Purchase Order Entry

This program lets you raise and maintain purchase orders against your suppliers.
Things you can do in this program include:
- Create a new purchase order
- Maintain an existing purchase order
- Cancel an existing purchase order
- Print an existing purchase order

This program is accessed from the Program List of the SYSPRO menu:
- Program List > Purchase Orders > Purchase Order Processing

This refers to a supplier that can be used instead of the supplier normally associated with a specific product or service.
Within SYSPRO, assigning alternate suppliers to stock codes lets you raise requisitions and purchase orders from alternative sources of supply when your normal supplier is unable to fulfill your requirements.
You can query and select to assign an alternative supplier at the time of entering detail purchase order lines or additional information for requisition lines.
You query alternate supplier information using the Inventory Query, Purchase Order Entry and Requisition Entry programs and you can print the first three alternate suppliers on the Purchasing Work Sheet report.

Buyers are individuals in a company responsible for identifying sources of supply and for purchasing products or services from these sources. Within SYSPRO, the buyer code assigned to a stock code indicates the person responsible for purchasing the item.
You typically assign buyers to stock codes when you have more than one person in the company responsible for purchasing products or services.
Buyers can be used as a selection criterion in a number of SYSPRO reports.
You assign buyer codes to bought-out stock items using the Stock Code Maintenance program.

A customer provides the mechanism for you to raise sales orders within SYSPRO.
The static information captured against a customer is used when processing sales transactions and determines, for example, the tax and discounts applicable.
Documents generated from these transactions (e.g. invoices, credit notes, debit notes) are also stored against the customer.
The customer code can be used as a filtering tool when generating reports.
Customers are maintained using the Customers program (Program List > Accounts Receivable > Setup).

This indicates the address to which a supplier must deliver goods.
More than one delivery address may be required for larger companies that typically have a number of sites, branches or depots.
Each alternate delivery address is referenced by an address code that can be selected during purchase order processing.
You create alternate delivery addresses using the PO Multiple Delivery Address Maintenance program (Program List > Purchase Orders > Setup).

International Commercial Terms are pre-defined terms published by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) that are widely used in international commercial transactions.
Incoterms comprise a series of three-letter trade terms related to common contractual sales practices and the rules of each are intended primarily to communicate the ownership of costs and risks associated with the transportation and delivery of goods.
Within SYSPRO, the Incoterms code indicates the portion of costs and risks agreed to by the parties in a contract of purchase or sale.
For example:
The delivery term CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid) indicates that the seller pays the cost of carriage and insurance necessary to bring the goods to a named destination (i.e. shipping location).

This is the name given to the method of collecting information and producing statistics on the export and import of goods between countries of the European Union (EU).
Intrastat came into existence in 1993 as the source of trade statistics within the EU and the requirements are similar in all member states.

Within SYSPRO, the nationality code identifies the country in which your local site is located (configured at the time of setting up the system for the first time).
It influences how transactions are processed when raising sales orders for a customer in an EC Member State (e.g. ensuring that the correct EC information is captured) and affects the display of tax fields (e.g. the fields displayed for the Canadian Tax System differ vastly from the fields displayed for the EC Vat System).
The nationality code also identify the countries in which your suppliers and customers are located, determining the applicable the tariff codes for suppliers (if using Landed Cost Tracking).
A standard list of nationality codes is defined against ISO 3166-1. The IMPNAT.IMP file (located in the \Base\Store folder of your SYSPRO installation) contains a list of these countries, together with their 2 or 3-digit codes.
We recommend you use these codes (except for the reserved nationality codes: CAN, USA, AUS, RSA and UK).
You maintain nationalities using the Nationality Maintenance program.

Within SYSPRO, a non-stocked code is allocated to an inventory item that you don't stock in any of your warehouses.
Non-stocked codes are created using the Non-stocked Codes program. They are used in the Quotations module to uniquely identify items that can be used within the Quotations and Estimates programs.
Non-stocked codes created using the Non-stocked Codes program can be converted into stocked codes if the New stock code in non-stocked table setup option is enabled (Setup Options > Preferences > Distribution > Inventory).

A purchase order is the document used to define the details of a product or service provided by a seller to a buyer. It becomes a temporary legal contract to buy products or services once the seller accepts it.
Once the need for goods or services is identified and the pre-purchase activities (e.g. requisitioning, supplier sourcing and price negotiation) are complete, a purchase order for the goods is placed with the relevant supplier.

Sales orders are used to record the sale or transfer of goods and services to both internal and external customers.
It forms a temporary legal contract between your company and the customer, as well a providing an audit trail of goods sold or transferred.

These are text instructions entered at the time of capturing orders to indicate how the order needs to be sent to the customer. They can be printed on invoices and delivery notes.
Instructions can be configured as Coded or Free form at the Shipping via usage setup option (Setup Options > Preferences > Distribution > Sales Orders).
If set to Free form then you enter these instructions manually when capturing orders.
If you have entered text at the setup option (Setup Options > Preferences > Distribution > Sales Orders) then that text is displayed by default at the Ship via field.
If you have configured free form shipping instructions against a customer, then these are used.
If set to Coded then you associate your shipping messages with a shipping code (configured using the Shipping Instructions program). At the time of entering shipping instructions for an order, you only need to enter the code linked to the shipping instruction to retrieve the associated text into the order automatically.
If you have configured coded shipping instructions against a customer, then these are used.

A stock code is a number that uniquely identifies an inventory item that is bought or manufactured and which is typically stored in one or more warehouses.
All activity relating to the forecasting, purchasing, manufacturing, stocking and selling of a stocked item is tracked by means of the stock code.
A stock code can be linked to one or more lot numbers if the item is defined as lot traceable. If there is a warranty, the stock code can be defined as serialized and linked to one or more serial numbers.
If the Bill of Materials module is installed, stocked items may be linked in a parent/component relationship for use in Work In Progress and Sales Orders (Kit sales).
You can use the stock code as a selection criterion when generating reports.
You maintain stock codes using the Stock Code Maintenance program.

Suppliers provide a mechanism for you to raise purchase orders within SYSPRO, as well as being used as a selection criterion to generate reports.
You can also configure supplier groups to facilitate group payments (i.e. processing a single large remittance to a primary supplier instead of multiple payments to many individual suppliers).
Static information configured against a supplier is used to determine applicable tax, discounts, etc., when processing purchasing transactions.
Documents received from a supplier (e.g. invoices, credit notes, debit notes, etc.) are stored against the supplier and let you keep track of the company's liabilities.
You maintain supplier details using the Suppliers program (Program List > Accounts Payable > Setup).

Within SYSPRO, a warehouse represents an actual warehouse containing your inventory items (i.e. a physical warehouse) or a grouping of your inventory according to specific characteristics of the item (i.e. a logical warehouse).
For example:
You may want to split your inventory raw materials and finished goods into different logical warehouses even though they are located in the same physical warehouse.
You maintain warehouses using the Warehouse Maintenance program.

You restrict operator access to activities within a program using the Operator Maintenance program.

Controls whether an operator can cancel a purchase order that has been partially receipted in the Purchase Order Entry program.

Controls whether an operator can cancel a partially receipted purchase order line using the Purchase Order Entry program.
This does not prevent the operator from marking the purchase order line as complete when processing a receipt using the Purchase Order Receipts program.

Controls whether an operator can set a purchase order that has been partially receipted to Status 9 - Complete in the Purchase Order Entry program.

Controls whether an operator can set a partially receipted purchase order line to Complete using the Cancel line option in the Purchase Order Entry program.
This does not prevent the operator from using the Purchase Order Receipts program to set a partially receipted line to complete.

Controls whether an operator can change either the Supplier or Warehouse fields when using the Purchase Order Entry program to copy a purchase order.

Controls whether an operator can print a purchase order using the following programs:
- Purchase Order Entry
- Purchase Order Print

Controls whether an operator can exclude or include a purchase order (or order line) for stocked and non-stocked items from the requirements calculation:
when adding or maintaining purchase orders using the Purchase Order Entry program,
when creating purchase orders using the PO Creation program, or
when reviewing items using the Included/Excluded Item Review program.

Prevents an operator from maintaining sales orders, dispatch notes, or purchase orders that are still in process (i.e. status 0).
Alternatively, you can password-protect the maintenance of orders that are in process. This is achieved using the Password Definition program and configuring a password against the following functions:
PO Maintenance of purchase orders which are 'in process'
SO Maintenance of sales orders which are 'in process'
When two or more operators maintain the same dispatch note (Dispatch Note Maintenance) a warning message is displayed.
Ignoring the warning could result in duplicate dispatch notes.
Denying operators access to this activity alters the warning message to an error message, which operators cannot ignore.

You can restrict operator access to the fields within a program (configured using the Operator Maintenance program).

