacity at the subcontractor. ![]() Indicate the number of days that the component is off site. This is added to any dock to stock days to determine the elapsed time. ![]() Indicate the number of days required for the inspection of the item. This is added to the offsite time to establish the elapsed time of the operation. The due date of the purchase order is set as the due date of the operation less the dock to stock time. ![]() This indicates the time between the current operation and the next operation. ![]()
This only applies if you haven't defined a movement matrix for the work center in the Browse on Work Center Move Matrices program. |
P/order stock code | Indicate the notation that will be entered under the stock code when a purchase order is generated. This is treated as a non-stocked item in purchase orders. |
Quantity per |
The subcontract quantity per doesn't affect the unit value entered for BOM and Job costing purposes, so the unit value should reflect the full value for a job quantity of one unit. The subcontract quantity per is used to display the calculated total quantity against a job subcontract operation and is calculated as follows: The subcontract quantity per multiplied by the job quantity and in the case of progressive scrap the subcontract quantity per multiplied by the operation start quantity. However, the operation cost is not impacted by the calculated total quantity result. When creating a purchase order for a subcontract operation, the default purchase order quantity is calculated as the subcontract quantity per multiplied by the job quantity (in the case of progress scrap the subcontract quantity per multiplied by the operation start quantity). The default unit price is then worked out by dividing the subcontract value by the subcontract quantity per to get a unit price per subcontract quantity per. This will then equate to the same overall cost as the operation. |
Unit of measure | This field is used for documentary purposes only. |
Unit value |
Indicate the subcontract value of the operation. You must enter this value in local currency, regardless of whether the subcontractor is a foreign currency supplier. |
Planner | Indicate the planner for this operation. The default is the entry assigned to the work center and can be used as a selection criterion when producing reports. |
Buyer | Indicate the buyer for this operation. The default is the entry assigned to the work center and can be used as a selection criterion when producing reports. |
Tool set number | Indicate the tool set number for the operation. This can be printed on your factory documentation. |
Number of pieces |
Indicate the number of pieces involved in the operation. This enables you to mark quantities in a measure that is meaningful to you. For example: If the job is to make bicycle wheels and this operation is to make spokes for the wheels, then you could indicate that 30 spokes (i.e. number of pieces) are required for each wheel. Additionally, when making spokes for a bicycle wheel, the operator could mark the number of spokes produced during the operation enabling the system to calculate the number of wheels for which the operator has manufactured spokes. |
Inspection |
![]() Select this if no inspection is required for the operation. ![]() Select this if a full inspection is required for the operation. ![]() Select this if a sample inspection is required for the operation. |
Progressive scrap |
This only applies when the option: Progressive scrap is enabled (Bill of Materials Setup). You cannot maintain the scrap percentage or quantity once the job is confirmed, or allocations have been issued. If you defined a fixed quantity of a component per parent, then any progressive scrap quantity or percentage defined against an Operation through which the component moves is not applied. Following is an analogy explaining the difference between progressive scrap and material scrap: Assume you manufacture action men dolls. If you know that you scrap about 10% of the arms whilst attaching them to the body, then you define this as material scrap to raise the quantity per on each parent part. If you know that you damage 10% of the body whilst attaching the arms, then you would define this as progressive scrap against the operation which attaches the arms. ![]() Indicate the percentage of scrap you want to assign to the operation. When creating a job for the parent, any material allocation associated with this operation is inflated according to the scrap percentage entered. ![]() Indicate the quantity of scrap you want to assign to the operation. At the time of creating a job for the parent, any material allocation associated with this operation is inflated according to the scrap quantity entered. |
Transfer quantity | These options are used by the Factory Scheduling
system. It enables you to indicate when the subsequent operation can start by transferring a quantity or percentage from the current operation. For example, if the job quantity is 50 and you do not use the transfer quantity facility, then the next operation will only start when the 50 are completed in the current operation. However, if you set the transfer method to Quantity and enter 10, then 10 is transferred to the next operation. So, the next operation can start once 10 have been completed in the current operation. ![]() Indicate whether the transfer method is quantity or percentage. ![]() Indicate the quantity or percentage to transfer to the next operation. |
Narrations | Select this to use the Admin Notepad Editor (Monospaced Text) program to assign free format text to the operation. |
Operation Narration
You use the Narrations option to assign user-defined text to operations held against the parent stock code.
