Product Configurator > Configurator SQL to ISAM Copy

Configurator SQL to ISAM Copy

You use this program to convert Product Configurator SQL tables into C-ISAM format. You typically use this program to improve performance when using the Configurator Wizard program.

This program can be run as often as required.

Copy Configurator Tables

Field Description
Date of last copy This is the date on which the Product Configurator tables were last converted into a C-ISAM format.
Time of last copy This is the time at which the Product Configurator tables were last converted into a C-ISAM format.

Copies the Product Configurator tables into a C-ISAM format.

The following table lists the SQL tables that are copied, together with their C-ISAM file names:

SQL Table Name C-ISAM File Name
CfgSelection CFGSEL
CfgInvalidSel CFGINV
CfgOptionComp CFGOPT
CfgComponent CFGCOM
CfgSelDepend CFGDEP
CfgCompDepend CFGCDP
CfgComponentCalc CFGCAL

Notes and warnings

Program access

  • You can only access this program if you are running a SQL Server based company (as defined in Company Maintenance).

Restrictions and limits

  • You cannot use the Configurator Wizard program while the conversion process is taking place.