You can restrict access to the eSignature transactions within a program at operator, group, role or company level (configured using the eSignature Setup program). You can restrict access to the eSignature transactions within a program at operator, group, role or company level (configured using the Electronic Signature Configuration Setup program). Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering that gives you greater control over your system changes.

Controls the ability to override the preferred supplier for a stock code in the following programs:
Requisition Entry Maintenance
Requisition Entry
Requisition Create Purchase Orders
Purchase Order Entry
PO Creation

Controls access to the Create P/order and New P/order functions in the following programs:
- PO Creation
- Requisition Create Purchase Orders
- Purchase Order Entry

Controls access to the Enter Stocked Line and Enter Non-stocked Line functions in the following programs:
PO Creation
Purchase Order Entry
Requisition Create Purchase Orders

Controls access to the addition of non-merchandise lines to a purchase order in the Purchase Order Entry program.

Controls access to the Cancel P/order function in the Purchase Order Entry program.

Controls access to the Cancel Line function in the Purchase Order Entry program.

Controls access to the maintenance of stocked and non-stocked purchase order lines in the Purchase Order Entry program.

Controls access to the maintenance of non-merchandise lines on a purchase order in the Purchase Order Entry program.

Controls access to the End P/order function in the Purchase Order Entry program.

Controls access to the Copy Purchase Order function in the Purchase Order Entry program.

Controls access to the maintenance of purchase orders in the following programs:
PO Creation
Requisition Create Purchase Orders
Purchase Order Entry

Controls access to the printing and reprinting of purchase orders online in the following programs:
- PO Creation
- Purchase Order Entry
Batch printing of purchase orders is not affected.

You can restrict operator access to programs by assigning them to groups and applying access control against the group (configured using the Operator Groups program).

You can restrict operator access to functions within a program using passwords (configured using the Password Definition program). When defined, the password must be entered before you can access the function.

This password restricts access to cancelling an entire purchase order by selecting the Cancel P/order function in the Purchase Order Entry program.
The password is not required when cancelling individual order lines.

This password restricts access to changing the Price on a purchase order line for a stocked or non-stocked item when maintaining a purchase order using the Purchase Order Entry program.
It is not requested when changing the Amount for a Freight or Miscellaneous charge line.

This password restricts access to maintaining an existing purchase order using the Purchase Order Entry program.

This password restricts access to using the Purchase Order Entry program to maintain a purchase order which was created using the Requisition Create Purchase Orders program.

This password restricts access to using the Purchase Order Entry program to maintain a purchase order which is in a status of 0.

This password restricts access to using the Purchase Order Entry program to maintain purchase order lines on a purchase order which has been printed.
his includes:
- Adding lines
- Changing lines
- Canceling lines

The following configuration options in SYSPRO may affect processing within this program or feature, including whether certain fields and options are accessible.

The Setup Options program lets you configure how SYSPRO behaves across all modules. These settings can affect processing within this program.

Setup Options > Company > General
- Nationality code
- Default warehouse

Setup Options > Tax > Company Tax Options
- EC VAT system required
- Canadian GST required
- Withholding tax required

Setup Options > Tax > Intrastat
- Capture non EC members delivery terms

Setup Options > Tax > Purchase Orders
- Default tax status

Setup Options > Configuration > Distribution > Inventory

Setup Options > Configuration > Distribution > Purchase Orders
- Restrict order to single warehouse

Setup Options > Preferences > Distribution > Purchase Orders
- Default pricing method for entry
- Use alternate unit of measure
- Insert dangerous good text automatically
- When appending from sales order to order
- Allow maintenance of delivery address
- Validate buyer upon order creation
- Adding of new lines to contracted orders
- Set 'ready to print' after maintenance
- Allow maintenance of completed orders
- Retain order when created without lines
- Allow entry/maintenance of exchange rate
- Insert additional text automatically

Setup Options > Keys > Distribution - Purchasing
- Purchase orders - Numbering method

Setup Options > Keys > Distribution - Inventory
- Stock codes

Setup Options > General Ledger Integration > General Ledger Codes
- Inventory integration methods - Integration level

Setup Options > Preferences > Financials > General Ledger
Commitment accounting required

Setup Options > User Defined Fields > Manufacturing > Bill of Materials

Setup Options > Preferences > Manufacturing > Requirements Planning
Days after stock arrival it can be used

Setup Options > System Setup > General
- Multi-language for document printing

A maximum of 9999 lines can be entered against a single purchase order (or blanket purchase order).
You won't be able to save, end or cancel an order line if the supplier for whom you are entering the line has been placed on hold. This applies to blanket purchase order lines and requisition lines.
Adding and maintaining blanket purchase order lines is controlled by the Adding of new lines to contracted orders setup option.

Delivery Terms and Shipping Locations can only be captured if:
- A valid entry is defined against the Nationality code setup option and the EC VAT system required setup option is enabled.
or, the Capture non EC members delivery terms setup option is enabled.
- If default entries for these fields are defined in the Suppliers and Customers programs, they take precedence over those defined in the Setup Options program.
- To reflect Delivery Terms and Shipping Location on order documents, ensure that these fields are enabled in the document format setup programs (only available with Word and SRS document printing).

This message is displayed if you select the Add Lines function without first entering a supplier, as the A/P invoice terms field is considered a mandatory field on the Purchase Order Header and therefore needs to be defined before you can add an order line.

Enter a valid term in the A/P invoice terms field of the Order Information section (Purchase Order Header pane) to proceed.
This field is then overwritten when you select the supplier if you entered an invoice term that differs from the default invoice terms defined against the supplier.

A next order number could not be defined. Please check Set Key Information.
This indicates that the system could not allocate a purchase order number automatically according to the Purchase orders Numbering method defined (Setup Options).

Determine what the next purchase order number should be, and manually change the Next purchase order number field to enable the system to automatically allocate purchase order numbers again.
For example:
A typical reason for this error is that the purchase order key type is defined as Alphanumeric and the numbering method is defined as Prefixed by branch and you're using the same prefix for different AP branches.
Branch |
Purchase order prefix |
Next purchase order number |
00 |
300 |
01 |
300 |
When you add a purchase order for branch 00 the order number ABC300 is allocated.
When you add a purchase order for branch 01 the order number ABC300 should be allocated, but the system determines that this number already exists, so it allocates ABC301. On branch 01 it increments the next purchase order number.
The system only tries 50 times to allocate a unique purchase order number.
So, if you create 52 purchase orders for a supplier belonging to branch 00, numbers ABC300 - ABC351 are created. The Next purchase order number for branch 00 is now ABC352, but for branch 01 it is still ABC300.
When you create the next purchase order for a supplier in branch 01 the system detects that order number ABC300 has been used.
The program tries 50 times to determine a unique purchase order number but fails.
The above message is then displayed and you will have to manually increment the Next purchase order number on Branch 01 to 353 in order to enable the program to add purchase orders.

These can only be captured if a valid Nationality code is defined at company level (Setup Options > Company > General) and the EC VAT system required setup option is enabled (Setup Options > Tax > Company Tax Options). Alternatively, the Capture non EC members delivery terms setup option must be enabled (Setup Options > Tax > Intrastat).

The memo date is derived from the Default days until memo date option defined against the Preferences function of Purchase Order Entry program. If an entry is held against the field, then when you create a purchase order using the default memo code, SYSPRO automatically calculates the memo date.

If a custom form with mandatory fields is defined for purchase orders, then you must enter the required custom form details before you can end the order.

You can't save a purchase order if a hold has been placed against the supplier selected for the purchase order lines. This also applies to blanket purchase order lines and requisition lines).

Ensure that you have entered all mandatory data. To save a purchase order header without lines, you must enable the Retain order when created without lines setup option.

For stocked items, the default supplier assigned to the item is displayed automatically, but can be changed.
If the item is configured to use a preferred supplier (Stock Code Maintenance) then the active sourcing policy determines the supplier for the purchase order.
For non-stocked items, you must select the supplier to use.

If you copy a purchase order and leave the Supplier field blank, the supplier from the copied purchase order is inserted into the new purchase order.

If you create a purchase order for a stock code that has an active sourcing policy, then the policy determines the preferred supplier to use.
When you save the order, the system identifies the preferred supplier and updates the order accordingly.
You can override the preferred supplier if you have the necessary security access. A warning message is displayed.

You can't create a purchase order for a supplier who has been placed on hold, or where the stock item has an active sourcing policy which indicates another supplier.

The due date defaults to the current system date, but can be changed. You are prompted to apply the change to all existing order lines.
If you select Yes, then the header is updated and all order lines not marked as complete are updated according to the Due date you enter.

The due date on incomplete LCT lines is only updated if the Do not apply to lines to a shipment preference option is disabled.

Supplier calendars are not retained.
Because some transporters (e.g. ships) do not stop over weekends, non-working days are not taken into account for items that are purchased. The only time non-working days are taken into account is after receipt (at which point the company calendar can be applied to the dock to stock).