If Standard narrations are required for operations (Bill of Materials Setup) then you can select whether to enter specific narration text for the operation, or retrieve text assigned to a standard narration code.
Field | Description |
Specific Narration | Select this function to use the Admin Notepad Editor (Monospaced Text) program to capture narration text for the operation. |
Close | Select this to return to the previous screen. |
Operation Narration | |
Narrations code | Select this to retrieve narration text assigned to a narration code (see Browse on Standard Narrations). |
Move Operation
You use the Move Operation function to re-sequence operations assigned to the parent stock code. This function is available only if more than one operation is held against the parent stock code.
Field | Description |
OK | Select this to move the operation. |
Close | Select this to return to the previous screen. |
Move operation | This indicates the operation number you want to move. This is the operation that was highlighted when you selected the Move Operation option. |
Work center | This indicates the work center for the operation in the previous field. The work center description is also displayed for identification purposes. |
Work center description | This indicates the description of the work center. |
New operation | Enter the operation number to which the operation must be moved. |
Copy Operations
This screen is displayed when you select the Copy Operations option from the Edit menu.
You use this option to copy the operations from another stocked item.
If operations already exist against the current parent part, then you can delete the existing operations or add the copied operations at the end of the current operations.
Operations cannot be copied from an archived Bill of Materials.
Field | Description |
Copy Operations |
Select this to copy the operations from the stock code entered to the current stock item. No calculations are performed during the copying process. For this reason, once the copy process is completed, you should update the target route/part, to change fields that differ from the copied route/part. (for example ET calculated and capacity, due to different EBQs). If the progressive scrap is defined against the operation from which you are copying, then this is set to zero for the operation created. |
Close | Select this to return to the previous screen. |
Copy from | |
Stock code | Enter the stock code from which to copy the
operations. You can copy operations from the same parent item, as long as the source of the copy has a different route or revision/release. |
Route |
Enter the route number from which to copy the operation. This only applies when the option: Alternate routings is enabled (Bill of Materials Setup). |
Revision |
Enter the revision number of the stock item from which to copy the operation. This only applies when the stock code you entered is defined as ECC controlled (Stock Codes). |
Release |
Enter the release number of the stock item from which to copy the operation. This only applies when the stock code you entered is defined as ECC controlled (Stock Codes). |
Description | This displays the description defined against the stock code entered above. |
Long description | This displays the long description defined against the stock code entered above. |
Copy options | |
Delete existing operations before copy | Select this to delete the current operations from the
parent item. This has the effect of replacing the currently
defined operation with the operations from the copied item.
If you do not select this option, then the new (copied) operations are added after the existing operations. |
The components for the item selected in the Structure and Routingstree view (the parent or sub-assembly) are displayed in this listview.
Field | Description |
New | Select this to add a new component. |
Change | Select this to maintain the component currently highlighted in the listview. |
Delete | Select this to delete the component currently highlighted in the listview. |
Copy | Select this to copy the materials from another stocked item (see Copy Components). |
Functions | |
Change Sequence | Select this to re-sequence components assigned to the parent stock code (see Change Sequence Number). |
Resequence | Select this to change the sequence of components
assigned to the parent stock code (see Resequence Materials). This option is available only if more than one component is held against the parent stock code. Resequencing only applies to numeric keys. Therefore, when you set your Sequencing - Key to Numeric (Bill of Materials Setup) you can always resequence components. |
Delete All Components | Select this to remove all components from the parent stock code. |
Zoom | Select this to view the details for the currently highlighted component. |
Play | Select this to view multimedia objects defined against the selected component. |
Query | |
Where-used | Select this to use the BOM Browse on Component Where-used program to establish exactly where the currently highlighted stock item is used as a component within a structure. |
Work in Progress | Select this to use the Inventory Browse on WIP for Stock Code program to view work in progress jobs for the currently highlighted stock item. |
WIP Allocations | Select this to use the Inventory Browse on Alloc for Stock Code program to view all material allocations of the currently highlighted stock item to jobs. |
Alternate Stock Codes | Select this to use the Inventory Alternate Stock Codes program to create alternate stock items for the currently highlighted stock item. |
Components listview
Field | Description |
Uom |
Indicates the unit of measure to use for the component (see Maintain Components for Stock Code). This only applies if you defined units of measure other than only the stocking unit of measure against the component stock item (Stock Codes). However, if the component is defined as a Phantom part (Stock Codes) then the unit of measure is always the stocking unit of measure. |
ECC consumption |
Indicates the ECC consumption method for an ECC controlled item. |
Override rev/rel |
Indicates the Override planned rev/rel in spec issue option has been enabled for the ECC controlled stock code. |
Maintain Components for Stock Code
This screen is displayed when you select the Add Component or Change Component option from the Edit menu.
