Purchase Order Query

This program lets you view details of purchase orders (including canceled and completed orders) that have not yet been purged.
You typically use this program to verify purchase order details and to track the status of purchase order for goods ordered. This could be driven internally from a staff member, or externally in response to a customer request.
Things you can do in this program include:
View purchase order information by entering a supplier code
- View purchase order information by entering a SYSPRO purchase order number
- View purchase order information by entering a customer purchase order number
- View a purchase order's GRN details
Value an individual purchase order based on original and outstanding amounts
- View a graph of purchase order commitments

This program is accessed from the Program List pane of the SYSPRO menu:
- Program List > Purchase Orders

An alternate supplier is a one that can be used instead of the supplier normally used for a specific product or service.
Within SYSPRO, assigning alternate suppliers to stock codes enables you to raise requisitions and purchase orders from alternative sources of supply when your normal supplier is unable to accommodate your requirements.
You query alternate supplier information using the Inventory Query, Purchase Order Entry and Requisition Entry programs.
You can print the first three alternate suppliers on the Purchasing Work Sheet report.
When entering detail purchase order lines, or additional information for requisition lines, you can query and select to assign an alternative supplier.

Buyers are individuals in a company responsible for identifying sources of supply and for purchasing products or services from these sources. Within SYSPRO, the buyer code assigned to a stock code indicates the person responsible for purchasing the item.
You typically assign buyers to stock codes when you have more than one person in the company responsible for purchasing products or services.
Buyers can be used as a selection criterion in a number of SYSPRO reports.
You assign buyer codes to bought-out stock items using the Stock Code Maintenance program.

Customers provide a mechanism for you to raise sales orders within SYSPRO.
The static information configured against a customer is used to determine applicable tax, discounts, etc., when processing sales transactions.
The documents you receive from a customer (e.g. invoices, credit notes, debit notes, etc.,) are stored against the customer code and enable you to keep track of the company's assets.
You can use the customer as a report selection criterion and for subtotalling and sequencing a number of reports within SYSPRO.
You maintain customers using the Customers program.

The delivery address indicates the address to which a supplier must deliver goods.
Because large companies typically have a number of sites, branches or depots, more than one delivery address may be required.
You create alternate delivery addresses using the Alternate Delivery Addresses program.
Each alternate delivery address is referenced by an address code that can be selected during purchase order processing.

Goods received note refers to the mechanism whereby you capture accrual values for items received into stock, but which has not yet been invoiced.

International Commercial Terms are pre-defined terms published by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) that are widely used in international commercial transactions.
Incoterms comprise a series of three-letter trade terms related to common contractual sales practices and the rules of each are intended primarily to communicate the ownership of costs and risks associated with the transportation and delivery of goods.
Within SYSPRO, the Incoterms code indicates the portion of costs and risks agreed to by the parties in a contract of purchase or sale.
For example:
The delivery term CIP (Carriage and Insurance Paid) indicates that the seller pays the cost of carriage and insurance necessary to bring the goods to a named destination (i.e. shipping location).

This is the name given to the method of collecting information and producing statistics on the export and import of goods between countries of the European Union (EU).
Intrastat came into existence in 1993 as the source of trade statistics within the EU and the requirements are similar in all member states.

Within SYSPRO, the nationality code identifies the country in which your local site is located (configured at the time of setting up the system for the first time).
It influences how transactions are processed when raising sales orders for a customer in an EC Member State (e.g. ensuring that the correct EC information is captured) and affects the display of tax fields (e.g. the fields displayed for the Canadian Tax System differ vastly from the fields displayed for the EC Vat System).
The nationality code also identify the countries in which your suppliers and customers are located, determining the applicable the tariff codes for suppliers (if using Landed Cost Tracking).
A standard list of nationality codes is defined against ISO 3166-1. The IMPNAT.IMP file (located in the \Base\Store folder of your SYSPRO installation) contains a list of these countries, together with their 2 or 3-digit codes.
We recommend you use these codes (except for the reserved nationality codes: CAN, USA, AUS, RSA and UK).
You maintain nationalities using the Nationality Maintenance program.

