Work in Progress > Job Postings > Labor Posting > WIP Co-products Scrap Maintenance for Job

WIP Co-products Scrap Maintenance for Job

You use this program to allocate the progressive scrap details for each co-product being manufactured against a specific notional part.

You access this program by selecting the Scrap Co-products function from the Labor Posting program.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Change Select this to define the progressive scrap details against the co-product currently highlighted in the listview.

Listview columns

This displays details of the co-product attached to the notional part.

Column Description
Quantity to scrap

This indicates the default quantity to scrap for each co-product.

This is calculated as the quantity to scrap from the labor posting (Labor Posting) multiplied by the co-product's quantity per.

Quantity to make

This indicates the quantity of the co-product being made for the job.

This is calculated as the co-product quantity to make multiplied by the notional part quantity being made for the job.

Co-products Scrap Maintenance

This screen is displayed when you select the Change option from the Edit menu.

Field Description
Co-product line This indicates the co-product line you are currently maintaining.
Scrap Entry  
Co-product line This indicates the co-product line you are currently maintaining.
Stock code This indicates the co-product stock code you are currently maintaining.
Stock code description This indicates the description of the co-product stock code.
Quantity This indicates the default quantity of the co-product to scrap, but can be changed.

This is calculated as:

The quantity to scrap from the labor posting multiplied by the co-product's quantity per.

If the co-product line is complete, or the quantity to manufacture is less than the quantity manufactured, then the default scrap quantity is zero.

Scrap entry These options enable you to define the scrap details for the co-product.
Reason You use this a field to enter the reason code for the scrapped quantity.

You can enter multiple reason code/quantity to scrap pairs against a single co-product line.

Scrap reason codes are maintained using the WIP Browse on Scrap Reasons program.
Reason description This indicates the description for the reason code entered in the previous field.
Quantity to scrap You use this field to enter the quantity of the co-product that must be scrapped.
Undistributed amount This indicates the difference between the default quantity to scrap and the value entered in the Quantity to scrap field.
Add Select this to add the quantity to scrap together with the reason code to the list of scrap entries for the job.
Remove Select this to remove the currently highlighted quantity and scrap reason from the Scrap Entries list.
Scrap Entries  
Reason This indicates the reason code for the scrap quantity.
Quantity This indicates the scrap quantity against the reason code.