Sales Orders > Blanket SO & Releases > Deliveries History Report

Deliveries History Report

You use this program to generate an audit trail of all invoices, indicating whether they have been received.

The entries in the deliveries history file are generated when an invoice is raised against a blanket sales order.

Although the normal Sales Orders system is used to raise invoices, a number of additional actions are carried out in the case of a blanket sales orders, including updating the deliveries history.

Report Options

Field Description
Report sequence

Indicate the sequence in which you want to generate the report.


Depending on the report sequence you select, the various additional selections are either enabled or disabled.

For example, if you select the report sequence as Sales order, then only the Sales order selection is enabled.

Customer Select this to generate the report in customer code sequence.
Purchase order Select this to generate the report in purchase order sequence.
Customer stock code Select this to generate the report in customer stock code sequence.
Sales order Select this to generate the report in sales order number sequence.
SYSPRO stock code Select this to generate the report in SYSPRO stock code sequence.
New page per

The description for this field changes according to the Report sequence you selected.

Select this to print the invoices for each customer, stock code, purchase order or sales order (depending on the report sequence you selected), on a separate page.

Selection criteria

Field Description
Customer selection Indicate the customer(s) for whom to generate the report.
Stock code selection Indicate the SYSPRO stock code(s) for which to generate the report.
Sales order selection Indicate the sales order(s) for which to generate the report.
Customer purchase order selection Indicate the customer purchase order(s) for which to generate the report.
Customer stock code selection Indicate the customer stock code(s) for which to generate the report.

Output Options

These options enable you to apply a theme to the report and to define multiple output destinations for the report once it has been compiled (SRS Output Options).