SYSPRO Reporting Services > SRS Report Archiving

SRS Report Archiving

Archiving reports enables you to retain electronic copies of standard and user-defined reports in Crystal Report format (*.rpt) Portable Document Format (*.pdf) or both.

It facilitates the notion of a paperless environment, saves storage space and provides easy availability to printing, reprinting or emailing reports.

Reports are archived to the SYSPRO application server. Archived items are always visible to the operators who generated them. If you have generated archived reports, then a folder with your operator code and name is displayed in the tree view. If you have not yet generated an archived report, but are allowed to view your group's archived reports, then a folder with company and date details is displayed in the tree view.


Folder Description

This contains the details of all the archived reports, but not the reports themselves.

The folder tree \CompanyID\Year\MonthNumber is created within this folder and an operator_code.xml manifest file is created within the MonthNumber folder the first time an operator generates any archived report during that month.

Each element within this .xml file represents an archived report and contains the following attributes: ID, Name, DateRun, Operator and Type. All further archived reports generated during that month are appended to this file as new elements.

If you selected to archive to both .rpt and .pdf formats, then one element is created for each type. The Year and MonthNumber folders are only created when archived reports are generated for a new year and month.


This contains the actual archived reports.

The folder tree \CompanyID\Year\MonthNumber\Type is created within this folder and the .rpt and/or the .pdf files are stored in the relevant subfolder on the application server. The report's GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) is used as the report name.

If you selected to archive to both .rpt and .pdf formats, then one element is created for each type. The Year and MonthNumber folders are only created when archived reports are generated for a new year and month.

Notes and warnings

Activity considerations

Operator access to the following activities within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Operators program.

Activity Description
SRS Allow purging of SRS archived items Controls whether an operator can purge archived SRS reports.

Deletion considerations

  • Purging archived reports permanently deletes the following:

    • Report files (*.rpt and *.pdf) are deleted from the relevant company folder within the \Data\ReportArchive\ folder on the SYSPRO application server.

    • The operator manifest files (*.xml) are deleted from the relevant company folder from within the \Base\ReportArchive\ folder on the SYSPRO application server

    • Month and year folders are deleted according to your selections when running the Purge archive function.

      The month and year is based on the operating system date on which the archived report was generated (i.e. not the SYSPRO company date).

      The selected month indicates the oldest archived reports to be kept (e.g. if you select 2013 and 02 - February, all archived reports generated up to the end of January 2013 are deleted).


    All the archived reports that exist on the SYSPRO application server are deleted and not only the archived reports that are displayed in the operator's Report Archive list view.

  • The drop-down list next to the Purge all archived documents run before option only displays the years that exist in the \Base\ReportArchive\ folder tree. The drop-down list below the year selection always displays the twelve months of the year.

    If you want to purge all archived documents (including the current month) then you need to select the next month at the Month option. For example, if you are currently in November 2013, and you want to delete all the archived documents for the current company, then you have to select the month as 12 - December.

Hints and tips

  • You can configure a number of default archiving options using the SRS Options function selected from the Setup menu.