Available Hotfix Query
This program lets you view when one or more hotfixes are available for your customer code and deployment group.

A hotfix is the minimum software required to provide a solution for a specific problem experienced by one or more customers. These can also include any relevant dependencies.
SYSPRO provides hotfixes as a way of deploying software updates during the release of SYSPRO 8.
Types of hotfixes available include:
Mandatory Hotfix
Optional/Customer-specific Hotfix
Consolidated Hotfix
Diagnostic Hotfix
Restricted Hotfix
Withdrawn Hotfix

This program is accessed from the Ribbon bar:
- SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Home > Hotfixes

You can restrict operator access to programs by assigning them to groups and applying access control against the group (configured using the Operator Groups program).

A maximum of 127 hotfixes can be installed per release (Microsoft limitation). Therefore, ensure that you only install hotfixes that you require. Alternatively, install a consolidated hotfix.

The SYSPRO Installer Application lets you install SYSPRO 8 and its required software components. The application establishes what software is already installed and prompts you to install any missing components. InfoZone credentials are used to help manage the software availability and licenses, and download the installation components on-demand.
The SYSPRO Installer Application is also used to deploy hotfixes (i.e. the minimum software required to provide a solution for a specific problem experienced by one or more customers).

Within the Hotfix Selection screen of the SYSPRO Installer, you can search for a specific hotfix by any of the following:
- Enter the full KB number (e.g. KB8000006)
- Enter the last digits (e.g. 06) into the search box
- Enter any full text related to the hotfix (e.g. Ledger Query)
This displays the Mandatory Hotfixes and Optional/Customer-specific Hotfixes.
There could be a large number of hotfixes available - many of which are not relevant to your site or how you use the software. Therefore, only use this function if you have received an Optional/Customer-specific Hotfix to install, or if you suspect a problem with your current SYSPRO software and want to establish whether an applicable hotfix is available.

A hotfix KB article contains information about the software included in the hotfix, as well as a summary of the problems addressed.
You can access these by selecting the More button against the hotfix on the Hotfix selection screen of the SYSPRO Installer application.

Although the hotfix notification button is visible to all users, it is only enabled for operators belonging to a group with system administrator privileges.

This button shows the Mandatory Hotfixes or Optional/Customer-specific Hotfixes recorded against your customer code, which have not yet been installed.
This button only provides visibility. You cannot install a hotfix from inside SYSPRO.
To install hotfixes, you must run the SYSPRO Installer application.

If you need to update software or deploy hotfixes, but have multiple application servers for the same site, you have to run the SYSPRO Installer on each machine that has the Application Server installed. This is because hotfixes must be applied directly to the Application Server.

A maximum of 127 hotfixes can be installed per release (Microsoft limitation). Therefore, ensure that you only install hotfixes that you require. Alternatively, install a consolidated hotfix.

When using the SYSPRO Installer application, a Consolidated Hotfix is clearly indicated with the following phrase appended to its name: ** Consolidated **.
The synopsis will explain the hotfixes that have been included and summarizes how this roll-up and install works.

Yes, in the unlikely event that a deployed hotfix contains a flaw that may result in more damage than it was trying to repair, you can uninstall the hotfix.
The system is able to revert affected programs to a state prior to the deployment of the faulty hotfix.

One of the best things about the hotfix technology in SYSPRO 8 is that if, for any reason, you wish to uninstall a hotfix, the software is restored back to what it was prior to the hotfix being installed.
The same happens if you were to uninstall a Consolidated Hotfix. The software will revert to just the previously installed hotfixes.

Ensure to run the SYSPRO Installer Application on the SYSPRO application server before attempting to install hotfixes.
When installing hotfixes, the app will stop the following SYSPRO Services in order to prevent any possible problems arising:
SYSPRO 8 e.net Communications Load Balancer
This includes any additional SYSPRO 8 e.net Communications Load Balancer services installed.
- SYSPRO 8 Communications Service
- SYSPRO 8 Avanti Initialization Service
Once the hotfixes are installed, the app will try to start the services again.

Once a connection is made to the SYSPRO Deployment Service, you need to login using your InfoZone credentials.
A valid InfoZone account is required to continue.
Enable the Save Customer Details checkbox option if you want the app to save your Customer Code and Customer PIN when logging in.
If you are not listed as a customer on the InfoZone (i.e. you are a Partner or Super-user) an additional screen is displayed for you to enter the relevant customer code for the customer you want to install.
Partners and Super-users
Ensure that you enter the Customer ID for the customer being installed.
The Customer ID defaults to the customer code defined within your InfoZone profile, therefore you must ensure that it matches the SYSPRO account that you are installing.
The Customer PIN is the 6-digit code included in the email you received that contained your SYSPRO 8 license.
You can verify your customer ID and PIN against the CustomerId and CustomerPin elements of the license XML file.

From the Hotfix Selection screen you can select the hotfixes that you want to deploy.
Use the More button to view additional information on each hotfix before selecting it for installation.
Additional options available:
Use the Show Consolidated Hotfixes button to filter the list to only display consolidated hotfixes.
If there are no consolidated hotfixes available, then this button is not available.
When selecting to filter on consolidated hotfixes, the Search box is disabled. If you wish to return to the complete hotfix list, simply select the Show All Hotfixes button.
Use the Show Installed Hotfixes button to view all hotfixes installed for the deployment group.
Once you have indicated the hotfixes that you require deployed, select the Continue button.

When uninstalling hotfixes, you can either do this through the SYSPRO Installer Application, or Windows.
If you uninstall a Consolidated Hotfix, ensure that you immediately install any outstanding Mandatory Hotfixes to avoid possible problems in SYSPRO.

Ensure to run the SYSPRO Installer Application on the SYSPRO application server before attempting to uninstall a hotfix.

Once a connection is made to the SYSPRO Deployment Service, you need to login using your InfoZone credentials.
A valid InfoZone account is required to continue.
Enable the Save Customer Details checkbox option if you want the app to save your Customer Code and Customer PIN when logging in.
If you are not listed as a customer on the InfoZone (i.e. you are a Partner or Super-user) an additional screen is displayed for you to enter the relevant customer code for the customer you want to install.
Partners and Super-users
Ensure that you enter the Customer ID for the customer being installed.
The Customer ID defaults to the customer code defined within your InfoZone profile, therefore you must ensure that it matches the SYSPRO account that you are installing.
The Customer PIN is the 6-digit code included in the email you received that contained your SYSPRO 8 license.
You can verify your customer ID and PIN against the CustomerId and CustomerPin elements of the license XML file.

The Installed Hotfixes screen displays a list of all hotfixes installed for the deployment group. Alternatively use the Search box to search for a specific hotfix.
To find out more information about each hotfix that is installed, read the synopsis or select the More button to view additional information.
Identify which hotfix you want to uninstall and select the checkbox next to that hotfix.
Once you have indicated the hotfixes that you want to uninstall, select the Continue button.
You cannot uninstall a Mandatory Hotfix.

Field | Description |
Hotfix |
This indicates the KB number of the hotfix and the release to which the hotfix applies. |
Hotfix type |
This indicates the hotfix type:
Customer |
For Optional/Customer-specific Hotfix types, this indicates the customer code for whom the hotfix was released. |
Description |
This synopsis describes the problem addressed by the hotfix. If the description is truncated (there is a 100 character limit) use the More link to view full details of the hotfix. |
Deployment group |
This indicates the deployment group to which the hotfix is targeted. |
Group description |
This indicates the full description of the deployment group. |
Product name |
This indicates the product affected by the hotfix. |
Product description |
This indicates the full description of the product affected by the hotfix. |