When you create a purchase order from the Purchase Order Review program, the due date is calculated by adding the dock-to-stock days defined against each stock item and the days entered against the Days after stock arrival it can be used setup option.
The result of this calculation ages the due date according to the date on which the item is required (i.e. the demand date).
If the calculated due date is before the date on which the MRP calculation was run, then the due date is taken as the day before the MRP calculation run date.
The due date for subcontract items is calculated in the same way, but dock-to-stock days are excluded.

Within the Preferences window, ensure that you select the Save or Save and Close functions to save the preferences. Otherwise your selections remain effective only for the current run of the program.

Enable the following options from the Preferences window:
- Zero quantity outstanding lines
- Completed lines

You can decide how the system should treat cancelled purchase order lines by selecting one of the following options at the P/o line maintenance default cancel mode field within the Preferences window:
The cancelled lines are removed from the purchase order.
Mark complete
The lines are not removed from the order, but the outstanding quantity against the line is reduced to zero and the order quantity against the warehouse is reduced.
You are prompted to select whether you want to cancel the line or mark it as complete.

The default Warehouse defined against the operator code is used. If this is not defined, the system uses the Default warehouse defined against the company.
If no default warehouse is defined, then you must manually enter the required delivery warehouse. This ensures that the next purchase order number can be assigned when order numbering is defined By warehouse or By warehouse with prefix.
If the Restrict order to single warehouse setup option is disabled and no default warehouse is defined against your operator code, then the warehouse defined against the first merchandise line on the order is used as the warehouse for the purchase order header.
The first time you change the Delivery warehouse, the Delivery address is updated automatically.
The second and subsequent times that you change the Delivery warehouse, a message is displayed indicating that the delivery address is not the same as the warehouse delivery address. You can then select to change the delivery address, or keep the current entry.

A maximum of 9999 lines can be entered against a single purchase order (or blanket purchase order).

The purchase order number is only assigned automatically by the system, if the Numbering method setup option for Purchase orders is defined as Manual.

You can only create a purchase order without lines (i.e. only the purchase order header exists) if the Retain order when created without lines setup option is enabled.
This is useful if you need to give the supplier an order number and only later add the required lines to the order.

You may not be able to process requisitions and purchase orders when the Commitment accounting required setup option is enabled and not all period end dates for the current General Ledger year are defined.
If you receive an error because the period end dates are not defined, then you must define the period end dates and use the GL Commitment Takeon program to rebuild the committed values before you can create your purchase orders.

If the purchase order is for a foreign currency supplier, but the sales order is for a local currency customer, then a warning message may be displayed at the Currency field.
You need to confirm that the foreign currency value in this field is the price that you want to use for the purchase order.

The line for a Kit type parent item cannot be saved if any of the following apply:
- A component is serialized (batch or manual) and you have to enter these during receipts.
- A component is traceable, or requires inspection.
- A component is a phantom part.
- There is no warehouse defined against a component (as per the parent warehouse).
- Multiple bins are required, but no primary bin is defined against a component (as per the parent warehouse).

Once an order line is saved, you cannot change the order unit of measure for a stocked item.

You can't link a job to an order line if the stock code and the job's parent stock code are the same item.
For example:
If you have a job for parent stock code B100 and you have a purchase order line for stock code B100, then you can't link that purchase order line to that job.

You can't insert purchase order lines if any of the following are true:
- The setup option Commitment accounting required is enabled and the order is associated with a commitment.
- The order is for an EDI supplier.
- The supplier is on hold.

You can't add Planning bill or Notional part items to a purchase order.

You can't access this field if the Use alternate unit of measure setup option is disabled, or Unit quantity processing is switched on against the stock code.

If the Allow blank ledger code for non-stocked preference is not enabled, then you'll need to enter a ledger code before you can save the order line.

If you are purchasing an inventory item, enter the Non-stocked ledger control account.
If you are purchasing a different kind of asset or incurring an expense, you can enter the applicable ledger account on the order.

By default, the product class assigned to a freight charge is _FRT and cannot be changed.

By default, the product class assigned to a miscellaneous charge is _OTH and cannot be changed.

You cannot change completed lines, regardless of your selection at the Allow maintenance of completed orders setup option. However, you can cancel the line.

Comments are displayed and printed if the line to which the comment is attached is printed (or displayed) or any subsequent qualifying order line preceding the comment line is printed (or displayed).
For example:
If you have 6 order lines, where the 6th line is a comment attached to order line 3, then the comment is printed if you print line 3, or 4, or 5.
This is because the comment is effectively linked to all lines between the line to which it is attached and the comment line itself.
In this example, the comment is not printed if you print only lines 1 or 2.

Attaching a comment line to an order line doesn't affect where the comment is actually printed on the document.
If you require a comment to be printed with a specific order line, then you must insert the comment at the required position (i.e. after the order line to which you want it attached).
Alternatively, use one of the specific comment types that can be associated with a stock item.

If you cancel an order line to which a comment is attached, the comment line is deleted if it is directly below the cancelled order line.
It is not cancelled if it is attached to the order line, but is placed after another order line.
For example:
You have the following:
Order line 1
Comment 1 attached to Order line 1
Order line 2
Comment 2 attached to Order line 1
You now cancel order line 1.
Comment 1 is cancelled, but Comment 2 remains, since Comment 2 is linked to all lines between the line to which it is attached and the comment line itself.
It is, therefore, important to position comment lines correctly within an order.

If any merchandise lines on the original purchase order are associated with a job, then you are given the option to include or exclude these lines from the copy process.
If you select to copy merchandise lines associated with a job, then the job number is not copied to the new order.

The currency code of the new supplier must be valid and the same as that against the original supplier. In addition, the new warehouse must exist and the items on the original purchase order must be stocked in that warehouse.
The new warehouse cannot be the same as the existing warehouse if the Restrict order to single warehouse setup option is enabled.

The system automatically cancels an order if no detail lines were added to the order and the Retain order when created without lines setup option is disabled.

If the order was created from a requisition, requisition budgets are required, and no receipts have been processed, then the requisition is set to a status of Approved and the link to the purchase order is cleared.

You can't cancel an order if a capex requisition line is attached. You need to use the Asset Capex Items program to detach the capex line before you can cancel the purchase order.

If the Set 'ready to print' after maintenance setup option is enabled, then the order is set to a status of 1 if you maintain the order, but don't print it.

If the Set 'ready to print' after maintenance setup option is enabled, then the entire purchase order is reprinted and the Reprint completed lines option is ignored.

The Fax option is only available when the Office Automation & Messaging module is installed and the Fax/mail integration is required option is enabled for the operator.

The Email button is only active if the Document format is an MS Word template and the operator code has permission to print purchase orders.
Standard document formats cannot be emailed and SRS document formats can only be emailed from the Preview screen.

An order in a status of 4 - Printing is complete is set to a status of 1 - Order entered and ready for printing when you select the Complete Purchase Order option, if the Allow maintenance of completed orders setup option is enabled.

This happens if the purchase order is created from a blanket purchase order, or the Default pricing method for entry setup option is set to current inventory cost price, and any one of the following applies:
Activity based costing is required and the Activity based costing required option is enabled against the stock item.
The order is for a foreign currency supplier.
The setup options are enabled for the company or against the warehouse when costing is defined per warehouse.

If the Default pricing method for entry setup option is enabled and a valid supplier/stock code cross reference exists, you can enable the Automatic selection of supplier prices preference from the Preferences window.
If a valid and current supplier contract exists for the item, then the contract price is automatically used for the item.

You can only change the price for blanket purchase orders using the Build Purchase Orders program when the Adding of new lines to contracted orders setup option is enabled.
Otherwise, you can only change a blanket purchase order price by deleting all the lines on the purchase order and recreating them at the new contract price, or by allowing MRP to recreate them at the new contract price.

The Fixed rate field is disabled automatically if the Allow entry/maintenance of exchange rate setup option is disabled, or a fixed currency is defined against the supplier. This is because the system uses the exchange rate held against the currency to determine the local currency value of the order.

The Po exchange rate field displays the original exchange rate used when the purchase order was raised and is displayed for information purposes only.
It is retained against the purchase order header, even when the exchange rate for the order is not fixed (i.e. it does not change when the exchange rate is changed against the currency table after the purchase order has been raised).
The field is useful when exchange rates are volatile, as it allows you to monitor the difference in the value of the purchase order when there are delays and fluctuating exchange rates. It is also useful if you copied a purchase order from a foreign currency supplier, as it indicates the rate used for the new (copied) purchase order.