Within SYSPRO, a non-stocked code is allocated to an inventory item that you don't stock in any of your warehouses.
Non-stocked codes are created using the Non-stocked Codes program. They are used in the Quotations module to uniquely identify items that can be used within the Quotations and Estimates programs.
Non-stocked codes created using the Non-stocked Codes program can be converted into stocked codes if the New stock code in non-stocked table setup option is enabled (Setup Options > Preferences > Distribution > Inventory).

A purchase order is the document used to define the details of a product or service provided by a seller to a buyer. It becomes a temporary legal contract to buy products or services once the seller accepts it.
Once the need for goods or services is identified and the pre-purchase activities (e.g. requisitioning, supplier sourcing and price negotiation) are complete, a purchase order for the goods is placed with the relevant supplier.

Sales orders are used to record the sale or transfer of goods and services to both internal and external customers.
It forms a temporary legal contract between your company and the customer, as well a providing an audit trail of goods sold or transferred.

These are text instructions entered at the time of capturing orders to indicate how the order needs to be sent to the customer. They can be printed on invoices and delivery notes.
Instructions can be configured as Coded or Free form at the Shipping via usage setup option (Setup Options > Preferences > Distribution > Sales Orders).
If set to Free form then you enter these instructions manually when capturing orders.
If you have entered text at the setup option (Setup Options > Preferences > Distribution > Sales Orders) then that text is displayed by default at the Ship via field.
If you have configured free form shipping instructions against a customer, then these are used.
If set to Coded then you associate your shipping messages with a shipping code (configured using the Shipping Instructions program). At the time of entering shipping instructions for an order, you only need to enter the code linked to the shipping instruction to retrieve the associated text into the order automatically.
If you have configured coded shipping instructions against a customer, then these are used.

A stock code is a number that uniquely identifies an inventory item that is bought or manufactured and which is typically stored in one or more warehouses.
All activity relating to the forecasting, purchasing, manufacturing, stocking and selling of a stocked item is tracked by means of the stock code.
A stock code can be linked to one or more lot numbers if the item is defined as lot traceable. If there is a warranty, the stock code can be defined as serialized and linked to one or more serial numbers.
If the Bill of Materials module is installed, stocked items may be linked in a parent/component relationship for use in Work In Progress and Sales Orders (Kit sales).
You can use the stock code as a selection criterion when generating reports.
You maintain stock codes using the Stock Code Maintenance program.

Suppliers provide a mechanism for you to raise purchase orders within SYSPRO.
The static information configured against a supplier is used to determine applicable tax, discounts, etc., when processing purchasing transactions.
The documents received from a supplier (e.g. invoices, credit notes, debit notes, etc.,) are stored against the supplier and enable you to keep track of the company's liabilities.
You can use the supplier as a selection criterion when generating reports.
You maintain suppliers using the Suppliers program

Within SYSPRO, a warehouse represents an actual warehouse containing your inventory items (i.e. a physical warehouse) or a grouping of your inventory according to specific characteristics of the item (i.e. a logical warehouse).
For example:
You may want to split your inventory raw materials and finished goods into different logical warehouses even though they are located in the same physical warehouse.
You maintain warehouses using the Warehouse Maintenance program.

You can restrict operator access to programs by assigning them to groups and applying access control against the group (configured using the Operator Groups program).

The following configuration options in SYSPRO may affect processing within this program or feature, including whether certain fields and options are accessible.

The Setup Options program lets you configure how SYSPRO behaves across all modules. These settings can affect processing within this program.

Setup Options > Tax > Company Tax Options
- EC VAT system required

Setup Options > History > Distribution > Purchase Orders
- Receipts by supplier/stock code

This field is only displayed if you select the Customer Purchase Order option from the Sequence menu.

