Product Configurator > Configuration Wizard > Review of Components and Operations

Review of Components and Operations

You use this program to review and update the components and operations in an existing Bill of Materials, Estimate or Job for a Product Configuration which was re-used.

A Product Configuration can be re-used when maintaining a Sales order, Quotation or Estimate if the Allow in process configurations option is enabled (Product Configurator Header Maintenance).

Toolbar and Menu

Field Description
Apply Actions Apply all operation and component changes selected in the currently displayed Proposed Changes listviews according to the listview row action. The changes are applied to the BOM, Job or Estimate displayed in the Currently reviewing field in the Configuration Information pane.

If a BOM exists in conjunction with a Job, then a review of the BOM will be done first and then a review of the Job allocations (i.e. when you apply the actions to the BOM, then the BOM is updated and the screen is refreshed to display the proposed changes for the Job).

When updating a BOM or Estimate, the business objects BOMSST, BOMSRO, QOTSST and QOTSRO are used. When updating the allocations on a job, the material allocation maintenance business object (WIPTJM) and labor allocation business object (WIPTJL) are used to apply the changes.

Skip Select this to skip changes and update the BOM, Estimate or Job allocations at a later stage. You could, for example, export the Proposed Component Changes and Proposed Operations Changes listviews to Excel and then use the individual modules to update the differences at a later stage.

Configurator Information

This displays the Product Configurator header information.

Field Description
Currently reviewing This indicates whether the Proposed Operations Changes and Proposed Components Changes currently being reviewed and updated apply to the Bill of Materials, Estimate, or Job.

If more than one BOM, Job or Estimate is linked to the Configuration, then this field is refreshed each time you select the Apply Actions function.

Current Components

This displays details of the existing components for the original configuration (i.e. the configuration which was re-used).

Proposed Component Changes

This displays the proposed changes to the components according to the configuration selections applied to the configuration when it was re-used. The Currently reviewing field in the Configuration Information pane indicates whether the changes apply to the BOM, Job or Estimate linked to the configuration.

The following colour coding is applied to the lines in this listview:

  • Green - indicates new components that should be added.

  • Blue - indicates existing components that need to be deleted.

  • Red in a field indicates that the field was changed.

See Processing considerations in Notes and warnings.

Field Description
Select Components Use this to include the currently highlighted components which can be selected, or to include all components which can be selected.
Deselect Components Use this to exclude the currently highlighted components which can be selected, or to exclude all components which can be selected.
Selected A tick in this box indicates that the component will be updated when the Apply Actions function is used. Lines with an Action of None are automatically deselected and cannot be selected.
Library code Indicates the library code for which the changes will be applied.

Action and Action Message Following are the possible actions and corresponding action messages for component lines:
ActionAction MessageDescription
AddNew componentNew component needs to be added.

These are components which did not exist prior to the new configuration selections.

If you are reviewing a Bill of Materials or an Estimate and structure sequencing is required (Bill of Materials Setup) then the sequence and component stock code are used to determine whether the component is new, otherwise only the component stock code is used.

If you are reviewing a Job material allocation, then the component stock code and warehouse are checked to determine whether the component is new.

DeleteDelete existingExisting component needs to be deleted.

These are components which existed in the original configuration, but are no longer required after the new configuration selections.

If you are reviewing a Bill of Materials or an Estimate and structure sequencing is required (Bill of Materials Setup) then the sequence and component stock code are used to determine whether the component is still required, otherwise only the component stock code is used.

If you are reviewing a Job material allocation, then the component stock code and warehouse are checked to determine whether the component is still required.

ChangeThis indicates the field that changed.

Multiple indicates that multiple fields have changed.

Existing components to be changed are components which existed in the original configuration, but have changed with the new configuration selections.

If you are reviewing a Bill of Materials or an Estimate and structure sequencing is required (Bill of Materials Setup) then the sequence and component stock code are used to determine whether the component whether the component exists, otherwise only the component stock code is used.

If you are reviewing a Job material allocation, then the component stock code and warehouse are checked to determine whether the component exists.

Component fields checked are only those which you can enter or which are updated from within the Configurator.

NoneNo change requiredThe component does not need to be changed and cannot be selected.