Once you capture a purchase order, it is assigned a status code to indicate its progress within the system.
The status code determines which functions can be performed at that point, particularly during maintenance and printing.
Once an order has passed through a given phase (e.g. after it has been printed) the status of the order changes to the next highest status, until it reaches a status 9 - Order complete and receipted into stock.
If the Print detail freight line preference is enabled in the Purchase Order Format or Purchase Order Format for SRS program and the order contains only freight lines, then the order is set to a status of complete once it is printed.
The following are the possible statuses that can be assigned to a purchase order:
Status | Description |
0 - Order in process |
This indicates that the order record is locked. You need to maintain the order to reset the status. |
1 - Order entered and ready for printing |
This indicates that you have maintained an order, but it has not yet been printed (if the Set 'ready to print' after maintenance setup option is enabled). If you maintain an order to cancel it, the order status is set to * - Order cancelled, regardless of your selection at the setup option. |
4 - Printing is complete |
If the Allow maintenance of completed orders setup option is enabled, then orders which are complete and in a status 4 - Printing is complete remain in that status until the number of days to retain completed purchase orders is exceeded. These are then purged when you run the Purge function of the Purchase Order Purge program (without being moved to 9 - Order complete and receipted into stock). The orders remain in a status 4 - Printing is complete because they can be maintained and are therefore regarded as active. |
9 - Order complete and receipted into stock |
The Purchase Order Purge program moves completed orders from 4 - Printing is complete to 9 - Order complete and receipted into stock. The order complete date is set on a purchase order by the Purchase Order Purge program when all purchase order lines have been receipted. |
* - Order cancelled |
This indicates the order has been cancelled. |

The following fields retain their previous values when adding specific line types:
Field | Line types added |
Warehouse |
Job |
Tax code |
For example:
If the first stocked line is captured for warehouse E and is linked to job 123, then the next stocked line added defaults to warehouse E and links to job 123.

Columns in a list view are sometimes hidden by default. You can reinstate them using the Field Chooser option from the context-sensitive menu (displayed by right-clicking a header column header in the list view). Select and drag the required column to a position in the list view header.
Fields on a pane are sometimes removed by default. You can reinstate them using the Field Selector option from the context-sensitive menu (displayed by right-clicking any field in the pane). Select and drag the required fields onto the pane.
The captions for fields are also sometimes hidden. You can select the Show Captions option from the context-sensitive menu to see a list of them. Click on the relevant caption to reinstate it to the form.
If the Show Captions option is grayed out, it means no captions are hidden for that form.
When comments are attached to an entire order, they are printed regardless of what has already been printed on the document.
You can use the purchase order Due Date for selection purposes within the Purchase Orders by Order Number report.
Enable the Insert dangerous good text automatically setup option to include dangerous goods text held against the stock item as a comment line on the purchase order created.
The Purchase Order Type can be used for selection purposes within the following programs:
- Purchase Order Print
- Purchase Orders by Order Number
You can add a stocked line before entering a supplier code, by selecting the Add Lines option from the toolbar. If there is a preferred supplier or default supplier defined for the stock code, then that information will populate the Purchase Order Header.

Field | Description |
File |
New P/order |
This adds a new purchase order. |
End P/order |
This ends the current purchase order and proceeds to the End Order screen. |
Cancel P/order |
This cancels the entire order and discards any entries made to the order that you are currently processing or maintaining. |
Exit |
This exits the program. |
Function |
P/order Entry |
This lets you capture a new order. You will need to enter a supplier at the Supplier field. |
P/order Maintenance |
This lets you maintain an existing order. You will need to enter the order number at the Order field. |
Copy |
This creates a copy of an existing purchase order. |
Graph P/order Commitment |
This lets you graphically represent details of your purchase order commitments projected into the future for a range of selected suppliers. |
Edit |
P/order Header |
This lets you enter or maintain order header information related to the entire order. |
Complete Purchase Order |
This lets you set the purchase order to a status of 9 - Complete. |
Save P/order |
This option is only available when the Retain order when created without lines setup option is enabled. This lets you save the header details of the purchase order you are currently adding. |
Add Stocked line |
This lets you add a stocked line to the current order. |
Add Non-stocked Line |
This lets you add a non-stocked line to the current order. |
Add Freight Line |
This lets you add a freight line to the current order. |
Add Miscellaneous Line |
This lets you add a miscellaneous line to the current order. |
Add Comment |
This lets you add free format comments to the order. |
Query |
Supplier Query |
This lets you view information held against suppliers in the Accounts Payable module. |
P/order Value |
This lets you view the purchase order values. |
Options |
Preferences |
This lets you indicate your default preferences for viewing and processing options to be applied when processing purchase orders. |
Supplier |
Enter the supplier for whom you are processing the purchase order. If a stock item is defined as bought-out at warehouse level, then the supplier defined against the warehouse is used instead of the supplier held against the stock code. |
New P/order |
This lets you add a new purchase order. |
Add Lines |
This lets you add a stocked line to the current order. In addition, this option enables you to enter a stocked line item before the entry of a supplier. If you have mandatory buyers defined or are restricted to a single warehouse, and there are no defaults defined against your operator code, then you must enter a valid buyer and/or delivery warehouse before selecting this option. If there is a preferred supplier or default supplier linked to the stock code, then that information is populated and/or updated in the Purchase Order Header once the supplier is selected. |
P/order Header |
This lets you enter or change order header information that is related to the entire order. |
Save P/order |
This option is only available when the Retain order when created without lines setup option is enabled. This lets you save the header details of the purchase order you are currently adding. |
End P/order |
This lets you close off the order you are processing. You can then print the document on-line, continue with order entry, or end the order. |
P/order |
This indicates the number assigned to the purchase order. This number is assigned by the system automatically, unless the Numbering method setup option for Purchase orders is defined as Manual. |

The Copy option from the Functions menu lets you create a copy of an existing purchase order.
Field | Description |
Cancel |
This abandons the copy process and returns to the previous screen. |
Copy |
This lets you copy the order and create a new purchase order according to your selections. |
Copy from |
Indicate details of the original purchase order from which you want to create a copy. |
Copy to |
To purchase order |
Indicate the new order number that must be created. You can't enter an order number when the Numbering method for Purchase orders is defined at company or warehouse level. |
To supplier |
Indicate the new supplier for the order, or leave this field blank to create a copy of the order for the same supplier. If a stock item is defined as bought-out at warehouse level, then the supplier defined against the warehouse is used instead of the supplier held against the stock code. |
P/order date |
Indicate the order entry date for the new purchase order. This date is printed on the purchase order and used for selection purposes within the Purchase Orders by Order Number report. |
Due date |
Indicate the purchase order header due date for the new purchase order. This defaults to the current system date, but can be changed. |
Warehouse |
Indicate the warehouse for the new purchase order. This must be an existing warehouse and the items on the original purchase order must be stocked in this warehouse. The new warehouse can't be the same as the existing warehouse for the order when the Restrict order to single warehouse setup option is enabled. |
Line due date |
Indicate the line due date for the new order. |
Calculate line due date based on lead time |
This calculates the line due date on the new order using the lead time defined against a stocked item. |
Include tracking notes |
This copies tracking notes (attached to the original order) to the new order. |
Use current exchange rate |
This only applies when copying an order from a foreign currency supplier. This creates a new (copied) purchase order at the exchange rate currently defined in the currency table. If this is not enabled, then the exchange rate on the original order is used to create the new (copied) purchase order. The exchange rates used are displayed in the Exchange rate detail section of the Purchase Order Header Information screen. |
Copy delivery address |
This only applies when copying a purchase order to a different warehouse. This copies the delivery address of the destination warehouse to the purchase order (i.e. the address for the warehouse specified in the Copy to - Warehouse field is copied to the purchase order header). |
Copy custom forms |
This copies the purchase order header and detail custom form fields to the new purchase order. |

The End P/order button lets you close off the purchase order once you enter your selections from the End P/order window.
Menu and Toolbar
Field | Description |
This lets you print the order document on-line. |
Reprint |
This lets you reprint the order document on-line. You typically use this option after receipting some of the lines (possibly to send an updated purchase order to the supplier) or when you first raise a purchase order and the print failed. All lines are reprinted and the purchase order is set to a status of 4 - Printing is complete. |
Preview |
This lets you preview the document before printing it. |
Alignment |
This lets you print test characters to verify that your stationery is correctly aligned in your printer. This typically applies if you are using pre-printed continuous stationery. |
Continue Order |
This returns to the main order entry screen to continue processing the order. |
End Order |
This closes the order. |
XML Export |
This lets you generate a purchase order in XML format. You can also use the Purchase Order Export program to create the XML file. |
This lets you email the document (MS Word format only) to the supplier. |
Fax |
This faxes the purchase order document to the supplier. The fax number assigned to the supplier is used by default. |
End P/order
Field | Description |
Printing details |
Document type |
This lets you print an on-line order document based on the page layout assigned to your Local or Foreign document format. |
Document format |
Indicate the document format to use to print the purchase order document. Select the Define Format option to amend the local or foreign document format before actually printing the order document. |
Options |
Fax number |
This defaults to the fax number defined against the supplier, but can be changed. |
Print document if faxing |
This prints the document after faxing. You can email the document if you are using SRS and have enabled the Print Preview option from the SYSPRO Desktop ( ). |
XML document directory |
This defaults to the destination folder specified using the XML Document Control program, but can be changed. If you enter a different folder, it must already exist on file. |
Email XML document |
This button is only active if the Document format is a Word template and if the user has permission to print purchase orders. This lets you email the XML order file to the supplier. |
Set P/order status to ready to print |
This sets the status of the order to 1 - Order entered and ready for printing after maintenance. This only applies when the Set 'ready to print' after maintenance setup option is enabled and the order has been maintained. |
Print translated text |
If the Multi-language for document printing setup option is enabled, you can indicate whether to print the stock description, long description and notes in the required language. If you print documents and don't select the Print translated text option, all Global narrations will print as a default. |
Order discount |
Discount percentage |
Enter up to three chained discounts, or surcharges, to assign to the order. ![]() Apply a discount to the order. ![]() Apply a surcharge to the order. |

