Warehouse Maintenance
This program lets you capture and maintain details of warehouses required within the system.

Things you can do in this program include:
Create a new warehouse
Maintain existing warehouse details
Delete an existing warehouse
Add custom fields to warehouses
Assign a shift pattern to a warehouse
Once the warehouses are defined, you can use the Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code program (accessed from within the Browse on Stock Codes program) to link stock items to these warehouses.

Within SYSPRO, a warehouse represents an actual warehouse containing your inventory items (i.e. a physical warehouse) or a grouping of your inventory according to specific characteristics of the item (i.e. a logical warehouse).
For example:
You may want to split your inventory raw materials and finished goods into different logical warehouses even though they are located in the same physical warehouse.
You maintain warehouses using the Warehouse Maintenance program.

International Commercial Terms are pre-defined terms published by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) that are widely used in international commercial transactions.
Incoterms comprise a series of three-letter trade terms related to common contractual sales practices and the rules of each are intended primarily to communicate the ownership of costs and risks associated with the transportation and delivery of goods.
Within SYSPRO, the Incoterms code indicates the portion of costs and risks agreed to by the parties in a contract of purchase or sale.
For example:
The delivery term CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid) indicates that the seller pays the cost of carriage and insurance necessary to bring the goods to a named destination (i.e. shipping location).

You restrict operator access to activities within a program using the Operator Maintenance program.

You can restrict operator access to the fields within a program (configured using the Operator Maintenance program).

You can restrict access to the eSignature transactions within a program at operator, group, role or company level (configured using the eSignature Setup program). You can restrict access to the eSignature transactions within a program at operator, group, role or company level (configured using the Electronic Signature Configuration Setup program). Electronic Signatures provide security access, transaction logging and event triggering that gives you greater control over your system changes.

Controls access to the Add function in the following programs:
- Browse on Warehouses
- Warehouse Maintenance

Controls access to the maintenance of warehouses in the following programs:
- Browse on Warehouses
- Warehouse Maintenance

Controls access to the Delete function in the following programs:
- Browse on Warehouses
- Warehouse Maintenance

You can restrict operator access to programs by assigning them to groups and applying access control against the group (configured using the Operator Groups program).

You can restrict operator access to functions within a program using passwords (configured using the Password Definition program). When defined, the password must be entered before you can access the function.

The following configuration options in SYSPRO may affect processing within this program or feature, including whether certain fields and options are accessible.

Setup Options > Configuration > Distribution > Inventory
- Update last cost if using standard cost
- Multiple bins
- Associate serials by bin
- Fixed bins
- Acceptable cost variance percentage
- Costing per warehouse
- Stock on hand allowed to go negative
- Costing method

Setup Options > Configuration > Distribution > Purchase Orders
- GRN suspense system required

Setup Options > Configuration > Manufacturing > Work in Progress
- Work in Progress inspection required

Setup Options > Configuration > Distribution > Sales Orders
- Load planning required

Setup Options > Preferences > Distribution > Inventory
- Request ledger code at transactions

Setup Options > Preferences > Manufacturing > Requirements Planning
- Consolidate selected warehouses
- Warehouse option

Setup Options > Preferences > Manufacturing > Bill of Materials
- Alternate routings
- Default shift code
- Shift pattern level

Setup Options > Company > General
- Nationality code

Setup Options > Tax > Company Tax Options
- EC VAT system required

Setup Options > Tax > Intrastat
- Capture non EC members delivery terms

Setup Options > General Ledger Integration > General Ledger Codes
- Inventory integration methods

Setup Options > General Ledger Integration > Inventory Ledger Codes
- Goods in transit
- Non-stocked

Setup Options > General Ledger Integration > Work in Progress Ledger Codes
- WIP inspection
- Work in progress
- Variance
- Automatically cleared variances

Setup Options > Keys > Distribution - Sales Management
- Use source branch for SCT numbering

Setup Options > Keys > Distribution - Inventory
- Goods in transit Numbering method

Setup Options > Keys > Distribution - Purchasing
- Purchase orders Numbering method
- GRN numbers Numbering method