Field | Description |
New | Select this to add a new component to the bill. |
Save | Select this to save the information you entered. |
Play | Select this to use the Multimedia program to view multimedia objects for the component. |
Edit | Select this to use the Multimedia program to maintain multimedia objects for the component. |
Balance Batch | Select this function to change the percentage of wet
weight for the component to equal the total outstanding
balance (i.e. if the components already added constitute 75%
of the parent's wet weight, then the component percentage of
wet weight is 25%). This function is only enabled if the component you are maintaining is configured as a batch bill of materials item (Stock Codes) and you selected the option: Include in batch weight. |
Component Maintenance
Field | Description |
Automatic sequencing | This defaults to selected if you selected the
Preference: Default to automatic sequencing when
adding components. Select this if you want the system to automatically allocate the sequence number for the components added. The sequence number defaults to the default sequence number (Bill of Materials Setup). If you do not select this option, then you can manually define the sequence number for each component in relation to the parent stock code. |
Sequence |
Indicate the sequence number for the component in relation to the parent stock code. You can only access this field if you indicated that structure sequencing is required (Bill of Materials Setup). Regardless of whether you require structure sequencing, this field always defaults to the entry made at the Sequencing - Default number field (Bill of Materials Setup) for the first component added. This field is disabled if you set Automatic sequencing to Yes. If you selected the Preference: Default to automatic sequencing when adding components, then the sequence number is automatically calculated based on your entry at the Sequencing - Default number field (Bill of Materials Setup) and the Gap to use for automatic sequence numbering preference field. If you manually enter a sequence number, then the number can be in the range 00 to 99. In addition, you can show more than one occurrence of the parent/component relationship. For example: When assembling an item, the same size screw must be used to secure the lid as well as the base, to another component. You then have the choice of indicating that you require either a total of eight screws, or that you need four screws on two separate occasions. Another use of the sequence number would be on a flow line where you want to specify which station must receive which components (i.e. the station number would be entered as the sequence number). |
Stock code |
Indicate the component stock item you want to attach to the parent part or change. Note that this field is enabled when both changing and adding a component. If you selected Change Component and you enter a different stock code in this field, then the component is added to the bill (as if you had selected Add component) and the existing component remains on the bill as it was. You can add a by-product to the bill of a notional part. You typically do this if the by-product resulted from the manufacture of a number of co-products. You can add a by-product to the bill of a made-in item. You typically do this if the by-product resulted from the manufacture of a single product.
Description | This indicates the description that has been assigned to the stock item. |
Long description | This indicates the long description that has been assigned to the stock item. |
ECC consumption |
This determines the revision/release to use when the component is issued to the job and only applies when the item is ECC controlled (Stock Codes). This defaults to Specified and cannot be changed when the Stock control level is set to Stock code (Bill of Materials Setup).
