Traceability Query

You use this program to view details of lots and associated transactions including inspection and sales order details. The transactions displayed may have occurred during the inspection process, or during the life of the lot number itself.

A typical use of this program would be to verify lot details. This could be driven internally from your sales or manufacturing departments, or externally in response to an enquiry from a customer or governing authority.

This program can be run at any time.

There are no dependencies between this program and any other program.

If you are new to this query, then the following information will help you achieve the best results:

  • The information shown is always up to date (i.e. the query will reflect the latest information for lots that have been captured or maintained).
  • If you know the lot number, then you can enter it directly and press the Tab or Enter key to view the information.

    If you do not know the lot number, then you can use the browse function to locate the number.

  • You can personalize this query in a number of ways. These include:

    • configuring property sheets (e.g. the section headed Lot Transaction Details). This includes being able to sequence items by dragging them up or down, to show important items first
    • configuring the list views (e.g. Lot Numbers, Lot Transactions, WIP Inspection Transactions). This includes being able to sequence columns by dragging them left or right, sorting columns and changing column widths
    • configuring the layout of the panes on the screen, including hiding or displaying panes
    • configuring the layout of the toolbars

Menu and Toolbar

Field Description
Lot number Indicate the lot number lot number to query.
Notepad Use the Admin Notepad Editor (Rich Text) program to view or maintain free format comments for the lot.
Stock code This displays the stock code for the Lot number.

Lot Numbers

This pane displays all the bin and warehouse combinations for the lot and stock code you are querying, together with quantity and date information.

These additional dates can be captured and viewed against specific lots, allowing you to manage the shelf life and expiration dates of products:

  • Use by date
  • Sell by date
  • Internal expiry date
  • Manufacturing date
  • Dispatch date
  • Best before date

Lot Transactions

This pane displays details relating to specific transactions processed against the entered lot/stock code combination.

Column Description

Indicates the reference from which the lot transaction was created, together with a prefix of PO, RMA, Job or Dis, to denote the source as being a purchase order, return merchandise advise, job, or sales order respectively.

The Job, Purchase order and Dispatch note columns can be added to the list view and used to call the relevant query programs via the smart links.

Lot Transaction Details

The details displayed in this pane relate to the currently highlighted line in the Lot Transactionslist view.

Column Description
Created from job Indicates the job number from which the lot transaction was created.
Created from purchase order Indicates the purchase order number from which the lot transaction was created.
Created from purchase order line Indicates the purchase order line number (within the purchase order number) from which the lot transaction was created.

Inspection Details

This list view displays details relating to inspection records processed against the entered lot/stock code combination.

Lot Inspection Transactions

The details displayed in this pane relate to the currently highlighted line in the Inspection Detailslist view.

Outstanding Sales Orders

This list view displays details of outstanding sales orders associated with the lot transaction.

WIP Inspection

This list view displays Work in Progress inspection details for the selected lots.

Details are only displayed if you have not enabled the setup option: Capture lots at end of WIP inspection (Work in Progress Setup). When this option is enabled, no lot information is available against inspection references because the lot information will only be captured once inspection is complete and the items are accepted into stock.

WIP Inspection Transactions

This displays inspection transaction details for the highlighted line in the WIP Inspection list view.

Additional Lot Names

This list view displays the additional lot names, if these are defined.

Custom Form

This pane displays any custom form data defined against the lot (see Custom Forms Entry). Use Add Fields to this Form to load the Custom Form Data Entry program to enter custom form data against the lot.

Archive Files

This displays details of lot files that were archived.

Field Description
Search up Use this to establish what was used to manufacture the lot from the raw material.
Search down Use this to establish where the lot number was used.
Archive text Use the Admin Notepad Editor (Monospaced Text) program to view and maintain free format text for the selected archived lot.
Archive number Indicates the archive file number in which the lot number was archived.
Archive date Indicates the date when the lot number was archived.
Records Indicates the number of records in the archive file.

Search Up

The identity of the lot is determined from details relating to its supply.

You use the Criteria option on the Search Up pane to enter the criteria you require.

The program processes the Inspection table followed by the Lot Master table, searching for any lots or lot transactions matching the entered combinations.

Once a match is found, the program displays information relating to the lot, such as the stock code and version and release level. The search then continues automatically, displaying any matching lots, until either the end is reached on the lot master table, or you interrupt the search.

Search Down

The identity of the lot is determined from details relating to its use.

You use the Criteria option on the Search Down pane to enter the criteria you require.

The program processes the Lot master table, searching for any lots or lot transactions matching the entered combinations.

Once a match is found, the program displays information relating to the lot, such as the stock code and version and release level. The search then continues automatically, displaying any matching lots, until either the end is reached on the lot master table, or you interrupt the search.


You use this option to indicate specific properties associated with the lot to query.

Criteria can be defined by selecting the Criteria option on the Search Up or Search Down panes.

You typically use this option if you do not know the specific lot number, or you want to refine your search.

Field Description
OK Select this to accept your entries and to return to the search pane.
Clear All Select this to clear all the fields of any previously entered criteria.
Autoload Values These options enable you to indicate how you want to save the selections made in this pane.

You can choose to set all selections as they were when you last ran the program (i.e. Load Previous Form Values) or save your selections in the pane as your default preferences for all companies, or for the current company only (i.e. Save Form Values as Default or Save Form Values for this Company).

If you have saved form values for the company or as the default, then you can remove these settings and restore them to the form's default preference selections.

Serial number entry required Select this to locate a lot based solely on the entry of a serial number.

If you select this option and enter a specific serial number, then this alone is the selection criterion used and you cannot access any of the other selection fields.

You typically use this function to search for a serialized lot traceable item when you know the serial number.

Serial Indicate the specific serial number for which to locate a lot.
Search up criteria  
Supplier Indicate the specific supplier for which to locate a lot.
Purchase order Indicate the specific purchase order for which to locate a lot.
Job Indicate the specific job for which to locate a lot.
Stock code Indicate the specific stock code for which to locate a lot.
Delivery note Indicate the specific delivery note number for which to locate a lot.
Certificate Indicate the specific certificate number for which to locate a lot.
Concession Indicate the specific concession number for which to locate a lot.
Search down criteria  
Customer Indicate the specific customer for whom to locate a lot.
Invoice Indicate the specific customer invoice for which to locate a lot.
Sales order Indicate the specific sales order for which to locate a lot.
Job Indicate the specific job for which to locate a lot.
Stock code Indicate the specific stock code for which to locate a lot.
Certificate Indicate the specific certificate number for which to locate a lot.