Existing components which do not require changing would have been compared to new components selected without any fields changing.

Current Operations

This displays details of the existing operations for the original configuration (i.e. the configuration which was re-used).

Proposed Operation Changes

This displays the changes required to the operations according to the changes made to the configuration when it was re-used. The Currently reviewing field in the Configuration Information pane indicates whether the changes apply to the BOM, Job or Estimate linked to the configuration.

The following colour coding is applied to the lines in this listview:

  • Green - indicates new operations that should be added.

  • Blue - indicates existing operations that need to be deleted.

  • Red - a field displayed in red indicates that the field was changed.

See Processing considerations in Notes and warnings.

Field Description
Select Operations Use this to include the currently highlighted operation(s) which can be selected, or to include all operations which can be selected.
Deselect Operations Use this to exclude the currently highlighted operation(s) which can be selected, or to exclude all operations which can be selected.
Selected A tick in this box indicates that the operation will be updated when the Apply Actions function is used. Lines with an Action of None are automatically deselected and cannot be selected.
Action and Action Message Following are the possible actions and corresponding action messages for Operation lines:
ActionAction MessageDescription
AddNew operationNew operation needs to be added.

These are operations which did not exist prior to the new configuration selections.

Example: There are two existing operations, but after the new configuration selections are made, there are three operations. The third operation is actioned to be added.

DeleteDelete existingExisting operation needs to be deleted.

These are operations which existed in the original configuration, but are no longer required after the new configuration selections.

Example: There are four existing operations, but after the new configuration selections are made, only three operations are selected. The fourth operation is actioned for deletion.

ChangeThis indicates the field that changed.

Multiple indicates that multiple fields have changed.

Existing operations to be changed are operations which existed in the original configuration, but have changed with the new configuration selections.

Example: There are three existing operations and after the new configuration selections are made,three operations are still selected, but operation 1 has a different run time to what it did, and operation 2's setup time has changed.

Operation fields checked are only those which you can enter or which are updated from within the Configurator.

NoneNo change requiredThe operation does not need to be changed and cannot be selected.

Existing operations which do not require changing would have been compared to new operations selected without any fields changing.

Stock Information

This displays the parent stock code information.

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • This program is loaded after completing changes to a configuration which was re-used if you selected the Review changes option in the Configurator Wizard.

Processing considerations

  • Operations

    • If an operation work center has changed, then the operation is actioned for deletion and then actioned again to be added as the same operation number.

    • The Operation number increment defined (Work in Progress Setup) is applied to job labor allocations.

    • When reviewing labor allocations, if any labor was posted against an operation, or the operation is complete, then the operation cannot be changed.

      All other operations follow these operations (new and existing operations requiring changes).

      An operation which cannot be changed is checked against the existing operation equivalent. If the match is not exact for the fields checked, then an Action of Add new operation is made and all operations are pushed out from this operation onwards. If the match is exact, then no action is suggested.

    • If a BOM exists in conjunction with a Job, then a review of the BOM is done first, followed by a review of the job allocations.

  • Components

    • When updating a BOM and the Default to automatic sequencing when adding components preference is enabled (Structures and Routings) then this preference is applied to the proposed component selections and, by extension, if job material allocations are also to be reviewed, then this preference is also applied to the proposed material allocation selections.

    • When updating an Estimate and the preference Default to automatic sequencing is enabled (Estimates) then this preference is applied to the proposed component selections.

    • When automatic sequencing is not enabled, you are prompted (prior to loading the review) as to how you want to handle duplicate components selected in the latest run of the configuration. One of the following options can be selected:

      • Increment sequence (only applies when the Default to automatic sequencing when adding components preference is enabled (Structures and Routings)

      • Accumulate quantity per (the existing component Configurator sequence will apply)

      • Replace existing (the new component Configurator sequence will apply)

      • Leave existing (the existing component Configurator sequence will apply)

    • When reviewing material allocations, if a component was issued or is complete against a job, then the component cannot be changed or deleted.

      The component issued is checked against the new components to be added. If a component is found where the fields match, then no suggestion is made. If the fields do not match, then an Action of Add new component is made for the component.