Override planned rev/rel in spec issue |
Select this to override the planned revision and release during a specific issue. This option is enabled when you select Deplete oldest at the ECC consumption field. This is only available for ECC controlled stock codes when the Deplete oldest rev/rel first (Component) option is enabled in the Bill of Materials Setup program. The setting for this option is copied to the material allocation by the Requirements Calculation program when creating a suggested job. |
Revision |
Indicate the specific revision of the component to use in the bill of materials. You can only access this field if ECC consumption is set to Specified. |
Release |
Indicate the specific release of the component you want to use in the bill of materials. You can only access this field if ECC consumption is set to Specified. |
Batch Information | |
Parent total percentages | This should be 100%, if the batch is in balance. |
Parent specific gravity | This indicates the specific gravity defined against the parent item (Stock Codes). This must equal the total of the specific gravities of all the components. |
Specific gravity |
This indicates the specific gravity defined against the component part (Stock Codes). This field is displayed only if the parent part is configured as a batch bill of materials. |
Include in batch weight | Select this to indicate that the component is included in the bill as a percentage instead of a quantity (i.e. the wet weight percentage of the parent must be used instead of the quantity per for the components). |
Percentage of wet weight |
Indicate what percentage of weight is comprised of the component (i.e. the specific gravity multiplied by the percentage of wet weight). This field is enabled only if the parent part is configured as a batch bill of materials (Stock Codes) and you selected the option: Include in batch weight. |
Stock code miscellaneous | |
Unit of measure | Indicate the unit of measure to use for the component
if you've defined units of measure other than the stocking
unit of measure against the component stock item
(Stock Codes). If the Use manufacturing unit of measure setup option is enabled (Work in Progress Setup) then this defaults to the manufacturing unit of measure defined against the stock code (except for component items with a part category of Phantom part, which only allows the stocking unit of measure). |
Quantity per |
Indicate the quantity of the component stock code that is required to make a single parent stock code. This relationship is based on the unit of measure of the parent part and the component. The number of decimals that can be entered here (0 to 6) is determined by your entry at the option: Maximum decimals in quantity per (Bill of Materials Setup). For batch bills of materials, this value is calculated as the Percentage of wet weight multiplied by the Specific gravity of the component. |
Fixed quantity |
Select this to indicate that the number of components required to make a single parent part is fixed - either regardless of the number of parent parts being made, or specifically in relation to the number of parent parts being made. This is determined by your entry at the Parent per fixed quantity field.
Parent per fixed quantity |
Indicate the number of parent parts to which the component quantity per applies. An entry of zero here indicates that the number of components required to make a single parent part is fixed regardless of the number of parent parts being made. For example: If the component quantity per is 2, then 2 components are required, regardless of whether you make 100, 200 or 1000 of the parent part. An entry other than zero indicates that the number of components required is fixed in relation to a specific number of parent parts that will be made. For example: If the component quantity per of 2 is fixed according to 100 parent parts being made, then making 200 parent parts would require 4 components, and making 1000 parent parts would required 20 components. Note that if you make 50 parent parts, then 2 components are used. (i.e. if you make between 1 and 100 parent items, 2 components are used. If you make between 101 and 200 parent parts, then 4 components are used, and so on). Note also, that the costs of the components for a job are calculated according to the number of components used. Therefore, the material costs for this component will be the same whether you are making 1 parent item or 100 parent items (i.e. you are still using 2 of these components). Refer also to Fixed Quantity Per Example. You can only access this field if you selected the Fixed quantity option. If a parent per fixed quantity is defined against a component, then any progressive scrap quantity or percentage defined against an operation through which the component moves, is not applied. The total quantity required for a fixed quantity component with a parent quantity per is calculated as follows:
Offset |
Indicate whether the offset must be defined by operation or in days. If you link a component to a phantom part, then the offset days of the phantom are used for the component. This means that what is set against the phantom will be set against the component. If the phantom is offset by 20 days then the component of the phantom will be offset by 20 days. If there is a phantom within a phantom then the top level phantom's offset is used. |
Operation | Assign an operation number to the component to
indicate when the component must be available for the
manufacture of the parent part. This number can be in the range 1 to 999, where 1 indicates that the material is required at the first operation (i.e. at the start of the job). If you enter an operation number other than 1 then the operation must exist on file. |
Days |
Indicate when the component must be available for the manufacture of the parent part. The number of days entered is offset backwards from the finish date of the job. An entry of 0 indicates that the component is required on the date a suggested job is due to be completed. For example: If the component is required 7 days before the completed manufacture date, then you would enter 7 here. |
Component type |
Indicate the type of component. This can be used to describe the component and can also be used as a selection criterion for reporting purposes. This field cannot be accessed when adding a phantom or soft phantom component. |
Reference designator | Indicate a reference to identify the component in an electrical
