Sales Analysis > Setup > Recreate Sales History

Recreate Sales History

You use this program to partially or completely rebuild the data in your Sales Analysis history files.

You typically use this program if changes made to your business plan required you to alter one or more of your sales history summary keys. Running this program enables you to re-generate your history files to take account of these changed keys.

Alternatively, you would make use of this program if your sales history file became corrupted for some reason and you could not access your data. This program enables you to rebuild your sales history detail and summary files automatically without losing any data captured to date.

Sales History Rebuild

Field Description
Function Each function involves extracting data from a source table/file and outputting it either as is, or in filtered form to the target table/file as follows:
Recreate archive from transactionsA/R Sales Transaction Detail / ARSSTDSales History Source Transactions (Archive) / SALSH1
Recreate history detail from archiveSales History Source Transactions (Archive) / SALSH1Sales History Master / SALSHM
Recreate history summary from archiveSales History Source Transactions (Archive) / SALSH1Target Sales History Summary / SALSHS
Recreate archive from transactions

Select this to rebuild the Archive file from the detail line records held in the A/R Sales Transaction Detail file.

If you select this option, then the Sales History Source Transactions (Archive) table/file is rebuilt from the Accounts Receivable Sales Transaction Detail table/file. Thereafter this table/file is updated whenever the Sales Analysis Update is run.

The Sales History Source Transaction (Archive) table/file must be created before you are able to recreate the history detail and history summary tables/files.

The Archive file contains the source transactions of your sales history. This file is SALSH1 under C-ISAM and SalHistorySource under SQL.

The A/R Sales Transaction Detail file contains your sales transaction data. This file is ARSSTD under C-ISAM and ArTrnDetail under SQL.

Recreate history detail from archive

Select this to rebuild the History Detail file from the Archive file.

If you select this option, then the Sales History Master table/file is created from the Sales History Source Transactions (Archive) table/file.

The History Detail file contains your sales history data. This file is SALSHM under C-ISAM and SalHistoryMaster under SQL

The Archive file contains the source transactions of your sales history. This file is SALSH1 under C-ISAM and SalHistorySource under SQL.

Recreate history summary from archive

Select this to rebuild the History Summary file from the Archive file.

If you select this option, then the Sales History Summary table/file is created from the Sales History Source Transactions (Archive) table/file.

The History Summary file contains your sales history summary data. This file is SALSHS under C-ISAM and SalHistorySummary under SQL.

The Archive file contains the source transactions of your sales history. This file is SALSH1 under C-ISAM and SalHistorySource under SQL.

Update criteria  
Clear files before recreate

Select this if you want to clear the existing file before the archive is recreated.

If you do not select to clear the file, then the program first removes existing records for the periods specified, and then adds to the file any new records encountered for this same period.

Current A/R period This indicates the period in which the Accounts receivable module is currently in.
Start month/year

Indicate the Start month and year from which you want to rebuild the archive.

The default start month and year displayed is determined by the number of years you selected to Retain archived sales history data (Sales Analysis Setup). Additionally, this option may not be available if you selected to retain data indefinitely (i.e. 99 years).

End month/year

Indicate the end month and year up to which you want to rebuild the archive.

This defaults to your current Accounts Receivable period and year. This option may not be available if you selected to retain data indefinitely (i.e. 99 years).

Start Processing Select this to begin the rebuild process as per your selections.

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • Before you can use this program and rebuild your sales history files, you must select the Retain archived sales history data option (Sales Analysis Setup).