You can only access this field if you select the Purchase Orders by Supplier option from the Sequence menu.

This is only displayed if the purchase order requisition was raised from the Asset Capex Items program for a capex requisition line.

You cannot change completed lines, regardless of your selection at the Allow maintenance of completed orders setup option. However, you can cancel the line.

The system automatically cancels an order if no detail lines were added to the order and the Retain order when created without lines setup option is disabled.

An order in a status of 4 - Printing is complete is set to a status of 1 - Order entered and ready for printing when you select the Complete Purchase Order option, if the Allow maintenance of completed orders setup option is enabled.

Supplier calendars are not retained.
Because some transporters (e.g. ships) do not stop over weekends, non-working days are not taken into account for items that are purchased. The only time non-working days are taken into account is after receipt (at which point the company calendar can be applied to the dock to stock).

Comments are displayed and printed if the line to which the comment is attached is printed (or displayed) or any subsequent qualifying order line preceding the comment line is printed (or displayed).
For example:
If you have 6 order lines, where the 6th line is a comment attached to order line 3, then the comment is printed if you print line 3, or 4, or 5.
This is because the comment is effectively linked to all lines between the line to which it is attached and the comment line itself.
In this example, the comment is not printed if you print only lines 1 or 2.

Once you capture a purchase order, it is assigned status code to indicate its progress within the system.
The status code determines which functions can be performed at that point, particularly during maintenance and printing.
Once an order has passed through a given phase (e.g. after it has been printed) the status of the order changes to the next highest status, until it reaches a status 9 - Order complete and receipted into stock.
If the Print detail freight line preference is enabled in the Purchase Order Format or Purchase Order Format for SRS program and the order contains only freight lines, then the order is set to a status of complete once it is printed.
The following are the possible statuses that can be assigned to a purchase order:
Status | Description |
0 - Order in process |
This indicates that the order record is locked. You need to maintain the order to reset the status. |
1 - Order entered and ready for printing |
This indicates that you have maintained an order, but it has not yet been printed (if the Set 'ready to print' after maintenance setup option is enabled). If you maintain an order to cancel it, the order status is set to * - Order cancelled, regardless of your selection at the setup option. |
4 - Printing is complete |
If the Allow maintenance of completed orders setup option is enabled, then orders which are complete and in a status 4 - Printing is complete remain in that status until the number of days to retain completed purchase orders is exceeded. These are then purged when you run the Purge function of the Purchase Order Purge program (without being moved to 9 - Order complete and receipted into stock). The orders remain in a status 4 - Printing is complete because they can be maintained and are therefore regarded as active. |
9 - Order complete and receipted into stock |
The Purchase Order Purge program moves completed orders from 4 - Printing is complete to 9 - Order complete and receipted into stock. The order complete date is set on a purchase order by the Purchase Order Purge program when all purchase order lines have been receipted. |
* - Order cancelled |
This indicates the order has been cancelled. |

- Columns in a list view are sometimes hidden by default. You can reinstate them using the Field Chooser option from the context-sensitive menu (displayed by right-clicking a header column header in the list view). Select and drag the required column to a position in the list view header.
Fields on a pane are sometimes removed by default. You can reinstate them using the Field Selector option from the context-sensitive menu (displayed by right-clicking any field in the pane). Select and drag the required fields onto the pane.
The captions for fields are also sometimes hidden. You can select the Show Captions option from the context-sensitive menu to see a list of them. Click on the relevant caption to reinstate it to the form.
If the Show Captions option is grayed out, it means no captions are hidden for that form.
- Press Ctrl+F1 within a list view or form to view a complete list of functions available.