The Preferences option is selected from the Options menu and lets you set up viewing and processing option defaults that you want to apply when processing orders.
Field | Description |
Save/Save and Close |
This saves your preferences against your operator code. If you don't save your preferences, then your selections remain in effect only for the current run of the program. |
Close |
Select this without first selecting the Save function to retain your selections only for the current run of the program. |
Details view include options |
This lets you indicate what information you want to display in the Entered Order Lines list view. |
Non stocked lines |
This displays non-stocked line items in the list view for a purchase order. |
Freight charges |
This displays freight charges in the list view for a purchase order. |
Miscellaneous charges |
This displays miscellaneous charges in the list view for a purchase order. |
Comments |
This displays comments attached to a purchase order in the list view for the purchase order. |
Tracking notes |
This displays tracking notes attached to a purchase order or purchase order line in the list view for the purchase order. |
Completed lines |
This lets you view completed purchase order line items in the list view when maintaining a purchase order. |
Zero quantity outstanding lines |
This displays purchase order line items with a zero quantity outstanding in the list view when maintaining a purchase order. |
Warehouse selection |
Indicate the warehouse(s) for which you want to display details in the list view. |
Default cancel modes |
P/o line maintenance default cancel mode |
Indicate how you want to treat canceled purchase order lines. This preference applies only when you maintain a purchase order. ![]() This removes canceled lines from the order and you won't be able to view them in the Purchase Order Query or Purchase Order Entry programs. ![]() This marks canceled lines as complete. The lines are not removed from the order. The outstanding quantity against the line is reduced to zero and the order quantity against the warehouse is reduced. If you select this option, you will be able view canceled lines using the Purchase Order Query or Purchase Order Entry programs. ![]() This will prompt you to choose one of the options when you select to cancel the line. |
Header due date |
Do not apply to lines on a shipment |
This prevents changes made to the purchase order due date from affecting LCT shipment lines held against the order. Otherwise the purchase order due date is changed and incomplete LCT lines are updated to reflect the new due date. |
P/order entry options |
This lets you predefine options to apply when capturing purchase orders. |
Fixed exchange rate for foreign supplier |
This uses the exchange rate currently defined against the currency as the fixed rate when entering orders for foreign currency suppliers. |
Default delivery address |
Indicate the default delivery address to use for all purchase orders. |
Default days until memo date |
Indicate the default number of days between the date the order was captured and the memo date. |
Default memo code |
Enter a single character memo code that must be used as the default when creating a purchase order. It can be printed on the purchase order and used for selection purposes within the Purchase Orders by Order Number report. In addition, if you enter a value at the Default days until memo due field, then when you create a purchase order using the default memo code, SYSPRO automatically calculates the memo date. For example: For default memo code A you enter 10 at the Default days until memo date field. When you create a new purchase order using default memo code A, SYSPRO calculates the memo date by adding 10 days to the system date. |
P/order line options |
Prompt for save |
This prompts you to save an order line that has been entered or changed. |
Allow blank ledger code for non-stocked |
This lets you bypass having to enter a default ledger code for non-stocked lines. |
Automatic selection of supplier prices |
This displays pricing contracts for the supplier/stock code combination once an order quantity is entered. Otherwise, pricing contracts can be displayed by selecting the Supplier prices field when entering details for a stocked purchase order line. Contract pricing is displayed automatically if the Default pricing method for entry setup option is set as Purchase price. |
Calculate due date based on lead time |
This calculates the Current due date (i.e. line due date) of a stocked line automatically by adding the lead time defined against the stock item to the current company date. Non-working days defined in the company calendar are considered when the lead time is calculated. If the calculated date is a non-working day, then the current due date is set to the first working day after the calculated date. |
Maintain allocations when match found |
This lets you add and maintain material allocations to a job automatically at the time of processing an order. |
Use last stock code as default |
This only applies to stocked items. This defaults to using the last stock item entered while capturing an order for a specific line type, until you change the line type or enter a different stock item. |
Validate product class for non-stk lines |
This validates the product class entered for non-stocked lines. |
Default product class for non-stk lines |
Enter a default product class for non-stocked lines. Your entry must be valid if the Validate product class for non-stk lines preference is enabled. |
Default tax code |
Enter a default tax code. This is used as the default tax code for all order lines, but can be changed at the time of entering the line. This preference doesn't apply when creating purchase orders from requisitions. |
Default Intrastat options |
These options let you define default values for Intrastat triangulation transactions. For Intrastat triangulation transactions, the agent, customer and supplier countries must be EU nations and the nationalities must exist in the AdmNationalities table (Nationality Maintenance). The country of origin doesn't have to be an EU nation. |
Intrastat exempt |
Select this to indicate that transactions are exempt from Intrastat triangulation rules by default. |
Triangulation role |
Indicate your default Intrastat triangulation role: ![]() Select this if Intrastat triangulation transactions must be recorded, but you play no actual role in the transaction. ![]() Select this if your default role for Intrastat triangulation transactions is an agent (i.e. you don't dispatch or receive the goods). ![]() Select this if your default role for Intrastat triangulation transactions is a customer. |
Dispatch state |
This lets you specify the state from which the Intrastat triangulation goods are dispatched using the Nationalities program. The dispatch state must be a member of the European Community (EC). |
Destination state |
This lets you specify the state to which Intrastat triangulation goods are sent using the Nationalities program. The destination state must be a member of the European Community (EC). |