Setup Options > System Setup > General
- Multi-language for document printing

The warehouse is a 10-character alphanumeric field.
The warehouse code ** is reserved for use by the system to represent a non-stocked warehouse.
Although you can use special characters such as /, *, + this is not recommended.
If you delete a warehouse in which an item is stocked, all movement records for the warehouse are removed.
You can't delete a warehouse if any of the following conditions apply:
- The quantity on order is not zero.
- The quantity on hand is not zero.
- The quantity allocated is not zero.
- The quantity on back order is not zero.
- The allocated WIP quantity is not zero.
- The quantity in transit due to be received into the warehouse is not zero.
- The quantity in inspection is not zero.
- The quantity dispatched but not invoiced is not zero.
- The quantity in the previous 2 periods is not zero.
- The month-to-date quantity received is not zero.
- The month-to-date quantity adjusted is not zero.
- The month-to-date quantity transferred is not zero.
- The warehouse exists in the stock take file.
- Forecasts exists for the stock code / warehouse combination.
- Master production records exist.
- Build schedules exist in the warehouse.
- The stock item is serialized.
- Journals have been assigned to the warehouse.
- A lost and found warehouse must be detached from all warehouses before it can be deleted.

You can't delete a warehouse if any of the following conditions apply:
- The quantity on order is not zero.
- The quantity on hand is not zero.
- The quantity allocated is not zero.
- The quantity on back order is not zero.
- The allocated WIP quantity is not zero.
- The quantity in transit due to be received into the warehouse is not zero.
- The quantity in inspection is not zero.
- The quantity dispatched but not invoiced is not zero.
- The quantity in the previous 2 periods is not zero.
- The month-to-date quantity received is not zero.
- The month-to-date quantity adjusted is not zero.
- The month-to-date quantity transferred is not zero.
- The warehouse exists in the stock take file.
- Forecasts exists for the stock code / warehouse combination.
- Master production records exist.
- Build schedules exist in the warehouse.
- The stock item is serialized.
- Journals have been assigned to the warehouse.
- A lost and found warehouse must be detached from all warehouses before it can be deleted.

Yes, multiple bins can be enabled at company level, but disabled at warehouse level.
When multiple bins is switched off for a specific warehouse only (while still required at company level) the warehouse code is automatically used as the default bin for the warehouse.

When multiple bins is switched off for a specific warehouse only (while still required at company level) the warehouse code is automatically used as the default bin for the warehouse.
The bins against each item stocked in the warehouse are deleted and replaced by a single default bin with the entire quantity on hand for the stock code/warehouse.
Bins allocated to sales order lines are replaced with an allocation for the newly-created default bin.
The bin associated with existing lot records (and their transactions) against traceable and ECC-controlled items is replaced with the newly-created bin. All transactions are then processed against the newly-created default bin.
When you select this option against a warehouse, no other action is required as the default bin is already defined against lots and sales order ship quantities.
You don't have to indicate a bin number when posting for a warehouse with no bins, as the program involved uses the default bin automatically.

Although this defaults to the setting at the Stock on hand allowed to go negative setup option, when you add a new warehouse it defaults to No if the option is set to Dependent on warehouse list. You'll need to add the warehouse to the list of warehouses that allows negative stock, if required.

If costing is defined at company level (the default) then it encompass all warehouses. If defined at warehouse level, then you can apply a different costing method to each warehouse.
If you have enabled the Costing per warehouse setup option then you can click on the Show warehouses hyperlink and maintain the Costing level and Costing method fields against specific warehouses.
The costing method lets you determine how you want to value your inventory:

This averages out the unit cost of an item received into the warehouse. This is calculated as the average between the new cost of the item and the existing cost of the item held on file.

This updates costs in the warehouse only when you use the Cost Changes function within the Inventory Movements program.

This values inventory according to the last cost entered for an item when it was received into the warehouse.

If FIFO valuation is enabled, then all stock receipts create a new FIFO bucket and all issues/sales are made from the oldest bucket held on file for items held in this warehouse.