Field | Description |
Preferences |
This lets you configure options that determine the level of detail displayed within the program. |
Sequence |
Indicate the sequence in which you want to view purchase order number information. You can define a default sequence in the program's Preferences. |
Purchase Orders by Supplier |
This lets you view purchase order information by entering a supplier code. |
By Purchase Order |
This lets you view purchase order information by entering a SYSPRO purchase order number. |
By Customer Purchase Order |
This lets you view purchase order information by entering a customer purchase order number. |
Query |
This lets you display details of the GRNs for this purchase order using the Browse on GRNs program. |
Value |
This lets you value an individual purchase order based on original and outstanding amounts using the PO Value Purchase Orders program. For foreign currency suppliers you can alternate between viewing order values in local or foreign currency. |
Graph |
P/order Commitment Graph |
This lets you graphically represent details of the purchase order commitments for a supplier (or range of suppliers) over a specified period using the Purchase Order Commitment Graph program. |
Purchase order |
Indicate the purchase order number you want to query. Alternatively, select the browse icon to select the purchase order using the PO Browse on Purchase Orders program. |
Play Multimedia |
This lets you view any multimedia objects assigned to the purchase order using the Multimedia program. |
Edit Multimedia |
This lets you maintain multimedia objects for the purchase order using the Multimedia program. |
Notepad |
This lets you add rich format text to the purchase order using the Admin Notepad Editor (Rich Text) program. |
Supplier |
Enter a supplier for whom you want to view purchase orders. This field is only available if you define the Sequence as By Purchase Order. |
Customer p/o |
Enter the customer purchase order number you want to view in the query. Information for the SYSPRO purchase order linked to the customer purchase order then is displayed. This field is only available if you define the Sequence as By Customer Purchase Order. |

Field | Description |
Purchase Order Selection |
Indicate the default sequence in which to display purchase order information, based on their order status. |
Detail Lines Selection |
Indicate the purchase order line types to display in the Detail Lines list view of the query. |
General |
Indicate the default sequence in which you want to query purchase order information. This preference is only applied after you exit and reload the Purchase Order Query program. |
Save Preferences |
This saves preferences against your operator code and uses them for future runs of the program until next you change them. |
Close |
Save the preferences for the current run of the program only. |

This displays information which applies to the entire purchase order.
Field | Description |
Order Information |
Order status |
This indicates the status code of the purchase order. |
Purchase order |
This indicates the purchase order number. |
Exchange rate fixed flag |
This indicates whether the exchange rate was fixed at the time the purchase order was entered. |
Currency |
This indicates the currency defined against the purchase order. |
Exchange rate for conversion |
This indicates the exchange rate currently held in the TblCurrency table. |
Po exchange rate |
This indicates original exchange rate that was used when the purchase order was raised and is displayed for information purposes only. This is retained against the purchase order header even when the exchange rate for the order is not fixed (i.e. it does not change when the exchange rate is changed against the TblCurrency table after the purchase order has been raised). This is useful when exchange rates are volatile, as it allows you to monitor the difference in the value of the purchase order when there are delays and exchange rate fluctuations. |
Blanket P/o contract |
This indicates if one of the purchase order lines was added to a blanket purchase order using the Build Purchase Orders program. It enables you to view the contract detail lines using the PO Browse on Contract Details program. |
Purchase order type |
This indicates if the purchase order is for a local or foreign supplier. |
Tax status |
This indicates the tax status of the purchase order. ![]() The purchase order is defined as taxable. ![]() Tax is not applicable for this order. ![]() The purchase order is taxable, however the tax code for each stock line may have been overridden during order entry. |
Customer |
If applicable, this indicates the customer code for whom the purchase order was raised. |
Customer purchase order |
If applicable, this indicates the customer's purchase order number to be used for cross-referencing purposes. |
Payment terms |
This indicates the payment terms for the purchase order. |
A/P invoice terms |
This indicates the supplier's invoice terms. |
Shipping Instructions |
This indicates how the order needs to be sent to the customer. |
Buyer |
This indicates the buyer responsible for purchasing the goods on the purchase order. |
Document format |
This indicates the document format used to print the purchase order document. |
Date order entered |
This indicates the date on which the purchase order was raised. |
Date order due |
This indicates the purchase order due date. |
Completed date |
This indicates the date on which the Purchase Order Purge program was run. The order completed date is set by the Purchase Order Purge program when all purchase order lines for a purchase order have been receipted. |
Memo code |
This indicates the single character memo code assigned to the order, which can be printed on the purchase order and used for selection purposes within the Purchase Orders by Order Number report. |
Order discount |
This indicates if a discount was applied to the purchase order as a whole. |
Warehouse |
This indicates the warehouse assigned to the purchase order header. |
Include in MRP |
This indicates whether the order is included in the Material Requirements Planning calculation. |
Delivery address |
This indicates the delivery address to which the goods on the purchase order must be delivered. |
Intrastat details |
Nationality |
This indicates the nationality code for the country in which the account, supplier, or customer is located. This field is mandatory when the EC VAT system required setup option is enabled. |
Delivery terms |
This indicates the three-character alphanumeric Incoterms code, denoting the terms of delivery. This code is also used when processing a purchase order for a supplier in an EC Member State and ultimately for use on the Supplementary Declaration. |
Shipping location |
This indicates the shipping location associated with the Delivery terms. |

