SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Setup > Password System

Password System

You use this program to define a new password or to change an existing password.

You use the Password Definition program to assign passwords against various functions that can be performed within SYSPRO programs as well as to configure operator passwords.

New Password

This screen is displayed if no password currently exists for the selected function.

Field Description
Enter new password

Specify the password you want to assign to the selected function.

The password must adhere to the rules defined in the Operator Password Definition program.

Up to 30 characters can be used for the password.

Re-enter new password

Confirm that you specified the correct password at the Enter new password field.

The same characters you entered at the Enter new password field must be entered in this field.

Save Password

Select this to set the password to the characters you entered at the Enter new password field.

The password is verified to ensure that it adheres to the rules for operator passwords defined in the Operator Password Definition program.

Cancel Select this to exit the Edit Password screen without changing the password.

Change Password

This screen is displayed when a password is already define for the selected function and enables you to change the current password.

Field Description
Old password Indicate the existing password for the current operator.

This field is displayed only if a password is already configured for the operator.

New password

Indicate the new password you want to assign to the current operator or to the selected function.

If you are defining a password for an operator, then the next time the operator logs into SYSPRO, the password defined here must be entered.

Confirm new password Confirm the password entered at the New password field by entering the same characters you entered at the Enter new password field.
Save Password Save the new password entered as the current password.
Cancel Return to the previous screen without changing the password.

Notes and warnings

Restrictions and limits

  • You cannot paste the password into the password fields. You must type the password in.