SYSPRO Ribbon bar > Administration > Event Mail Selections

Event Mail Selections

You use this program to configure the sending of e-mails to specific recipients based on a conditional expression that includes the warehouse.

Conditional expressions can be configured for any of the following Inventory events:

  • Stock on hand negative
  • Stock less than safety
  • Stock less than minimum
  • Stock above maximum
  • Allocation exceeds quantity on hand
  • Allocation plus minimum exceeds quantity on hand
  • Goods receipt
  • Physical cost change
  • Cost modification

This program can only be accessed by selecting the Conditional E-mail by list option from the Event Management program and cannot be run standalone.

Toolbar and menu

Field Description
Add Add a new email selection for the selected event.
Change Maintain the entry currently highlighted in the listview.
Delete Delete the entry currently highlighted in the listview.
Copy Make a copy of the entry currently highlighted in the listview.


The mail selections that are currently defined for the selected event are displayed in this listview.

Event Mail Selection Maintenance

When you select to add or change an event mail selection, the following options are displayed:

Field Description
Module This indicates the SYSPRO module.
Event Number This indicates the event number to which the conditional expression must apply.
Event Name This indicates the name defined for the event.
Line Number This indicates the line number of the selection.

It is recommended that you accept the default line number produced by the system.

Expression Enter a valid expression that you want to build.

Some examples of valid expressions include the following:

  • %wh = "AA"
  • %wh <> "AA"
  • %wh >= "AA" AND %wh <= "DD"
  • %wh = "AA" OR %wh = "BB"
To Select this to display the address book, from which you can select the required recipient(s).
Recipient List Enter the email addresses of all the recipients to which the email must be sent when the event is triggered.
Check Names Select this function to verify that the e-mail address of the recipient is valid.

Sample usage

An example of using a conditional expression would be as follows:

If you want to notify the Stock Controller when stock code B100 goes negative in warehouse FG, then you would configure the following:

  1. Add a new entry inside the Event Management program using the event Stock on hand negative.

  2. Add a new Event Mail Selection and input the expression as follows:

    %key = "B100" AND %wh = "FG"

  3. Specify the Stock Controller's e-mail address at the Recipient List field.