Information detailed in this pane is related to the entire purchase order.
Field | Description |
Purchase Order Header |
P/order |
This indicates the current purchase order number. |
P/order status |
This indicates the current status of the order. |
Currency |
This indicates the default currency defined against the supplier. |
Email address |
Enter the supplier's email address to use when emailing the order. This defaults to the email address held against the supplier, if defined. This field is only enabled if the supplier's Purchase order transmission Method is configured as Email. This field is hidden by default if the supplier isn't configured to use email. You can show it using the Field selector option from the context-sensitive menu that is displayed when right-clicking a field on the form. |
Include in MRP |
Deselect this to exclude the entire purchase order from the material requirements calculation. When orders are excluded at header level, their detail lines are excluded, regardless of whether they are included at line level. When you exclude the purchase order from MRP, it is no longer seen as a source of supply by the requirements calculation. Therefore, if demand exists for the stocked or non-stocked items on the purchase order, then a suggested purchase order is raised by the requirements calculation to meet that demand. Although the option is enabled by default, the field is not displayed by default. If required, it can be added using the Show Captions form function. |
Order dates |
P/order date |
The order entry date defaults to the current system date, but can be changed. |
Due date |
The due date defaults to the current system date, but can be changed. If you change this date, you are prompted to apply the change to all existing order lines that are not marked as complete. If the Do not apply to lines to a shipment preference is enabled, then the due date on incomplete LCT lines is not updated. If the Commitment accounting required setup option is enabled, commitments are updated when the due date is changed here and applied to all the non-stocked lines on the order. The order due date is also used in the Requirements Calculation program (i.e. the due date affects the lead time of stock items when requirements are being calculated). |
Memo code |
Enter a single character memo code, which can be printed on the purchase order and used for selection purposes within the Purchase Orders by Order Number report. |
Memo date |
This defaults to the Default days until memo date preference option configured within the Purchase Order Entry program. If the preference contains a value, then when you create an order using the default memo code, SYSPRO automatically calculates the memo date. |
Exchange rate details |
Fixed rate |
Select this to enter a fixed exchange rate for order lines added and optionally for all outstanding lines. You can't access this field if the supplier's currency is fixed, or if the Allow entry/maintenance of exchange rate setup option is disabled. The exchange rate currently held against the currency is then used to determine the local currency value of the order. |
Exchange rate |
Enter the exchange rate to use for new lines added to the order and, optionally, for existing outstanding lines. Foreign prices entered are converted to local currency values at this rate. Once you accept the rate you are prompted to apply the fixed rate to all outstanding lines. ![]() The header is updated and all outstanding purchase order lines (not marked as complete) are updated according to the Exchange rate entered. ![]() The header is updated, but the rate against outstanding purchase order lines remain unchanged. |
Po exchange rate |
This is the original exchange rate that was used when the purchase order was raised and is displayed for information purposes only. It is retained against the purchase order header even when the exchange rate for the order is not fixed (i.e. it does not change when the exchange rate is changed against the currency table after the purchase order has been raised). This is useful when exchange rates are volatile, as it allows you to monitor the difference in the value of the purchase order when there are delays and exchange rate changes during that time. It is also useful if you copied a purchase order from a foreign currency supplier, as it indicates the rate used for the new (copied) order. |
Order Information |
Buyer |
Enter the buyer responsible for purchasing the goods on the purchase order. This defaults to the entry defined against the operator. This field is validated according to the selection against the Validate buyer upon order creation setup option as follows: ![]() A valid buyer code must be entered. ![]() The buyer code is validated if entered. You can then choose to leave this field blank. ![]() No validation is performed on the buyer code. You can choose to enter any code or leave the field blank. The buyer defined against the requisition line(s) is entered here automatically if the Validate buyer upon order creation setup option is set to Mandatory or If entered, and you are creating a purchase order from one or more requisition lines. If you enter a different buyer code, then the requisition lines are updated with the buyer code entered. |
Tax status |
Indicate the tax status for the purchase order. This defaults to the entry defined against the Default tax status setup option, but can be changed if required. ![]() If a default tax code is defined in the preferences, then it is used. Otherwise, the tax code defined against the stock item is used. ![]() Tax is not applicable and the tax fields are disabled. |
P/order type |
The default entry at this field is determined by the currency code of the supplier and the local currency code defined within the Company Maintenance program. |
A/P invoice terms |
This defaults to the invoice terms held against the supplier, but can be changed. |
Payment terms |
Enter the payment terms for the order (e.g. COD indicates Cash on Delivery). |
Customer |
This indicates the customer code for whom you are processing the purchase order. |
Customer P/order |
Enter the customer's purchase order number to be used for cross-referencing purposes. |
Shipping instructions |
Shipping instructions default to the entry defined against the setup option, but can be changed if required. |
Blanket P/o contract |
This is enabled when you add a line to a blanket purchase order created using the Build Purchase Orders program. It enables you to view the contract detail lines using the PO Browse on Contract Details program. |
Delivery warehouse |
This only applies when the Restrict order to single warehouse setup option is enabled. This defaults to the Warehouse defined against your operator code. Otherwise it uses the Default warehouse defined against the company. If no default warehouse is defined, then you must manually enter the required delivery warehouse. |
Order discount |
Select the Edit option to enter up to three chained discount percentages or a discount value for the order line. |
Delivery address |
Enter the delivery name and address to which the goods you are ordering must be delivered. |
Geolocation |
This indicates the geographic location of the address in terms of longitude and latitude and includes a hyperlink to the map directions. An additional hyperlink is available (Resolve GeoLocation from address) to resolve addresses using the long or short name. For this to resolve correctly, ensure that you provide as much information related to the physical address as possible. The Use short names when resolving addresses option (System-wide Personalization) determines which name to use by default. For example: Short names are NY and USA; whereas long names are New York and United States of America. SYSPRO reads the name returned from the map provider in XML. If the short name returned in the XML is the same as the long name, then no short names are available from the map provider. |
Select delivery address |
Select this to use the Purchase Order Header Information program to indicate the delivery address for the order. This option is not available if the Restrict order to single warehouse setup option is enabled, but the Allow maintenance of delivery address setup option is disabled. |
Intrastat details |
Nationality |
This indicates the nationality code for the country in which the account, supplier, or customer is located. This field is mandatory when the EC VAT system required setup option is enabled. |
Delivery terms |
Optionally indicate the three-character alphanumeric Incoterms code, denoting the terms of delivery. This code is also used when processing a purchase order for a supplier in an EC Member State and ultimately for use on the Supplementary Declaration. The Incoterms code indicates the portion of costs and risks agreed to by the parties in a contract of purchase or sale. For example: The Delivery term CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid) indicates that the seller pays the cost of carriage and insurance necessary to bring the goods to a named destination (i.e. shipping location). If this field is left blank, then the default delivery terms defined against the company for the Arrivals setup option is used. |
Shipping location |
Optionally indicate the default shipping location associated with the Delivery terms. |
Port of arrival |
This lets you select the port at which the goods arrived using the Port and Airport Browse program. |
Regime code |
This lets you select a regime code using the Regime Code Browse program. Each country within the European Union requires different Intrastat information for reporting purposes. A regime is a set of regulations and agreements that determine the reporting requirements. |
Purchase order notes |
Notes |
Select this to use the Admin Notepad Editor (Rich Text) program to add free format notes to the purchase order. |
Auto Vouchering |
Supplier auto voucher |
This displays the auto vouchering selection defined against the supplier. ![]() The supplier uses auto vouchering, but this can be overridden during purchase order processing. ![]() The supplier never uses auto vouchering. ![]() The supplier always uses auto vouchering and this cannot be overridden during purchase order processing. |
Auto voucher selection | This is only available for selection if auto vouchering is allowed to be overridden during purchase order processing (i.e. if a supplier has selected Yes for auto vouchering). |

This pane displays details of the supplier for whom the purchase order was created.
You can only edit information defined against the supplier using the Suppliers program.

Field | Description |
Values |
P/order value |
This indicates the total value of the order, including:
Merchandise value |
This indicates the total value of stocked and non-stocked lines, excluding tax. |
Other value (local) |
This indicates the total value of freight and miscellaneous lines, excluding tax. |
Other Totals |
Hash quantity |
This indicates the total quantity of stocked and non-stocked items on the order. |
Total lines |
This indicates the total number of lines on the order, including comment lines. |
Accumulated minimum comparisons |
These fields are updated whenever you save a line (after adding or changing it). |
Value (local currency) |
This indicates the current value of the order in local currency, including:
Mass |
This indicates the current total mass for stocked and non-stocked lines and is calculated as the quantity multiplied by the unit mass for each item. |
Volume |
This indicates the current total volume for stocked and non-stocked lines and is calculated as the quantity multiplied by the unit volume for each item. |

Field | Description |
Save |
This saves the details for the line entered. If you entered a job number against the line and the item on the purchase order line is not a component on the job, then you are prompted to add the item to the job as a component: ![]() The WIP Material Allocations - Browse program lets you add the item as a component to the job. ![]() You will have to add the item to the job as a component when you receipt the purchase order. |
Stocked |
This adds a stocked line to the order. |
Non-stocked |
This adds a non-stocked line to the order. |
Freight |
This adds a freight line to the order. |
Misc Charge |
This adds a miscellaneous charge line to the order. |
Comment |
This adds a comment line to the order. |
Bitmap |
This only applies to stocked items. The Multimedia program lets you associate a bitmap image with the order line. |