LIFO costing cannot be applied to individual warehouses. It must be applied to all warehouses for a company.

You can indicate the warehouse from which material is allocated to suggested jobs from a number of places in SYSPRO:
- The Requirements Calculation program uses the warehouse specified at the Component warehouse to use field in the Warehouse Maintenance program.
- You can set the default warehouse from which material allocations must be allocated, when creating a job using the Job Entry program.
- If no warehouse is specified, material allocations are allocated from the warehouse assigned to the component.

You can only include the warehouse in requirements calculations if you selected By warehouse at the Warehouse option setup option.
Once the option is enabled, select the Include wh in requirement planning calc option from within the Warehouse Maintenance program to ensure that the warehouse is included in the calculations performed by the Requirements Calculation program.

- Open the Custom Forms Entry program (SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Administration).
- Locate the InvWhControl table and create the required custom form field.
- Open the Warehouse Maintenance program.
- Right-click on the form and select the Field Selector option from the context menu.
- Locate the required custom form field and drag it onto the form.

If you generate a large number of purchase orders, then we recommend setting the Purchase orders Numbering method option to Prefixed warehouse to avoid duplicates (i.e. because unique number ranges must be defined for each warehouse, they must be large enough to avoid overlapping numbers).

This saves your changes and exits the program.

This deletes the highlighted data record.
You can't delete a warehouse if it currently forms part of a product recall quarantine.

Indicate the code of the warehouse that you want to maintain.

This indicates the code of the warehouse you are currently maintaining.

This indicates the name associated with the warehouse and assists you in verifying that you have entered the correct warehouse.

This indicates the number that will be printed on tickets/labels for this warehouse when next you perform a stock take.

You can only access this field from the Show warehouses function at the Multiple bins setup option.

This is the default entry when the Multiple bins setup option is enabled. This requires the entry of a specific bin when you receive items into stock, issue items from stock or transfer items between warehouses.

The bins against each item stocked in the warehouse are deleted and replaced by a single default bin with the entire quantity on hand for the stock code/warehouse combination.
When multiple bins is switched off for a specific warehouse only (while still required at company level) the warehouse code is automatically used as the default bin for the warehouse.
Bins allocated to sales order lines are replaced with an allocation for the newly-created default bin.
The bin associated with existing lot records (and their transactions) against traceable and ECC-controlled items is replaced by the newly-created bin. All transactions are then processed against the newly-created default bin.
When you select this option against a warehouse, no other action is required, as the default bin is already defined against lots and sales order ship quantities.
You do not have to indicate a bin number when posting for a warehouse with no bins, as the program involved uses the default bin automatically.

This indicates whether stock in the warehouse is allowed to go negative.

You can only access this field from the Show warehouses function in the Costing method section of the (Setup Options) program.
This lets you define different costing methods for individual warehouses and only applies if the Costing per warehouse setup option is enabled.

This uses the costing method defined against the company for this warehouse.

This uses the costing method defined against the warehouse.

Select the costing method required for this warehouse. This will determines how your inventory is valued for the warehouse.
By default, the costing method is set to that defined against the company.

This averages out the unit cost of an item received into the warehouse. This is calculated as the average between the new cost of the item and the existing cost of the item held on file.

This updates costs in the warehouse only when you use the Cost Changes function within the Inventory Movements program.

This values inventory according to the last cost entered for an item when it was received into the warehouse.

If FIFO valuation is enabled, then all stock receipts create a new FIFO bucket and all issues/sales are made from the oldest bucket held on file for items held in this warehouse.

LIFO costing cannot be applied to individual warehouses. It must be applied to all warehouses for a company.

You can indicate the language code to use if you enabled the Multi-language for document printing setup option (Setup Options > System Setup > General).
The Global dropdown option is the default selection and refers to the default language at the time of the creating the entry.

You can only access this field from the Show warehouses function at the Multiple bins setup option.

This is the default entry when the Fixed bins setup option is enabled at company level.
This requires a bin to exist in the newly-created InvMultBin table before you can transact against it. This feature is only available if the Multiple bins setup option is enabled.