This pane displays details of the supplier for whom the purchase order was created.
You can only edit information defined against the supplier using the Suppliers program.

This pane displays details of any custom form data assigned to the purchase order.

Field | Description |
Next line number |
This indicates the next line number that will be used if the purchase order is maintained and a line is added. |
Date last printed |
This indicates the date on which the purchase order was last printed. |
Number of times printed |
This indicates the number of times that the purchase order has been printed, excluding the number of times the order was reprinted. |
Completed date |
This indicates the date on which the Purchase Order Purge program was run. The order completed date is set by the Purchase Order Purge program when all purchase order lines for a purchase order have been receipted. |
Nationality |
This indicates the supplier's nationality code if the EC VAT system required setup option is enabled. |
Requisition user |
If the purchase order was created from a requisition, then this indicates the requisition user who created the purchase order from the requisition. |
EDI purchase order | This indicates if the record is for an EDI purchase order. |

This pane displays the order values for a local currency purchase order.
This information can also be displayed using the PO Value Purchase Orders and Browse on GRNs programs.
Field | Description |
Outstanding values |
These fields display the current outstanding values for the purchase order. The values change for each receipt processed against the order. |
Outstanding GRN value |
This indicates the current value not yet matched against this GRN. This is calculated as Original GRN value less Matched GRN value. Select the hyperlink to open the Browse on GRNs program and view GRNs. |
Original values |
These fields display the original values for the purchase order. These values are amended when you maintain the purchase order and change the order quantity, or add or cancel order lines. |

This pane displays the order values for a foreign currency purchase order.
Field | Description |
Outstanding values |
These fields display the current outstanding values for the purchase order. The values change for each receipt processed against the order. |
Original values |
These fields display the original values for the purchase order. These values are amended when you maintain the purchase order and change the order quantity, or add or cancel order lines. |

This list view contains a summary of each line contained within the purchase order.
You can only view purchase order detail lines for warehouses which your operator code has access to.

