Sales Analysis > Reports > Sales by Customer

Sales by Customer

You use this program to print a report reflecting the month-to-date and year-to-date sales by customer, including gross profit figures.

You can also generate a report reflecting the sales made to each customer for the current and previous two months.

Report Options

Field Description
Sales by  
Customer Select this to print a report by customer listing the month-to-date and year-to-date sales.
Customer by month Select this to print a report by customer listing the sales made for the current and previous two months.
Sequence This applies if you selected to print sales by Customer by month.
Branch Select this to print the report in customer branch sequence.
Salesperson Select this to print the report in salesperson sequence.
Geographic area Select this to print the report in geographic area sequence.
Customer Select this to print the report in customer sequence.
Customer class Select this to print the report in customer class sequence.
Sales as of  
Current month Select this to print the report as of the current month.
Previous month 1 Select this to print the report as of the previous month.
Previous month 2 Select this to print the report as of the month before last.

Selection criteria

Field Description
Customer selection

Indicate the range of customers to include for selection.

Customers are selected for printing if they fall within the range indicated and match the other selection criteria specified.

Branch selection This enables you to select customers for printing based on the branch to which they have been assigned. A selection of Single indicates that you want to select only those customers who are associated with a specific branch.
Salesperson selection

Indicate customers for printing based on the default salesperson to which they have been assigned (i.e. The salesperson assigned to the customer within the Customers program). Customers are selected for printing if their default salesperson falls within the range of salespersons specified.

Your entry at this field is used only as a criterion for selecting the customer. Once the customer is selected, all sales for that customer are reflected on the report, regardless of the salesperson credited with the sale. To view customer sales according to a specific salesperson, run the Sales by Salesperson report.

Geographic area selection Indicate customers for printing based on the geographic area to which they have been assigned. A selection of Single indicates that you want to select only those customers who are associated with a specific geographic area.
Customer class selection Indicate customers for printing based on the customer class to which they have been assigned. A selection of Single indicates that you want to select only those customers who are associated with a specific customer class.

Other Options

This enables you to specify additional criteria according to which you want to generate the report.

Field Description
Sales by customer options This applies if you selected to generate the report by Customer.
Last sale on or before Select this to print sales transactions for the period selected at the Sales as of field, where the customer's last sale date is the same or earlier than the cut-off date specified here.
Show profit percentage Select this to print the report with gross profit figures.
Sales by month options This applies if you selected to generate the report by Customer by month.
Print zero totals Select this to include customers for whom no sales have been made in the last 12 months.
Descending sales value Select this to sequence the report in descending order of sales value, instead of by branch.
Number of customers to print If you are sequencing the report in descending order of sales value, then this option enables you to enter a specific number of (or all) customers to print in descending order of sales value.

This applies if you selected to generate the report by Customer by month.

All Select this to print values for all customers.

Select this to print only a specific number of customers.

You would typically use this to include only the top 10 (or any other number) of customers in the report.

Number of customers Indicate the specific number of customers to print.

Output Options

These options enable you to apply a theme to the report and to define multiple output destinations for the report once it has been compiled (SRS Output Options).

Report Details

The information printed is based on merchandise order lines entered in the Sales Order module and invoices produced using the AR Invoice Posting and AR Post Permanent Entries programs.

The accuracy of figures is not dependent on the successful running of the Sales Analysis Update program, because this report uses the sales values held against the customer file.

Credit and debit notes are accumulated into the month-to-date and year-to-date sales figures.

Sales tax and non-merchandise lines (miscellaneous charge lines) are excluded.

Previous year sales:

The previous year is always calculated relative to the current period's year. Therefore, the previous year's sales are only printed if they fall within the previous year relative to the Current period's year.

For example:

Your current AR period is 02/2017. Therefore, the current year is 2017 and the previous year is 2016. Previous year's sales are printed when you generate the report for the Current month.

Previous period 1 is 01/2017. This falls into the current year 2017, so previous year's sales for 2016 are printed when you generate the report for the Previous month 1.

Previous period 2 is 12/2016. This does not fall into the current year, but into the previous year. The values for the year before last are irrelevant for this report, so the previous year's sales are not printed when you generate the report for Previous month 2.

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • You can only access this program if the Sales Analysis module is installed.