This lets you transact using bins that don't exist (i.e. they can be created at the time of creating transactions).

You can only use this feature if the Multiple bins, Fixed bins and Associate serials by bin (if serials are required) setup options are enabled.
In addition, these options can only be changed from within the Setup Options program. This is done by clicking the Show warehouses hyperlink against the Fixed bins setup option (Setup Options > Configuration > Distribution > Inventory).

This indicates whether sales order created from this warehouse requires a picking cycle.
In addition, you can't switch this option off if there are picks in progress for this warehouse.

This lets you specify how you want to account for stock shortages.

This option is enabled by default.
This allows you to process stock adjustments with inventory journals posted against the warehouse.

This allows you to record stock inaccuracies and adjustments by moving the missing stock to a separate warehouse, which you can specify at the Lost and found warehouse option.

Indicate the lost and found warehouse you want to use to process accounting shortages. The warehouse must contain a lost and found bin.
You can only specify a lost and found warehouse, if the Process to lost and found warehouse option is enabled.

Indicate the nationality code for the country in which the warehouse is located (mandatory if the EC VAT system required setup option is enabled).
Your entry here is used as the default country of origin code when a sales order is invoiced (Maintain Intrastat Dispatches), the default nationality code when processing a supply chain transfer (Sales Order Entry) and the default arrival nationality when receipting a purchase order (Maintain Intrastat Arrivals).

This lets you define the default Incoterms code, denoting the terms of delivery for the warehouse. The entry held against the supplier/customer takes precedence.
To reflect the Delivery Terms on sales and purchase order documents, ensure that this field is enabled in the document format setup program (i.e. Word and SRS document printing).

This lets you define the default shipping location associated with the Delivery terms for the warehouse. The default entry against the supplier/customer takes precedence.
To reflect the Shipping Location on sales and purchase order documents, ensure that this is enabled in the document format setup program (i.e. Word and SRS document printing).

This indicates the warehouse from which material allocations must be allocated to suggested jobs created by the Requirements Calculation program (if the Consolidate selected warehouses setup option is enabled). If this field is blank, then MRP cannot raise suggested supply.
This applies only when using the Costing per warehouse setup option and either the Bill of Materials or the Requirements Planning module is installed.
You can also set a preference for this to be the default warehouse from which material allocations must be allocated when creating a job (Job Entry). If not specified, then material allocations are allocated from the warehouse to use assigned to the component.

This indicates the routing that must be used for materials and operations that are assigned to suggested jobs using this warehouse.
You can only access this field if the Bill of Materials or Requirements Planning modules are installed and the Alternate routings setup option is enabled.
Sales Order Entry always uses route 0, so to sell Kit type items, route 0 must be used for the components.
You can also set a preference for this to be the default route to use for materials and operation assigned when creating a job (Job Entry).

This includes the warehouse in the calculations performed by the Requirements Calculation program.
This option is only displayed if you selected By warehouse at the Warehouse option setup option.

Entries made here are only validated if Inventory Integration level is set to Linked to GL in summary or Linked to GL in detail.

This is the control account for all inventory transactions processed against the warehouse.

This is the ledger account to which all variances are posted arising from rounding errors when processing receipts into stock.

This is the ledger account to which all receipts of stocked items are posted for the purpose of Accounts Payable invoice matching and checking.
You can only access this field if the GRN suspense system required setup option is enabled.

This is the control account to which postings are made for all goods in transit transactions that are processed for this warehouse.
If no entry is assigned to the warehouse, then the company Goods in transit control account is used.

This is the clearing account that is used when dispatching items from the warehouse using the Dispatch Note system.
This account is debited at the time of creating and printing the dispatch note (i.e. stock on hand is reduced for each item on the dispatch note, even though an invoice has not yet been produced).
This account is credited when the dispatch note is invoiced against the customer or when a dispatch note is canceled or an adjustment is made that decreases the value of the dispatch note (e.g. the quantity is decreased).
Dispatches involving non-stocked items use the company Non-stocked control account.

