General System Setup
Setup Options > System Setup > General

This is the two-character language code you want to use by default for all users (e.g. EN, FR, ES, DE, ZH).

This lets you save and print inventory notes against stock items in up to 80 languages.
Any existing stock code narrations (i.e. narrations saved in your database with spaces against the language field) are then labeled as Global Notes.
The global narrations print by default when printing documents (if you don't select the Print Foreign Text option).

If the Multi-language for document printing option is enabled, then you can select the Configure List hyperlink to select up to 80 language codes that you want to use within the system for multi-language document printing.

This indicates the nationality of your site.
Entering one of the reserved nationality codes (i.e. CAN, USA, AUS, RSA, UK) affects the display of certain fields (e.g. tax-related) within the system.

This ensures that characters are rendered correctly when using SYSPRO Reporting Services.

This is used by support personnel to identify your site.

This is used to output a script or text file in the \Base\Settings folder to monitor and debug problems in or SQL environments.

This enables the Show Events Window diagnostics option on the SYSPRO Ribbon bar ( ).
The events window traces all application events that occur in the normal running of SYSPRO.
The output of the events window is saved in \settings\operator_dev02_debug.txt on the client machine.
This debug file can be sent to SYSPRO for analysis to help troubleshoot problems.

This creates an enetlog.dat and enetlog.idx file in the \Base\Settings folder on the application server.
Each time a business object is executed, this diagnostic code causes the Solutions infrastructure to write to these files.
Typical information written to these files includes:
- Transaction date
- Transaction time
- Operator Business object
- Method name (Post, Logon, Query, Log off, etc.)
- Return status ( a non-zero return status indicates an exception was raised)
- GUID Error messages
You use the Diagnostics Manager program to view these transactions in a list view. The program also lets you to clear the transaction log.
These log files can grow rapidly in size.

This outputs a diagnostic log of all XML strings being parsed or generated (both XmlIn and XmlOut). The files are generated in the\Base\Settings\Diag_xml folder.
- Sensitive information (such as licensing information) is not logged (e.g. COMLGN does not log the XML passed).
- This log file can grow rapidly in size.

This outputs a diagnostic log of all XML strings parsed (XmlIn only). The files are generated in the \Base\Settings\Diag_log folder.
- Sensitive information (such as licensing information) is not logged (e.g. COMLGN does not log the XML passed).
- This log file can grow rapidly in size.

This outputs a diagnostic log of all XML strings generated (XmlOut only). The files are generated in the \Base\Settings\Diag_log folder.
- Sensitive information (such as licensing information) is not logged (e.g. COMLGN does not log the XML passed).
- This log file can grow rapidly in size.

This initiates Analytics client logging.
The server side logging in a live environment is in a sub folder called SYSPROAnalytics in the system temporary folder of the machine on which the SYSPRO Analytics Server components are installed (e.g. C:\Windows\Temp).
The client side logging is written to a SYSPROAnalytics sub folder in the client side temp folder.

This initiates Analytics server logging that is output to a sub folder (SYSPROAnalytics) in the temporary folder of the machine on which the SYSPRO Analytics Server components are installed.

This is a combination of san001 and san002.

This saves the business object and business layer XML to your temp folder.

This is equivalent of enabling san001 through to san004.

This causes the SYSPRO Office Integration infrastructure to output a log of the process that follows each time a user makes use of the Office plugins.
The file is generated in your temp folder and has the naming convention: SOI_OperatorCode DateTime.txt (e.g. SOI_ADMIN 20xx-xx-xx 08-17-24.txt).
A new file is created each time a new instance of the SOI addin is created.

This causes various programs that have been optimized for SQL to output a trace of the SQL statement being issued. This includes the SQL statements issued by the Report Writer.
Only a trace of the last SQL statement issued is output.
The generated file {oper}.sql is created in the \Base\Settings folder (where {oper} indicates the operator code).
For example:
The ADMIN operator would create a file called: |Base|Settings|ADMIN.SQL.

This causes various programs that have been optimized for SQL to output a trace of the SQL statement being issued. This includes the SQL statements issued by the Report Writer.
This accumulates all SQL statements to the log file.
The generated file {oper}.SQL is created in the \Base\Settings folder (where {oper} is the operator code).
For example:
The ADMIN operator would have a file called: |Base|Settings|ADMIN.SQL.
This log file can grow rapidly in size.