The information displayed in this pane relates to the currently highlighted line in the Detail Lines list view and includes the following:
Field | Description |
P/O line information |
Stock code |
This indicates the stock item assigned to the purchase order line. Select the code's hyperlink to view more information about the stock item. |
Description |
This indicates the description defined against the stock code in the Stock Code Maintenance program. |
Long description |
This indicates the long description defined against the stock code in the Stock Code Maintenance program, and can be used verify that you have entered the correct stock code. |
Approved manufacturers |
This lets you view details of approved manufacturers' part numbers linked to SYSPRO stock codes using the Browse on Approved Manufacturer Parts program. |
This lets you display details of the outstanding GRN's for the purchase order using the Browse on GRNs program. |
History |
This lets you view any receipt history for the highlighted order line using the PO Browse on Order Lines History program. This hyperlink is only available if the Receipts by supplier/stock code setup option is enabled. |
Inspection |
This lets you view inspection transactions processed for stock items that require inspection using the Inventory Goods in Inspection Query program. |
Selection key |
This indicates the alternate stock code that was entered on the order line to obtain the SYSPRO stock code. This is only displayed for stocked order lines. |
Selection method |
This indicates the type of alternate stock code used on the order line:
This is only displayed for stocked order lines. |
Local values |
Local price |
This displays the local price directly from the purchase order line. It does not consider an LCT exchange rate to do this calculation. |
Local value |
This indicates the total line value taken, from the PO Value Purchase Orders program, which calculates the local values by converting the foreign values. It does not consider the LCT exchange rate to do this calculation. Therefore, it ignores any changes made to the exchange rate using the Establish rate option in LCT. |
Local o/s value |
This indicates the outstanding line value, taken from the PO Value Purchase Orders program, which calculates the local values by converting the foreign values. It does not consider the LCT exchange rate to do this calculation. Therefore, it ignores any changes made to the exchange rate using the Establish rate option in LCT. |
LCT details |
This information is only displayed if the purchase order line is associated with an LCT shipment |
Vessel |
This indicates the vessel code on which the shipment is being transported. |
Vessel name |
This indicates the vessel name on which the shipment is being transported. |
Departure date |
This indicates the vessel's departure date. |
This indicates the vessel's estimated date of arrival. |
Route |
This indicates the route for the shipment. |
Route description |
This indicates the description for the route. |
Shipment |
This indicates the reference allocated to the shipment related to the purchase order line. |
Requisition details |
This information is only displayed if the purchase order line was created from a requisition. |
Requisition |
This displays the requisition number from which the purchase order was created, if applicable. |
Requisition line |
This indicates the requisition line number within the requisition. |
Requisition user |
This indicates the code of the requisition user who originated the requisition. |
RFQ reference |
If applicable, this indicates the reference number entered when the request for quote was raised using the Request for Quote System. |
RFQ user |
This indicates the code of the user who raised the request for quote on the purchase requisition. |
Sales order details |
This information is only displayed if the purchase order line was created from a sales order. |
Sales order | This indicates the sales order for which the purchase order line was added. |
Sales order line | This indicates the line number of the sales order which was used to create the purchase order line. |
Asset capex details |
This information is only displayed if the purchase order line was raised from the Asset Capex Items program for a capex requisition line. |
Asset capex |
Indicates the capex item to which the capex requisition line is linked. |
Asset capex line |
Indicates the capex requisition line number for which the purchase order was raised. |
Intrastat options |
For Intrastat triangulation transactions, the agent, customer and supplier countries must be EU nations and the nationalities must exist in the AdmNationalities table (Nationality Maintenance). The country of origin doesn't have to be an EU nation. |
Intrastat exempt |
Select this to indicate that the order line is exempt from Intrastat triangulation. |
Triangulation role |
Indicate your Intrastat triangulation role for this transaction: ![]() Select this to record Intrastat triangulation information without playing an actual role in the transaction. ![]() Select this if you are an agent for this purchase order line (i.e. you don't dispatch or receive the goods). You must specify the dispatch and destination states when selecting this option. ![]() Select this if you are the customer of this purchase order line. You must specify the destination state when selecting this option. |
Dispatch state |
This lets you specify the state from which the Intrastat triangulation goods are dispatched using the Nationalities program. The dispatch state must be a member of the European Community (EC). |
Destination state |
This lets you specify the state to which Intrastat triangulation goods are sent using the Nationalities program. The destination state must be a member of the European Community (EC). |
Country of origin |
This lets you specify the country where the goods originated using the Nationalities program. The country of origin is required for all Intrastat triangulation transactions. |

This pane displays details of any custom form data assigned to the currently highlighted purchase order line.
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