SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Administration > Customization Tools > Themes for Browser Queries

Themes for Browser Queries

You use this program to select and modify designs that you want to use for the rendering of data in a browser window.

Data within SYSPRO that can be viewed in this way includes the following:

  • archived and live jobs
  • archived and live sales orders
  • customer statements
  • stock take import file listing

The available designs are configured as cascading style sheets (i.e. CSS files). These are supplied as standard with SYSPRO and are located in the Samples folder of a typical installation. Although themes have already been assigned to the various items in SYSPRO, you can override these selections. You can also customize these stylesheets on-the-fly and even create your own for use within the system.

Notes and warnings


  • If no text is displayed when viewing selected SYSPRO data in a browser (e.g. sales orders, jobs and customer statements) this probably means that you need to update your version of MSXML.

    SYSPRO uses eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) to display this information and it is not catered for with earlier browser versions. You will need to upgrade to MSXML3 to make use of this facility (refer to the Microsoft web site for details).