Requirements Planning > Requirements Planning > MRP Included/Excluded Item Review

MRP Included/Excluded Item Review

You use this program to manually include or exclude supply from purchase orders and requisitions (and demand from sales orders) from the next run of the Requirements Calculation.

You typically use this program if, for example, you are in the process of negotiating specification changes with a supplier and therefore want to exclude that purchase order from the next requirements calculation. When the negotiations are complete, you can include the purchase order in the calculation. Similarly, an unforeseen problem could have occurred on a customer's site, and you want to exclude the sales order from the calculation until the problem is resolved.

Review Criteria

Field Description
Start Review Display the items available for inclusion/exclusion in the next Requirements Calculation calculation, according to the Review Criteria indicated.

See Coding considerations in Notes and warnings

Item selection Sales orders, Purchase orders, and Requisitions can be included or excluded from the requirements calculation by setting the Include in MRP option in the Sales Order Entry, Purchase Order Entry and Requisition Entry programs respectively.

See Prerequisites in Notes and warnings.

IncludedInclude all items for which the Include in MRP option is enabled for the Document selection made.
ExcludedInclude all items for which the Include in MRP option is not enabled for the Document selection made.

This is the default selection. All Sales orders, Purchase orders and Requisitions created are included in the Requirements calculation by default. If you are running the program for the first time and have not manually excluded any of these using the relevant the Include in MRP option, then no information is listed in the Included/Excluded Item List.

BothInclude all items for the Document selection made, irrespective of the setting against the Include in MRP option.
Document selection Indicate the types of demand and supply to include in the review.
Other selections
Option Description
Include non-stocked Enable this to include non-stocked items in the review.
Include SCTs Enable this to include supply chain transfer orders in the review.
Sales orders Indicate the sales orders to include in the review.
Purchase orders Indicate the purchase orders to include in the review.
Requisitions Indicate the purchase order requisitions to include in the review.
Stock codes Indicate the stock codes to include in the review.
Warehouses Indicate the warehouses to include in the review.
Product classes Indicate the product classes to include in the review.
Buyers Indicate the buyers to include in the review.
Planners Indicate the planners to include in the review.
Customers Indicate the customers for whom to include sales orders in the review.
Suppliers Indicate the suppliers for whom to include purchase orders/requisitions in the review.

Included/Excluded Item List

The items indicated in the Review Criteria pane are displayed in this listview. Additional fields can be added using the Field Chooser option.

Field Description
Apply Changes This changes the MRP snapshot files to reflect the inclusion/exclusion changes indicated in the listview.

See Coding considerations in Notes and warnings

Include All This includes all items in the listview in the next run of the requirements calculation. This raises supply and demand in MRP for all items in the listview.
Exclude All This excludes all items in the listview from the next run of the requirements calculation.
All Items Expand the treeview to display all listed items down to header and subsequently, line level.
Include in MRP This column lets you include or exclude the item or item line from the requirements calculation. A tick in the checkbox indicates that the item or item line must be included in the next MRP calculation.

See Coding considerations in Notes and warnings

When orders (or requisitions) are excluded at header level, their detail lines are excluded, regardless of whether they are included at line level.

When you exclude a sales order from MRP, it is no longer seen as a source of demand by the requirements calculation.

When you exclude a purchase order (or requisition) from MRP, it is no longer seen as a source of supply by the requirements calculation.

Therefore, if demand exists for the stocked or non-stocked items on the purchase order (or requisition), then a suggested purchase order (or requisition) is raised by the requirements calculation to meet that demand.

For example: If you exclude a sales order at header level and a detail line exists for a made-in item of which there are none in stock, then MRP will ignore that sales order completely and no suggested job is raised.

Similarly, a sales order with two lines (each for made-in items of which no stock exists) that is included at header level but which only includes line 1 will result in MRP raising a suggested job for line 1, but no pegging will exist for line 2 (the excluded line). This logic also applies to Purchase Orders and Requisitions.

Notes and warnings


  • This program takes its information from the requirements calculation snapshot files. You therefore need to have run the Requirements Calculation program to create the snapshot files before any information is displayed.

Coding considerations

  • When you create a sales order, purchase order or requisition, it is included in the requirements calculation by default.

    If you change the Include in MRP option in the Sales Order Entry, Purchase Order Entry or Requisition Entry programs, then you need to run the Requirements Calculation program and take a new snapshot to reflect these changes in the Included/Excluded Item Review program.

  • After applying the changes made in the Included/Excluded Item Review program, you need to run the Requirements Calculation program with the Retain snapshot & recalculate option enabled to apply the changes to the requirements calculation.

Activity considerations

Operator access to the following activities within this program can be restricted. You configure this using the Operators program.

Activity Description
PO Include/Exclude in MRP calculation Controls whether an operator can exclude or include a purchase order (or order line) for stocked and non-stocked items from the requirements calculation:
  • when adding or maintaining purchase orders using the Purchase Order Entry program,

  • when creating purchase orders using the PO Creation program, or

  • when reviewing items using the Included/Excluded Item Review program.

PO Include/Exclude requisitions in MRP calculation Controls whether an operator can exclude or include a requisition line for a stocked or non-stocked item from the requirements calculation:
  • when adding or maintaining requisitions using the Requisition Entry Maintenance program, or

  • when reviewing items using the Included/Excluded Item Review program.