schematic (circuit diagram) or on a printed circuit board (PCB). This free format field usually consists of one or two letters followed by a number. Occasionally that number is then followed by a letter indicating that components are grouped or matched with each other. |
Assembly place |
Indicates any additional sequence or reference for the placement of the component within the assembly. This free format field is mainly used for importing from CAD (Computer Aided Design) systems. |
Item number |
Indicates a number, description and/or reference of the item on the assembly drawing. This free format field is mainly used for importing from CAD (Computer Aided Design), EPC (Electronic Parts Catalogue) or EPL (Engineering Parts List) systems. |
Component inclusion | |
Structure on date |
Indicate when the component must become active in the structure. The default entry of 00/00/00 indicates that the component is active from the date of entry. This only applies when structure on/off dates are required (Bill of Materials Setup). Items that are inactive within a structure are ignored from the Cost Implosion program and from job allocations. The Structure Validation program can be used to remove components that are no longer relevant within a structure. |
Structure off date |
Indicate when the component must be deactivated from the structure. The default entry of 00/00/00 indicates that structure off dates are not required. This only applies when structure on/off dates are required (Bill of Materials Setup). Items that are inactive within a structure are ignored from the Cost Implosion program and from job allocations. The Structure Validation program can be used to remove components that are no longer relevant within a structure. |
Include from job number |
You use this field to enter the job number from which the component can be included in jobs. This is only relevant if you selected the option: Component inclusion by job number (Bill of Materials Setup). |
Include to job number |
You use this field to enter the job number to which the component can be included in jobs. This is only relevant if you selected the option: Component inclusion by job number (Bill of Materials Setup). |
Scrap percentage |
Enter a percentage factor by which the quantity per must be increased, to take account of scrap of the component while manufacturing the parent item (i.e. it is the percentage of the component part you expect to scrap whilst making the parent part). For example: An entry of 15% (where the quantity per is 1) results in a material allocation of 115 of the component when you create a job for 100 of the parent. This field is disabled for a soft phantom component. |
Scrap quantity |
Increase the allocation quantity for this component, calculated at the time of creating a job. For example: Given a one-to-one parent/component relationship where the scrap quantity is 5 - when you create a job to make 20 of the parent, the allocation for the component is 25.
If you add the scrap percentage and scrap quantity to a parent/component relationship, then the allocation is first increased by the scrap percentage and the scrap quantity is added to this figure. For example: Given a one-to-one parent/component relationship where the scrap percentage is 10 and the scrap value is 5 - when you create a job to make 60 of the parent, the component allocation would be 71 (i.e. 60 x 10% = 6 and 60 + 6 + 5 = 71). This field is disabled for a soft phantom component. |
Warehouse to use |
Enter the warehouse from which the component must be issued to the job. The inventory cost from this warehouse is used when costs are rolled up. If you enter a warehouse to use and you the attempt to replace the component (using the Replace Component Where Used program) then the replacement will fail if the replacement component does not exist in this warehouse. If you do not enter a warehouse in this field, then the Warehouse to use defined against the stock code (Stock Codes) is used, unless you selected the option: Override components warehouse to use (Job Entry). In this case, the component warehouse to use you define when creating the job is used. The component must be stocked in the warehouse you enter here. If you define the warehouse to use against the component, but do not want this warehouse to be used when backflushing the component, then you must select the option: Ignore warehouses defined on structure record (Inventory Movements - Backflushing). |
Reason | Enter up to 10 alphanumeric characters describing the reason for the addition or change. |
Include component in kit issues | Select this to indicate that the component must be used during kit issues. |
Optional component for order entry |
Select this to be able to make the decision at the time of order entry concerning whether to include the component on an order. Otherwise the component is regarded as mandatory and is inserted automatically into the sales order. You can only select this option if you indicated that single level bill of materials is required (Sales Orders Setup). |
Print component on order documents |
Select this print component order lines on all your order documents. You can override this option if the component is defined as optional. You can only select this option if you indicated that single level bill of materials is required (Sales Orders Setup). |
Issue material scrap automatically | Select this to issue material scrap (defined against components) automatically during kit issues and for this to be included on any factory documentation. |
Issue progressive scrap automatically | Select this to issue progressive scrap (defined against operations) automatically during kit issues and for this to be included on any factory documentation. |
Create sub job for component | Select this to indicate that this component must
generate a sub job automatically at the time of job
creation. This will enable you to create, in effect, a bill
of jobs for all relevant components down the BOM
chain. If you select this for a co-product and the co-product is manufactured via a notional part on this route, then your selection is ignored. This option is ignored when you use the Job Review program to create a live job from a suggested job. |
Ignore floorstock/bulk issue flag | In future releases of the software you will be able to select this to treat a floorstock or bulk issue item as an ordinary component. |
Narrations | Select this to use the Admin Notepad Editor (Monospaced Text) program to assign user-defined text or standard narrations to components held against the parent stock code. |
Balance Batch
This screen is displayed when you select the Balance batch option when maintaining components.