This causes the SYSPRO Reporting Services infrastructure to output a log of the process that follows each time a report is run. It also outputs the xmlin that was passed to the business object.
The file is generated in your temp folder and has the naming convention: SRS_OperatorCode DateTime.txt (e.g. SRS_ADMIN 20xx-xx-xx 08-17-24.txt).
A new file is created each time a new instance of SRS is launched.

This initiates server-side logging for all SRS document printing processes, except archiving.
The {oper}.txt log file (\Base\Settings) is generated on the application server - where {oper} is the operator code. For example: the ADMIN operator would have a file called: |Base|Settings|ADMIN.TXT.

This initiates client-side logging for all SRS document printing processes except archiving.
The client side logging is created in the client side temp folder and is called Comp_?_Oper_{oper}_SRSLog.txt where ? is the company code and {oper} is the operator code.

This is a combination of srsd001 and srsd002 (i.e both server side and client side logging is enabled).

This initiates SRS Document client side archive logging only.

This saves SRS Document Archiving business object XML to the temp folder.

This lets you place the entire system into maintenance mode and prevent unauthorized access to all companies in your environment while conducting maintenance. It solves the issue of having to maintain each SYSPRO company to prevent operators from capturing data in SYSPRO or Solutions when you're conducting maintenance (e.g. upgrading to a new release).
The login process checks this configuration before the company-specific maintenance mode to either allow or deny access to the system.
Only operators who form part of a group with system administrator rights can log into SYSPRO while this option is enabled.
If other operators still require access to SYSPRO during the maintenance period, you can enable the Override when company logins prevented option against their operator code (Operator Maintenance). This override only applies to operators logging into SYSPRO (i.e. it does not apply to Solutions).

Indicate the message to display to any unauthorized operator attempting to access the company during the maintenance period.

These options let you to monitor SYSPRO and CMS only license usage to more accurately predict when you are about to run out of licenses.

This logs a record when the number of SYSPRO licenses used reaches the value set in the Log within x users of maximum field.

This lets you indicate the point at which you want to record a log entry for SYSPRO license limits.
For example:
If you currently have a 50-user SYSPRO license and you enter 5 in this field, then an audit log entry is created when the 45th operator logs in.
The log entry created is: Login attempted - license limit approached and is output to the System Audit Query program.

This lets you log a record when the number of CMS only users reaches the value set against the Log within x CMS users of maximum field.

This lets you indicate the point at which you want to record a log entry for CMS only user license limits.
For example:
If you currently have a 10 CMS only user license and you enter 3 in this field, then an audit log entry is created when the 7th CMS only user operator logs in.
The log entry created is: Login attempted - CMS license limit approached and is output to the System Audit Query program.

This lets you configure system-wide license parameters.
Changes are validated as part of the registration mechanism and will require you to update the license registration details for each company.

This indicates the maximum number of companies that can be used concurrently on a site.
An entry of 0 means that up to 36 companies may be defined for this system.

This indicates the number of Contact Management users allowed to run the system concurrently.
- Denoted by IMPCMO= in the IMPACT.INI file.

This indicates the number of Point of Sale users allowed to run the system concurrently.
- Denoted by IMPPOS= in the IMPACT.INI file.

This defines the maximum number of users that may access the Universal Data Dictionary concurrently via ODBC. You won't be allowed to make any changes to the dictionary.
- Denoted by IMPODB= in the IMPACT.INI file.

This defines the maximum number of users that may be running the U/SQL Manager concurrently.
An entry other than 0 indicates that you intend modifying the Universal Data Dictionary (UDD) using the U/SQL Manager software.
- Denoted by IMPUSQ= in the IMPACT.INI file.

This indicates the number of Dialog System seats you have purchased (if you purchased the Micro Focus Dialog System), which allows you to customize screens using the Screen Customization Kit.

This indicates the number of Client Access Licenses (i.e. SQL Server seats) as defined by Microsoft that matches your license information.
- Denoted by IMPCAL= in the IMPACT.INI file.

This indicates the maximum number of users who may access the SYSPRO Analytics Viewer concurrently.
- Denoted by IMPSVS= in the IMPACT.INI file.

This indicates the maximum number of users who can concurrently be defined as report designers and may therefore design reports using the SYSPRO Reporting Services program.
- Denoted by IMPRSD= in the IMPACT.INI file.

