Contact Management > Setup > Accounts > Create Supplier from Account Wizard > Contact Add Supplier Wizard Preferences

Contact Add Supplier Wizard Preferences

You use this program to configure default settings you want to apply when creating a supplier from an account.


The options on this tab page enable you to indicate how you want selective supplier information to be configured.

Field Description

These options are only available if your supplier numbering method is set to Manual.

Option Description
Default to account code Set the supplier code to be the same code as the Account code.
No default Select this if you do not want to default the supplier code to the Account code.

If you select the this option together with the option: Allow override, then you can enter the supplier code when using the Account to Supplier Wizard program.

Allow override Change the supplier code when using the Account to Supplier Wizard program.

If you don't select this option, then you will define the supplier code in theSuppliers program before you save the supplier details.

Date supplier created
Option Description
Use date account created Set the date on which the Account was created as the supplier creation date.
Use current date Set the date on which the supplier is created as the current system's date.
Allow override Change the supplier creation date when using the Account to Supplier Wizard program.
Supplier on hold
Option Description
Use account status Set the supplier's on hold status to be the same as the on hold status of the Account.
Yes Place the supplier on hold immediately on creation.
No Select this if you do not want to place the supplier on hold immediately on creation.
Warn if account is on hold Display a warning if the On hold status against the Account is currently set to Yes.
Allow override Change the supplier on hold status when using theAccount to Supplier Wizard program.


Field Description
After supplier added  
Delete account after saving the supplier Delete the Account once the new supplier has been created.
Allow override Select this if you want to manually select whether to delete the Account once the supplier is created.

You are given the option to delete the Account at the end of the Account to Supplier Wizard program, after you saved the supplier details in the Suppliers program.

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • You can access this program by selecting the Preferences option or the Address Mapping Preference option from the Account to Supplier Wizard program.