Field | Description |
Total percentages | This indicates the percentage of the components for the parent (i.e. the wet weight percentage of the parent is used instead of the quantity per for the components). |
Specific gravity | This indicates the value that must be used to convert volume measurements to weight measurements (e.g. conversion between kilograms and liters, or vice verse). |
Copy Standard Narrations
You use the Narrations function to assign user-defined text or standard narrations to components held against the parent stock code.
You can only access the Narrations function for components if you enabled the option: Structure narrations (Bill of Materials Setup).
The following screen is displayed when you select the Copy function from the Admin Notepad Editor (Monospaced Text) program. The Copy function enables you to retrieve narration text that has been assigned to a standard narration code.
Field | Description |
OK | Select this to attach the standard narration to the component. |
Copy Standard Narrations | |
Narration code | You use this field to retrieve narration text
assigned to a narration code. Standard narration codes are defined using the Browse on Standard Narrations program. |
Fixed Quantity Per Example
Following is an example of how the fixed quantity per parent quantity is calculated in SYSPRO.
Assume you define the component as 50 per 1,092. This means that you require 50 of the components for every 1,092 (or part thereof) parent items you manufacture.
When you create a job for the parent item, the program calculates how many times 1,092 goes into the total quantity to make (rounded up to the nearest unit as it is part thereof). This is the figure you multiply the component quantity by to get the total quantity to issue.
For example, if you create a job for 10 000 of the parent item, then:
= 10,000 / 1,092
= 9,157509 = 10 (rounded up)
Using this multiple, we calculate the total quantity required:
= 50 * 10 = 500
On the Factory documentation, the unit quantity per for the component for printing is calculated as:
= 500 / 10,000 = 0.05
This is printed on the factory documentation as the Unit quantity required. The fixed quantity against the component is not printed.
Copy Components
This screen is displayed when you select the Copy Components option from the Edit menu. This enables you to copy the materials from another stocked item.
If components already exist against the current parent part, then you can delete the existing components, insert only new components or merge existing and copied components.
Components cannot be copied from an archived Bill of Materials.
Field | Description |
Copy Components |
Select this to copy the components from the stock code entered to the current stock item. If you copy components before copying operations, and components were attached to various operations in the structure being copied from, then they are assigned to operation 1 in the new structure. Sub-assemblies are only copied to a new route if their structure is already defined for the new route. You therefore have to define the structure of the sub assemblies first in the new route before copying the parent part. |
Close | Select this to return to the previous screen. |
Copy from | |
Stock code | Enter the stock code from which the components are to
be copied. You can copy components from the same parent item, as long as the source of the copy has a different route or revision/release. However, sub-assemblies are only copied to a new route if their structure is already defined for the new route. For example, if stock code B100 has sub-assemblies in Route 0 and you copy B100 to Route 3, then the sub-assemblies are only copied if they have been defined against Route 3. You therefore have to define the structure of the sub-assemblies first in the new route before copying the parent part. |
Route |
Enter the route number from which the components are to be copied. This field is only enabled if you enabled the option: Alternate routings (Bill of Materials Setup). |
Revision | Enter the revision of the stock code from which you are
copying the component(s). This field is only enabled if the stock item you are copying components from is defined as ECC controlled (Stock Codes). |
Release | Enter the release of the stock code from which you are
copying the component(s). This field is only enabled if the stock item you are copying components from is defined as ECC controlled (Stock Codes). |
Description | This indicates the description for the stock code from which you are copying the component(s). |
Long description | This indicates the long description for the stock code from which you are copying the component(s). |
Copy option | |
Copy Method | |
Delete existing components before copy | Select this to delete the existing components before the new components are copied. |
Insert only new components | Select this to insert the components if they do not currently exist against the parent part. Only new components are inserted; duplicates are ignored. |
Merge new with existing components | Select this to merge the new and existing components. |
Change Sequence Number
You use the Change Sequence option from the Sequence option of the Edit menu to re-sequence individual components assigned to the parent stock code.
This option is available only if you selected the option: Structure sequencing required (Bill of Materials Setup) and more than one component is held against the parent stock code.
