Accounts Payable > Reports > AP List of Suppliers

AP List of Suppliers

You use this program to generate a report of suppliers currently defined.

Report Options

Field Description
Report sequence

You can select to print the report in one of the following sequences:

  • Supplier (i.e. Supplier code)
  • Short name (i.e. Supplier short name)
Print full address Select this to print the suppliers full address on the report, together with the other details.

Selection criteria

Field Description
Supplier status Indicate the supplier(s) to include in the report based on the status defined against the supplier.
Bank selection Indicate the supplier(s) to include in the report based on the bank defined against the supplier.
Supplier selection Indicate the supplier(s) to include in the report.
Branch selection Indicate the supplier(s) to include in the report based on the AP branch defined against the supplier.
)Supplier class selection Indicate the supplier(s) to include in the report based on the class defined against the supplier.

Output Options

These options enable you to apply a theme to the report and to define multiple output destinations for the report once it has been compiled (SRS Output Options).