This is the account to which the WIP value of goods received into inspection for this warehouse must be posted.
You can only access this field if the Work in Progress inspection required setup option is enabled.
If left blank, then the WIP Inspection company ledger account is used.

This is the default account to which the value of work in progress is posted when a job is created.
The account is only used if a work in progress account is not defined against the stock item (Stock Code Maintenance ).
If left blank (and a work in progress account is not defined against the stock item) then the Work in progress company account is used.

This is the account to which postings are made during the Backflushing function of the Inventory Movements program if there is a variance between the entered cost of the manufactured item and the cost of the item's material and labor allocations calculated by the system.
If left blank, then the Variance company ledger account is used.

This is the default account to which work in progress variances are posted automatically when receiving a finished part into stock from a completed job (if standard costing is in use).
If left blank, then the Automatically cleared variances company ledger account is used.
You can also define this using the Preferences option of the WIP Inspection Maintenance program when receipting in items from inspection.

This indicates the address details that can be printed on inventory documents.
- Building
- Street
- City
- Locality
- State
- Country
- Zip

This indicates the geographic location of the address in terms of longitude and latitude and includes a hyperlink to the map directions.
An additional hyperlink is available (Resolve GeoLocation from address) to resolve addresses using the long or short name. For this to resolve correctly, ensure that you provide as much information related to the physical address as possible.
The Use short names when resolving addresses option (System-wide Personalization) determines which name to use by default.
For example:
Short names are NY and USA; whereas long names are New York and United States of America.
SYSPRO reads the name returned from the map provider in XML. If the short name returned in the XML is the same as the long name, then no short names are available from the map provider.

This is the default delivery route code to use for supply chain transfer deliveries to this warehouse and only applies if the Load planning required setup option is enabled.

This is the default delivery distance or sequence number to use for SCT deliveries to this warehouse and only applies if the Load planning required setup option is enabled.
For example: If you assign this warehouse to be the first one to which deliveries must be made on the route, then you would enter 1 at the Sequence field.
Alternatively, you can enter the distance of the target warehouse delivery location from the source warehouse as the sequence. If you specify this distance against all the warehouse addresses on this route, then you can sequence the loads on the route based on the delivery distance from the source to the target warehouses.

This lets you fax transfer documentation when ending the SCT order.

This is the default fax number (which can be printed on SCT documents) that must be used when you end the SCT order and fax the transfer document.

This is the contact person who must receive the transfer document that is faxed when you end the SCT order.

This defines the default document format to use for SCT documents.
The Sales Order Entry program uses this if the Use source branch for SCT numbering setup option is enabled. Otherwise the program uses the default format defined against the target warehouse when generating the SCT document.

This lets you select the site to which the shift pattern is allocated.

This lets you select the code of the shift pattern that you want link to the warehouse.
The Shift code field is only available if the Shift pattern level setup option is defined as Warehouse.
If the Shift pattern level setup option is defined as Warehouse, but a shift code hasn't been defined for the warehouse, then the company default shift pattern defined at the Default shift code setup option, is applied to the warehouse.
You can use the Shift Pattern Allocation Maintenance program to define more than one shift code per warehouse.

This indicates the branch that must be used for the warehouse when processing an SCT order. This is used to validate the product class assigned to the item.

This indicates the regional location of the warehouse and is used when processing an SCT order.

This indicates the first two characters that you want to appear in front of the goods in transit reference number generated for this warehouse.
This only applies if the GIT numbering method is defined as By warehouse prefix.

This indicates the next goods in transit reference number that will be used when you process an inter-warehouse transfer or SCT of goods. This number is incremented by one (1) each time you process a transfer of stock into transit.
This only applies if the GIT numbering method is defined as By warehouse.

This indicates the single character to add in front of the next purchase order number generated for this warehouse.
This only applies Purchase order numbering is defined as Prefixed warehouse.

This indicates the two characters that you want to appear in front of the GRN that is next generated for this warehouse when processing a purchase order receipt.
This only applies when GRN numbering is set to Prefixed warehouse
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