Field | Description |
OK | Select this to re-sequence the component. |
Close |
This returns you to the previous screen. |
Component | This information is displayed for identification purposes and cannot be changed. |
Sequence number | This field displays the current sequence number for the component. |
Stock code | This field displays the stock code of the selected component. |
Description | This field displays the description defined against the selected component. |
Long description | This field displays the long description defined against the selected component. |
New sequence number | Indicate the new sequence number for the component. |
Resequence Materials
You use the Resequence Components option from the Sequence option of the Edit menu to change the sequence of all components displayed in the Components listview.
Resequencing only occurs if Structure sequencing is required. In addition, resequencing applies only to numeric keys.
Field | Description |
OK | Select this to re-sequence all the components. |
Close | Select this to return to the previous screen without re-sequencing the components. |
Starting sequence | Enter the sequence number to use for the first component in the listview. |
Sequence increment | Enter the number that must be added to the starting component sequence and each subsequent component sequence number (i.e. this number determines the gap in the sequence numbers) |
You use this pane to enter free format notes for the parent item.
These notes can be printed on your factory documentation in the various document formats as follows:
Document | Comment |
Standard document | In the Factory Documentation Format program, maintain the Format options > Preferences section. Select the Notepad function and indicate where you want the notepad information printed on the document. |
Word document | When you design the template for the Word document, you use the Notepad Detail option from the View Details menu to indicate where the notepad details must be printed on the document. |
SRS | When you design the template for the SRS document, you use the Notes section of the document to indicate where the notepad details must be printed on the document. |
Custom Forms
Various custom forms can be defined from within the Structures and Routings program by right clicking to select the Field Selector option from within a docking pane.
If a custom form is defined for BOM operations and/or BOM structures and at least one of the fields on the form is defined as mandatory (see Custom Forms Entry) then you are prompted to enter the custom form details before you can save the operation. This only applies when you add an operation.
You use the Custom Form Data Entry program to enter the required data in to the fields defined against the custom form. You use the Custom Forms Entry program to configure a custom form.
You use the Preferences option from the Options menu to configure default options for viewing information on the Structure & Routings screen.
You can save these preferences against the operator or apply them only for the current run of the program.
Field | Description |
Save | Select this to save your preferences against your operator code. |
Close | Select this to save any preferences you set for the current run of the program only and to return to the previous screen. |
Display options | |
Show tree view in plain text |
Select this to be able to choose any ordering option in the tree view, including Show materials first. The default Structure and Routing tree view display is in XAML which does not allow you to select to Show materials first when you include operations in the tree view. |
Show operations in tree view | Select this to include operations in the tree view pane. |
Order |
![]() Select this to show materials first in the tree view pane. You can only select this option when you select the option: Show tree view in plain text. ![]() Select this to show operations first in the tree view pane. ![]() Select this to display the components under their operations in the tree view. |
Assume no components on bought out items |
Select this to ignore checks on components for bought out items when loading the structure tree view. Selecting this option improves the performance of the system when the structure tree view is loaded. The program assumes that bought out items do not have any components and that all other items have components. |
Include non-current by default |
Select this to always display components whose structure on date has not been reached or whose off date has been exceeded (i.e. non-current components). This option only applies if the setup option: Structure on/off dates is enabled (Bill of Materials Setup). |
Display '--' when component selected to use current | Select this to display '--' against the component
revision and release in the component listview and the
tree view if you selected the Use current
option (Maintain Components for Stock Code). If you do not select this preference, then the actual current revision/release defined against the component is displayed (Stock Codes). |
Default to milestone when adding operations | Select this to set the option: Milestone
operation to selected whenever you add an
operation. If you do not select this preference, then you need
to manually set operations to be milestone operations when
required. Refer to Glossary for additional information on milestone operations. |
Allow addition of superseded components | Select this to allow a component to be added to the
structure if its supersession date is older than the current
system date. If you do not select this preference, then an error message is displayed and the component cannot be added if its Date of supersession (Stock Codes) date is prior to the current system date. |
Default to automatic sequencing when adding components | Select this to automatically calculate and enter the
sequence number for components as you add them to the
structure. The sequence numbers are calculated as follows:
Gap to use for automatic sequence numbering | Indicate the gap you want to leave between the sequence numbers of components added to the structure. |
Default route | Indicate the default route to use for the Structures and Routings
program. This route is entered as the default route at the Route field, providing it is a valid for the current company. |
Notes and warnings
Restrictions and limits
BOM structures
Although there is no limit to the number of structures you can configure within SYSPRO (providing you can define the stock codes for the parent part) reports in SYSPRO will only print to a maximum of 15 levels.
