Bill of Materials > Reports > Costing Profile

Costing Profile

You use this program to generate a hierarchical (vertical) view of structure and routing values based on the structure of the components.

The report shows apportionment of batch-related (i.e. setup, startup and teardown) costs and thus provides a real view of product costs. Cost accountants can use this report to gain a better understanding of cost development.

Report Options

Field Description
Stock code selection  
Stock code Indicate the stock item for which to print the report.

The item must be a made-in, a phantom part, a notional part, a co-product or a subcontract item.

Rev/Rel Indicate the revision and release of the parent item for which you want to generate a costing profile.

This only applies if the stock code you selected is defined as ECC controlled (Stock Codes).

Routing Indicate the routing according to which to include stock items for printing on the report.

A routing must be indicated if you enabled the option: Alternate routings (Bill of Materials Setup) otherwise the report will be blank.

Qty to make Indicate the quantity of the parent part to make.
Cost basis  

Select this to select a single cost basis for valuation of the report.

This is useful in tracking and establishing major contributors to the costs of a product.

Comparative Select this to select two cost valuations for comparison.

Select the type of cost on which to base the report.

You can select one of the following:

  • Inventory
  • BOM

    If you selected the Apply warehouse BOM costs setup option (Inventory Setup) then the BOM costs defined against the warehouse (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) are used and not the BOM costs defined against the stock item (Stock Codes).

    If the BOM costs for the component is zero, then the Inventory warehouse unit cost is displayed for the component.

  • What-If

    If the What-if costs for the component is zero, then the Inventory warehouse unit cost is displayed for the component.

  • Last

    If the Last cost for the component is zero, then the Inventory warehouse unit cost is displayed for the component.

  • Supplier

    When you select this option, the cost used is the price received field (PORHOR-PRICE). This field is updated when the stock item is received from the specific supplier during Purchase order receipts. If the supplier costs for the component is zero, then the Inventory warehouse unit cost is displayed for the component.

Comparative Select the type of cost to use for the cost basis comparison.

This option is only enabled if you selected a Comparative Cost basis.

You can select one of the following:

  • Inventory

  • BOM

    If you selected the Apply warehouse BOM costs setup option (Inventory Setup) then the BOM costs defined against the warehouse (Inventory Warehouse Maintenance for Stock Code) are used and not the BOM costs defined against the stock item (Stock Codes).

    If the BOM costs for the component is zero, then the Inventory warehouse unit cost is displayed for the component.

  • What-if

    If the What-if costs for the component is zero, then the Inventory warehouse unit cost is displayed for the component.

  • Last

    If the Last cost for the component is zero, then the Inventory warehouse unit cost is displayed for the component.

  • Supplier

    If the supplier costs for the component is zero, then the Inventory warehouse unit cost is displayed for the component.

Print manufacturing u/m quantities

Select this to print the quantities on the report in the manufacturing unit of measure.

This applies when using Manufacturing unit of measure (Work in Progress Setup). Quantities are printed in the manufacturing unit of measure when a Manufacturing unit of measure is defined against the stock code (Stock Codes) and the Manufacturing unit of measure is used in the Bills of Materials.

Quantities are printed in the stocking unit of measure when this option is not enabled.

Output Options

These options enable you to apply a theme to the report and to define multiple output destinations for the report once it has been compiled (SRS Output Options).

Report Details

  • The Line Value displayed against the parent item is the total value of components based on the Inventory warehouse cost.

    The line value printed against the parent item is based on what is on file (i.e. BOM costs, Inventory costs, etc). It is not the sum of what has been calculated against the individual components. For example, if you change the rate of an operation or the cost of a component without running the Cost Implosion, then the change is reflected against the component line value, but it is not reflected in the total line value for the parent item. The sum of the line values for the components will only equal the total line value against the parent item when you run the Cost Implosion and transfer the BOM costs to your warehouse costs.

  • The Warehouse is only shown on the report when the Costing per warehouse and Apply warehouse BOM costs options are enabled (Inventory Setup) and you select BOM costs as the Base. The warehouse details were only made available on this report after Costing per warehouse was introduced. Prior to Costing per warehouse, the BOM costs only resided on the InvMaster table. Therefore, when Costing per warehouse is not enabled:

    • When only viewing the BOM costs, the warehouse is irrelevant from a cost perspective as the costs come directly off the InvMaster table.

    • When viewing the Inventory/Last/What-if costs, the cost is taken from the Inventory warehouse/what-if table using the inventory warehouse to use (INVMST-WHS).

    • If the BOM costs or What-if costs or Last cost or Supplier costs were zero for a component, then the Inventory warehouse unit cost would have been printed for the component line, but these costs will not be rolled up to the line value for the parent item.

  • Operations will only print from the first operation number that is offset against a component.

    For example: If you have 6 components and 4 operations but you only offset operations 4, 5 and 6 against the components, then only operations 4, 5 and 6 are included in the report.

Notes and warnings

Costing value differences

  • Because the costs developed by this report are based on the batch quantity of the parent part, calculated values may differ from that generated using the Cost Implosion program, which performs a level-by-level computation.

    Your view of batch quantities determines which you consider more accurate.

    This also applies when using standard costing.

  • To prevent rounding differences in costs between the various costing programs (e.g. Inventory Query cost analysis, BOM Costing Query and Costing Report) you should run the Cost Implosion together with the option: Update unit run times enabled.