SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Administration > Business Insights

Business Insights

Business Insights is the latest technology embedded in SYSPRO that lets you surface strategic enterprise information as events occur within the system - without having to first print reports or execute queries to translate this information into appropriate business actions.

They are essentially SQL scripts that are exposed as Tiles in a SYSPRO Web View. These tiles are context-driven and enable you to act instantly on events, facilitating both informed business decisions and sound business behaviour.

SYSPRO's Business Insights are packaged as a series of key performance indicators and metrics shipped with the product that you can selectively choose to expose within the product. They can be added to the main SYSPRO menu to surface company information (e.g. the total backorders for the company) or they can be added to specific programs and provide the key field as a context (e.g. the total backorders for a customer).

When you click on a Tile, you can drill down to more detailed information displayed in a listview that derives its context from the specific tile measurement parameters.

Getting Started

Deploying a standard tile

  1. Select the Design Web View (or Edit Web View) option from the Customize and control this application icon.

    The Customize and control this application icon () is available on the toolbar of the main SYSPRO window as well as on each toolbar of a SYSPRO program.

  2. From the Visual Designer program, select the Add layout section function.

  3. From the Configure new layout section window, select Tile Section.

  4. Optionally enter a Section title at the Widget title placeholder and assign an icon to the tile if required.

  5. Select the Add section function.

  6. Click in the add tile block (designated by the icon).

    A list of KPI and Metric categories are displayed. The number of available insights are indicated by a number in brackets alongside each tile category.

  7. Drill down into a category and select the tile you want to deploy.

    You can optionally choose the tile width, text and tile background color as well as assign an icon.

  8. Select Add tile to assign the tile to the current layout section.

    Continue adding tiles to the current layout section or to a new layout section.

  9. Select Save and Exit.

    Your tile will be displayed in the Web View, immediately showing the appropriate Insight information.

Coding considerations

  • Standard tiles shipped as part of SYSPRO are stored in the \Base\Samples folder and named UX_Tile_??????_xxxxxx.SQL, where:

    • ?????? is the TileId (which must be unique across all tiles)

    • xxxxxx is a string that briefly describes the tile (e.g. UX_Tile_SOR001_Backorders_For_Company.SQL).

  • Custom tiles can be added to the Custom program folder and will be treated in the same way as standard tiles. These must be named CX_Tile_??????_xxxxxx.SQL, where:

    • ?????? is the TileId (which must be unique across all tiles)

    • xxxxxx is a string that briefly describes the tile.


    Tile definition filenames can only include the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and '_' (underscore) and must end with .SQL

User Interface

Categories and Insights

SYSPRO Business Insights shipped with the product include a number of categories, each comprising a list of specific insights:

  • Financial KPI

  • KPI Financials

  • KPI Marketing and Sales

  • Metric Customer Management

  • KPI Customer Management

  • Metric Marketing and Sales

  • Metric Operations

  • Metric Lot Batch Management

  • KPI Operations

Financial KPI  
Average Days to Pay by Company  
Average Days to Pay by Customer  
Average Value of Invoices by Branch  
Average Value of Invoices by Customer  
Average Value of Invoices by Customer Class  
Average Value of Invoices by Geographic Area  
Average YTD Invoice Value by Company  
Average YTD Value of Invoices By Salesperson  
Customer Days Outstanding by Company  
Customer Days Outstanding by Customer  
Customers on Hold By Branch  
Customers on Hold by Company  
Customers on Hold by Customer Class  
Days Since Last Sale by Company  
GP Margin as % of Sales by Company  
GP Margin as % of Sales by Customer  
Return on Asset by Company  
YTD Sales vs Target for Customers  
KPI Financials  
Average YTD invoice value for branch  
Average age of stock based on FIFO buckets  
Average age of stock based on inventory movements  
Average days to pay for company  
Customer balance as a percentage of total debtors balance  
Days cover for stock code  
Inventory FIFO current month value for stock code  
Inventory FIFO previous month 1 value for stock code  
Inventory FIFO previous month 2 value for stock code  
Inventory current cost current month value for stock code  
Inventory current cost previous month 1 value for stock code  
Inventory current cost previous month 2 value for stock code  
Inventory last cost current month value for stock code  
Inventory last cost previous month 1 value for stock code  
Inventory last cost previous month 2 value for stock code  
Inventory warehouse costing current month value for stock code  
Inventory warehouse costing previous month 1 value for stock code  
Inventory warehouse costing previous month 2 value for stock code  
Percentage of total debtors balance for branch  
Receivables days outstanding for company  
Return on assets for company  
Value of stock on hand for warehouse  
WIP Ledger balance summary  
KPI Marketing and Sales  
Average YTD invoice value for company  
Average YTD invoice value for salesperson  
Average invoice value for branch  
Average invoice value for company  
Average invoice value for customer  
Average invoice value for customer class  
Average invoice value for geographic area  
Days since last sale for company  
GP margin as percentage of sales for branch  
GP margin as percentage of sales for company  
GP margin as percentage of sales for customer  
Metric Customer Management  
Average YTD invoice value for customer  
Customers on hold for a branch  
Customers on hold for company  
Customers on hold for customer class  
KPI Customer Management  
Average days to pay for branch  
Average days to pay for customer  
Receivables days outstanding for branch  
Receivables days outstanding for customer  
Metric Marketing and Sales  
Cycle time customer order processing  
Number of backorder lines for branch  
Number of backorder lines for customer  
Number of backorder lines for salesperson  
Number of backorder lines for stock code  
Number of backorders for branch  
Number of backorders for company  
Number of backorders for customer  
Number of backorders for customer selection  
Outstanding orders for customer  
Metric Operations  
Number of active jobs  
Number of active jobs for customer  
Number of active jobs for stock code  
Metric Lot Batch Management  
Number of lots nearing expiry for company  
Number of lots nearing expiry for stock code  
Number of lots nearing expiry for warehouse  
Number of lots on hold for company  
Number of lots on hold for stock code  
Number of lots on hold for warehouse  
KPI Operations  
WIP at a glance labor cost  
WIP at a glance labor issued  
WIP at a glance material cost  
WIP at a glance material issued  
WIP at a glance total WIP  
WIP at a glance total hours booked