This indicates the maximum number of companies that can be used concurrently on a site.

This indicates the number of Espresso seats you are licensed to use.
Espresso user licenses are allocated using the Espresso User Licenses program.
- Denoted by IMPESP= in the IMPACT.INI file.

This indicates the number of Espresso licenses that you have given your customer, allowing them limited access to queries and transaction posting applications.
- Denoted by IMPESX= in the IMPACT.INI file.

This indicates the number of licensed workflows, if you are using the Workflow Services Professional module.
- Denoted by IMPWFL= in the IMPACT.INI file.

This indicates the number of named-users that have access to the SYSPRO Supply Chain Portal.
Portal users are created and maintained using the Portal User Management program. These users have limited access to portal-specific functions.
- Denoted by IMPPOR= in the IMPACT.INI file.

This lets you indicate that each of your SYSPRO concurrent licensed users has access to SYSPRO Espresso.
- Denoted by IMPESL= in the IMPACT.INI file (where 1 means checked).

This lets you change the format in which you want all system dates to be displayed and printed within SYSPRO.
Although your selection here does not affect the way in which dates are stored in the system (i.e. this is always in a CCYYMMDD format), there are instances where SYSPRO overrides your preferred date display format and shows dates in a CCYYMMDD format.
This typically occurs in list views where the date column can be used for sorting purposes.

This lets you indicate your preferred date display format.
The short/long date format isn't applied to any date fields in forms

You can tailor your date format using separators (e.g. /,-), as well as additional text within single quotation marks.
For example:
'Today is my birthday' dddd dd MM.

dddd |
The day of week (e.g. Monday) |
ddd |
Abbreviated day (e.g. Mon) |
dd |
A two-digit day of month (e.g. 01 through 31) |
d |
A zero- suppressed one digit day |
D |
A zero-suppressed day of month with 'st', 'nd', 'rd' and 'th' (e.g. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.) |
The month in full (e.g. September) |
The month abbreviated (e.g. Sep) |
MM |
A two-digit month |
M |
A zero-suppressed one digit month |
yyyy |
A four-digit year (e.g. 2007) |
yyy |
A three-digit year (e.g. 007) |
yy |
A two-digit year (e.g. 07) |
y |
A one-digit year (e.g. 7) |

H |
A zero-suppressed 24 hour format |
HH |
A two-digit 24 hour |
h |
A zero-suppressed 12 hour format |
hh |
A two-digit 12 hour format |
m |
A zero-suppressed minute |
mm |
A two-digit minute |
s |
A zero-suppressed second |
ss |
A two-digit second |
tt |
A two-character AM/PM indicator |

This indicates how the system will display the long version of the date.
It does not affect the way dates are physically stored on file, it merely provides an alternative way of viewing and printing them.

This indicates how the system will display the short version of the date.
It does not affect the way dates are physically stored on file, it merely provides an alternative way of viewing and printing them.
This format is used when you insert the date stamp during the editing of text notes in SYSPRO. You can override this at company level using the Override system date format option (Setup Options > Company > General).

This indicates how you want to represent the Printed: date that appears in the footer of reports alongside the name of the operator who printed the report.
The other dates printed on the report are rendered according to the short date format.

This indicates a sample of how the Long date format will appear in the system.

This indicates a sample of how the Short date format will appear in the system.

This indicates a sample of how the Report date format will appear in the system.

This indicates the folder that is used for creating temporary files typically used for sorting.

This indicates the default folder in which you should store all your multimedia files. If undefined, this defaults your working directory.
Although this field is disabled on the client, you can use the Edit Client Configuration function to define the path on the client.

This indicates the primary location for your SYSPRO data files. You may define alternate folders and configure companies to use alternate locations as required.

This indicates the 2nd folder in which you want to store data files for your companies.

This indicates the 3rd folder in which you want to store data files for your companies.

This indicates the 4th folder in which you want to store data files for your companies.

This indicates the 5th folder in which you want to store data files for your companies.

This indicates the 6th folder in which you want to store data files for your companies.

This indicates the 7th folder in which you want to store data files for your companies.

This indicates the 8th folder in which you want to store data files for your companies.

This indicates the 9th folder in which you want to store data files for your companies.

This indicates the location of your Requirements Planning snapshot files.
These files are created when you take a new snapshot from within the Requirements Calculation program (if the Requirements Planning module is installed).
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