A maximum of 999 operations can be defined against a bill of materials.
Manufacturing unit of measure
To create a sub job in the manufacturing unit of measure, you need to set up the component sub assembly as a parent and define the parent in its manufacturing unit of measure. When you create the top level parent and the component sub job, the manufacturing unit of measure will be used in the creation of the sub job.
ECC-controlled items
The structure of a parent item which is defined as ECC controlled (Stock Codes) can only be changed if an ECO (Engineering Change Order) is currently in process for the item.
The change on the structure is reflected against the new revision/release once the ECO is completed, even when the structure change is made against a current revision/release of the item.
Change of Rev/Rel
Enabling the option: Allow cosmetic changes for ECO (Bill of Materials Setup) determines whether you are prompted to change the revision/release of affected items.
If you select to change the release, then the BOM is updated without changing the revision.
For automatic control, components added and deleted are considered significant changes, as are changes to the following fields:
Revision (Component)
Release (Component)
Unit of Measure
Quantity per
Fixed quantity flag
Parent per fixed quantity
Structure on date
Structure off date
Include from job number
Include to job number
Scrap percentage
Scrap quantity
Warehouse to use
If a structure or routing is not found when checking for cosmetic changes, the item is assumed to be a component and its revision/release is changed.
When saving cosmetic changes for an affected parent item, if a component against the BOM of the parent is also an affected item, then this component revision/release is not applied to the parent, as this constitutes a major change. This applies even if the component revision/release is changed at the time of applying BOM changes.
eSignature considerations
Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering. This enables you to increase control over your system changes.
Access to the following eSignature transactions within this program can be restricted at Operator, Group, Role or Company level. You configure this using the eSignature Setup program.
eSignature Transaction | Description |
BOM Add component |
Controls access to the Add function for components in the Structures and Routings program. |
BOM Change component |
Controls access to the Change function for components in the Structures and Routings program. |
BOM Delete component |
Controls access to the Delete function for Components in the Structures and Routings program. |
BOM Add operation |
Controls access to the Add function for operations in the Structures and Routings program. |
BOM Change operation |
Controls access to the Change function for Operations in the Structures and Routings program. |
BOM Delete operation |
Controls access to the Delete function for Operations in the Structures and Routings program. |
BOM Move operation |
Controls access to the Move Operation function for Operations in the Structures and Routings program. |
BOM Component change sequence |
Controls access to the Change Sequence function for components in the Structures and Routings program. |
BOM Component resequence all |
Controls access to the Resequence function for components in the Structures and Routings program. |
ECC Add component |
Controls access to the Add function for components in the Structures and Routings program, within the Engineering Change Control module. |
ECC Change component |
Controls access to the Change function for components in the Structures and Routings program, within the Engineering Change Control module. |
ECC Delete component |
Controls access to the Delete function for components in the Structures and Routings program, within the Engineering Change Control module. |
ECC Add operation |
Controls access to the Add function for operations in the Structures and Routings program, within the Engineering Change Control module. |
ECC Change operation |
Controls access to the Change function for operations in the Structures and Routings program, within the Engineering Change Control module. |
ECC Delete operation |
Controls access to the Delete function for operations in the Structures and Routings program, within the Engineering Change Control module. |
ECC Move operation |
Controls access to the Move Operation function for operations in the Structures and Routings program, within the Engineering Change Control module. |
ECC Component change sequence |
Controls access to the Change Sequence function for components in the Structures and Routings program, within the Engineering Change Control module. |
ECC Component resequence all |
Controls access to the Resequence function for Components in the Structures and Routings program, within the Engineering Change Control module. |
Activity considerations
Operator access to the following activities within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Operators program.
Activity | Description |
BOM Access to Structure & Routings |
Controls whether an operator can:
System messages
Informational messages

This message is displayed when you select the Configure link or button to customize a product from within one of the following programs:
Sales Order Entry
Structures and Routings
Job Entry

Depending on your requirements, proceed as follows:
Select New UX to use the Product Configurator Wizard program to create a customized product.
- Select Legacy UX to use Configurator Wizard program to create a customized product.
The Configurator Wizard program will be discontinued in the following release.
Copyright © 2024 SYSPRO PTY Ltd.