The Stocked tab lets you enter stocked lines for orders processed against the supplier.
Field | Description |
Stocked Line | |
Warehouse |
You can't access this field if the Restrict order to single warehouse setup option is enabled. This defaults to the Warehouse defined against your operator code. If no default is defined against the operator, the system uses the Default warehouse defined against the company or the Purchase Order Header. If no default warehouse is defined, then you must enter a valid warehouse code manually which will be used to increase the quantity on order for the stock code entered. |
Stock code |
Enter the stock code of the item being ordered. If you use the Predictive Search facility, ensure to enter after your selection instead of tabbing off the field. This enables the remaining fields for entry. Alternatively, use the field selector icon (Click for alternate keys) to enter a different code linked to a SYSPRO stock code in this field: ![]() Enter the code defined at the stock code's Alternate key 1 field code. ![]() Enter the customer's stock code that is linked to a SYSPRO stock code. After you enter and accept the customer's stock code, the equivalent SYSPRO stock code is inserted into the Stock code field. If you enter a SYSPRO stock code and more than one customer stock code is linked to this stock code, then the first customer stock code detected is saved against the order line. ![]() Enter the supplier's catalog number that is linked to a SYSPRO stock code. After you enter and accept the supplier's catalog number, the equivalent SYSPRO stock code is inserted into the Stock code field. ![]() Enter a partial SYSPRO stock code. You can then view the stock codes matching your partial entry in a list view and select the stock code from the list. ![]() Enter an approved manufacturer's part number in the Stock code field. After you enter and accept the manufacturer's part number, the equivalent SYSPRO stock code is inserted into the Stock code field. ![]() Enter only the full SYSPRO stock code. If the stock code is flagged to use a preferred supplier, then the active sourcing policy is used to determine the supplier for the purchase order. However, this can be changed if you have the correct security access. |
Description |
This indicates the description defined against the stock code in the Stock Code Maintenance program. |
Currency |
This defaults to the currency held against the supplier and can't be changed. This indicates the currency for the order line. |
Quantity |
P/order quantity |
Enter the quantity of the stock item to be ordered. |
Order uom / P/order uom |
This indicates the unit of measure applicable to the quantity ordered. This field is disabled if the Use alternate unit of measure setup option is disabled and Unit quantity processing is enabled against the stock code. |
Line information |
Catalog |
Indicate the default supplier catalog number (as defined within the Browse on Supplier Stock Code Cross Ref program). |
Job |
Indicate the job number to associate with this order line. This field is disabled when maintaining a purchase order created from an asset capex. This number becomes the default job number when performing a purchase order receipt. The job is only validated if the Work in Progress module is installed. |
Current due date |
This indicates the latest due date of the line and typically defaults to the date on the Purchase Order Header.
You can use the current system date plus the lead time for the stock code by enabling the Calculate due date based on lead time preference. |
Original due date |
This indicates the original due date of the line. |
Allow MRP to reschedule due date |
Indicate whether MRP can reschedule the due date of the order. This enables you to change the due date of the order to fall in line with the production schedule when a Requirements Calculation is performed. |
Include in MRP |
Deselect this to exclude the purchase order line from the Material Requirements Planning calculation. When excluded, the item is not seen as a source of supply in the requirements calculation. Therefore, if demand exists for the item, a suggested purchase order will be raised by the requirements calculation to meet that demand. Your selection here has no effect when the entire purchase order is excluded from the MRP calculation at Purchase Order Header level. Although the option is enabled by default, the field is not (if necessary, you can add it using the Show Captions form function). |
Tax information |
You can only access these options if the Tax status against the Purchase Order Header is set to Taxable. |
Taxable |
Indicate whether the order line is taxable. |
Tax code |
Indicate the tax code to assign to the order line. This defaults to the Default tax code defined against your preferences, but can be changed if required. If defined, ensure that you use the Descriptive tax code at this field. |
GST code |
This field lets you indicate the GST code to assign to the line. The GST code field is only displayed if your nationality code is set to CAN and you have enabled the Canadian GST required setup option. |
Pricing | |
Costing method |
This field defaults to the Default pricing method for entry setup option. Indicate the pricing method to apply to the order line: ![]() You can't select this when Activity based costing required is enabled against the stock item. ![]() This option is always available. ![]() This is only available when you are processing a purchase order against a local currency supplier. ![]() This is only enabled when a list price is available for the stock item you are purchasing and the supplier is a local currency supplier. ![]() This is only enabled if a catalog code (supplier stock code) is defined for the supplier. ![]() This is only available when a foreign list price is defined against the stock item you are purchasing. ![]() This is only available when a supplier contract price exists. |
Supplier prices |
Use the PO Browse on Contract Prices program to select the price to use tor this order line. The program is automatically displayed if a current and valid contract exists for the supplier, if all of the following conditions apply:
Price |
Enter a price for the order line if the Default pricing method for entry setup option is set to Manual. This field is disabled for a purchase order created from a blanket purchase order, as it uses the price from the contract. This field is not set to zero when the Costing method is changed to Manual from another costing method. The price from the previous costing method is retained and you need to enter the required price. |
Price uom |
Enter the pricing unit of measure for the order line, if manual pricing is being used. |
Factor |
Select this to manually convert a unit of measure from one that is not held on file to one that is held on file. The pricing factor is only enabled when you enter a Price uom that doesn't exist on the pricing table. You can then enter your own factor. |
Discount |
Select the Edit option to enter up to three chained discount percentages or a discount value for the order line. |
ECC information |
This applies when the item in the Stock code field is ECC-controlled. The revision and release can't be changed when maintaining a purchase order if the stock item is linked to a sales order or to a job with valid material allocations. |
Revision |
If the stock code is defined as an ECC-controlled item, then this field indicates the revision number for the stock item. You cannot change the revision of serialized ECC items once you have allocated the serial numbers. The wording displayed for this field defaults to Revision, but is replaced by whatever wording you have assigned to the Revision setup option field. |
Release |
If the stock code is defined as an ECC-controlled item, then this field indicates the release number for an ECC-controlled item. Once you've allocated the serial numbers, you can't change the release of serialized ECC-controlled items. The wording displayed for this field defaults to Release, but is replaced by whatever wording you have assigned to the Release setup option field. |
Intrastat options |
For Intrastat triangulation transactions, the agent, customer and supplier countries must be EU nations and the nationalities must exist in the AdmNationalities table (Nationality Maintenance). The country of origin doesn't have to be an EU nation. |
Intrastat exempt |
Select this to indicate that the order line is exempt from Intrastat triangulation. |
Triangulation role |
Indicate your Intrastat triangulation role for this transaction: ![]() Select this to record Intrastat triangulation information without playing an actual role in the transaction. ![]() Select this if you are an agent for this purchase order line (i.e. you don't dispatch or receive the goods). You must specify the dispatch and destination states when selecting this option. ![]() Select this if you are the customer of this purchase order line. You must specify the destination state when selecting this option. |
Dispatch state |
This lets you specify the state from which the Intrastat triangulation goods are dispatched using the Nationalities program. The dispatch state must be a member of the European Community (EC). |
Destination state |
This lets you specify the state to which Intrastat triangulation goods are sent using the Nationalities program. The destination state must be a member of the European Community (EC). |
Country of origin |
This lets you specify the country where the goods originated using the Nationalities program. The country of origin is required for all Intrastat triangulation transactions. |
Stocked Line Information
This pane displays information related to the current stocked order line. This includes:
- Selection information, if you are using the stock code interchange facility.
- Receipts
- Order line values
The Links section of the pane lets you view and edit information related to:
- ECC-controlled items
Select this to enter multiple 2D lines, 3D lines or frame lines for stocked items using the SO Dimension Entry program.
Once entered, the resultant quantity is passed back to the quantity field and the multiple lines are converted into comments.
Blanket purchase order contracts
This option is enabled when you add a line to a blanket purchase order created using the Build Purchase Orders program. It lets you view the contract detail lines using the PO Browse on Contract Details program.
Stock Code Information
This pane displays additional information related to the current stock code.

The Non-stocked tab lets you enter order lines for items that you don't stock in your Inventory Control system.
The processing of non-stocked lines is similar to stocked merchandise lines, except that the stock item is not maintained in the Inventory Control module.
As no details are available on the system, you must fully describe the item when entering an order detail line.
No allocation information is maintained.
Field | Description |
Non-stocked Line |
Non-stocked code |
Enter code of the non-stocked item you are ordering. |
Description |
Enter a description of the non-stocked item. |
Quantity |
P/order quantity |
Enter the quantity of the non-stocked item to be ordered. |
P/order uom |
Enter the order unit of measure for the item. |
Line information |
Catalogue |
Indicate the default supplier catalog number (as defined within the Supplier Stock Code Cross Reference program). |
Job |
Indicate the job number to associate with this order line. This field is disabled when maintaining a purchase order created from an asset capex. This number becomes the default job number when performing a purchase order receipt. The job is only validated if the Work in Progress module is installed. |
Subcontract operation |
This only applies when a valid job number is specified at the Job field. Indicate the subcontract operation attached to the job. The price held against the subcontract operation is used as the price for the line, unless you have entered a price manually. A warning message is displayed if:
If you enter a job number instead of a non-stocked code for the order line, the details from the subcontract operation are automatically used. |
Operation |
This only applies when a valid job number is specified at the Job field. Enter a job operation number to associate with this purchase order line. |
Current due date |
This indicates the latest due date of the line. You typically maintain this date when maintaining an order. |
Original due date |
This indicates the original due date of the line. |
Allow MRP to reschedule due date |
Indicate whether MRP can reschedule the due date of the order. This lets you change the due date of the order to fall in line with the production schedule when a Requirements Calculation is performed. |
Include in MRP |
Deselect this to exclude the purchase order line from the Material Requirements Planning calculation. When excluded, the item is not seen as a source of supply in the requirements calculation. Therefore, if demand exists for the item, a suggested purchase order will be raised by the requirements calculation to meet that demand. Your selection here has no effect when the entire purchase order is excluded from the MRP calculation at Purchase Order Header level. Although the option is enabled by default, the field is not (if necessary, you can add it using the Show Captions form function). |
Receive into inspection |
Select this to receive the non-stocked order line into inspection and perform two-tier receipting of the item using the Purchase Order Receipts program. Once the items are in inspection, you can use the Purchase Order Inspection program to count the non-stocked quantity, scrap quantities, reject quantities, return quantities, and receive the non-stocked item into stock. Any linked sales orders or jobs are updated and the ledger codes entered against the purchase order line are used for distribution. |
Ledger code |
Indicate the ledger code that must be debited when processing a purchase order receipt. This code can be printed on purchase order documents, if required. Your entry at this field is validated only if the inventory Integration level setup option for is set to Linked to GL in detail or Linked to GL in summary. |
Commitments |
This field is only available when the Commitment accounting required setup option is enabled. Select this to use the GL Commitment Status Query program to view the current available budget for the selected ledger code. |
Product class |
Indicate the product class to assign to the order line. This defaults to the code you entered at the Default product class for non-stocked lines field, but can be changed. A valid product class must be entered if the Validate product class for non-stocked lines purchase order preference is enabled. |
Unit mass |
Enter the unit mass of the non-stocked item. |
Unit volume |
Enter the unit volume of the non-stocked item. |
Currency |
This indicates the currency for the order line. It defaults to the currency defined against the supplier and can't be changed. |
Tax information |
You can only access these options if the Tax status against the purchase order header is set to Taxable and the Default tax status is set to Taxable. |
Tax code |
Indicate the tax code to assign to the order line. This defaults to the Default tax code defined against your preferences, but can be changed if required. If defined, ensure that you use the Descriptive tax code at this field. |
GST code |
This field lets you indicate the GST code to assign to the line. The GST code field is only displayed if your nationality code is set to CAN and you have enabled the Canadian GST required setup option. |
Pricing |
Price |
This field is disabled for a purchase order created from a blanket purchase order as the price from the contract is used. Enter the purchase price of the non-stocked item. |
Last price paid |
This lets you use the previous price paid for the non-stocked code from the current supplier. |
Price uom |
Enter the pricing unit of measure for the order line. |
Factor |
Select this to manually convert a unit of measure from one that is not held on file to one that is held on file. The pricing factor is only enabled when you enter a Price uom that is different to the Order unit of measure. Factor screen options: ![]() Select this to apply the conversion factor entered. ![]() Select this to close this screen without defining the conversion factor. ![]() Select this to define the number of one price unit of measure that defines one order unit of measure. ![]()
Discount |
Select the Edit option to enter up to three chained discount percentages or a discount value for the order line. |
Withholding tax |
Withholding tax expense type |
This only applies when the Withholding tax required setup option is enabled. Select the relevant expense type for the non-stock code. This indicates whether the item is a service or goods. The expense type for purchase order lines is taken from the Stock Code Maintenance program. However, if the stocked line forms part of a contract, then the expense type is taken from the contract. |
Intrastat options |
For Intrastat triangulation transactions, the agent, customer and supplier countries must be EU nations and the nationalities must exist in the AdmNationalities table (Nationality Maintenance). The country of origin doesn't have to be an EU nation. |
Intrastat exempt |
Select this to indicate that the order line is exempt from Intrastat triangulation. |
Triangulation role |
Indicate your Intrastat triangulation role for this transaction: ![]() Select this to record Intrastat triangulation information without playing an actual role in the transaction. ![]() Select this if you are an agent for this purchase order line (i.e. you don't dispatch or receive the goods). You must specify the dispatch and destination states when selecting this option. ![]() Select this if you are the customer of this purchase order line. You must specify the destination state when selecting this option. |
Dispatch state |
This lets you specify the state from which the Intrastat triangulation goods are dispatched using the Nationalities program. The dispatch state must be a member of the European Community (EC). |
Destination state |
This lets you specify the state to which Intrastat triangulation goods are sent using the Nationalities program. The destination state must be a member of the European Community (EC). |
Country of origin |
This lets you specify the country where the goods originated using the Nationalities program. The country of origin is required for all Intrastat triangulation transactions. |
Service charge |
This indicates if the non-stocked line is for a service charge and if it should be included in the Intrastat reports for submission purposes. ![]() This indicates that the non-stocked line is not a service charge. This is typically used for standard Intrastat transactions, such as goods purchased. ![]() This indicates that the non-stocked line is a service charge and must be included in Intrastat reporting. The service charge excludes repairs and maintenance. ![]() This indicates that the service charge is excluded from Intrastat reporting. |
Non-stocked Line Information
This pane displays information related to the current non-stocked order line. This includes:
- Receipts
- Order line values
The Blanket option is enabled when you add a line to a blanket purchase order created using the Build Purchase Orders program. It lets you view the contract detail lines using the PO Browse on Contract Details program.
- Assets

The Freight tab lets you enter freight charges to assign to the order.
Field | Description |
Freight line |
Freight charge |
You can only access this field if you are processing freight charges for a foreign currency supplier. It lets you indicate the currency in which the charge is being entered. |
Currency |
This indicates the currency for the freight line. |
Amount |
Enter the value of the freight charge for the order. |
Tax information |
You can only access these options if the Tax status against the Purchase Order Header is set to Exempt. |
Taxable |
Indicate whether the order line is taxable. |
Tax code |
Indicate the tax code to assign to the order line. This defaults to the Default tax code defined against your preferences, but can be changed if required. If defined, ensure that you use the Descriptive tax code at this field. |
GST code |
This field lets you indicate the GST code to assign to the line. The GST code field is only displayed if your nationality code is set to CAN and you have enabled the Canadian GST required setup option. |

The Misc Charge tab lets you assign miscellaneous charges to an order.
Field | Description |
Miscellaneous line | |
Description |
Enter a description for the miscellaneous charge. If standard comments have been created using the Standard Comments program, then you can enter the comment code. |
Miscellaneous charge |
You can only access this field if you are processing miscellaneous charges for a foreign currency supplier. It lets you indicate the currency in which the charge is being entered. |
Currency | This indicates the currency for the miscellaneous charge line. |
Amount | Enter the value of the miscellaneous charge. |
Tax information |
You can only access these options if the Tax status against the Purchase Order Header is set to Exempt. |
Taxable |
Indicate whether the order line is taxable. |
Tax code |
Indicate the tax code to assign to the order line. This defaults to the Default tax code defined against your preferences, but can be changed if required. If defined, ensure that you use the Descriptive tax code at this field. |
GST code |
This field lets you indicate the GST code to assign to the line. The GST code field is only displayed if your nationality code is set to CAN and you have enabled the Canadian GST required setup option. |

The Comment tab lets you enter comment lines against the order or order line.
Field | Description |
Free Format Comments |
This lets you enter free format comments for the order or order line. Free-format comments can be attached to only the previous 10 non-comment lines. |
Standard Comments |
This lets you enter a standard comment. |
Supplier Comments |
This lets you enter a supplier comment. |
Stock Comment |
This lets you enter a stock code comment. |
Stock P/order text |
This lets you attach purchase order text (defined against the stock code) to the order line. You capture and maintain this text using the Notes option of the Inventory Query program. Any stock/purchase order text held against the item is inserted automatically as comments against the order if the Insert additional text automatically setup option is enabled. |
Stock D/goods text |
This lets you attach dangerous goods text (defined against the stock code) to the order line. You capture and maintain this text using the Notes option of the Inventory Query program. |
Tracking Notes |
This lets you enter free format tracking notes that you can attach to a specific order line or to the entire order. Unlike other comments, tracking notes can be included/excluded when querying purchase orders using the Purchase Order Query program or when printing purchase order documentation using the Purchase Order Print program. You can't change tracking notes to insert extra lines if the purchase order is an EDI order, or if the Commitment accounting required setup option is enabled. You'll need to add the additional text as a new comment. |

This list view displays the lines added and saved against the purchase order. You can right-click a line in the list view to select a number of options:
Field | Description |
Insert before line |
This lets you insert one of the following types of order lines above the currently highlighted line in the list view:
Add to end |
This lets you add one of the following types of order lines after the last order line in the list view:
Change |
This lets you maintain the currently highlighted order line. |
Cancel line |
This cancels the currently highlighted line or sets the currently highlighted order line to complete. If the order was created from a requisition and no receipts were processed and requisition budgets are required, then the requisition line is set to a status of R - Approved and the link to the purchase order is cleared for the line. If the Order maintenance default cancel mode setup option is set as Ask, then a message is displayed enabling you to either cancel the line or mark it as complete. |
Purchase Order Line Details
Details displayed in this pane relate to the currently highlighted line in the Entered Order Lines list view.

When you exit the program, SYSPRO displays a summary screen of the orders you entered and maintained.
Field | Description |
New Purchase Orders |
New p/orders |
This indicates the total number of new orders captured during the current run of the program. |
New p/orders value |
This indicates the total value of all order lines (less any line discounts) entered during the current run of the program. Tax and order discounts are not reflected in the total value. |
New lines (maintenance) |
This indicates the total number of new order lines added during the current run of the program using the Order Maintenance function. |
New lines value (maintenance) |
This indicates the total value of all lines (less any line discounts) added during the current run of the program using the Order Maintenance function. Tax and order discounts are not reflected in the total value. |
Cancelled Purchase Orders |
Cancelled p/orders |
This indicates the total number of orders canceled during the current run of the program. |
Cancelled p/orders value |
This indicates the total value of orders canceled during the current run of the program. |
Cancelled lines (maintenance) |
This indicates the total number of order lines that were canceled during the current run of the program using the Order Maintenance function. |
Cancelled lines value (maintenance) |
This indicates the total value of order lines that were canceled during the current run of the program using the Order Maintenance function. |
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